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Star's Storm: Lords of Kassis Book 2

Page 11

by S. E. Smith

  The door leading from the tower opened suddenly. Jarmen immediately went into defense mode, turning so his body was between the door and the female in his arms. He raised his arm, several beams of light focused on the center of Madas and Dakar’s chests as his head turned toward them. The male thrust the female Tearnat he met on outer edges behind him and raised his own weapon.

  “You the informant?” Dakar asked harshly.

  “You the rescue party?” Jarmen asked briefly in return.

  Dakar kept his weapon aimed at Jarmen but raised his other hand, palm out in greeting. “Yes. Now, let go of Lady Star or I’ll blow your head off,” he gritted out.

  Madas chuckle behind him, pulling Dakar’s attention away for a brief moment. It was long enough for Jarmen to assess the protective tone the male had for both females. Jarmen reluctantly released the tiny female in his arms and stepped back. He was surprised that this was the first time he really looked around the room. He had been so fascinated by the tiny female he had not even assessed the room. He quickly counted ten unconscious forms. Frowning, he looked at the female again trying to understand how she could have taken out so many warriors at one time.

  “What is this?” Jarmen asked, gently touching the woven mask covering the lower half of Star’s face.

  “A plant fiber mask that Madas made for me. It protects me from the knock-out bombs she gave me,” she replied pulling the mask down.

  Jarmen breathed in deeply. He could faintly pick up the residue from the plant pollen in the air. He shook his head as a slight wave of dizziness threatened him. He would need to analyze it more in-depth when he returned to his home. For now, they needed to hurry. It was late so many of the guards were sleeping but that would not last long once someone tried to use the communications system and realized it no longer worked.

  “We must hurry before they become aware that something is wrong,” Jarmen said. “I will take you to Jazin. Dakar and I will carry him out. Are you capable of defending us should the need arise?” He asked, looking first at Star then at Madas.

  Both women looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He wasn’t sure what that meant but hoped it was a yes. He was about to turn away when he froze. An incoming message was being transmitted. Tai Tek had returned and he wasn’t alone.

  Jarmen turned his head and looked at the three warriors standing near him. “It is too late. Tai Tek has returned. I will detain him and his men as long as possible while you rescue Jazin. Go to the end of this corridor, down two levels, turn left for the next two turns then three rights and down another level. He is in the fifth cell. I will return if I can. Hurry, Tai Tek has brought additional warriors with him.”

  Star watched wide-eyed as the man with the glowing amber eyes disappeared through the door and down the opposite way he told them to go. She started when Madas gripped her arm and started pulling her out the door and down toward the stairs at the end of the corridor. Her heart began beating as adrenaline kicked in. Dakar followed closely behind them.

  “How will we carry Jazin if he can’t walk?” Star asked as they hurried down the stairs.

  “I have something that will help,” Dakar muttered behind her. “Don’t worry, we will get him out of here.”

  Chapter 12

  Ajaska stared at the information coming in. There were almost a dozen Elpidios warships in orbit around the small planet. With the nine Kassisan warships and the three Tearnat warships that were just coming into orbit they were evenly matched in number. The biggest difference was the technology. The Kassisan warships were superior while the Tearnat and Elpidios were evenly matched in not only technology but in their viciousness in fighting. Ajaska had only had the privilege of meeting a Elpidios warrior once before. Actually, it was three Elpidios warriors and he was lucky to have survived the incident. He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced at his oldest son in discomfort. He had never mentioned the encounter simply because he could barely remember most of it. He had been very drunk at the time and had been much younger. All he could really remember was he barely made it out with his life and a massive hangover the next morning.

  “Sir, we are being hailed,” the ensign at the communications console called out breaking into his thoughts.

  “Open communications,” Ajaska said standing up straight and clasped his hands behind his back with a silent prayer to the Gods.

  The Gods were obviously not listening at the moment, he thought in resignation when he recognized the face in the center of the view screen.

  He winced as the face that appeared in front of him turned dark as surprise and something else flashed across it. He wasn't the only one who remembered a little more about that night so many years ago. A sigh was wrenched from deep down as he studied the face he had hoped to never see again. It was a little older like him but he would never forget it.

  “Greetings âme soeur,” the voice said coldly. “Much time has passed since you disappeared.”

  “Mena,” Ajaska responded coolly.

  “So, you remember me?” The tall female said with a sarcastic chuckle. “Why are you here?”

  “My son has been taken prisoner,” Ajaska responded harshly. “I have no quarrels with the Elpidios but I do with Tai Tek and those responsible for his abduction.”

  The light blue skinned female rose slowly from the center chair. Torak looked at his father with a raised eyebrow of inquiry before he turned back to the commander of the Elpidios warship. He stepped closer to his father, standing just to his right and behind him in silent support.

  “Another of your sons?” Commander Mena Rue stated looking at Torak with clear, intelligent eyes. “Did your father tell you he was mated to not one but three Elpidios warriors at one time before he disappeared?”

