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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 325

by Multiple Authors


  Redlynn's mind spun as Adrian kissed her body. The throbbing between her thighs had become a pain almost too much to bear. She didn't understand what was going on between them, but one thing was for sure: he was hers.

  A shiver ran through her as his hands trailed down her side and rested on her hipbone, squeezing it hard. A hum of pleasure spread through her. His touch excited and teased her, making her moan with desire. He wrapped her leg around him and his excitement pressed against her. She opened her eyes. The clouds parted and the moon shone in the night sky.

  Pushing up her nightgown, he reached for the waist of her undergarments. His fingers splayed flat across her belly. Something inside her twisted and she pulled away from him in shock, gasping for air.

  "What is it?" he begged, searching her face.

  "Pain," she gasped. The twisting tightened and she cried out.

  "Where? Where do you hurt, my love?" His gaze raked over her as she clutched her stomach and curled into a ball on her side.

  The pain spread up to her chest and she squeezed her eyes shut, to block it out. Her heart beat wildly. She tried to suck air into her lungs, but it was like sucking water in instead. A presence, something inside of her, was trying to claw its way out. A cracking sound reverberated through her, and Redlynn screamed in terror, grabbing her chest.


  He'd stepped away from her, staring in horror, watching her suffer. Redlynn's nails lengthened and her hands shortened. The next crack flipped her onto her stomach on all fours. She screamed again at the snap of the bones in her legs. She fell on the moss. I'm dying. Why am I dying?

  "What the— Redlynn!" came Blain's voice, as he ran out of a clump of trees and to her side.

  "Blain," she whispered. "Help me."


  Adrian watched helplessly. This couldn't be happening. It wasn't possible. No female wolf had been born. Ever. It wasn't—

  "Adrian! Wake up!" Blain yelled, cradling Redlynn in his arms. "She's shifting. She needs you."

  Adrian's wolf barged through, pushing him to action. He shifted quickly and once in wolf form, Adrian heard her thoughts.

  What's happening to me? I'm dying. Let me die. Make the pain stop, please gods let me die.

  Adrian stepped over to where Blain held her and pushed his heavy shaggy head between them. Blain moved away and began to shift. Another bone snapped and broke, and Redlynn cried out. She was delirious with pain now, her words no longer making sense.

  "Redlynn," Adrian tried to call to her. He laid his large body next to hers as she writhed and screamed. "Redlynn, you're alright. You can do this. Let her out, let the change happen." Adrian's heart raced. Moments before, he thought he would lose her to the fever. But now he feared losing her to her first shift.

  "I'm right here." He nuzzled her. He traced each break of her bones, each whimper, each scream. For the first time in a decade, he raised prayers to the gods. Please let her live. Let her stay. She's the one. My one. If you let her, I'll fulfill my destiny. I'll become king. Please, don't take her now.

  In the last moments of the change, her eyes opened and locked on his. Adrian concentrated on the sound of her heartbeat, pounding too loud in her chest. Please let her stay.

  "Adrian," was the last thing she whispered before long red hair sprouted over her body. Her snout and teeth lengthened. Her body stilled and her heart stopped.

  Adrian held his breath. Please! There had never been a female wolf before, and many young males didn't even make it through the pain of their first shift.

  A moment passed, and then another. She didn't move. Adrian held his breath and waited. Come on, Redlynn.

  "She'll make it," said Blain.

  Her chest rose as she sucked in a lung full of air. The steady pace of her quicker wolf heartbeat drummed.

  Adrian howled. She'd made it through the shift. She'll be alright now. And now they'd be together. Forever. Thank you, he prayed. Fear wracked him at the prospect of becoming mated, and king. Adrian pushed his fears aside. It didn't matter now.

  She lay very still for several minutes, with him nuzzling and fawning over her. Adrian could hardly wait to speak with her. To finally have her know the truth about him and about herself.

  "Redlynn. Redlynn, dearest."

  She blinked several times and was on her feet quick as lightning, her teeth bared. Her hackles raised and she showed no signs of knowing him.

