Book Read Free

Wages of Sin

Page 17

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  They hadn’t been too long in the basement when Cheryl had called to see how things were going. “Fine. Nothing new has come to light,” he’d said. Cheryl had also apologized for her comments last night, stating that she hadn’t meant to upset him. “I wasn’t mad. It was awkward though. I didn’t know things had gone down like they did.” He noticed Robert staring at him oddly. “Um, I need to let you go. My son is having a birthday party today and I have company right now. Thanks for calling.”

  “Everything all right, man?” inquired Robert.

  “Oh, yeah. That was an FBI agent. She wanted to know how things were going with the case.”

  “I didn’t think the FBI would get involved unless it was a federal case.”

  “They don’t. She’s an old friend of mine who was asked to come in and do a profile. She’s been keeping up with the case since then.”

  “Be careful, man,” was all Robert said, but Troy felt the need to continue explaining that they were friends and how she was only trying to help and that he’d gained a lot of insight from her. “I didn’t mean to put you on the defensive. All I’m saying is that you have to keep your ears and eyes open at all times. Things might seem innocent, but it could be a set up. The enemy would love to see you stumble and he has a bit of an opening right now with the tension between you and Natalie. His job is to kill, steal, and destroy. He would love to ruin your marriage.”

  “I would never cheat on Natalie. I don’t care how mad she makes me.”

  “I said the same thing. The best way to ensure it doesn’t happen is not to play with fire. If you ever find yourself thinking about this person more than you should, getting butterflies around them, or sharing details of your marital problems, these are all warning signs that you’re headed for trouble. James says to resist the devil and he will flee.”

  “Cheryl is hardly the devil.”

  “But she can be used by him. Any of us can if we’re not careful. Man, I’m not trying to preach to you, but I’m being real. Be careful, that’s all I’m saying.” By then Troy was relieved when Natalie called for them to help rearrange things.

  Troy now sat in Jon’s truck, spending an unusual amount of time contemplating whether or not to respond to Cheryl. This was crazy. Corrine’s missing and he’s stressing over a text! No matter how good things had been with him and Cheryl back in the day or how mad he was at Natalie about the pills, he loved her and no other woman was going to come between them. Cheryl had already provided the services requested for the case and thus no further communication was necessary. Delete.

  “How’s Natalie holding up?” Jon came out after what seemed like forever to Troy.

  “Aneetra said she took some medicine when she got home and has been sleeping ever since.”

  “Rest is probably the best thing for her right now. I pray God sheds light on the identity of this killer and that Corrine is not harmed.”

  “We need evidence more than prayer. God has watched while six women and a young teenage boy were murdered by this monster and hasn’t done a thing.” Troy felt his heart re-hardening. Why wasn’t He putting a stop to this?

  Jon started the car, but didn’t move. “What was your breaking point?”


  “What case was it that started this bitterness? I’ve seen police officers do one of two things: get closer to God through this job or start to hate Him.”

  “I don’t hate Him, but I don’t understand Him. I’m not even sure I believed in God until several years ago when Mitch Denson was killed during a routine traffic stop. I knew how loose his beliefs about God were because I felt the same way. But, when he died, it scared me and I didn’t want to play Russian roulette with my soul. When I first started to seek God, everything was wonderful. I prayed on the way to each crime scene. I even told family members of victims that I would be praying for them. I’ll never forget when Loraine Andrews’ two young sons were shot and killed by their father because he didn’t want her to get full custody. At the trial I said to her, ‘I pray that God comforts you.’ She broke down crying in my arms, asking why God had let this happen to her kids. I didn’t have an answer for her because, honestly, I had wondered the same thing myself. She’d trusted Him and her children ended up dead. After that incident, the more bad stuff I started to see happening to Christians, the more I felt like if God is there, He doesn’t care.” Troy amazed himself by speaking his frustrations so candidly. Jon remained silent. The gentle sound of the humming truck filled the air. “Well? Are you going to say something?”

