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Page 196

by E. K. Blair

  There was another brief moment of silence.

  “Are you insinuating something, Adam?”

  He laughed next to me and I found myself grinning along with it. “You’re a smart man. What do you think?”


  Her head swiveled to me.

  I gave her a cheeky grin. “When’d you pick up the trade?”

  “The trade?”

  “You know, having affairs, sleeping with married men, being a hooker?”

  “That’s enough, Samantha!” David clamped down on my arm and dragged me away. I twisted around and gave her a wave. “Stop it. Now.”

  I waited until he had taken me to the parking lot and then yanked my arm free. I rubbed where he had held onto. “That’s the thanks I get from saving you from her?”

  He drew upright and hissed out, “You did not save me from her. You made a fool of yourself.”

  “That’s doubtful.”

  He started to pace in front of me with his hands on his hips. His tie flapped behind him as he turned and went the other way. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling as I leaned against a car behind me.

  He noticed and snapped, “What?”

  “That’s what you do when you’re frustrated with the opposing team.” I’d seen enough of those times when his football team wasn’t playing as well as he wanted them to.

  He stopped and then let out a small laugh as he reached behind his head to scratch. “I’d forgotten how smart you are.”

  “That woman was a filthy whore and you know it.” I cooled my smile. “Just because you’re lonely and had your heart broken by my mother doesn’t mean you should get yourself mixed up with her.”


  “She’s bad news.”

  He held his arms out in surrender. “I wasn’t going to get mixed up with her. I wasn’t. I’m aware what kind of a woman she is, but you called her out for having an affair with Steven Quinn. He knows now that I know. She knows. His son knows. That spells trouble for a lot of people.”

  I shrugged. “Adam’s known for a long time.”

  He stopped pacing. “Really?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, I guess that’s a little better then.”

  “So can I still come for that dinner tonight? I know families are supposed to come.”

  He eyed me warily. “Does your mom know about this?”

  I shrugged. “Like I care and yes, she does. She said I could go.”

  He opened his mouth.

  I added, “And she said that in front of Mason and Logan Kade so she has to follow through with it.”

  His mouth closed, but I caught a flare of pride in his eyes. My chest swelled up and I looked away when a sudden burst of tears came to my eyes. I wiped them away quickly and glanced back. He’d been watching me with a sad smile. It vanished immediately.

  “Are you okay?”

  I was jolted at the sincerity of his voice. “What do you mean?”

  “With all this, the changes, the truth coming out. Are you okay?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Because you’re a teenager.” He said it so simply. “Because your mother can be one vicious and selfish woman. Because you got your life taken away from you.” His voice gentled even more. “Remember that I know about Jeff and your friends. I know what they did to you. And because,” his mouth twisted in a crooked smile, “you set my car on fire, remember?”

  “Oh yeah!” I burst out in laughter and wiped more tears away. I didn’t know why they were coming.

  He took a small breath. “Are you okay, Samantha? Are you still running?”

  I nodded.

  “How long do you go for?”

  I couldn’t talk. My throat was so tight, it was blocked.

  He sounded sad. “That long, huh?” And he took another deep breath. “I’m sorry, Sam. I really am.”

  I looked away. I couldn’t see how haunted he sounded. Something would’ve broken inside of me and I was holding on tight. I was holding on so tight right now.

  He continued, “If I had known what your mother wanted or what she needed, I would’ve tried to adopt you. I would’ve gone for something with the courts so that she couldn’t have taken you away. I had no idea. I really didn’t, but there was no way I could’ve been the man she wanted. I was the man she used to get her through her hard times.”

  “I’m sorry.” My voice cracked. More tears flooded me. “I’m sorry for what she did to you.”

  He shook his head. “I can handle it. I have a good job. I’m still somewhat young and in shape. I’ll be fine.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “Are you going to be fine?”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t answer him, not then.

