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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 238

by Multiple Authors

  “Sorry to disappoint my dear but I am very much a man.”

  “That much is immediately evident and not at all what I meant. I suppose I placed you above the common failings men generally have.”

  “A compliment, Roxen. How sweet.”

  “No, it would have been before you did this. No woman wants to be a member of your personal herd.”

  “Herd? I believe the term is harem. There are far worse ways to live.”

  “Not for a girl raised with the expectation of being the only and beloved wife of a man of substance. I’m sure they were already considering choices for her and they would have chosen a man that would cherish her. Her parents love her and they would not be looking only at position but they would have considered her feelings as well.”

  “I did not just choose her arbitrarily nor did I say there would be others only that I was keeping my options open.”

  “I know how you operate in negotiations. The girl is his much loved daughter, have some sympathy for the man.”

  “Am I not allowing his wife to leave? What more would you have me do? Blame Knorris not me, had he honored our agreement this would not be happening. A king is responsible for his underlings.”

  “I understand that.”

  “You would Roxen, better than most with your background.”

  “What is Roxen to you Verlan and what is her background?” Jorge broke in unable to stay silent one more minute.

  “I’d forgotten about you, Brother. I simply meant that Roxen is a diplomat often used to make treaties like the one the witches have with us. As to what we are to each other,” Verlan had a devilish look on his face. “Ask Roxen.”

  “He is my cousin, Jorge. Do not let him stir you up,” Roxen warned.

  “So Verlan, why did you really capture the king’s family? It’s not really your style,” Jorge asked.

  “I’m tired of the grief Knorris dishes out. He loses many soldiers but what does he care about the common man? I lose a few, but each loss is painful. It must stop, I saw no other way,” Verlan replied.

  “Well, you certainly know how to get the king’s attention,” Roxen noted.

  “What are you going to ask for to let the daughter go?” Jorge asked.

  “She is mine. There is no way she will leave here, ever,” Verlan finished.

  That was something Roxen hadn’t expected. It seemed that Verlan was taken with the king’s daughter. Roxen couldn’t remember what the girl looked like or even if she’d seen her before. For Verlan to be drawn to her, she must be special. Many women tried to catch his eye just to be given a night and then rejected. His age was right for a mating, but his attitude was not and Roxen felt for the girl.

  The king came back and he looked less stressed. Maybe reassuring himself that his wife and children were safe had helped. “I’m ready to discuss my children now,” he stated.

  “I believe it will do your boy good to stay with us at least for a time. Your daughter will not leave here, that is not a possibility,” Verlan insisted.

  “How long do you intend to keep the boy?” Hedron asked.

  “A year and then we’ll redress the issue,” Verlan said.

  “My children are much loved. It was never my intention to trade them to benefit myself or my kingdom,” he admitted.

  “Things do not always turn out as we intend,” Verlan observed.

  “I would expect her to be treated as an only wife were she to stay. She was not raised to share what she has with another,” he explained.

  “That would only be possible if she gives me the children I expect to have,” Verlan declared.

  “I can understand that, but I’m not sure she can,” Hedron objected.

  “Regardless of what you’ve been told, I’m not a cruel man. I would try to do it in a way that wouldn’t hurt her,” Verlan offered. Roxen snorted. That was just like a man to think if he wanted to do it, he could take the pain away. “You have something to say, Roxen?”

  “You are deluding yourself if you think that’s even possible.”

  “I would be discreet,” Verlan offered.

  “So if this happens, you will allow her lovers too as long as she is discrete?” Roxen asked.

  “You know as well as I do in this world women are often treated as property. I would lose all my men’s respect if my wife had lovers,” he explained.

  “It’s okay for her to be pitied or thought less of because you avail yourself of other women?”

  “No one would dare!” he insisted.

  “You can stop the pitying glances? Yes, maybe you can still the sharp tongues, at least when you’re around.”

  “I must have heirs, that is nonnegotiable,” he demanded.

  “My wife will want her to be able to visit and be visited,” the king advised.

  “Arrangements could be made,” Verlan agreed.

  “Her happiness is important to me,” the king declared.

  “I would see her happy too if I can,” Verlan agreed.

  There was noise at the entrance and Roxen was amazed when the ransom was delivered so quickly. Verlan looked at the container of gold coins with a smile. At least someone was happy with the way things were going.

  “This is an opportunity to tie our people into an alliance Knorris can’t break,” Verlan offered.

  “What do you wish of me?” the king asked and his shoulders fell forward and his eyes were dull.

  “This amount every year to keep the desert travel safe for merchants and travelers. Criminals would be put on notice and while I can’t guarantee total safety, I can deal with those that prey on travelers,” Verlan assured.

  “It will be done. Knorris will pay it every year and he’ll submit proof to me so I know he’s paid,” the king submitted.

  “That should take care of our agreement for now,” Verlan said.

  The king nodded but his shoulders were hunched and Roxen noted she’d never seen the proud man look defeated. Going home to face the queen two children short was nothing to look forward to. Why Verlan was doing this, taking both the king’s oldest children, she couldn’t imagine. One was a hard enough loss and one was his heir.

