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Page 2

by Sylvia Selfman

  She stepped back, taking in the rest of her body. Granted, her body wasn't gym-perfect, but she still had what would be considered a good figure.

  It was simple. Men might ask her out to dinner, might enjoy talking and socializing with her. But when it came to more, she had to be honest with herself, she didn’t inspire passion. She just didn’t have it.

  Sighing, she opened her suitcase and looked inside the zippered pocket for her sleep shirt when her hand brushed against the silk teddy that Maddy had given her. Almost angrily, she stripped off her clothes and stepped into the tiny negligee. Then she walked over and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

  Leave it to Maddy, it was a perfect fit. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. The delicate see-through lace highlighted her long limbs, her curvaceous breasts, the soft milkiness of her skin. She closed her eyes and ran her hands over her curves imagining it was Zach touching her. She let out a soft moan, then reluctantly opened her eyes.

  It was ridiculous. She would go to bed right now and forget the man down the hall. She’d sleep if off and by morning she'd be back to herself. Her sweet safe self. Her dull, old self. Her special self. No wonder Lars cheated on her—she wasn’t exciting enough to keep a man’s interest.

  Jess took a final glance at herself in the mirror then strode resolutely out the door and down the hall.

  She couldn't believe she was doing this, but she wouldn't give herself time to think about it either.

  She knocked lightly on Zach's door.

  He answered the door, shirtless, in his white boxer shorts.

  “Are you okay?" he asked, looking at her with sleepy concern.

  "I...I'm okay" Jess said hesitantly. "I don't really know what I'm doing here." She looked down, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks. When she looked up, Zach's eyes were on hers. He seemed to know exactly what she was doing.

  He took her hand and led her into his room, never removing his eyes from hers. "God you're beautiful Jessica" he said. "Do you know how beautiful you are?"

  He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her gently at first then parting her lips with his tongue, hungrily searching her mouth. She felt his warm breath on her neck as his lips softly caressed her flesh, moving downward to her breasts.

  Without a word he lifted her effortlessly and carried her to the bed. "I wanted you from the moment I saw you."

  Jess woke up to find Zach still asleep in bed beside her. She studied his face in the early morning light. With his wavy hair and long dark lashes, his lips slightly parted in sleep, he looked so innocent. She could easily see him as the young boy he'd described so amusingly the night before.

  She wished she could stay in bed all day. Instead she reached for his white robe and tiptoed out of the room.


  Lars answered on the second ring. "Where have you been? I've been trying your room all morning and there was no answer."

  Jess's heart dropped. "What's wrong?” She was unable to keep the panic from her voice. "Is Danny okay?"

  "If you're so concerned about your son you should be where you say you'll be."

  "Lars! What happened?"

  "Danny had a party today and I didn't have the address. So he missed it. "

  "But I gave you that address before I left town." Jess was too relieved to summon any anger of her own. “I wrote it down on that paper I gave you."

  Lars sighed in irritation.

  "Let me talk to him..."

  "Save it. He's not here, try him later." He clicked off.

  Jess hung up the phone, frowning. She felt bad that Danny missed his party but there was no way she was going to let Lars ruin her good mood. She’d try Danny again later.

  Looking at her watch she realized she ought to hurry. There was a real estate conference to attend after all and she’d be expected to report back to her co-workers on what she'd learned. "If only they knew," she smiled to herself.


  Hundreds of participants milled about the hotel conference area, drinking coffee and talking in small groups. After signing in and receiving her participant’s badge, Jess scanned the crowd, looking for Zach but he was nowhere to be seen. She couldn't contain her feeling of disappointment when the work sessions began and he still hadn’t appeared.

  It was during the afternoon break that she finally saw him. He looked handsome and tan in his crisp white button down shirt and blue jeans. She could see that his hair was still slightly wet from the shower and she wondered if he had just gotten up.

  His laughter boomed out across the room and it was then that she noticed that he was deep in conversation with a sexy, young redhead in a short mini skirt. Jess took a deep breath. "Excuse me," she said to the two women she'd been chatting with, "I see someone I know."

  She couldn't believe she was doing this. She walked over to Zach and tapped him on the shoulder.

  "Jess." He said, turning to face her. "How are you? "

  "Fine" she said, forcing a smile.

  “Jess, this is Tracy, Tracy, Jess.”

  The two women nodded and subtly looked each other over. "Tracy has her own agency in Dallas. We were just comparing notes on the housing market in our respective cities."

  "So Zach," Tracy said, turning her attention back to him, "I have these tickets to the Cirque de Soleil tonight. Will you join me?"

  Zach smiled at Tracy and Jess could sense the magnetic pull between them. She felt like an idiot. Embarrassed that she had come over when they were obviously in the middle of planning a date. She felt like a third wheel. A third older wheel.

  "I...I thought I'd just come over to say hi," Jess said quickly. "To see how you thought the work sessions were going. I've gotta go. Nice to meet you, Tracy." Jess turned and walked away without waiting for a response.

