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Hiero the Tyrant and Other Treatises (Penguin Classics)

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by Xenophon

Hornblower, S., The Greek World 479–323 BC, 3rd edn (Routledge, 2002)

  Osborne, R. (ed.), Classical Greece (Oxford University Press, 2000)

  b. Athenian society and intellectual milieu

  Andrewes, A., Greek Society (Penguin, 1971)

  Davies, Democracy and Classical Greece, chapter 12

  Dillon, J. and Gergel, T., The Greek Sophists (Penguin, 2003)

  Goldhill, S., The Invention of Prose (Oxford University Press, 2002)

  Irwin, T. H., ‘Plato: the intellectual background’, in R. Kraut (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Plato (Cambridge University Press, 1992), pp. 51–89

  Kerferd, G. B., The Sophistic Movement (Cambridge University Press, 1981)

  Muir, J. V., ‘Religion and the new education: the challenge of the Sophists’, in P. Easterling and J. V. Muir (eds.), Greek Religion and Society (Cambridge University Press, 1985), pp. 191– 218

  Rankin, H. D., Sophists, Socratics and Cynics (Croom Helm and Barnes & Noble, 1983)

  Romilly, J. de, The Great Sophists in the Age of Pericles (Oxford University Press, 1992)

  Thomas, R., Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece (Cambridge University Press, 1992)

  Vander Waerdt, P. (ed.), The Socratic Movement (Cornell University Press, 1994)

  Waterfield, R., The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists (Oxford University Press, 2000)

  Wood, N. and E. M., Class Ideology and Ancient Political Theory (Blackwell, 1978)

  Yunis, H. (ed.) Written Texts and the Rise of Literate Culture in Ancient Greece (Cambridge University Press, 2003)

  c. Greek religion

  Bruit-Zaidman, L., and Schmitt-Pantel, P., Religion in the Ancient Greek City, ed. and trans. P. Cartledge (Cambridge University Press, 1992)

  Burkert, W., Greek Religion: Archaic and Classical (Blackwell, 1985)

  Buxton, R. (ed.), Oxford Readings in Greek Religion (Oxford University Press, 2000)

  Easterling, P., and Muir, J. V. (eds.), Greek Religion and Society (Cambridge University Press, 1985)

  Mikalson, J. D., Athenian Popular Religion (University of North Carolina Press, 1983)

  d. General climate of beliefs

  Brickhouse, T. C. and Smith, N. D., The Trial and Execution of Socrates: Sources and Controversies (Oxford University Press, 2002)

  Cohen, D., Law, Sexuality and Society: The Enforcement of Morals in Classical Athens (Cambridge University Press, 1991)

  ——, Law, Violence and Community in Classical Athens (Cambridge University Press, 1995)

  Dover, K. J., Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle (Blackwell, 1974)

  ——, Greek Homosexuality (Duckworth and Harvard University Press, 1978; rev. edn, 1989)

  Fisher, N., Hybris: A Study in the Values of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greece (Aris & Phillips, 1992)


  a. General

  Anderson, J. K., Xenophon (Duckworth, 1974)

  Azoulay, V., Xénophon et les Grâces du Pouvoir. De la charis au charisme (Publications de la Sorbonne, 2004), pp. 481–84 (rich bibliography)

  Breitenbach, H. R., ‘Xenophon’, Pauly-Wissowa/RE IXA2 (1967)

  Cartledge, P., ‘Xenophon’s women: a touch of the Other’, in H. D. Jocelyn & H. Hurst (eds.), Tria Lustra: Fest. J. Pinsent (Liverpool Classical Paper 3, 1993), pp. 163–75

  ——, ‘The Socratics’ Sparta and Rousseau’s’, in Hodkinson, S. and Powell, A. (eds.), Sparta: New Perspectives (Classical Press of Wales & Duckworth, 1999), pp. 311–37

  Delebecque, E., Essai sur la vie de Xénophon (Klincksieck, 1957)

  Dillery, J., Xenophon and the History of His Times (Routledge, 1995)

  Gray, V. J. ‘Xenophon and Isocrates’ in Rowe, C. and Schofield, M. (eds.), The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 142–54

  Green, P. M., ‘Text and context in the manner of Xenophon’s exile’, in I. Worthington (ed.), Ventures into Greek History (Oxford University Press, 1994), pp. 215–27

  —— repr. in his From Ikaria to the Stars: Classical Mythification, Ancient and Modern (University of Texas Press, 2004), pp. 133–43

  Higgins, W. E., Xenophon the Athenian: The Problem of the Individual and the Society of the Polis (State University of New York Press, 1977)

  Hindley, C., ‘Eros and military command in Xenophon’, Classical Quarterly, 44 (1994), pp. 347–66

  Hutchinson, G., Xenophon and the Art of Command (Greenhill Books, 2000)

