Book Read Free

Online Romance Group (A Romance Novella)

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by Chris Genovese

  Online Romance Group

  By: Chris Genovese

  Online Romance Group

  2nd Edition

  Copyright © 2015 by Chris Genovese

  Published by Erotic Mayberry Publishing

  Written by Chris Genovese

  Cover created by Chris Genovese

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Table of Contents





  I’d like to dedicate this book to my wife, who has always been my biggest fan and my right hand.

  A special thanks to Cee Cee, an author friend, who helped me realize I didn’t need to hide behind a gender neutral name and that a male erotica writer can write from the female perspective and be not only accepted, but be embraced with open arms in this craft. Thanks to my new readers and fans for proving her right.

  I’d also like to thank my PA and my street team. You take care of me and make sure I stay relevant. You guys fucking rock!

  I’d also like to dedicate this to all the members of the Hot BBR Facebook group. It’s your willingness to be open minded and share your kinky thoughts that makes writing this stuff and sharing it so much fun. To the admin of that group, thanks for keeping us all in line and giving us a place to play.

  I hope you enjoy this book! I had a hell of a lot of fun writing it.

  Chris Genovese

  *The characters in this book are fictional and fully understand the need to use protection during sex. If it is not mentioned in this novella, it is only to prevent the slowing down of the story or interruption to the fantasy element. Have fun and be safe!*

  Oh and if group sex or sex with mutual partners, gay sex, or anal sex disturb or just plain gross you out then please don’t read this book. If you like that kind of stuff, let the games begin.


  Saturday night and where am I? I’m sitting here at my living room desk, red wine in hand, wearing a baby doll gown and no panties.

  What’s the point?

  Nobody’s here to take them off and I’ve fingered myself five times this week at the computer. Why spend the time removing or sliding them to the side when I can let my twat rest here on the leather chair? Twat. What a ridiculous word. But I like it. Twat.

  Twat was I saying?

  Yes, I’ve found that at forty-five years old I’m becoming more open minded, more at ease with my dirty thoughts. In fact, I’m starting to love ‘em.

  It’s the reason I took over the West Coast Erotica Inside You group on Facebook. The founder was a lame duck and didn’t do much to get the group going. So I kind of hijacked the operation. BabyJane is my handle and I’m the animator, the emcee if you will when it comes to getting the sex talk going.

  That’s what it was at first. Just a lot of talk. A bunch of faceless friends discussing blowjobs, dildos, and threesomes. Then it became much more.

  I remember the night it all started because I’d been chatting with Mud Studly, an erotica author I’d been helping promote. Seriously, that’s the name he goes by. I have one of his paperbacks on the desk in front of me.

  The Billionaire’s Porking of the Librarian’s Hot Stepsister by Mud Studly.

  The cover? It’s a black and white picture of a hunky, muscle-ripped chest and arms (no head in the picture) and a book draped over the guy’s cock. It is one of the most absurd but also one of the most magnificent book covers I’ve ever seen. Every time I look at it I wish I could slide the book off of him and take him in my mouth.

  Instead, I turn to the author on Facebook. Back when my story takes place, I spent every night chatting with Mud Studly. I had him all to myself and I hoped he actually looked like he did in his profile pic. There he had a dress shirt unbuttoned, his tanned, tattooed chest on display. He wore faded jeans, unbuttoned and unzipped, no underwear beneath, just trimmed pubic hair visible.


  That’s what got me. No time for shoes. Beautiful.

  His face? I don’t know. He never showed his face, always keeping his head down and covered with a cowboy hat.

  I thought about Mud as I signed in to see if he was around. The group was quiet. It usually was until I started posting pictures and asking questions. So that’s what I did.

  BabyJane40: “Hey lovers. Long weekend coming up. What kind of kinky plans does everyone have for Spring Break?”

  Below my comment I posted a picture of a sexy as hell blonde gripping her dresser as her man buried his face in her pussy. It was a must. Every good comment has a hot photo.

  It didn’t take long before the usual group chimed in. I love these guys. Did then. Do now. They’re always around when a girl needs ‘em. It’s funny how online dating was once shunned. Chatting online was a guilty pleasure. Now it’s totally normal and I have to say I actually appreciate these friends more than any I have in my real life.

  The comments popped up one right after the other.

  MudStudly: “Hey baby girl. Just plannin’ on sippin’ some whiskey and watchin’ some porn. The usual!”

  BabyJane40: “Oh my. Sounds hot.”

  VeronicasBookBlog: “My author event fell through so I might be doing the same, Mud. Mabye with a little bit of Metallica on in the background but same same.”

  BigGayHunk: “Not me! I’m hittin’ an after party event. Male models everywhere if you know what I mean! God didn’t give me these looks just for your book covers. Ha!”