  “I hear the gossip, you know. I heard the Kade brothers have taken you under their wing.” He frowned. “I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. Those boys can be cruel, but they do seem to back each other up. Are you okay with them?”

  “They help...with her...”

  Enough said. He nodded in understanding. “Well, I suppose I’ll see you tonight then. Six o’clock. Back here.”


  He gave a small wave before he went back inside. I turned to my car, but Adam called my name and I paused and looked back. He grimaced as he approached. “Sorry about my dad and that woman.”

  I chuckled. “I thought I would’ve been the one apologizing to you.”

  “Nah. I liked it. You’re tough.”

  “I didn’t want her involved with David.”

  He nodded. “I can see that, but thanks. It’s out now. My dad has to deal with it. He knows I know.”

  “I’m not apologizing to your dad.”

  He held his hands up. “Not asking you to.”

  I glanced back over my shoulder. “What about Becky and Tanya?”

  “I’ll take them both home.” He gave me another tight smile and shoved his hands in his front pockets. It gave him a lean look, which emphasized his slender waist and broad shoulders.

  “About Tanya...”

  He shook his head. “Yes?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I like her. I actually do.”

  “And it doesn’t hurt Becky to see that...?”

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just know that I was playing a game with her before because of you. You liked Becky. I liked you. So I didn’t do the right thing before, but I’m trying. I really am right now.”

  I nodded.

  “What about you? Are you and Kade, you know?”

  I shook my head. “It’s about my parent’s stuff and I don’t want to talk about that.”

  “Really? No?”


  “Oh.” He ran a hand over his face. “I wouldn’t have guessed that.”

  “Why not?” My voice cooled. “I told you that I know them, I’m not screwing them.”

  “No, no I know, but there was something there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He lifted both his shoulders up. “Does it matter?”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  He laughed again. “You’re tough, Sam, tougher than I would’ve thought.”

  “Yeah...” I frowned. I was getting tired of hearing that from him. What did he think of me before? Then I rolled my eyes, like I really cared about that now. “Don’t break Becky’s heart, okay?”

  He saluted me.

  “Are you really going to start dating Tanya?”

  “I think so.”

  I sighed. “Have fun with that, then.”

  He smirked. “I plan to.”

  And I laughed. This one was genuine, but then I waved goodbye and headed home. I had two hours before I needed to be back at the club for the football’s annual dinner. I hurried through the house, but stopped short when I saw Mason in his room. Normally I would’ve taken the south stairs and I wouldn’t have to go past his room, but I took the north stairs this time. When I breezed pas
t, his door was open and he sat at his desk shirtless.

  I braked and reversed.

  He glanced up. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” I went inside and sat on the edge of his bed.

  He didn’t turn around and kept his back to me as he looked at his computer’s screen. “You seem in a rush?”

  “I’m going to my dad’s dinner tonight.”

  “Your dad?”

  I cursed. I’d forgotten he knew, they all knew.

  “My old dad’s thing.”

  He grinned as he turned in his chair. “I understand. He’s still your dad. Raised you, didn’t he?”

  I nodded and hugged myself. For some reason, a chill swept over me. I frowned. The windows weren’t open in the room.

  “Our folks are in the cities for the weekend. Again.”

  He didn’t sound as if he cared. I frowned. “Are you pissed about that?”

  Mason swung his hypnotic eyes back to me and narrowed them. I felt him searching inside of me, measuring whatever I had inside for what he might’ve needed. I always felt him probing me deep.

  Then he said, “Does it matter? He’s there. With her.”

  I frowned. “You say that like my mom’s the other woman. Was she?” Wasn’t he the other man for her?

  He shrugged and stood to go in his bathroom. I waited a second, but took a deep breath and followed. As I stepped in the doorway, Mason let loose his shorts and turned on the shower.

  I was struck by his nudity. He didn’t care. Most guys might’ve done it for shock value, but he didn’t care. This was Mason. Then he looked up and grinned. “Wanna join?”

