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Page 108

by E. K. Blair

  She was smiling, but with tears in her eyes. “I’d love that Phoenix, and do you mean that about Callie?”

  I wiped her tears away with my thumbs. “Yes, I mean it. You wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone, and she’s your best friend. I also think we might be seeing a fair bit of Reece as well.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, she does seem, ah, keen. And so does he. Did you see his face last night when that guy started to move in on her? If Liam hadn’t moved him on when he did there would have been a fight.”

  “In all the years I’ve known Reece, I’ve never known him to be all possessive over a girl. I’m not sure what your friend has done to him, but I guess it’s going to be fun to watch, because I have a feeling she isn’t going to be as easy as you.”

  She was glaring at me. “Easy?”


  “Babe, I didn’t mean easy as in ‘easy’. With us it was hot right from the start and no matter how much I tried to stay away from you I never succeed. Your friend has this idea in her head about her ideal guy, right?”

  She nodded, so I continued, “Reece isn’t it, but she’s attracted to him and is going to fight him all the way, which is probably what has him so tied in knots. He’s never had to fight for girls before; they usually just drop their panties for him.”

  “God, you have a way with words.”

  Grinning, I told her, “That’s nothing babe. I’ve toned my language down a bit, because of your delicate ears.”

  She started to laugh. “You are so full of shit.”

  “But you love me anyway?”

  She used her fingers to brush the hair back from my forehead, and then caressed my face. “Yeah, I do. Always... They’ve already done the dirty; I mean how else would she know he’s pierced.”

  “I don’t want to know.” I leaned in and kissed her, pulling her flush against me, shuddering when her breasts with hardened nipples pressed into my chest, one of which rubbed against my pierced nipple.

  About to lean in and kiss her again, we heard a light tapping on the bedroom door.

  “Thalia, open up."

  We both froze. “What does Liam want this early?”

  “I don’t know, but you better go and let him in. I’m not in any condition to see anyone just yet, thanks to your sexiness.”

  As I climbed out of bed to grab my sweats I heard Thalia chuckling, so glancing at her I noticed her gaze was fixed on my dick, which was hard as fuck. She followed me from the bed and grabbed her long robe, but before wrapping herself in it, she stood in front of me and gave me a quick kiss as she stroked my length.

  Inhaling, I stepped away and smacked her on the ass. “You’ll pay for that later.” Walking into the bathroom, I leaned back against it with my cock throbbing.

  There was no way I could walk back out there until I’d taken care of my dick. With that in mind, I smoothed my hand from tip to base, squeezing my balls then back up to the tip. Thalia found the silver bar on the tip of the mushroom head hot. While I played with the bar, I remembered what it felt like having her tongue there instead of my fingers.

  Groaning, I climbed into the shower, to finish what she started.

  Chapter 56


  With my robe fastened tight, I opened the door for Liam, who was waving towards his room, and then Mia appeared, quickly rushing across the landing and into my room, followed by Liam.

  I retreated back to my bed and perched on the side while I watched and waited, but unable to hide my smile. They’d looked ridiculous with all the cloak and dagger stuff.

  “Can Mia stay in here with you while Jack and me go and talk to the parents?”

  “I thought we were going to do this together,” I replied frowning.

  Liam held tight to Mia’s hand, running his other through his hair. “Yeah. I’m just not too sure anymore. I mean about you both being there. Dad can be rather vocal and I’m not sure it’d be wise for you to hear him.”

  Mia exhaled loudly. “What he isn’t saying is that he’s afraid his dad might call us names in front of us and he doesn’t want us to hear, plus Jack will probably lose it if he does. He’s the hothead of the two.”

  They both moved over to the sofa in my room, sitting wrapped in each other’s arms. It was a relief to know that very soon I’d be able to claim Phoenix as mine, and that he wouldn’t have to pretend to be with someone else.

  “If Phoenix agrees, then we’ll stay up here, but right now I think I need to get some clothes on.”