  Johnstone, S., ‘Virtuous toil, vicious work: Xenophon on aristocratic style’, Classical Philology, 89 (1994), pp. 219–40

  Morrison, D. R., Bibliography of Editions, Translations, and Commentary on Xenophon’s Socratic Writings 1600–Present (Mathesis Publications, Inc., 1988)

  Münscher, K., Xenophon in der griechisch-römischen Literatur (Philologus Supp. 13, 1920)

  Nickel, R., Xenophon (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1979)

  Rawson, E., The Spartan Tradition in European Thought (Oxford University Press, 1969, 1991)

  Skoczylas Pownall, F., ‘Condemnation of the impious in Xenophon’s Hellenica’, Harvard Theological Review 91 (1998), pp. 251–77

  Tuplin, C. J., ‘Xenophon’s exile again’, in M. Whitby et al. (eds.), Homo Viator: Classical Essays for John Bramble (Bristol Classical Press, 1997), PP. 59–68

  —— ‘Xenophon, Artemis and Scillus’, in Figueira, T. (ed.), Spartan Society (Classical Press of Wales, 2004), pp. 251–81

  ——, (ed.), Xenophon and His World. Papers from a Conference held in Liverpool in July 1999 (Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004)

  Waterfield, R. ‘Xenophon’s Socratic Mission’, in Tuplin (ed.), Xenophon and His World, pp. 79–113

  Wood, N., ‘Xenophon’s theory of leadership’, Classica et Mediaevalia, 25 (1964), pp. 33–66

  b. Particular works

  All the treatises in this volume may be found in translation with facing Greek text in E. C. Marchant’s Loeb Classical Library edition, 1925.

  1. Hiero the Tyrant

  Gray, V. J., ‘Xenophon’s Hiero and the meeting of the wise man and the tyrant’, Classical Quarterly, 36 (1986), pp.115–23

  Gelenczey-Mihálz, A., ‘Thoughts on tyranny. Xenophon’s Hiero’, Acta Antiqua 40 (2000), pp. 113–21

  2. Agesilaus

  Cartledge, P., Agesilaos and the Crisis of Sparta

  Gentili, B., and Cerri, G., History and Biography in Ancient Thought (Gieben, 1988)

  Momigliano, A. D., The Development of Greek Biography, augmented edn. (Harvard University Press, 1993)

  Proietti, G., Xenophon’s Sparta (Mnemosyne Supp. 98, 1987)

  Shipley, D. R., A Commentary on Plutarch’s Life of Agesilaus. Response to Sources in the Presentation of Character (Oxford University Press, 1997)

  Talbert, R. (ed.), Plutarch on Sparta (Penguin, 1988)

  3. How to Be a Good Cavalry Commander

  4. On Horsemanship

  Anderson, J. K., Ancient Greek Horsemanship (University of California Press, 1961)

  Bugh, G. R., The Horsemen of Athens (Princeton University Press, 1988)

  Delebecque, E. (ed.), De l’ art équestre (Budé, 1978)

  ——(ed.), Le commandant de la cavalerie (Budé, 1973)

  Morgan, M. H., Xenophon: The Art of Horsemanship (Dent, 1894)

  Piggott, S., Wagon, Chariot and Carriage (Thames & Hudson, 1992)

  Spence, I. G., The Cavalry of Classical Greece: A Social and Military History with Particular Reference to Athens (Oxford University Press, 1993)

  Worley, L., Hippeis: The Cavalry of Ancient Greece (Westview Press, 1994)

  5. On Hunting

  Anderson, J. K., Hunting in the Ancient World (University of California Press, 1985)

  Cartledge, P., ‘Hunting: Spartan-style’, Appendix to The Spartans. An Epic History, 2nd edn (Pan Macmillan, 2003)

  Classen, C. J., ‘Xenophons Darstellung der Sophistik und der Sophisten’, Hermes, 112 (1984), pp. 1

  David, E., ‘Hunting in Spartan society and consciousness’, Echos du Monde Classique/Classical Views, 12 (1993), pp. 393–413

  Delebecque, E. (ed.), Xénophon. L’Art de la Chasse (Budé, 1970)

  Gray, V. J., ‘Xenophon’s Cynegeticus’, Hermes, 113 (1985), pp. 156–72

  Phillips, A. A. and Willcock, M. M., Xenophon and Arrian, On Hunting (Aris & Phillips, 1999)

  Schnapp, A., Le Chasseur et la cité. Chasse et érotique dans la Grèce ancienne (Albin Michel, 1997)

  6. Ways and Means

  Austin, M. M., and Vidal-Naquet, P., Economic and Social History of Ancient Greece: An Introduction (Batsford, 1977)

  Dillery, J., ‘Xenophon’s Poroi and Athenian imperialism’, Historia, 42 (1993), pp. 1–11