  “Loraine’s question was normal considering what she was going through at the time. But, she now runs a non-profit organization called Rejoice that provides support services for parents of murdered children. Anyone can praise God when life is going great, but it takes a deeper level of faith to trust Him when your world has been turned upside down. I’ve been there. Until Belinda said she was having an affair, I thought we’d had a good marriage. Now, I’m living without my son and she’s married to the guy she cheated on me with. I’m left by myself with my elderly mother whose Alzheimer’s and dementia have spiraled so out of control that she’s become violent. I’ve been wrestling with whether or not to put her in a home and I finally did it this morning.”

  “So she’s been the one scratching you up and not a cat?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry I lied to you, man. I wasn’t ready to talk about it.”

  “I understand. You’ve also proved my point about God sitting back and watching people’s lives get destroyed.”

  “This last year has indeed been rough. I could be mad at God if I wanted to be, but I am not. I know I wouldn’t have been able to make it through the divorce or this ordeal with my mom without Him. His word gives me strength. It seems like you’re more upset with God about what happens in people’s lives than they are. They still trust Him. I know I do.”

  Troy thought about Robert and Lisa and how neither of them seemed to hold a grudge against God for all they’d been through. Even Natalie was not bitter about her childhood experiences. “Man, I don’t know what I will do if something happens to Corrine. Natalie won’t be able to handle it.”

  “Either way this turns out, Natalie will need you. Sometimes I wonder if you will be able to handle things. I hope you can look past the offense of my words and hear what I’m saying. You need to step up, man. All this swearing and losing your temper is not representative of a godly man. What happened in there was out of line. Don’t get me wrong, I understand you being upset and I would’ve been, too, but dude your mouth is getting real foul. It’s to the point that I hate being around you when you’re cursing. It’s worse than before you claimed salvation. I truly pray that we find Corrine before it’s too late. If for some reason we don’t, remember you are the head of the household and the way you respond to God might have an impact on how Natalie handles this situation. I know she’s a strong believer, but even the best of us can give into fear and feelings every now and then. You are her covering. Don’t leave her unprotected because you’re having this pissing match with God. It’s not worth it and you can find yourself like me, having lost everything.”

  Troy was surprised to find a tear rolling down Jon’s plump face. When Natalie cried, he held her, but he didn’t know what to say or do in this situation. It was awkward. In the eighteen years he’d been with the Columbus PD, he’d never seen an officer cry except at a funeral of another officer. Troy had feelings of sorrow when investigating horrific crime scenes, but he’d never displayed his emotions. Cops didn’t do that—at least not in front of other cops. “Um…you ready to go, man? The truck’s been running for a while.”

  Jon wiped his face and chuckled. “You’re something else, Evans, but I love you, man.”

  “Yeah, whatever, you’re all right, too. I heard what you said and I appreciate your honesty. I’m sorry to hear about your mom and my heart goes out to you about Belinda because I know you still love her. But, man, please stop all this sentimental stuff b
ecause you’re making me feel uncomfortable.”

  Still smiling, Jon said, “What would I do without you?” before driving away.


  When Troy walked in the house, Aneetra was standing next to the open dishwasher panel, eyes glued to the small kitchen flat-screen.

  “Another woman has gone missing. Twenty-three-year-old Corrine Shepherd was last seen Friday afternoon when she left work. Sources tell us that loved ones became concerned when she failed to show up at a family event earlier today and that’s when police went to her home and found evidence that, they believe, ties her to the same person who has killed six women and a teenage boy so far. We learned that Shepherd is the stepdaughter of Detective Troy Evans, who has led this entire investigation from the beginning until hours ago. CPD declined to comment about why he was forced to step down and Detective Evans could not be reached.”