  "Redlynn, listen to me—"

  A growl grew in her throat, and before he could react, she was on him. Teeth bared, she gnashed and snapped at him.

  "Redlynn! Stop!"

  "She can't understand." Blain stepped closer. "Get away from her!"

  Adrian struggled with the attacking Redlynn. Blain was on her in an instant. He knocked her to the side and stood between them. Blain bared his teeth, and Redlynn growled and lunged. Blain snapped at her front leg, causing her to yelp.

  "Don't hurt her," Adrian bellowed, knocking Blain aside.

  "She doesn't know who you are."

  Adrian moved forward and stood directly in front of Redlynn. She was almost as large as he and Blain were. Her golden eyes glowed at him in the moonlight.


  Redlynn knew that something was different about herself, but she couldn't figure out what. She didn't have time. Weres stood before her. And from the smell of the black one, he was the king, the one she'd wanted. Her sense of smell was on overload. It was overwhelming and frustrating . "I'm going to kill you, you bastard! For what you did to the girls. To Anya! To my mother."

  "Redlynn, listen to me."

  She heard Adrian, but she didn't see him. And for some reason, her voice wasn't working the way it should. She wondered if she were dreaming.

  "You're going to be alright."

  This was her chance. She had to kill the Were king. But he had a guard and she was weaponless. This is not the time. Redlynn scanned the area for Adrian, but he was gone. Turning on her heels, she fled into the woods. She needed to live until tomorrow. Then she'd return, well-equipped.

  Redlynn ran with a speed she'd never before possessed. The trees around her were a blur as she sprinted through them. The thrill was exhilarating. She hadn't experienced the woods like this before. As she ran, she knew where every bird huddled in its nest, where every squirrel hid in its hollow, and where every deer ran from her in fear. She smelled the moss and the leaves and the water from the river.

  After running for minutes, she decided that because of the fever, she had passed out and was having an incredibly vivid dream. Or perhaps the fever had claimed her life.

  She didn't care. She just wanted to run, and keep running and never stop. Though she might be dead, for the first time Redlynn felt alive.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "We should go after her."

  "No." Adrian was confused and hurt. She was a wolf, his wolf, but she'd attacked him. He'd tried to communicate with her, the way he did with his men, but it hadn't worked. Had she even heard him? Something wasn't right. Maybe it was the fever. Maybe the gods were playing a cruel trick on him for having abandoned them so long ago.

  Blain bumped against him and stood his white shaggy body directly in Adrian's view. "She's yours. This doesn't change that. She's strong, and even stronger-willed. You need to follow after her. Find her, run with her. Explain to her who we are. Who she is."

  Adrian hesitated. "No."

  "Don't be foolish, what if she gets lost, or injured? She isn't from these woods. She doesn't know her way around here."

  He was cursed after all. Just as his father had been. He swallowed down the ache inside. "She'll be fine."

  "And what if the Bloodsucker comes back?"

  "Then I wish him good luck against her." Adrian turned from Blain. His heart, heavy with pain and doubt, felt like a boulder in his chest. She hadn't even recognized him. If he went to her now, why would it be any different?

  Blain lunged and bit Adrian on the ear, causing him to
growl and snap back.

  "Don't do this. Don't shut down."

  Adrian turned again and walked away. If she was his, she'd return to him. Something in the way she'd attacked him had pierced him in the heart.

  "Fine," Blain called. "If you won't go after her, I will." Blain rushed off in the same direction that Redlynn had.

  "Blain! Come back!"

  "You aren't my king," Blain mocked.

  Adrian snarled and jetted off after him.

  "If you don't want her, then maybe she'll be more amenable to me," Blain taunted again.

  "If you find her, I am going to enjoy watching her rip you apart."

  "You're just sore because she didn't try to kill me."

  Adrian caught a glimpse of Blain's haunches as he rounded a tree and headed toward a clearing.

  "When I catch you—"

  "If you catch me, what? You going to maul me? Or nibble my tail?"

  Adrian howled; the anger inside of him rising at an alarming rate. He wasn't sure if he was angry because of Blain's words, or at Redlynn for her stubbornness.