  The tightening around Torak’s mouth was the only indication that he did not know. Commander Mena Rue’s lips twisted into a smirk before she looked Ajaska up and down. She felt a shiver run through her as she thought back to the few hours of pleasure she had enjoyed with the huge Kassis warrior almost forty years before. She wondered at the time if it had been her imagination or the excessive drink that made the memory more than it really was but as she stared at the broad chest, she had to secretly admit it was neither.

  “What proof do you have that the Kassisan councilman has your son?” Commander Mena Rue asked sharply.

  “My son is there,” Ajaska bit out in response without answering her question.

  Mena didn't point out that obvious fact. She had a squadron of warships to think about instead of a misplaced soul mate who had been nothing more than a one night stand many years ago. Her commanding officer had ordered her to secure the needed crystals that the Kassisan had promised. Their world was dying and needed the energy the crystals could give to work the necessary shields to protect it from the radiation that was slowly killing it. They had a way of preventing the death of the planet. What they did not have was the energy source to do it. She had been told to not return unless she had at least one supply ship filled with the life-giving energy crystals. Tai Tek had approached the leader of her world with a promise. In return for their help in ridding the corrupted ruling family of Kassis, he would give them access to all the crystals they would ever need. She had been skeptical about the man’s promise. Hell, she didn’t even like him and neither did the Supreme Admiral but the Grand Ruler had ordered the mission.

  Now, she was faced with a deadly armed force that out matched hers. If she refused, she could probably take out a few of the ships but there was no doubt in her mind that she would lose all of hers. She studied the huge male and his son and knew that they would fight to the death to retrieve their missing family member. Her eyes shifted to another figure that came up from behind the two men standing in front of the viewport. Her eyes widened in surprise as a petite female with the dark blue eyes of their oceans moved to stand near the younger version of Ajaska. Something about the female tugged at a distant memory. Mena's frown turned even darker as the knowledge stayed jus
t out of her reach.

  “Since when do the Kassis allow females aboard their warships?” Mena asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “That is not what is important right now,” Ajaska said straightening to his full height as worry for Jazin's safety pressed down on him. “Is Tai Tek on board one of your ships?”

  Mena looked at the dark fury burning in the eyes of the Kassis leader and decided right then and there she would not oppose him. Getting herself and those under her killed would not get them the desperately needed power crystals. Besides, something was telling her that the Elpidios Grand Ruler was talking to the wrong Kassisan if he wanted them. She relaxed her stance to show less aggression in the hopes that they would be able to get out of this alive.

  “No, he was aboard his own ship and has already returned to the surface,” Mena said. “The Elpidios have no quarrel with you, Lord Ajaska. We were merely concluding a transaction for crystals that our world desperately needs. If you need assistance in securing your son, I offer myself and my ships in support.”

  “I appreciate the offer but do not think it will be necessary,” Ajaska responded coolly. “Let your Grand Ruler know that if he wants to negotiate for crystals to contact my son, Torak, or myself,” Ajaska added harshly. “Tai Tek is a traitor to our world. He will be executed for his part in trying to assassinate the royal family. The same goes for any other who think to harm the Royal House of Kassis.”

  Mena bowed her head in understanding of the unspoken message; get out or die. Her eyes turned to the female who was standing silently next to Lord Torak. Her eyes widened in disbelief as the memory that floated on the edges of her mind suddenly solidified. With a silent curse, she motioned for the communication's officer to cut the open link. The moment it was done, Commander Mena Rue turned and barked out commands to those commanding the other ships. They needed to return to Elpidios as soon as possible. If what she remembered was true, life was about to get very, very interesting.

  Mena walked into the commander's room off the bridge and sat down at the console built into the desk. The unique beep reserved for communications between fleet commanders sounded. She grimaced when she saw who was identified on the link. She debated on what she should tell the Grand Ruler before deciding on the truth. Perhaps the new information she had would be even more useful than the promise of a Kassisan traitor.


  Dakar raised his hand silently to stop Star and Madas. He listened carefully then motioned that guards were approaching. Star raised the crossbow, pressing it snuggly against her shoulder as she moved back against the wall. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Dakar’s fist tighten around the laser pistol he held in one hand. Madas’ quiet breath sounded close to her ear as her friend pressed against her back.

  They had already dispatched five guards on their way down from the control room. They were on the second level and had one more to go. Dakar took a deep breath and spun out into the corridor firing as he went. Star turned in the opposite direction covering his back. She fired one arrow into a guard as he raised his arm to fire at Dakar. The blast from his laser hit the wall right above her head instead as he collapsed face first into the cold stone floor.

  “Clear,” Star said in a calm voice the belied how she was really feeling.

  “Let’s go,” Dakar grunted out. “We have one more level then we need to get out of here as soon as possible.”

  Madas motioned for Star to go ahead of her as she followed Dakar down another long corridor before coming upon another set of narrow, winding steps. They moved down them rapidly. Dakar paused as he approached the last few steps.

  “Let me check it out first,” he whispered.