  She had to get out of the hall and away from him. She knew she was overreacting but she couldn't stop her emotions. Pushing the glass hotel doors open, she stepped outside, telling herself to calm down.

  She'd been such a fool. Thinking she meant something to him when she was just another conquest. He probably had millions of women, probably slept with all of them and of course, it meant nothing one way or the other. That line about his two year hiatus was probably just that. A line. She'd been a fool to expect it to be anything more.

  She looked around, then walked over to the taxi stand and opened the door of a waiting yellow cab.


  She turned around and found herself looking into Zach's pale eyes as they searched her face. "Where're you rushing off to?"

  "I...I just..." She shrugged, not knowing what to say.

  "Wanted to get outta there, huh?" He said with a more confident smile now. "I'm with you there. Pretty dull."

  Jess tried to smile but couldn't quite manage it. She needed to get away from him. The last thing she wanted was his pity.

  "Look, Jess, I was hoping, I mean, I know you might have other plans," he moved so close to her that she could smell his familiar musky scent. “I was hoping we could go out again tonight."

  Jess looked up in shock. "But your friend, Tracy––I thought..."

  "I told her I had other plans tonight. I mean…I hope I have other plans." He looked at her with a combination of such boyish shyness and brash charm that she involuntarily pushed her hair back behind her ear in girlish manner. "Yeah. Yes, absolutely,” she said. “I'd love to see you tonight."


  Dinner was delicious. Zach seemed know the best eating places in El Paso—the ones frequented by locals that the tourists hadn’t discovered. As they walked from the restaurant back to their hotel, Zach stopped and tilted her face toward his. "You’re smiling, Jess.”

  "Was I?" she teased.

  "Jess, you know, I wasn't going to come to this conference. Since Bonnie died,” he paused, “I haven’t wanted to get involved with anyone. At the last minute something made me come here. I think the reason was to meet you." He brushed
a lock of hair off her cheek, then leaned over her and kissed her softly on the mouth. “I don't want it to end tomorrow.”

  As much as she wanted to linger in his embrace, she couldn't let him labor under any illusions, and pulled away. "Zach, I'm sorry, I thought I explained to you that I can't get involved now. I have this custody battle to think about. I'm not even divorced."

  "I know what you told me. But it doesn’t have to be that way.”

  "Not now. I can't get involved in anything serious. My life is just too complicated." They walked back to the hotel in silence. Then took the elevator up the second floor. When they reached Zach's doorway, he turned to look at her.

  "All right Jess. We'll do it your way.” Frowning, he studied her. “I want to make this a night that you’ll remember. That we'll both remember." He opened his door and led her into the room.

  He was looking at her with an intensity that made her shiver. "Do you trust me, Jessica?”

  She looked up at him, searching his eyes. His eyes never wavered from hers. She turned her back to him and waited. His lips grazed the back of her neck as he slowly unzipped her dress.

  “What is it you want, Jessica? What is it you really want?”


  Jess couldn’t remember getting on the plane. Last night felt like a dream from which she hadn’t quite awakened. Zach's presence flooded her being. She could smell his scent on her skin. Taste him in her mouth. Feel the touch of his strong hands on her body.

  Perhaps she'd gone too far, telling Zach her deepest fantasies. But there was something about him that made it okay. She would never see him again. That made it easier. It made it possible for her to be so open with him. To not only share her fantasies. But to live them out.

  Even now, thinking back on their last night together, Jess could feel the pressure of Zach's lips exploring her body.

  "Miss, would you like something to drink?" The stewardess interrupted her reverie.

  "Tomato juice please." She took the drink the stewardess handed her. “What time do we land?"

  "12:20," the stewardess said.

  Only an hour left to relive last night. She put her drink down on the tray, lay back and closed her eyes. She would savor it for just a little while longer. Then it was back to real life.


  Maddy plopped down in the chair opposite Jess's desk. "Okay, Tell me everything. And don't leave out a single detail. I was so afraid you weren't going to come in to work today."

  Jess laughed. "Why wouldn't I come in?"

  "You know, you just got in. Maybe you'd be too tired after your weekend of wild sex."

  When Jess didn't respond, Maddy looked at her. "Oh my God! I'm right. That was it."

  Jess couldn't stop herself from smiling. "Maddy, ssh! Quiet down. Everyone will hear you!"

  "Oh my God! You took my advice! I can’t believe you weren't going to tell me.

  Between her own laughter, and Maddy's excitement, Jess couldn't get a word in. She was still smiling when Mr. Collins walked in two minutes later.

  "You're looking very chipper this morning. Have a good time in El Paso?"

  "Yes, it was very nice. Thank you for sending me, Mr. Collins."

  “Glad you enjoyed it, Jessica. I hope you'll share what you learned with the others in the office. Perhaps at our Wednesday morning meeting you could give us a quick rundown. You know, not more than 10 minutes or so. Just the salient details."

  "Oh, yes. I'll be happy to," Jess smiled .

  "Great," he beamed, closing the door behind him as the two women struggled to contain their laughter.

  “So?" Maddy said, shaking her head impatiently.