  When he caught up several miles later, it was because they were at the edge of a clearing and Blain stopped to watch the scene. Redlynn sat in the dark of night under the moon, staring up at it. She howled. The sound was cut short as she looked around frantically.

  "She doesn't understand," said Blain.

  Adrian watched her circle the ground, then lie on the ground and roll in the tall grass.

  "Can't you see? She doesn't realize that she's a wolf. That's why she attacked you."

  She rolled in the tall grass. She looked so happy as her tail wagged.

  "Call to her." Blain prodded.

  Adrian waited and watched as she rolled over and over and then stopped, watching the moon high above. He wanted to go to her, to lie with her under the moon and listen to her heartbeat next to his. But he'd called to her, and she hadn't listened before. Swallowing, he made up his mind and took a step closer. Now that he'd let her in, he couldn't just let go.

  "Redlynn?" he called. Her head popped up. "Redlynn can you hear me?"

  She was on her feet scanning the glade.

  "Say something."

  Again, she didn't answer. Maybe Blain was right, maybe she couldn't communicate with him.

  There was a rustle of trees on the other edge of the clearing, and suddenly a young girl struggled into the glade. Redlynn turned to her.

  The girl appeared pale and weak. She wore a torn, dirty nightgown, her hair was unkempt, and she appeared totally delirious. Redlynn moved to the girl quickly, but the girl spotted her and backed up, screaming and trying to get away. Redlynn followed, uncomprehending.

  "Redlynn! Redlynn!" Adrian called.

  She looked around again, but then followed the girl.

  "Blain! Distract her, I'll get the girl."

  "Maybe you should—"

  "No! She didn't try to attack you. You go after her."

  Adrian shifted to human form and smacked Blain on the rump. "Go!"

  Blain hesitated, but then darted across the clearing. The growling started as he ran across the glen. Adrian's wolf fought for control, the need to protect Redlynn from the fight his only desire. Adrian fought the beast down and entered the tree line to find the girl backing toward a large rock, and Blain and Redlynn fighting for all their worth. The girl screamed and tried to get away from the snarling, blood-thirsty wolves, but she couldn't. Adrian froze, unsure what to do. The girl didn't know him. And he was naked. He needed to get Redlynn out of the way.

  "Knock her out," he bit out, his wolf protesting at the thought.

  Blain stared at Adrian for a moment.

  "Do it!"

  Blain turned to Redlynn, just as she charged. The girl's gaze lit on Adrian and she screamed louder. Blain rammed Redlynn, and in an instant, it was over. She hit a boulder, knocked into the girl and both were out cold. Blain shifted to his human form and stood panting, bleeding from a cut above his eye. The scratches on his back oozed, and a bite on his arm was already sealing shut.

  "You're welcome." He spit blood from his mouth.

  "You'll live." Adrian rushed past him to check on Redlynn.

  He knelt at her side and watched her shift. Her curled up, peachy body emerged beneath the retracting red fur. There was a cut to her lip and a bruise on her chest, where Blain had rammed her. Her shoulder looked like it was okay though, surprisingly enough. Blain joined him at her side.

  The young girl clutched a dirty blanket. Adrian pulled it from her limp grasp and wrapped it around Redlynn.

  "I tried not to hurt her too bad."

  "We need to take them both to the castle."

  "Where did she come from?" Adrian mused. He stood, listening for sounds of other people, but heard nothing. "Let's get them back before they wake." He lifted Redlynn into his arms. Turning, he noticed Blain staring at the girl. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," he said. "It's just... do you think?"

  Hope lit in Adrian. "It has to be. You were right. The girls are still alive."

  Blain picked up the girl and joined Adrian. When they reached the gate, Adrian called up for it to be opened. Hanna waited for them at the castle entrance.

  She touched Redlynn's skin. "Her fever broke." Hanna moved the blanket and looked at Adrian sternly. "She's unclothed, my Lord."

  "It's a long story."

  "Take her to bed, I'll send someone up with a new gown," she said.