  “We also don’t know what evidence was found in Shepherd’s apartment, but if you recall, it was nearly two months ago when the first victim, Lolita Gordon, disappeared. Her body was discovered several days later with a copy of the Bible placed on her chest. Since then, the suspect has been coined the Bible Butcher and thanks to an FBI profile, detectives believe they are looking for a white male in his late thirties or early forties, but they don’t have any real clues to go on.”

  “If you have any information regarding this case, please call 614-555-TIPS. Remember, you can remain anonymous and your tip could help put away this creep for good.”

  “I hope Natalie isn’t watching this.”

  Aneetra jumped, quickly using the remote to turn it off. “Hey. I didn’t hear you come in. I checked on her about a half hour ago and she was still sleeping.”

  Troy was relieved. He did not want her to hear he’d been taken off the case like that. Aneetra had done a spectacular job cleaning up the place. “I would have taken care of this, but thank you.”

  “No problem. You and Natalie have enough on your minds. You mind me asking what happened?” Troy filled her in on his altercation with another officer. “Honestly, I think it’s best that you’re not the lead on this because you’re too emotionally involved. But, it doesn’t mean you can’t work it behind the scenes, which I know you will do.”

  “You’re right. It’s frustrating not to have a single clue.” He plopped down at the island across from her.

  “I don’t know if you guys still consider Marcus a suspect, but I don’t think he’s behind this. I was with him all last night until this morning. Plus, he doesn’t fit the profile.”

  “I know. He didn’t really have an alibi for Mindy Lee, but he was gone on assignment when at least two of the murders took place so he should be cleared. Sorry all of this had to be brought to light. I know it’s been a rough week for you.”

  Aneetra nodded. “Thanks again for letting the girls and me stay. We’ll be out of your way tomorrow. If you guys don’t mind, I’ll take Nate with me so y’all can focus on finding Corrine without having to tend to him. I’ll be able to take him to and from school.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Natalie had already filled Troy in on the soon-to-be living arrangements between Aneetra and Marcus so he felt more at ease about Nate going with her since Marcus would be gone. “How’s he been?”

  “Okay. He’s been asking for Corrine and he’s been getting a little whiny. It’s almost like he senses something is wrong.”

  “I’m sure he does.” Troy stared at the granite counter, thinking about Jon’s words: The way you respond to God might have an impact on the way Natalie handles this situation…You are her covering. Don’t leave her unprotected… “Are you upset with God about what happened with Marcus?”

  Aneetra didn’t respond right away. She put up the last glass, closed the dishwasher, and sat on the other side of the island. “At first I was mad because I felt like my marriage should have been exempt from this stuff. I’m not blaming myself for Marcus’ actions, but I know there are things that I could and should have done differently. Sometimes I think I took him for granted. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very angry with Marcus, but I’ve been trying to put myself in his shoes as well. I questioned God, but not to the point where I’m willing to turn away from Him. He’s been good to me.”

  “He let your husband get another woman pregnant and sleep with one of your best friends and you still say He’s been good?” She seemed surprised that Troy knew about the other lady and he felt like a dummy for mentioning it. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone there. For the record, Natalie wasn’t trying to betray your confidence. She was upset that Marcus had told her and—oh gosh, am I talking too much? Did you even know that Marcus had told her? She’s going to kill me.”

  “Relax. You’re cool and to answer your question, yes, I can still say that God has been good to me, despite all of it. When I look over my entire life, the good has outweighed the bad. I don’t serve God because He gives me stuff. I serve Him because He is. Marcus’ affairs doesn’t change who I believe God is.”

  Wow. “I’m impressed with your faith.”

  “Don’t be. You happened to catch me at a time when I’m in good spirits. I cling to Romans 10:17, which says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. My feelings are flaky, but my faith is firm and that’s only because I’ve been burying myself in the Word.”

  “I’ve been the exact opposite. My buddy recently told me that I need to get it together. I’m worried about how this thing with Corrine will affect Natalie, especially if we don’t…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it.