  "Well, I met a guy. And...," Jess paused, "he was great. Funny, sweet, rich and very sexy. We had the most wonderful weekend. Dinner, walks under the stars.”

  "And?” Maddy prodded.

  "And great sex." Jess took a sip of water. "Maddy, I didn't know what I was missing."

  "Oh my god, Jess! I'm so happy! And it’s not that I'm taking all the credit for it.”

  "I know. I know have you to thank for pushing me into it."

  "So where's he from? What does he do? And when are you going to see him again?"

  "He's from Houston and he owns his own real estate firm. And I hate to disappoint you but this weekend was it. I'm not going to see him again.

  "Are you nuts? You liked him, right?"

  “You know my situation, Mad."

  "But still..."

  "No. It was just a one time thing. A break from reality. And now it’s over. Back to real life."


  Sally looked up as Jess walked into the office. “A call for you on line two."

  “Thanks, Sally,” Jess said. She'd just finished showing the Simm’s house to a couple who appeared to be very interested and it looked as like they were going to make an offer. She hoped this was them. "I'll take it at my desk."

  "Jessica Parks,” she said into the phone. There was no response. "Hello?"


  She recognized the Texas drawl immediately.

  "Jess, it’s Zach. We need to talk"

  Jess arrived at Will Rogers Park. She got out of her car and walked up the path that lead from the parking lot, past the tennis courts to the small man-made lake in the center of the park.

  She was relieved to see that the park was inhabited by few people at this time of day-- too early for the runners and too late for the mothers with small children. A couple of teenagers, probably playing hooky from school were too busy groping each other to pay her any attention. She scanned the area, searching for Zach but didn’t see him at first.

  Then she spotted him. A lone, solitary figure, leaning nonchalantly against the basketball pole with his back to her. She’d recognizes his tall, well built form anywhere though she was surprised to see him smoking a cigarette.

  A smile flickered across her face––she had to admit she was secretly pleased that he'd called, in spite of his promise not to.

  Willing herself to calm down, she reminded herself that she was meeting him in order to put an end to the relationship. To tell him she couldn't see him again. El Paso, no matter how wonderful it had been, was a moment of crazy weakness, not to be repeated.

  She strode resolutely toward him and took a deep breath. "Zach…"

  Before she could say another word, he turned to face her.

  "Jessica, long time no see.” He grinned, and removed his dark sunglasses. “Well actually it's only been a week."

  She hesitated. His hair was pushed haphazardly behind his ears and looked like it hadn't been washed since she’d seen him last. He sported a three day growth of beard, and the dark circles around his bloodshot eyes made him look as if he'd spent the last two days on a drunken binge. But it was his voice, the change in his voice that was the most shocking–––his thick Texas drawl was gone, he sounded like he could be from New York.


  The coldness of his grey eyes as he looked her over from head to toe sent a chill through her body.

  "Good to see you again, Jess.” He took a step towards her, his manner ominously intimate.

  She instinctively stepped back. "I don't have long. I…I have to get back to work," she stammered.

  "So soon? But we've only just found each other again." His voice trailed off. He reached out and grabbed her arm.

  "Stop it," Jess said, trying to pulling away. "What's going on? Let go of me."

  His grip on her arm tightened. "Jessica, I don't understand. The last time we were together you said you wished I could touch you forever. Don't tell me you've changed your mind already.”

  "Let go of me," she said struggling to break free.

  "You're just as good looking as I remembered,” he said, his eyes lingering on her body. “And just as feisty.”

  Jessica felt naked and dirty under his smirking gaze. "Don't ever call me again," she said, trying to contr
ol the rising panic in her voice. She was barely able to stand, her legs were trembling so. She had to get away. She didn't understand what was going on, only that she'd somehow been duped. And used.

  "Don't you even want to know why I called?”

  Something in his voice made her stop struggling. She forced herself to look into his icy grey eyes.

  "This should make it clear," he said, reaching into his backpack and pulling out a DVD. "You know they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think this one might be worth at least eighty thousand. Dollars that is." She backed away as he shoved the DVD at her.

  "What is this?" she said softly, barely able to get the words out.

  "Jeeze, Jess. You said you'd remember our special night forever.” He let out an exaggerated sigh. “This tape will ensure that you remember it in every juicy detail. Eighty thousand is a bargain when you consider what's on it. Since it’ll be priceless to your husband in court."

  Jess took a step back, trying to catch her breath. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

  "My huband?" She looked at him. “What does Lars have to..." her voice trailed off as she began to comprehend the meaning of what he was saying. "Lars put you up to this? I can’t believe this is happening.” She stumbled backwards, hot tears of betrayal streaming down her face.

  Zach reached out to steady her.

  "Don't touch me," she screamed. "Why are you doing this? What do you want?"

  "I think the more pertinent question is 'what is it you want, Jessica?' He held the tape up, a familiar grin lighting his face. "What is it you really want?"

  Jess sank down onto the park bench as the phrase he'd spoken from that weekend came back to her with painful irony.

  What is it you want Jess. What is it you really want?

  She was going to be sick. “Why are you doing this?"


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