  "There's another girl." Adrian nodded to the unconscious body in Blain's arms.

  Hanna's brows knit together, and she walked to check the girl. Moving the girl's hair out of her face, Hanna gasped. Trickles of dried blood caked the girl's neck and arms. "Vampires,"

  Blain and Adrian exchanged a look.

  "We don't know," Adrian said finally. "But possibly." He didn't need the rumors getting out quite yet. He needed a chance to talk to Redlynn first. To explain the truth about Wolvenglen and about herself, before they dealt with telling the rest of the castle about the missing girls. One problem at a time.

  "Bring her to my room," said Hanna.

  "Maybe it'd be best if someone else did that," suggested Adrian.

  "Why— Oh!" said Hanna. "Yes, I suppose you should retrieve some pants first. Fendrick would be hard to convince."

  "Let me take care of Redlynn, and I'll bring clothes for both of us." Adrian headed off.

  He climbed the stairs quickly, careful not to bump Redlynn as she lay limply in his arms. Reaching his room, Dax rushed toward him.

  "Oh, you found her." His voice filled with relief. "I am sorry, Adrian."

  "Not your fault. Not even I would've been able to stop her. Get the door, please."

  "Of course." Dax passed and pushed open the door.

  Adrian stalked to the bed and set Redlynn down. Removing the dirty blanket, he covered her with the duvet.

  "So it's true, then. She's a she-wolf. The first of her kind... like me."

  "Yes." Adrian studied Dax for a moment, who was trying to not look at Redlynn. "Can you smell her?"

  Dax's eye shifted to Redlynn's sleeping form. "Yes."

  "Do you... That is..." Adrian wasn't sure how to phrase it.

  "I can tell that her scent is different, but it isn't near as strong as it was an hour ago. I can tell that she's fertile, but I have no desires toward her, if that is what you are asking."

  "Stay with her until I return." Adrian blew out a heavy breath. "Let no one in, unless it's me or another female."

  Dax nodded. "I understand."

  Adrian threw open the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of breeches for himself, a pair for Blain, and two tunics. He dressed as he walked from the room.

  Taking the steps two at a time, he made his way down to the front hall where Blain stood holding the girl. Staring down into the child's sleeping face, he hadn't moved from the spot where Adrian had last seen him.

  "Let me take her." Adrian handed over his spare clothes.

held the girl close and Adrian wasn't sure he was going to let her go.

  "What is it, my brother?"

  Blain looked up, his expression pained.

  "I know. I know." Adrian set his hand on his friend's shoulder. "It's unimaginable that one of our own would cause such pain on innocent girls."

  "How did she escape? How did she make it so far?" Blain mused, looking at the girl.

  "Sheer will, I suppose. She's from the Sisterhood, after all. Let me take her." Adrian slid his arms under the girl. She weighed no more than a pup. "Go, brother. Go and get washed. And then you and I will have a drink together and figure out what to do next."


  Adrian pounded on Blain's door ten minutes later. Blain answered it, a bottle already in his hand. He took a long swig, staring at Adrian, and then offered him the bottle. Adrian took it and drank deep.

  Blain hadn't put on his shirt. The scratches on his back were already healed.

  "So, the girl…" Blain's voice filled with the dread that Adrian felt.

  "She's in pretty bad condition. Hanna said she's very anemic. A few more weeks, and she would've been dead. She's been fed on by the bloodsuckers for months."

  "Is she awake?"

  "No." Adrian shook his head and took another swig. "She needs rest, but when she's strong enough, we'll try to get her to show us the way to where she was held."

  "What about Red?" Blain took the bottle from Adrian and drank again.

  "What about her?"

  Blain let out a bitter laugh. "Are you joking, Adrian? She's a freaking wolf!" Blain's eyes narrowed. "You have to tell her."

  "You think I don't know that?" He plopped down heavily into Blain's overstuffed chair. "But how?"

  "I don't know. 'Hello sweetheart, you know that fever you had, well it was actually you going into heat and shifting for the first time, because, well, you're a wolf.'"


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