  I took a step inside.

  His grin turned to something else.

  I stepped closer and tilted my head up. He looked down and we stood close, close enough to touch. His hand brushed against my hipbone and I closed my eyes. His hand started to caress me there. A flooding filled me and a need started to throb between my legs. I held my breath and my head started to hang down. It rested against his chest.

  Then I felt his lips against my forehead. He skimmed them lightly.

  My hand reached up and curled onto his arm. It hung there.

  When he bent forward and I felt his arm start to wrap around, I pulled back, breathless. My heart was pounding in my ears and I could only look at him, stricken. He gazed down at me and his lips moved. I knew he was saying something, but I couldn’t hear over my heartbeat. I shook my head and tried to explain that to him, but I couldn’t. My throat didn’t work. My tongue didn’t work. Nothing worked anymore except my feet. They pulled me away and I was soon hurrying to my room.

  The door shut behind me, but it wasn’t enough. I turned the lock and backed up three steps. I stared down and watched the handle. I waited for it to turn, but it never did. Nothing happened. He never came.

  I kept backing up until I felt my bed behind my legs and sat abruptly. My arms were still wrapped around me. I sat there and waited for my heartbeat to settle, until I could hear things again. Everything was so deafening.



  The football dinner was uneventful, at least for my latest standards of drama. Jill was there with Jeff and she sneered at me most of the time. Not surprising. Jessica had landed herself a date too, but I had no idea who he was. He was on the team, obviously. And while her newfound friend sneered at me, Jessica was void of emotion. She didn’t ignore me like she had been till the Kade Coming Out news, but she didn’t kiss my ass either. I caught her gaze a couple times and once thought she looked sad, but shrugged it off. She should be sad.

  The only thing that bothered me at the dinner was the interest Malinda Decraw showed in David when she sat beside him after the second round of cocktails. She was the single mother of Mark Decraw; one of Becky’s termed Academy Elite. He was co-captain and Amelia White’s date that night. I knew Becky would be salivating at the gossip, but all I cared about was how many times Malinda did the hair flip.

  She’d smile at David, lean close, and flip her hair. Then she would laugh, touch his arm or his shoulder (once), and flip the hair again.

  When I left the dinner and spotted Mark and Amelia kissing by his car, I was tempted to corner them about Malinda’s intentions. But I refrained. With my luck, that would bring more drama and as I let myself into the Kade mansion, I had enough on my hands.

  Analise stood in the kitchen with a large glass of wine and two bottles beside her. Her eyes were glazed over and she swayed from side to side. Her hair was messed and looked haphazard while her white dress slipped off one shoulder. The top of her red bra was visible.

  My mom was drunk.

  Logan and Nate both sat on a counter with their legs dangling while Mason was propped against the doorway with his arms closed over his chest. As usual, he was unreadable while Logan had a look of delight on his face. Nate was fighting back his own laughter.

  “Sam, you’ve been missing out!” Logan threw his arms wide. “Your mom’s drunk like a sorority rush. Dad dropped her off an hour ago and she’s getting drunker by the minute.”

  Analise rounded to me. Her body kept going, but Mason stopped her when his hand shot out and pushed her shoulder back upright.

  “Thanks. You’re bacb,” she slurred, then took a big gulp of wine. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Housse your daddy?”

  My eyes narrowed. “It was fine. Thanks.”

  She sniffled. “You always loved him more. Me, I’m the acdual parend. He neber wass.”

  “Thanks, mom. We all know that.”

  Her eyes got wide and her lips pursed into a sneer. “I swear, if you werend my daughter, I’d disown you.”

  “Really?” I arched an eyebrow.

  “If you wanna him, you can hab him. Move in with him. I’m outta here.” She swung her arm wide again. Her body kept going, but Nate was the one who caught her from the other side this time.

  She tucked her head down. “Thanks.”

  He nodded.