  “Ah, do you want us to leave?” Liam asked grinning.

  “No, she can use the bathroom,” Phoenix stated walking back into my room in jeans, which were half undone and nothing else. His t-shirt, socks and boots were in his hands, which he dropped to the side of the bed, then he sat to pull his socks and boots on.

  I’d been about to retrieve some clothes when he’d walked back in, but the sight of him had me frozen to the spot. I realized Liam and Mia were quiet, so with a quick glance I noticed them both staring at him. Mia was really looking as well. I coughed and walked over to him. “You’re causing a distraction.”


  He looked up and saw Mia staring at his body art.

  Phoenix pulled his t-shirt on, fastened his jeans, and then pulled me down onto his lap for a sizzling kiss. “And you need to go and get dressed.”

  “Okay.” Standing up, I walked back over to the closet and retrieved a pair of jeans, t-shirt and underwear. Turning back to Phoenix, who still had his eyes on me, I grinned, then told him, “Liam wanted Mia and me to stay up here while you both talked to your parents. Is that what you want?”

  “Jack, remember what a temper Dad has. I really don’t want Mia there if what we’re going to tell him pisses him off.”

  Jack sighed running his hands through his hair. “You’ve got a point. Thalia, are you all right with that?”

  “I guess I’ll have to be, but if I hear any raised voices, especially with my name mentioned, then I’ll be down.”

  Phoenix grinned at me, stood up and planted a kiss on me before he turned to Liam, “Come on brother, let’s get this over with.”

  With a quick goodbye, they both left leaving Mia and me worried in my room.

  “Let me quickly get dressed, okay.” I dashed into the bathroom, shut the door and quickly threw my clothes on. I was back out in my bedroom with Mia in less than five minutes.

  “Thalia, I want to apologize to you.”

  I glanced at her.

  “I was a bitch to you on more than one occasion, especially in the shop when I spoke about seducing Jack. I had no intention of following through. I’d spotted you heading in there, and well, it was all said for your benefit. I was so damn confused about what I wanted or what I thought I wanted. So I’m really sorry. I wasn’t happy, although I tried to act as though I was, but the truth is, Liam broke my heart three years ago. I’ve tried to be pissed at him, but he’s still in my heart and always will be.”

  Sitting beside her on the sofa, I gave her a hug. “Apology accepted, and I think we need to start being friends; we are dating brothers.”

  She grinned, “Yeah, and I have to say I had no idea Jack looked that good under his t-shirt. He shocked me with his pierced nipple...Wow.”

  “Hey. That’s my guy you’re going on about,” then feeling wicked, I teased, “that isn’t the only place he’s pierced.”

  Her eyes went as wide as saucers when she grasped where I referred to.

  “Oh my God. I think I need a fan.”

  “You’ll have to try and persuade Liam to get it done, because it is so damn hot.”

  “Do you think they’ll be okay, Thalia?” she asked changing the subject.

  “I really don’t know,” I replied chewing on my bottom lip.

  “We have to tell my parents next, which isn’t going to be easy. If they think their dad has a temper, wait till they see my dad’s. He really scares me. That’s why it was so easy for him to convince me Jack was
the way to go. I even admitted to him at the time that it was Liam my heart wanted, but that comment sent him crazy, so I just agreed to the engagement with Jack, and everything kind of went from there.”

  “I’ll just be glad when today’s over with, and I can be with Phoenix out in the open. I’ll be able to grab his ass if the mood takes me or plant a hot kiss to his lips in town, having all the old busy-bodies gossiping about us, and saying if only they were fifty years younger.”

  “That’s hilarious. If you do that in town you’ll probably cause a lot of heart attacks.”

  We laughed but then went quiet. I was worried about Phoenix and Liam. I knew that Mia was as well. I could really do with Callie right now, but I sure wasn’t going to wake her up, especially if she’d spent the night with Reece.

