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Three Hitmen: A Triple Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Lawless Book 2)

Page 10

by Alice May Ball

  “If we’re replacing anybody around here, Irons…” Declan stopped when he saw the sharp light in Liam’s eye.

  “I suppose it’s academic in a way,” Irons inspected his fingernails, “The dispensable part of your team is obviously the young lady.”

  Liam was firm. “Nobody’s going to be dispensing with anyone in our immediate future, Mr. Irons.”

  “Efficiency is always needed. Downward pressure on cost centers, all of that.”

  Declan’s voice was a low whisper, “It was only on your insistence that she’s an active member of the team at all.”

  Irons’ smile was Sphynx-like. Stony and unreadable. “The Lord giveth,” he looked up into Declan’s face, then Liam’s, “And the Lord taketh away.”

  Declan straightened up on his stool. “You said you had something that you wanted to share with us.” His voice was even but his throat was obviously tight. “Have we come out to this fine example of a truckers’ roadhouse for your little questionnaire about seniority, or was there something more on your mind, Mr. Irons?”

  “You don’t like me too much, do you?”

  Declan told him, “My like or dislike of you is not germane to the task at hand.”

  Liam leaned forward, “Or would this be part of a wider survey that you’re conducting on the topic?”

  “Have you got very much weight in the ‘yes’ column yet?” Declan’s eye fixed Irons’.

  The expression on Irons’ face looked as though he was adapting to the crunch of live wasps. “Okay, gentlemen.” He drew breath. “I have a location for tomorrow’s activities.”

  Declan’s jaw dropped. “You’re joking, right?” Liam’s fingers lifted from the table and Declan was quiet.

  “I’ve booked a suite at a country inn called Five Oaks. The reservation is on an untraceable card in the name of Alonzo Gomez. Ms. Cullen can take the judge there for his appointment.” He slid a plastic card along the bar to Liam. “The card gets you admittance into the main building as well as the suite, which is room four-oh-seven. On the far eastern end of the top floor hallway.”

  Liam slipped the card in his pocket without looking at it.

  “How you get the job done is up to you, but give me a call when you’re through on this number.” He handed Liam a card.

  Squinting as they stepped back into the misty daylight and crossed the lot to the car, Declan said, “Cards with numbers on? Is he for real?”

  “I wonder how many he got printed.”

  “Maybe that’s just his regular cellphone.”

  As they pulled out, Liam pointed at the roadhouse sign that said, Chuckie’s Angles. “Do you think Chuckie meant ‘Angles’ as a joke, or did he pay for the sign in beer?”

  “With a massive deposit.”

  “And which one of us does Irons reckon to look most like an Alonzo Gomez?”

  “Probably our little Ms. Sinful. Who knows what’s in that man’s mind.”

  “Right about now, it’ll probably be the tip of BeriNece’s tongue.”

  Liam drove a mile in silence. Declan said, “How about that roadside sixty-nine, then?”

  “Oh, you're up for it now, are you?”

  “Gone off the boil?”

  Liam swerved. In a swirling cloud of dust, the car slid to a stop and he shut the motor off.

  “Quite the opposite.” His eyes blazed. “Miss BeriNece kept me perky and primed. And thinking about her with Irons set off a pretty intriguing sequence of images, too.” He reached out to hold the back of Declan's head and looked into his eyes.

  The clicking of the motor and the occasional growl of a long truck outside were distant sounds. The kiss Liam took was long and hard. Urgent, lengthening rasps of the two men’s hot breath heated the air in the car and steamed the windows.

  They rushed to climb over the seats into the back of the car.

  Their mouths stayed connected. Liam’s hands pressed on the crisp linen of Declan’s shirt. Declan wrapped his legs around Liam’s thighs, pulling their hips together. In a hot break, he said, “Sixty-nine then? Really?”

  Liam grabbed Declan’s cock and squeezed it hard. “Not now, you tart. No.” Liam’s voice was low and thick, “No, I’m going to pound your pretty ass.”

  “And think of BeriNece?”

  Liam yanked the zipper on Declan’s pants and Declan took a sharp breath. “You mean fucking business, don’t you?”

  Liam nodded. “And while I’m reaming your pretty ass, my man,” He kissed him again, “I’ll be thinking about your pretty ass.”


  Liam spun him as he slid his hand inside Declan’s cotton shorts. He felt and squeezed his ass as he slowly drew the shorts and the pants down, bringing Declan’s hard, round cheeks out and into view. Liam licked his lips as he massaged Declan’s ass.

  “Oh, man, you can relax that thing fast now.” He gave Declan’s cheeks a slap, “Can’t you?”

  “It’s the thought of your cock, Liam. My little hole is begging for you.”