  They left and traveled back to find the queen waiting at the spot they’d met for the trip. When she saw he was alone she began to cry mournfully. The sound struck Roxen right through the heart. She whispered a relaxing tea in his ear saying it would calm her and help her sleep. They left the king to deal with his wife and they turned back to the encampment. It was a quick trip even with the heavy emotions hanging over them.

  The gate was opened and they moved past it to go to their room. Normally the thought of a bath would cheer her but he didn’t offer and she didn’t feel like it. A tiredness fell over her and she wanted nothing but sleep. Sometimes she’d wondered about her decision not to have children but today she was glad for it. There were so many pitfalls in their world that not even a king could safeguard his family what hope did she have? Best not to create that much loved person only to lose them.

  Chapter Four

  Love Rules

  Jorge felt bad for the king but he’s helped the man all he could. He neither ask for nor expected anything in return, it had been the right thing to do. His mother had always told him the world would be a better place if more people did what was right instead of only worrying about what was right for them. That was what he tried to do and while Hedron had gotten his wife back, the heartache that poor woman was feeling made Jorge feel sad too.

  He didn’t agree or approve of what Verlan did but that didn’t matter because Verlan never cared what Jorge thought. Verlan was the chief of the desert tribes. It was his title by birthright and trial by combat. Verlan didn’t look it, but he was one badass bastard. Jorge had fought him once years ago, there had been no clear winner but in a way they had both lost. It had taken a week or them to heal enough to go back to their duties and Verlan’s father, Durof had been angry at both of them.

  Jorge missed the old man probably mo
re than he missed his own father who’d died when he was young. Durof had been a fair and patient man who liked to teach with fables. The stories were fun and you didn’t always realize you were learning a lesson until you gave the story serious thought. This was sometimes years later, in Jorge’s case anyway. He missed those times around the fire sharing tales of the giant predators who got away and the stories Durof told. It had been more fun than he’d had in his childhood, if one could call his growing up years anything so trivial as a childhood.

  His father had died when he’d been eight and that was when he’d been tossed head first into his soldiers training. It was only two years earlier than most but his training had been designed to harden him quickly because his brother feared for his life. King Saran, taking the reins of the kingdom at the age of sixteen, was in no position to safeguard his younger brother when he was fighting for his own life and position as he tried to hunt down the enemy that had killed their father.

  No easy life for either of them, but they did the best they could and they survived. Eventually the miscreants were routed out and disposed of and an uneasy peace, which is the best a man of power ever had, descended on them. Saran hadn’t married yet either and part of the reason was he needed a wife that could help protect herself and their children. Jorge looked beside him where Roxen slept and knew she was such a woman.

  There was little doubt in his mind that she was the one for him, the problem was in her mind when it came to marriage at all. Jorge was normally a confident man, but Roxen left his uncertain at best. He’d given a lot of consideration to them and even thought he could solve their problems and make her happy if she’d only given him a chance. Snuggling up against her, something he had never done with another woman before, Jorge enjoyed the feel of her against him. Sleep carried him away before he’d worked through his problems but tomorrow was another day.

  Pounding rang through the room making it impossible for a guy to get some sleep. Roxen was stirring at his side and she was in her night gown. There was a serious need for privacy that he would address if he found the courage to ask the question and she said yes. Hopping out of bed, he tripped over his boots. A string of cuss words left his mouth and the pounding halted immediately. Turning the handle, he looked at a boy on the verge of manhood. Dressed as a soldier, he carried a messenger bag with the king of the east’s colors on it.

  “Sorry to bother you, General, but the king wanted you to get this right away,” the young man explained.

  “That’s alright. Let’s go to my office and I’ll look at this and send him back an answer. Let me get my boots on first. I’ll meet you there and have a servant bring us both breakfast,” Jorge instructed. A meal was the least he could offer the young man for making him wait. Putting his boots on with the quick efficient moves he’d learned to use over the years, he rushed to his office. Breakfast came as he studied the missive his brother had sent.


  Continue with negotiations I see enough common interests that the emperor will want to negotiate eventually. How are things with you brother? I have heard a witch cast a spell on you. I hope it is a good spell. I would know for my own personal needs, do things with a witch work as they do with other women?


  What the hell? Was Saran considering a witch as a lover or a wife? Jorge worried about what he should put down and finally decided the truth or as close to it without embarrassing himself, was best.


  The western king has had a personal situation which may slow peace talks. I will immediately send him a message to assure him of your interest, but he may need days before he gets back to me. Witches are much like other women and just as different from each other as well. Judge each witch for herself not for her kind. I hope that helps.


  Let his brother decipher that answer. It didn’t look as clear as he had intended it to be but he didn’t feel like trying again. He rolled up the missive, heated, applied, and stamped the wax, he placed it in the carrier and handed to the boy who had eaten while Jorge wrote his reply. The young man took off with the reply and now Jorge had to write a note to the king who wouldn’t be in the proper frame of mind to receive it. Having no choice, he wrote it anyway, called for a messenger, and handed it off. Now his breakfast was cold, but he ate it anyway.