  He had his work cut out if he wanted to keep seeing Callie, because she was very much against relationships. That could actually be fun, watching him lose his cool, cocky attitude over her.

  “Thalia, do you think we should go down?”

  We’d promised to stay put, but I really wanted to. “Let’s give them another five minutes.”

  Chapter 57


  Walking downstairs, I felt sick and by the look on Liam’s face I’d say he was feeling the same. Confronting our parents wasn’t something we’d done before. I mean we’d had disagreements and in high school they’d constantly been on my back about the band, which they still had no idea about, and that was going to stay that way.

  “You ready?” Liam asked about to open the kitchen door.

  I nodded and pushed forward. Both our parents were sitting at the table drinking coffee, having already eaten, by the look of things.

  Seeing the coffee brewing, I walked over and poured both Liam and me a cup, gulped some of mine down then turned to face my folks, knowing I had to start this conversation.

  “What’s wrong?” Mom asked.

  “I’m not marrying Mia. I never loved her, but I love Thalia.”

  They were both speechless for all of a few seconds, before Mom found her tongue, “You’re in love with your brother’s girl. Is that what you just said?”

  “Mom, what Jack said is true, but it might help you understand better if I admit that I’m in love with Mia and always have been. We had a kind of misunderstanding three years ago, but it’s all been resolved. I wasn’t dating Thalia when we arrived here. Yes, we went on a few dates, but nothing worked because my heart wanted Mia, so I became friends with Thalia instead.”

  “This is ridiculous. Jack you have to marry Mia. She’ll be an asset when you become a lawyer. I’ve already been through this with you. Why can’t you just go with the flow?” Dad ground his teeth together and started to rise from the table.

  “Graham, calm down. Didn’t you hear what they said, Liam is in love with Mia, and I presume she loves him.”

  “Yes, I do love him, and I always have,” Mia answered walking into the room with a nervous looking Thalia behind her.

  Liam walked over to her, wrapping her up in his arms while Thalia looked at me.

  “Come here, babe.”

  I held my arm out and as soon as she was in reach, I pulled her in to my side. “What happened to staying upstairs?” I whispered into her ear.

  “I needed to be here with you.” She wrapped her arm around my waist.

  “Fucking hell!” Dad yelled, sitting back down rather heavily on his chair. “What am I going to tell Lewis? He’s not going to take this lightly, that I do know.”

  My dad had seemed to change his tune as soon as Mia and Thalia walked into the room, which surprised me.

  “About my tuition...”

  Dad was shaking his head. “Don’t worry about that, it was all talk. I really did think you’d get on well with Mia and assumed you just needed a shove in the right direction, that’s why I agreed to this wedding idea of Lewis’. I used the threat of no tuition to get you to agree. I must admit at first I refused to even mention it to you when Lewis came up with the idea, but he eventually talked me into it.”

  “Graham, you told me Jack had been seeing Mia for a while in secret. You told me he loved her and that was why they wanted to get married. Are you telling me that you lied to me?”

  He sighed. “Slightly... I’m sorry, but you can’t tell me you didn’t think it was a good match between Jack and Mia, although I have to admit that seeing her now with Liam makes me realize how wrong I was to begin with.”

  “I can’t believe you would lie to me.”

  Dad took hold of my mom’s hands. “It’s the only time I’ve ever lied to you, because I really did think they belonged with each other, or rather I’d let Lewis convince me they belonged together. Lewis kept telling me that if I didn’t step in Jack would hook up with someone who really wasn’t suitable, full of body art, etc., to take to charity functions representing the law firm... So I agreed,” he whispered the last bit, resting his head in his hands.

  My dad’s comment had me cringing inside; little did he know that I had quite a bit.

  “We need to head over to Mia’s house so her folks know there won’t be a wedding,” I told my dad, pulling Thalia in closer to me.

  I needed her close to me because I was afraid if I let go, I’d wake up and discover I’d been dreaming, which would crush me like nothing else ever could.