  He laughed when Liam slapped him again. Liam slipped his cock up between Declan’s thighs, reached around to slip the last covering off Declan’s throbbing cock. Nosed his cock into position at the opening of Declan’s ass.

  Declan laughed and his voice cracked as Liam engaged and drove in. Liam held him tight, stroking his cock. Declan shifted to tip his pelvis and kneel higher on the seat.

  He gripped hard on the leather seat as Liam’s cock plunged higher. Their rhythm rose and grew. “Ah, Liam, my god.”

  “You think she's got a thing for Irons?”

  “BeriNece?” Declan groaned. “Aw, fuck,” his ass bucked, “You’re a big fucking bastard, Liam.”

  “Yeah, Einstein.” Liam drove longer strokes and cupped Declan’s balls as they rode. “No, hot plums, I'm talking about Courtenay. Do you think she's got it for Irons?”

  Declan pushed back. Liam’s cock was getting all the way there now, prodding at his trigger. Declan gripped on the seat and his breath bloomed on the window as they rocked hard together.

  He reached back to pat Liam’s ass, letting him know to ease off. “I swear you get bigger and harder every time.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Fuck no. But cool your beans for a moment or I’ll be done in a half a second.”

  “Ah, you want it leisurely now, do you? Lost your fear of the peasant laws that might have you roasted at the stake.”

  Declan’s mouth twisted as he tried to turn. “How did I ever get stuck with a lunatic like you?”

  ”Luck, I guess. That and your pretty mouth.”

  “Yeah, Courtenay’s got it for Irons alright. You could sniff it from the next room. Why, are you afraid we'll lose her to him?”

  “I don't know. You know what I think it is? I think I'm jealous.” He stroked Declan’s long, hard cock until the man shuddered. “It's strange,” he breathed hard, “It's not like me.”

  “Oh, yeah. Only two years later and you're nearly over my little fumble in the dark with Cockus Maximus. ” He jerked his ass back on Liam’s cock, “No, not you. You're never fucking jealous. Come on now, cowboy, let’s ride.”

  “Alright, have it your own fucking way. I'm jealous as hell.” Liam slid into him with long, deep strokes.

  “But it's you who's always saying we have to let her choose,” Declan gasped and clenched his teeth, then let out a long, low groan. Shaking he said, “You’re all, 'if you love someone, set them free,' and all that.” Declan moved to spread his thighs wider for better access as Liam sped up.

  “Alright,” Liam said, gathering steam, “I'm nothing but a seething ball of raging jealousy.”

  “It's a fucking raging poker from where I am.” Liam’s hand held Declan’s cock hard and pulled it in strokes to match his own shaft, burrowing into Declan. Declan’s head dipped, then he threw it back and stretched as all of his muscled began to tense and flex.

  Declan’s head shook from side to side. “I'm going to come.”

  Declan came, inside and out, and sweat sprayed from Liam’s forehead as he slammed to burst deep in Declan’s ass.

  Chapter 13

  It took no time at all for me to find the judge. He sat alone in the bay of The Eerie’s garden lounge with the view of the woods though the bay windows. The tall trees reminded me of the night before. My head shook, marvelling at how we could have dared, so close to the house. Almost in earshot. I tingled inside at the thought.

  His white tufts of hair were meticulously arranged like a quiff in the front and sprouted over his ears. Behind and on top it was thin enough to reveal the shine of his pale pate. He had thick books on the table beside him and another open on his knee, but his beaky nose was pointed out of the window.

  His eyes narrowed at the sound of my footsteps. As soon as my heels clicked on the polished wood floor, his head flicked around and his beady eyes fastened on me. While he examined my curves with an unsettling intensity, the point of his tongue flicked between his thin, dry lips.

  My step slowed as I approached Malfease. For preparation, as I was posing as a legal assistant, Irons had given me some topics of practice and law to look up. It would have been more help if he’d just given me some information to work with. Maybe schooled me up a little. How long would it have taken him? But that wasn’t really his style. He wasn’t a man who gave anything up easily. It would mean that he’d miss out on the pleasure of watching you struggle for it.

  So, I read up on some rules of evidence and disclosure that Irons suggested, and I’d learned enough so that I was intimidated by all that I didn’t know. As a kind of cover, I prepared myself with some questions to ask, but seeing the judge I ran out of confidence to ask them. I felt sure that whatever I said, he would trip me and tangle me up, that he’d catch me out for a fake in no time at all.

  In the event, it didn’t matter. He made the move, but it just complicated matters even worse.

  “Come over here, my dear,” he called me over. “Come and help me with something.”