  Then she heaved a dramatic sigh and her arm dropped from her one hip. “You’ve god your wish, Samantha.”

  “What wish?”

  “Me. And you. We’re outta here. He kicked me out. I had a few doo many ad dinner and he kicked me out. Have to pack my stuff now. We’re moving on, bucko!” Then she hung her head and a sniffle was heard. “David wond take me back now.”


  “Don’t!” Her head snapped back up and her eyes were wild. “You always said it, we’d be gone. He wouldna marry me and you’re righd. He won’t. It’s over. Finite. Finido. Finished...”

  I stepped around Mason, but he moved with me. When I started to get closer to her, he moved another inch. He was blocking me. He didn’t want me close to her so I stayed put. I folded my arms. “Mom, you’re drunk. Everything will be better in the morning. I promise.”

  “You don promise. You can’t promise me anything. I’m the mother. I should be promiser one, but I’m not. I cand even do that for you. I’ve ruined it all, Sammy.”

  Her head was down again and another sniffle sounded.

  “Mom, it’ll be okay. We can get our own place.”

  Analise’s shoulder jerked and her hand clenched around the wine glass. When she looked back, vehemence was in her eyes. The self-pity was gone and in its place was anger. I gulped; my mother was looking at me with fury now.

  “It’s your fault. All of this is your fault.”

  “How?” I challenged.

  “David never loved you. Hell, I never loved you. I should’ve been with your father. I loved him, but he couldn’t stay. He had to go. He always had to go. I had no one. Me and a baby.” She threw her head back and an ugly sounding laugh came out. “Who’s going want the package deal? Well, I found David. He loved me. Not you. He tolerated you, but me he loved. I should’ve been with your father, your real father. But he didn’t have the time for me so fine. Screw him.”

  “Wait, what?” I surged forward, but Mason blocked me again.
He didn’t put a hand up, but he stepped in front an inch. It was enough of a barrier that held me back.

  “David hates your father. He loathes him. He thinks he walked out on his daughter.” A hysterical laugh came out, followed by a hysterical sob. She choked up for a moment and then shook her head clear of the emotions. “Jokes on him, isn’t it. Your real daddy never knew about you. Like I’d stomach that. That he’d come back for his daughter, but not me. Oh no. If he wouldn’t take both of us, he didn’t get either of us. Your father has no idea about you.” Her eyes found me, crystal clear.

  A chill went down my back and I wondered if that was evil lurking in her depths. No. It couldn’t be. She was drunk, just drunk...and sad.

  She sneered at me. “And you’ll never know. He’ll never know about you, you’ll never know about him. You can’t leave me, Sam. I’ve all you got. David won’t take you back. Are you kidding me? He’s probably already got another woman, maybe even a kid too. He always liked to play the doting father type. Maybe he’ll pick a son this time. The daughter he had ended up being a screw-up. You always picked the worst types, Sam. Jeff. Lydia. Jessica. They’re your closest and they all screwed you. Even I knew it. You’re the screw up.”

  When she was done, no one said a word. A fly would’ve sent echoes through the room, but then Analise choked out a simper. “Pack your stuff, Sam. We’re leaving.”

  Mason chuckled.

  She whirled to him. “What are you laughing about—?”

  Logan and Nate jumped off the counter. Neither grinned now.

  She stopped whatever she’d been about to say.

  And Mason stepped away from her, but towards me. He ushered me further back, at a safer distance from my mother. When he stopped chuckling, he shook his head. His voice came out bored. “Are you this crazy?”

  She gasped.

  Logan smirked.

  “I mean, you’re effing crazy if you think you can talk to her like this. This is how you talk to the one person who’s stayed by you?” He rolled his eyes. “Look, this is your daughter, but if you think she’s going anywhere with you when you’re like this, you’re delusional too. She’s not leaving. You are.”

  Analise went pale and her body stumbled back. It looked like a sudden violent wind had whipped against her. It came out of nowhere, but there was no wind.


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