Book Read Free


Page 1

by Daniella Wright

  © Copyright 2016 by Daniella Wright - All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Table of Contents




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  Trapped With A Monster

  Chained To The Monster

  The Hunt

  Beast Unchained


  The Night I was Rescued

  Double Fangs

  Vamp's Captive


  Only Time


  Forbidden Beast



  By: Daniella Wright


  She squinted at him through the desert sun and said, “You really don’t want to do that.”

  He leered, with beads of sweat on his face, “No, I really do…”

  He lunged and she moved like a viper. The heel of her right hand smashed his nose. Her left already held his wrist. She twisted, yanked and hammered down on the back of his elbow. He screamed like a girl and as he bent forward she kicked him in the gut. He staggered. A small shift of her left foot and a spinning back kick caught him full in the head and sent him crashing against the wheel of his truck.

  She smiled down at him as his eyes rolled back into his head. “I don’t think you did, big guy.”

  She took two strides on long legs and hunkered down beside him. She found five hundred dollars in cash in his wallet, checked his pulse to make sure he was alive and stepped out onto the blacktop.

  She stared along the endless snake of road that stretched from the northern horizon to the southern rim of the world. The only thing moving was the heat haze. It was four PM and she’d already made two thousand bucks that day, so she wasn’t looking for a guy to sting. She was just looking for a ride to get out of the desert.

  That was when she saw the light. It was low in the sky, just above the road to the north. It was bright and she thought it must be a plane reflecting the sun. But it grew brighter and soon she realized it was shining with its own light. Mid afternoon in the desert meant that was bright. Real bright. It was maybe half a mile away and her skin started to prickle. She felt the hair on her arms stand up. A twist of fear made her heart thud. The truck roared into life and the headlamps came on.

  Then it was like a tornado had struck out of nowhere. The sand was swirling in a violent fog of dust. The light was overhead, glaring down on her and there was a high-pitched screeching, like feedback at a heavy metal gig during a lead guitar solo. She put her hands to her ears and tried to run, but her legs were leaden and sluggish. She couldn’t breath. Gasping, she stared up at the brilliant orb suspended above her. For a second it seemed to glow brighter. There was a flash. Then nothing.

  * * *

  She awoke into darkness. Cool air on her skin told her she was naked. She tried to move but found that her ankles, her wrists and her head were immobilized. Panic gripped her. She screamed out, and as she screamed her terror turned to rage.

  There was a loud clack! and she was blinded by a spotlight. The spot shifted and she could see. Cold terror crawled through her skin. There were six of them, standing, peering at her with huge, black eyes. Their heads were like large, gray pumpkins. Terror and fury were thrashing inside her like a speared shark. She stared down towards her feet. She was buck naked and strapped to what looked like an operating table.

  She glared at the creatures. They were all identical. She hollered at them, “Where am I? What the fuck is going on? Let me go!”

  The only answer was a high-pitched whining like that of a dentist’s drill. A metallic arm came into view over her head. Attached to it was a long, fine needle. The nearest being on her right took a hold of it and lowered it towards her chest. She uttered a ghastly, inarticulate, animal sound, as it sank into her skin.

  Nausea rolled through her. She felt herself slipping but knew she could not lose consciousness. Clammy fingers took hold of her toes and groped her legs. Needles stabbed into the soles of her feet. The pain was excruciating. Rage welled inside her. She thrashed and yanked at the straps that held her down. The big eyes peered at her, searching into her soul.

  Then one of the creatures took a large syringe and plunged it three inches into her belly. The agony was indescribable, but it was nothing compared to the rage that overwhelmed her. Every muscle in her body contracted into a spasm of fury. Every sinew strained against the straps that held her prisoner. The noise that came from her throat was barely human. She felt the restraints begin to give. She saw the big eyes turn toward her. Somewhere an alarm was clamoring frantically.

  Then a voice spoke in her mind.

  “Be peaceful. We will not harm you.”