  I went over to pull up a chair near to his, but I leaned in toward him. My body language was confidential. Intimate. Inside, I was fighting the urge to run. I smiled as I said, “I’m here with Mr. Irons.” It didn’t feel like it was a very convincing smile, but the judge seemed like he wanted to believe and be convinced. I got the impression that female company wasn’t something he got too often. Perhaps he mostly had to pay for the privilege.

  Leaning near, I said, “Won’t there be a conflict of interest if I’m assisting you, too?”

  He patted the back of my hand. The skin on his fingers was papery and dry. His eyes narrowed and his voice slithered, “It’s not a legal thing that I want you to help me with, my dear.” He looked me over and up and down again. “I want some advice on a personal matter, and I’d say that you would be the perfect person to ask.”

  His eyes gave me another thorough inspection. He had that look I’ve seen on a lot of men, that you should be grateful for the attention they pay you. That it’s a compliment to be ogled. Well, of course, sometimes it is. If you’re being ogled by someone who you would want to ogle you. The judge was not that someone.

  He said, “I’m trying to reach a decision about some underwear.”

  He must have seen a startled look of surprise on my face, because he said, “Oh, no, my dear, don’t be shocked.” He chuckled, “It isn’t for me.”

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “It’s alright. The underwear is for a,” he hesitated, “a friend of mine. For when I’m in California next.” His eyes shone, “She’s about your build, I would say. Your sizes would be approximately the same as hers.”

  Then, as though it had just occurred to him, he said, “Perhaps you would model it for me. Would you consider that small favor you could do for me?”

  “Well… I have quite a lot to do…”

  “Oh,” he leaned forward, “it could be later on. This evening. Tonight, even.”

  The chance was there and I thought I would have to take it, before I ran out of the room screaming. “I have to leave early. I’m taking an early flight tomorrow morning.” He looked very disappointed. “I really would love to help you, though,” I let my fingertips brush his hand. “Maybe you could come to me. In my hotel room.”

  The judge rubbed his thighs. “It would mean so much to me if I could, my dear. You would be so… so very suitable.” His lips pressed together, “Looking at you makes me think of so many things. Things my doctor says I mustn’t do.”

  I couldn’t really let that go. Smiling, I leaned a little closer. That made him grin very widely. “I’m sure your doctor knows best. What sorts of things does he say you mustn’t do?”

  “Oh, there are some very special things, my dear. Very special and a little bit dangerous.” I saw for the first time the discoloration on his neck. Was there something in the air in this town, or was this something that everybody did and just no one ever told me about it?

  No, it couldn’t be that. There was a long line of boys in high school who wanted to tell me about, and try out, all kinds of things. If anyone had known or even heard about this, I’m sure that every member of the whole football team would have tried to talk or maneuver me into it at some time or another.

  As I left the judge in his seat in the bay, Irons went in past me. “Looking forward to Five Oaks?” he muttered at me.

  I had no idea what he meant.


  As soon as I could, I got back up to my room to call Declan. “He’s keen to meet me later on. I told him my room wasn’t booked yet, that Irons’ secretary would be handling it.” I so needed to hear Declan’s voice and be close to him. I wished the two of them could both have been there with me right then.

  Inside I was shaking.

  “I can hear a little tremble in your voice there. Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine. I’m just so glad to hear your voice, Declan.”

  “It’s good to hear yours, too, my little bundle of sin.”

  He gave me the name and address of a hotel. And a room number. “Tell the judge to come and meet you there at half past two in the morning. He’ll probably get a kick out of that. And that way, the girl on the night desk will definitely notice him when he arrives.”


  “Have Irons’ driver bring you to meet me at seven. We want to get you into the hotel then. Nobody will notice you while everyone’s coming and going for the evening, and for dinner and what have you.”

  “I can’t wait, Declan,” although, in truth, seeing him, him and Liam, that was what I really couldn’t wait for.

  He told me, “You’re doing absolutely brilliantly. I can’t believe how well you’re taking to this.”

  I smiled and held the phone closer. “I’m pretty excited, really.”

  “I know you are. I can hear it. How far down your body does the excitement go?”

  “Oh, Declan. It goes all the way.”

  “Where are you feeling it the most?”

  I had to sit. I sat on the corner of the bed. “I feel it like a river of electricity, Declan. It splashes inside me, all the way from my ear, from your voice, all the way down to my pussy, Declan.”

  “Do you feel hot down there, Ms. Naughtiness?”

  “Oh, god, yes. I’m hot and I’m aching, Declan.”

  “I love to feel you when you’re like that. I love the heat on the tips of my fingers. Or when you rub yourself on my thigh, push your hips against mine. Press up so your pussy grinds against my cock.”


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