  Finley, M. I., The Ancient Economy, 2nd edn. (Hogarth Press and University of California Press, 1985)

  Garlan, Y., Slavery in Ancient Greece (Cornell University Press, 1988)

  ——, Warfare in the Ancient World (Chatto & Windus, 1975)

  Gauthier, Ph., Une commentaire historique des Poroi de Xénophon (Droz, 1976)

  Hunt, P., The Spear and the Whip (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)

  7. Other Works

  Brown, T. S., ‘Echoes from Herodotus in Xenophon’s Hellenica’, Ancient World, 21 (1990), pp. 97–101

  Cawkwell, G. L., Introduction and notes to A History of My Times (trans. of Hellenica), by R. Warner (Penguin, 1979)

  ——, Introduction and notes to The Persian Expedition (trans. of Anabasis), by R. Warner (Penguin, 1972)

  Connor, W. R., ‘Historical writing in the fourth century and in the Hellenistic period’, in P. Easterling and B. Knox (eds.), The Cambridge History of Classical Literature, vol. I, Greek Literature (Cambridge University Press, 1985), pp. 458–71

  Dillery, J., Xenophon Anabasis, rev. edn. (Loeb Classical Library, 1998)

  Due, B., The Cyropaedia: Xenophon’s Aims and Methods (Aarhus University Press, 1989)

  Georges, P., Barbarian Asia and the Greek Experience: From the Archaic Period to the Age of Xenophon (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995)

  Gera, D., Xenophon’s Cyropaedia (Oxford University Press, 1993)

  Goldhill, S., ‘The seductions of the gaze: Socrates and his girlfriends’, in Cartledge, P. et al. (eds.) KOSMOS. Essays in Order, Conflict and Community in Classical Athens (Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 105–24

  Gray, V. J., The Character of Xenophon’s Hellenica (Duckworth and Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989)

  —— The Framing of Socrates: the Literary Interpretation of Xenophon’s Memorabilia (Franz Steiner Verlag, 1998)

  Henry, W. P., Greek Historical Writing: A Historiographical Essay Based on Xenophon’s Hellenica (Argonaut Press, 1967)

  Hirsch, S. W., The Friendship of the Barbarians: Xenophon and the Persian Empire (University Press of New England, 1985)

  Hobden, F., ‘How to be a good symposiast and other lessons from Xenophon’s Symposium’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 50 (2004), pp. 121–40

  Lane Fox, R. (ed.) The Long March: Xenophon and the Ten Thousand (Yale University Press, 2004)

  Lipka, M., Xenophon’s ‘Spartan Constitution’. Introduction, Text, Commentary (Walter de Gruyter, 2002)

  Nadon, C., Xenophon’s Prince. Republic and Empire in the Cyropaedia (University of California Press, 2001)

  O’Connor, D., ‘The erotic self-sufficiency of Socrates: a reading of Xenophon’s Memorabilia’, in Vander Waerdt (ed.), The Socratic Movement, pp. 151–80

  Pomeroy, S. B., Xenophon’s Oeconomicus: A Social and Historical Commentary (Oxford University Press, 1994)

  Rood, T., The Sea! The Sea! The Shout of the Ten Thousand in the Modern Imagination (Duckworth Overlook, 2004)

  —— Introduction and Notes to The Expedition of Cyrus (trans. of Anabasis by R. Waterfield, Oxford University Press, 2005)

  Sandbach, F. H., ‘Plato and the Socratic work of Xenophon’, in P. Easterling and B. Knox (eds.), The Cambridge History of Classical Literature, vol. I, Greek Literature (Cambridge University Press, 1985), pp. 478–97

  Tatum, J., Xenophon’s Imperial Fiction: On The Education of Cyrus (Princeton University Press, 1989)

  Tuplin, C. J., The Failings of Empire: A Reading of Xenophon Hellenica 2.3.11–7.5.27 (Franz Steiner, 1993)

  ——, ‘Xenophon, Sparta and the Cyropaedia’, in A. Powell and S. Hodkinson (eds.), The Shadow of Sparta (Routledge and University of Wales Press, 1994), pp. 127–81

  Waterfield, R., Introduction and notes to Conversations of Socrates (trans. of Apology, Memorabilia, Symposium, and Oeconomicus), by H. Tredennick and R. Waterfield (Penguin, 1990)

  Westlake, H. D., ‘Individuals in Xenophon’s Hellenica’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 49 (1966–7), pp. 246–69

  Wohl, V., ‘Dirty Dancing: Xenophon’s Symposium’, in Murray, P. and Wilson, P. (eds.), Music and the Muses. The Culture of Mousike in the Classical Athenian City (Oxford University Press, 2004), pp. 337–63


  The six treatises translated in this book occur in volume 5 of the Oxford Classical Text of Xenophon, edited by E. C. Marchant (Xenophontis Opera, Oxford University Press, 1920), the text of which has been followed except at the places marked with an asterisk, which refers the interested reader to the Textual Notes.