  Aneetra reached across the island and patted his hand. “No matter what happens, God is good. Until we get proof otherwise, let’s believe that she will be found alive. It only takes a mustard seed of faith for God to move mountains.”

  With those words, Aneetra got up and went upstairs. Troy was so emotionally overwhelmed that he put his hands over his face and before he knew it, he was crying. Danggit, Jon! He was hurting and everything came at him at once—his feelings about Natalie’s betrayal, the frustration over the case in general, and the horrific thoughts of never finding Corrine. Like fluid being drained from a swollen knee, he felt pressure being released with every tear that dropped. His pride urged him to stop. Someone might walk down the stairs any moment and see him, but he didn’t care. He was supposed to keep his family safe, but because he hadn’t been able wrap things up the killer had a chance to harm them. Now that he’d been taken off the case, there was only so much information that he had access to. No matter how many cases he’d closed during his career, this one would make or break him.

  God, I’m sorry I’ve been so distant. Thank you for Your patience with me. Your Word says that I am to love Natalie as You loved the church and gave yourself for it. I would give my life to protect Natalie from the evils of this world. If Corrine doesn’t make it, I don’t know what will happen. Maybe Natalie could take it. Perhaps it’s seeing the pain in her eyes that will remind me that I failed her is what I can’t take. I give up and acknowledge that You are in control of everything. I want Corrine to be found alive, but if she isn’t, I declare from this day forward that I will serve You without reservation. I want to be the man of God that my wife needs. I repent of my wrongs and I ask that Your guidance and wisdom lead me from here on out.

  Troy cried so hard that his tears pooled underneath him. So many had had died and the police were no closer to catching this perp than they were when the first killing took place. The odds of finding Corrine alive were slim to none. “All it takes is a mustard seed of faith…” That’s all he had. Hopefully that would be good enough.

  • • •

  Natalie stopped in the middle of the staircase when she observed Troy sitting in the kitchen crying. Had he found Corrine’s body? She wanted to go down and demand answers, but her feet wouldn’t move. She didn’t feel Corrine was dead and yet she feared hearing those dreadful words. She didn’t want anything to interfere with her ho
pe and so she tiptoed back up the stairs, got in bed, and calmed her nerves via prayer.

  Her heart raced when Troy came into the room and called her name. Oh no! This was it. He was going to inform her of Corrine’s murder. Pain shot through every part of her body and she began to bawl like an infant. Troy rushed to her side.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “I know what you’re going to say, but I can’t take it right now. I don’t want to hear you say she’s dead.”

  He held her tight. “No, baby, calm down. I have no news about Corrine—good or bad.”

  “Then why were you—” Natalie took a deep breath. She knew how macho Troy was. It would probably crush his ego if he knew she’d seen him. She needed reassurance one last time. “She’s not dead?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. I’m sorry to frighten you. I was checking to see if you were awake.”

  “Why are you here? Why aren’t you out working on Corrine’s case like you do with all the others?”

  Troy hung his head before looking back at her. “There’s no easy way to tell you this. I’ve been officially taken off of this case.”


  “Don’t worry, I’m still going to work it and I promise to do everything to find our daughter.”

  Natalie was startled. Troy had never referred to Corrine as their daughter before.

  “I don’t know how this will end, but I’m praying God keeps her. Whatever happens, we’re going to get through this together, okay? I love you.” A tear fell down his cheek and Natalie wiped it at the same time he did hers. He gave her an awkward smile. “Allergies…”

  “Thank you,” she said, staring into his determined, pain-filled eyes, “for being so wonderful to me despite my dishonesty. I’m really sorry, Troy.”

  “Let’s not talk about this right now.”

  “We have to talk about it eventually and I don’t think there’s ever going to be a right time. I have a lot of insecurities and I’m scared that I won’t be able to handle working with two kids. I don’t want to be dependent on any man. I’ve been in that position before and did a lot of shady things to have a man take care of me.”


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