  “No, we don’t have time,” Star hissed. “You heard the informant. Tai Tek is here. I won’t give him a chance to get to Jazin before we do!”

  Dakar’s mouth tightened but that was the only thing that showed his disagreement. He nodded instead and moved down the last steps that opened into a long, dark narrow corridor. He glanced around the corner but didn’t see anyone. He stepped into the opening and began counting the doors, pausing at the fifth one.

  “Lord Jazin,” Dakar called out quietly, looking into the small square cut in the door to see if he could see anything.

  “Dakar?” Jazin responded hoarsely.

  “Yes, my lord,” Dakar said in relief. “Give me a second to get the door open.”


  Jazin swayed dizzily for a moment before he locked his muscles. Sweat stung the numerous cuts as it ran down his body but he ignored it. At least he was still standing, he thought in relief. When he heard the footsteps approaching, he had feared it was either the guards or Tai Tek returning. He was prepared to fight. He would not be tortured again. He relaxed his fingers, dropping the rock that was cutting into his palm. His mouth went dry to the point he couldn’t even ask Dakar about Star.

  The door opened suddenly and a small, delicate shape burst through it answering his unspoken question. Star’s soft cry of rage filled the cold, dark cell as she rushed toward Jazin’s swaying form.

  “Jazin,” she cried out, dropping the crossbow on the floor so she could wrap her arms around him.

  Jazin’s body collapsed in on itself at her tender touch. He was vaguely aware of Star and Madas’ arms controlling his descent to the floor. A part of him wanted to rage at his weakness. He did not want his mate to see him too weak to protect her. It was his place to be strong. Unfortunately, his body wasn’t in the mood to agree with what his mind was trying to tell it.

  “What have they done to you?” Star whispered running her hand over his bruised and battered face. “Madas, you have to help him.”

  Madas looked up at Dakar with concern. “He is very weak. We must get him to the star ship as soon as possible.”

  “I’ve notified Armet we are in and warned him Tai Tek had returned,” Dakar said coming to kneel next to Jazin. “He will be in the center courtyard in twenty minutes. Jazin, I need to give you a Fast Patch,” Dakar said grimly.

  “What is a Fast Patch?” Star asked when she heard the hesitancy in Dakar’s voice as he spoke to Jazin.

  Dakar reached into the bag he was carrying and pulled out a container of water and a small package. He ripped the package open, revealing a small round yellow patch. He held the water to Jazin’s mouth, letting a small amount flow into it before repeating the procedure until about a quarter of the container was gone. Once he felt Jazin had enough water to handle the dose of medicine his system he was about to receive, he moved to place the patch in the center of Jazin’s chest over his heart.

  Star’s hand shot out stopping him before he could place it. “What is a Fast Patch?” She asked again, this time there was a trace of steel in her voice.

  Dakar glanced at Star before he looked down at Jazin’s still face. “It will accelerate the healing process. Within minutes of being absorbed into the system, his body will begin healing itself,” Dakar stated grimly.

  “What are you not telling me?” Star asked tightening her grip on his wrist.

  “What he is not telling you is there is a side effect,” Madas said quietly. “The medicine will cause him to become very, very aggressive. It will give him added strength and will inhibit pain. I have seen it used only once before because of its side effects. It took many men to restrain the man given the dosage and he had to be contained in a cage for many hours until the medicine was completely out of his system. This is why it is banned.”

  Star looked at Jazin’s labored breathing. Her hand trembled as she touched his cold, clammy skin. She let her gaze moved down over the torn flesh of his shoulders, chest, and stomach. A large discoloration around his ribs stood out, telling her he probably had several broken ribs.

  “Will it kill him?” She asked quietly, refusing to look at the two people waiting for her decision.

  “No,” Dakar said with quiet confidence. “But, I can’t promise he won’t try to kill us.”

  Star’s head jerked
up and she glared at Dakar. “He would never hurt me. I’ll keep him under control. You just get us the fuck out of here as fast as you can,” she said as she released Dakar’s wrist.

  Dakar nodded before slapping his hand down on Jazin’s chest. He stood up and moved back toward the door. Madas laid her hand on Star’s shoulder and gave it a light squeeze before she stood and moved toward the door as well. They both turned and looked warily at Jazin.

  Almost immediately, Star could see a change in Jazin’s breathing and color. His skin grew warm then almost hot to the touch. His breathing became steadier, faster. Her eyes widened as smaller cuts and bruises began to disappear right before her eyes. One minute she was kneeling next to Jazin’s still body, the next moment she was lying on her back under it.

  A deep, animalistic snarl echoed around the cell. Madas let out a cry of protest and stepped forward only to be stopped when Dakar wrapped an arm around her waist. Jazin’s eyes flashed at Madas as he pressed his body down over Star’s smaller one, pinning her to the floor under him.

  “Don’t,” Dakar murmured urgently in Madas’ ear. “He is marking her as his. If you try to stop him, he will attack and kill us both. He does not recognize any of us but he recognizes her scent. He will do anything to protect her.”


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