  BabyJane40: “And we know how you like those male models. Did you read Mud’s book, He Said, He Said? That was fucking incredible.”

  Goldenboy69: “I read it. And yes it was. If I didn’t know Mud’s preference already I’d swear he was gay. And I still say he’s a gay man trapped in a studly straight man’s body. And BigGayHunk, when are we going get to see one of these book covers you’re always talking about?”

  BabyJane40: “So, Goldenboy, what you got going on over the holiday?”

  BigGayHunk: “In due time, Golden. Should have one coming out soon. If the author ever finishes the damned thing.”

  Goldenboy69: “BabyJane, I’m doing the same thing I do every holiday, Pinky, trying to take over the world.”

  Jennifer Rocks: “Great fucking show! Oh man. I remember that. Guys I’m gonna post some pictures of myself on my page in a little while. You won’t believe the stud I was fucking earlier this afternoon. I’m talking soaked sheets. He basically nailed me to the mattress.”

  VeronicasBookBlog: “What was this one’s name, Jen?”

  Jennifer Rocks: “He agreed to be on the cover of my next book. I’m not kidding, I literally took a picture of him naked, on his knees, hands behind his back, tongue out…ready to eat me.”

  VeronicasBookBlog: “Umm hello…name please?”

  Jennifer Rocks: “Hold on you gothic grouch! His name is Henry.”

  BigGayHunk: “Henry? The fuck?”

  MudStudly: “Hey, Henry is a good, strong name. He’s probably a cowboy, right Jen? A good ol’ boy like yours truly.”

  VeronicasBookBlog: “I’m officially changing his name. He’s no longer Henry. We will now refer to him as Thor. And his cock will forever be The Hammer.”

  BigGayHunk: “No, Thor’s been done to death. How about we call him Spartacus and we’ll name his dick ‘No Mercy.’”

boo: “Someone called for The Hammer? Cause you know that’s me, baby.”

  BabyJane40: “Wow you guys are exceptionally feisty tonight.”

  FieryFerrah: “Too bad all this aggression is wasted here in a chat group.”

  BabyJane40: “Ferrah, glad to see you made it tonight. I see you’re trying to set something up as usual.”

  FieryFerrah: “Sorry but you guys are all talk. What happened to real face to face? I’m in LA, you guys are spread out somewhere here in Cali. Why don’t we just meet at a bar or something and talk to each other like regular people?”

  VeronicasBookBlog: “Here we go again.”

  FieryFerrah: “What? Veronica? You just wanna sit behind your computer screen and flirt and blog about it later? How about you meet up, fuck one of these horny bastards for real…then blog about that?”

  MudStudly: “I’m callin’ bullshit. You’re all talk too, Ferrah.”

  FieryFerrah: “I am? I’ve already met someone from this room. Someone chatting with us now. I’m not gonna say any names but let’s just say that, like his name, his cock his horse-like.”

  StallionBTaboo: “So much for secrets, bitch. Since we’re sharing stories, yes, you should have seen Ferrah’s big white ass crashin’ down on my big black dick.”

  FieryFerrah: “It was hot. Yes, ladies, I can state for the record that Stallion is huge and the ultimate in bed. If you like doggy style. He doesn’t mix it up a whole lot.”

  BabyJane40: “And this is exactly why none of us will meet you for real. Look how you’re spilling secrets. If we did meet, you’d come into the group tomorrow and spew hot garbage all in the comments.”

  FieryFerrah: “No I won’t. I swear to you all that if we set something like this up, it’ll just be friends meeting for drinks and that’s all. And if I say anything inappropriate you can just boot me out of the group. BabyJane, you hold the keys to the castle. Just kick me out.”

  Goldenboy69: “You know what? This sounds kind of fun. Count me in.”

  BigGayHunk: “If you’re goin’ I’ll cancel my plans. This could be cool. And at least we’ll finally get to meet.”

  Goldenboy69: “Yes babe. Finally.”

  FieryFerrah: “Stallion, you in? Jane?”

  BabyJane40: “I don’t think so.”

  StallionBTaboo: “I’m down.”

  MudStudly: “If y’all don’t mind me bringing my bottle of Jack, I’ll meet you.”

  BabyJane40: “On second thought. This does sound like fun. Just tell me where to go.”

  VeronicasBookBlog: “Now this I can blog about. Not the details of course but just the fact that every once in a while it’s nice to have face to face encounters rather than virtual inkfests.”

  Jennifer Rocks: “I’ll go. I guess. This is kind of creepy. No offense to you guys but this sounds like the beginning of a horror movie.”

  BabyJane40: “Alright, Ferrah, it’s your shindig. Private message us with the details.”

  And that’s how it all started. Eight of us just shooting the shit in our erotica group. No different from any other night…until it suddenly was.