  All dates are BC, many are approximate (c.)

  c. 550–460 lifespan of Simonides of Ceos

  478–66 reign of Hiero as tyrant of Syracuse (regent of Gela, 485–78)

  c. 445 birth of Agesilaus (II)

  early 420s birth of Xenophon

  404 defeat of Athens by Sparta in Peloponnesian War (431–404) terminates Athens’ empire and, temporarily, democracy (restored 403)

  402–394 Xenophon serves as mercenary first on behalf of a Persian pretender, Cyrus the Younger, then on behalf of Sparta (including under Agesilaus II); Xenophon formally exiled as traitor to Athens

  c. 400–359 reign of Agesilaus II of Sparta

  399 trial and death of Socrates, mentor of Xenophon

  395–386 Corinthian War

  394–71 Xenophon settles in Peloponnesse, first on estate at Scillous near Olympia, then at Corinth, under Spartan patronage

  386 King’s Peace (first so-called ‘Common’ Peace)

  378 Foundation of Second Athenian (naval) League

  375 King’s Peace renewed

  371 defeat at Sparta by Thebes at Leuctra, King’s Peace again renewed

  370/69 Thebes invades Peloponnese, attacks Sparta, liberates Messenian Helots, Athens allies with Sparta

  360s Xenophon perhaps returns to Athens; composes How To Be a Good Cavalry Commander; Hiero the Tyrant may have been influenced by Plato’s second (unsuccessful) visit to Sicily in 367

  362 battle of Mantinea: Thebes defeats Sparta and Athens; further Common Peace

  359 death of Agesilaus; Xenophon publishes Agesilaus

  350s Xenophon composes Ways and Means (c. 355) and concludes his Hellenica (A History of My Times, Penguin); On Horsemanship and On Hunting may belong in either the 360s or the 350s

  357–5 Social War (successful revolt by a number of Athens’ more important allies)

  c. 354 death of Xenophon

  Greece and the Aegean

  The Peloponnese showing Xenophon’s retreat into exile at Scillons

  East Greece



  At the very end of The Estate-manager (Oeconomicus), his treatise on the good management of a large oikos or ‘household’ (including human as well as real property), Xenophon equates the prospects of a human tyrant with the torments suffered mythically in Hades by the anti-hero Tantalus. Tyranny, that is to say, which Xenophon’s Socrates defines in Memoirs of Socrates (Memorabilia) 4.6.12 as ‘authority without consent and in accordance not with the laws but with the whim of the ruler’, is here represented as a living hell, fo
r the tyrant as well as the subjects. Xenophon’s implied message is that the good manager, such as his idealized Ischomachus, must not confine his management skills to the private sphere but should apply them also to the conduct of the state, in accordance with the laws.

  Hiero the Tyrant, a supposed dialogue on the nature of sole rule between Simonides the praise-poet from Ceos and his then employer Hiero, tyrant of Syracuse in Sicily in the early fifth century BC (478-467), is thus in several ways the negative image of the Estate-manager. Simonides plays on the fact that in Greek, unlike English, the tyrannos was fundamentally an un- or extra-constitutional ruler, so that ‘good tyrant’ was not by definition oxymoronic. The tyrant, Simonides urges, may gain personal happiness only if he rules well, that is in the interests of his subjects.

  Dialogue was utterly natural to the Greeks, and crucial for their definition of self by literary means. In poetry it was of course common enough in epic and was the very stuff of tragic and comic drama, but in prose the dialogue form was essayed first in sophistic circles, for instance in Protagoras’ Antilogiai or ‘Contrary Arguments’. In its manner as well as its matter the so-called ‘Melian Dialogue’ in Thucydides (5.84–113) bears witness to the genre’s sophistic origins. But the form was brought to perfection for broadly philosophical purposes by Plato during the first quarter of the fourth century. Nor was the confrontation of despotic ruler and expert layman (sophistes in its original, non-pejorative sense) a scenario original to Xenophon. The literary prototype was the encounter, with supplied invented dialogue, between Croesus and Solon in the first book of Herodotus, by whom Xenophon was greatly influenced. Croesus, however, king of Lydia in Asia Minor, was a non-Greek, which accorded with Herodotus’ preoccupation with representations of ‘the Other’ and added to the piquancy of autocratic tyranny the stigma of oriental barbarism. Hiero of Sicilian Syracuse, on the other hand, was a home-grown Greek tyrant, with high cultural pretensions – patron of Pindar, Bacchylides and Aeschylus, besides Simonides, and founder even of a new Greek city. That helped Xenophon firmly to focus his debate on the nature and meaning of autocracy within the context of Greek politics.


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