  The rest of the day went in the usual fashion but Jorge was thankful nothing seemed to go wrong. Adame wasn’t in camp because he had gone to check up on troops stationed at some of the other camps, the smaller ones. Jorge wondered if it was really possible that the war could end someday soon. If it did, his future with Roxen would be much smoother. As soon as he thought of her need barreled through him. His day was done, it was time to find his woman. He walked up the hall and motioned for one of the boys to fill the tub. Bathing had always been his one must have luxury in his world of war, but now it had also become his greatest pleasure.

  Slipping in the room, Roxen sat on the bed staring listlessly into space. It was boring being stuck in the room and he had solutions, but no guarantee she would accept them. “Roxen, come with me and we’ll take a bath.”

  He led her to the room where two boys had begun to fill the tub and they sat and waited for them to finish. “Did you ever know Verlan to be so ruthless?” she asked and he knew she must have been worrying over what happened last night.

  “A man can often be ruthless when presented with a woman he can’t have unless he takes her,” Jorge said. Damn he sounded like a prophet or something.

  “What about the boy?”

  “He’s the only familiar thing she has in an unfamiliar world. I believe he did it so she wouldn’t be alone. We may never know because Verlan will never explain himself.”

  “I hope you’re right because I’d hate to think Verlan isn’t the person I always thought he was. I know younger girls are sometimes sent to husbands but this girl may not be tough enough to handle it. I could sense both her parents were worried for her.”

  “That could be, but I think she’s stronger than they give her credit for, meanwhile our bath awaits.”

  Roxen slipped out of her robe and he helped her into the tub. Desire surged in him as he watched her delightful body sink slowly into the tub. Carefully so as not to fall against her, he slipped in right behind her. Her body sank back against his and he was thrilled she was accepting his presence and wanting him with her. Rubbing her shoulders lightly, he felt her tension ease. They enjoyed their bath together more than anything except having sex. Once they were washed, rinsed, and dried, they put on their robes and went to their room. It was his intention to get her completely relaxed and then they would talk.

  Once they were in their room he shut and locked the door. Praying for no interruptions, he opened his robe and let it slide off revealing his body to his woman. Her eyes gleamed as she ran them from his head to his toes. His mouth ran dry when her stare returned and stayed on his hard cock.

  “Like what you see, Baby? It’s all yours.”

  Her robe was opened and fell giving him a view of her lovely skin, her perky breasts, and her lush mound with the sparse sprinkling of curly blonde hair. He stepped closer and she lay down on the bed waiting to see what he wanted to do. What he wanted to do the most she wasn’t ready to allow. They would go through the motions instead. Finding some oil, he slathered it on his cock before lowering himself between her spread thighs. Deciding it was better to give her control, he rolled them over and let her slide against his cock with her thighs pressed tightly together. Sure it would feel better to sink into her hot channel, but this was the second best way to get off.

  Roxen threw her head back completely losing herself in the passion of the moment. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes closed, and her lips slightly parted. She moaned as she slid her folds along the length of his hard and aching cock. The oil seemed to add heat which made him hotter than ever. Cum was leaking out of the end of his shaft and running down his belly and onto the sheets. She reached a hand
behind her and cupped his balls. When had she learned to do that? The oil assisted her in gliding and she was moving faster than ever. Her thighs pressed harder and he jerked nearly ready to shoot his load.

  She was shivering and he knew she wouldn’t have much longer. Her deep moan and the jerking motion she made clinched it. Relaxing slowly, he would be ready when she lost it. Her keening moan alerted him and she screamed his name as she bucked and clenched over him. Losing it, his cum shot so far he barely missed his eyes. Jerking and bucking, they rode out the climax until they both calmed down. He got up and found a wet rag and cleaned them both. This would be so much easier if they were fully together and had their own private home.

  Once they were clean and back in each other’s arms, he was ready to start a conversation. “I’ve come to care for you a great deal.”

  “You’re leaving me?”

  “That’s not what I said.”

  “I’ve heard of conversation that start this way and end in but it is time to go.”

  “Where do you get all this information from? I’ve never heard these things before.”

  “You’ve never stayed with a woman more than a few nights.”

  Shit! She was right, he’d never wanted to stay with any other woman. “That’s true, but everything is different with you.”

  “What is different?”

  “Maybe it’s that you are different. I can talk to you and you care about things that matter. You want something deeper not just a shallow life as a lover that fallows a soldier around. Most camp followers care only about today and what comforts they can find. Tomorrow they will worry about when it comes.”

  “Maybe they are just smart enough to know that major change is out of their hands.”

  “And you, Roxen, why don’t you feel that way?”

  “Because I have the power to help make the right changes if I’m allowed to.”

  “How can you do that?”

  “I’m a healer, I can save lives, sometimes even the lives of important people. I am also a teacher and I can teach the young to do the right thing for their fellow humans. Among my own people, when I am with them, I am also a leader. I help make decisions about our rules and laws. There are three ways I can help make the world a better place. You too are given the power, Jorge. You are a soldier that can protect your people. You are an aristocrat that will someday rule a section of your kingdom and make the lives of your people either better or worse by being ruled by you.”


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