  My dad stood and walked over to me; Thalia moved out of my arms slightly, but kept her arm around my back.

  “Jack, I owe you a huge apology. You’re my son and I love you. I should never have threatened you with your career. I’m so sorry.”

  Hugging my dad, I sagged in relief. I hadn’t expected the response we’d received from him or his easy acceptance.

  “Ah, Dad,” Liam said.

  “Liam and Mia, I owe you both an apology as well. I’m sorry and I hope you’ll forgive me.”

  “We do Dad, but about the wedding...”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Mom said.

  “Mom,” Liam shouted to be heard. “The wedding is not being canceled. I’ve asked Mia to marry me and we’re going to get married on Saturday.”

  Well, that stunned everyone into silence.

  Grinning, I held my hand out to my brother. “Congratulations guys.”

  “Yeah, wow. Congratulations,” Thalia told them.

  “Liam. You can’t get married in two days,” Mom said, in a panic.

  “Why not. I already have my suit. Mia has her dress. Thalia has the bridesmaid dress. Everything is arranged, so what is the problem?”

  “Ah, well...Nothing...Are you sure this is what you want to do. I know you love her. I can see that. In fact, I saw that when I caught you both out back in a rather heated kiss.”

  I roared with laughter when I saw the look on Liam’s face. I couldn’t see Mia as she had her face buried in Liam’s chest.

  Thalia pinched me on the butt, which had me instantly hard. I turned more into her and pressed against her hip. Her eyes widened when she realized I was hard.

  “That’s what you do to me,” I whispered into her neck.

  “Jack, for goodness sake. Leave the girl alone. Thalia, Mia let’s head into the other room and discuss the wedding. Some things will need changing and there’s too much of a distraction in here for you girls.”

  It was hard not to laugh at what my mom said, although I did feel a slight embarrassment, considering she obviously knew where my thoughts were. The only problem I had was letting Thalia move away from me while I had a misbehaving body part.

  “Can you give me a minute? I just need a quick word with Jack.”

  Without waiting for my mom to answer her, Thalia shoved me towards the door and through it. Taking my hand, she tugged me out of sight of the window, shoved me up against the wall and stuck her tongue down my throat grinding her pussy against me.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since the minute you pulled me into your arms,” she told me nibbling my ear lobe, sending shivers through me to the tip of my cock. />
  I growled, cupped her butt in my hands and hoisted her up and into me, turning so her back was against the wall. Our mouths met, our tongues mated and nothing ever felt so good.

  My cock was hard as fucking steel in my jeans; I was so ready to burst with the frantic movements Thalia was making against it.

  “So close... I’ve been wet and aching for you since we woke up,” she moaned.

  She was going to kill me. Instead of drawing back, I grabbed her hips to hold her still, slid one hand down the inside of her jeans pressing with my finger against her anus. At the same time I rubbed my dick back and forth against her jean clad pussy, using my finger I pressed in slightly, only to have her come apart on me. I sealed our mouths together to hold in the sound of her moans while she continued to ride the ridge of my cock.

  I was desperate to come, but I knew there was no way in hell I could let that happen out here, although I was damn close to blowing. I had to get Thalia away from the sensitive area and fast.

  I dropped her legs back to the floor and stepped back slightly, keeping a hold on her, as she looked unsteady on her legs. I grinned because it was so hot knowing I’d done that to her.

  “You are lethal, Phoenix,” she said grinning, looking down at my junk, then back up to my face.

  “Ah, isn’t that uncomfortable?”

  “Hurts like hell, but now isn’t the time or place,” I groaned watching her lick her lips. “You go back inside so I have a chance of getting back to normal.”

  “Phoenix, the only way that’s going down is if you come.”

  She looked so cute when she blushed.

  “I already jerked off in the shower this morning so I’ve no plans to do it again today. This will go down if you’re not standing there looking ready to eat me.”


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