  I have to hand it to Ferrah, she had an excellent plan. After a little more tension and indecisiveness from most of us about whether or not we were ready to meet each other face to face (especially after some of the super hot and heavy sexting that has gone on in our group), she came up with a brilliant plan.

  We’d all meet at a predetermined hotel, generously rented by her, and arrive one by one, in robes, with our heads covered in case we bumped into each other in the parking lot.

  When we arrived at the room, we’d wrap a blindfold over our eyes, then knock three times and Ferrah would let us in. Once the door closed we could take off our blindfold but we’d be in a pitch black room. We’d be led into the bedroom where whoever else had already arrived would be waiting.

  This entire night would be conducted in the dark. So in reality, aside from the truly creepy fact that we’d be in a room with strangers, it would be no different from the chat room, only we could get hands on if we wanted.

  Still, even though I’d never really see these people, I was incredibly nervous. I had nothing to hide. I’d been divorced for a long time and my kids were all grown. It was just my dog, Buster, and me. I could do whatever I wanted and wouldn’t have to explain it to anyone. I could come home early or stay out all night. I was the master of my own universe. Yet my nerves were on fire. It was a week until our planned night out and I felt like a young girl waiting for her military lover to return from Afghanistan.


  The evening of our meeting, I stood in front of my bathroom mirror, smoothing down my shoulder length brown hair. I adjusted my glasses over my green eyes and puckered my lips. I’m not really overweight but I’ve got a full figure. Big tits and an ass to match. My face has aged fairly well but I’m no club hoppin’ model. I’ve been called hot. I’ve been called a MILF.

  Why was I so nervous?

  Sure, I’d be meeting people for the first time…well, really meeting them. But that wasn’t it. I was going to be meeting Mud for the first time.

  In my mind, I’d fucked Mud a hundred times. He tongued my clit once at work, he finger banged me in my car in traffic, and he fucked me doggy style on my couch. While some women dreamed of winning the lottery, writing a bestseller, or marrying the perfect man…I dreamed of Mud thrusting his dick inside me. Oh Mud.

  Would he like me? Would he want to talk to me in person? Would he want to feel me in the darkness?

  I opted for a tight-fitting T-shirt and jeans that made my ass pop, not that anyone would see it in the dark. As I stood there staring at myself in the mirror, I lifted my tits up. They weren’t bad for being real. I’d breastfed and everything so these babies had really put in their work and were still damn fine looking. They deserved some quality time with soft lips wrapped around them.

  They deserved a Mud bath.

  I’d seen pictures of some of the people I’d be meeting. FieryFerrah was a super sexy red head covered in tattoos. If that was really her.

  StallionBTaboo was a hunky, bald black man who’d taken enough selfies to prove that it was really him. We had kind of an online fling for a little while and traded a few naughty pictures.

  Veronica was also recently divorced, a single mom, taking care of her two kids and blogging about all the hot reads she could get her hands on. She was a rocker chick. She even played drums in a punk band. I was pretty sure her picture was real. She rocked purple hair and pasty skin. She was Snow White, the souped up version.

  Jennifer was a fucking porn star for the most part. We’d all seen her pictures and they were definitely her. She’d been blocked from the site several times because of her dirty photos. She was the girl every guy in the group wanted to fuck but all were probably too afraid to. She was fucking guys like Khal Drogo and that’s a hard act to follow.

  Goldenboy was a cute blond with his hair spiked up. He kind of had the pop star look. He was always putting up pictures of his budding romances, none of which worked out. He seemed to dig older guys.

  BigGayHunk never posted pictures of himself. He claimed he had book covers coming out soon and would reveal himself then. Until that time, he wanted to keep himself a mystery. So I was seriously curious about that guy.

  As I thought about the upcoming date, I eyed my vibrator on the bathroom counter. Vinny. That was his name. Vibrating Vinny. And Vinny was only for special occasions. I like a little hands on action most of the time, but whenever I’m drinking, I need stiff Vinny to go with my stiff drink.

  The scene in the Ben Stiller movie, There’s Something About Mary, came back to me. The one where Matt Dillon’s character tells him he should jack off before his date because it’s never a good idea to go out with a loaded gun.

  I was going out with a loaded gun.

  I looked at Vinny once more and considered taking him for a ride. He was big, curved, purple, and made me come every time. I made a raincheck,
promising Vinny I’d be back later if I didn’t get any Mud on me.


  Pillow Talk Inn. That was the name of the place. I sat in my car looking up at the neon sign. Could she have picked more of a hooker hotel? Jeez. Well, considering eight people would be going up the stairs in hooded robes, one at a time, I guess the Hilton wouldn’t do.

  The thought crossed my mind that this would be the perfect plan if you wanted to rob someone. You could easily bring eight online friends to a hotel, put them in the dark, rob them blind, and then disappear. Who’s going to tell the cops they met up for a night of hanky panky with a bunch of strangers?


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