  The syringe was removed. The rage subsided slightly. Trembling she lay back, staring at them with wild eyes. They all looked at each other in unison. She said again, “Who the fuck are you? What are you doing to me?”

  The nearest one gazed at her and she realized it was inserting thoughts into her head. The voice said, “Be peaceful. Tsor-Vaal is coming to you.”

  After a moment there was a soft hiss. She heard a footfall and a figure loomed over her. In spite of her rage and her terror, all she could think in that moment, as she looked up him, was that he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life. He was well over six foot, broad and athletic in build. His hair was silver, long and straight. He wore a loose robe and a band around his head. His features were even and strong. His eyes were a deep blue and there was a powerful masculinity in his gaze.

  She suppressed these thoughts and saw him narrow his eyes. She snarled, “Who the fuck are you? Let me go or I swear to God I will tear your fucking heart out and shove it so far up your ass you’ll be pumping blood through your fucking ears!”

  His eyes widened and there was the trace of a smile on his face. She heard his voice in her head. “These seem like good reasons not to release you.” She scowled at him. He continued, “You are a rare one among your species. Your Valhaan blood is strong. You are a puma among sheep, Katie. You have the soul of a warrior. I am drawn to you.”

  She said, “What are you talking about?” and then, “How do you do that, putting your thoughts in my head?”

  Now he smiled and she felt warmth flow through her body. The pleasure was intense. “You can do it too. Try. I will hear you.”

  She looked into his eye and with her mind she said, “Can you hear all my thoughts?”

  His smile grew deeper, and as it did the warmth and pleasure in her body increased. “I can hear what you think, and feel what you feel. We are connected, Katie.”

  She focused her mind and thought, “Then sense this, Tsor-Vaal. Fuck you, asshole!” Aloud she shouted, “Let me go you fucking jackass!”

  The small, gray beings took a step back from the table. She was aware that she had scared them. Tsor-Vaal waved his hand. She heard him think, “Go,”

  A door hissed and they departed. She and Tsor-Vaal were now alone. A strange fear coiled in her belly, mixing the thrill of panic with intense pleasure. She fought it fiercely, but the more she resisted it, the more she desired it.

  His voice in her head said, “Yes, you are,” and she realized she had thought, “I am helpless…”

  His robe fell to the ground. His body was muscular, but his movements were fluid and smooth. He bent and with extreme tenderness kissed her neck below her ear. Her mind w
as as naked and defenseless as her body, and as she thought of each of her most sexually sensitive places, so he sought them out with gentles kisses and darting flicks of his tongue. She cried out, masking her pleasure with anger. His voice, husky with lust, whispered through her feelings, “Do not resist me, surrender, it is your desire…”

  She screamed and yanked on her bonds and, responding in perfect unison, he snarled and bit savagely into her neck. She arched her body with an ecstasy so intense she felt she would lose her mind. His hands gripped her wrists, slid down her arms, caressed her breasts, and took hold of her waist. Then he mounted her. He slipped between her legs and rose over her like a daemon. Every cell in her body craved him. Her loins ached and thrust up at him as of their own volition. She gritted her teeth, pulling on her bonds to free herself, to claw at him, bite him, consume him.

  With slow, irresistible power, he pushed inside her. She gasped. Her eyes locked onto his. She heard herself whimper. He bent down to her and took her mouth in his, biting her lips and her tongue as he began his slow rhythm, withdrawing, then pushing deep inside her again. His fingers brushed her nipples, sending an electric tingle through her skin. His rhythm increased in power. He put his hand over her mouth. She heard the command in her brain, “Do not breath.” Her throat contracted. His rhythm grew faster. His face grew savage and barbaric. She pulled on her bonds. Her lungs strained. He pounded inside her swelling as he did. And then he was bellowing like an enraged bull. Electricity exploded inside her, surging through her skin, contracting every muscle in her body. She gasped and the orgasm surged to a new intensity. She screamed again, feeling his pleasure flow into her own. And then they were screaming together as he thrust deeper, exploding inside her.

  And then slowly he lay, with quivering breaths, on top of her, to kiss her nipples and lick the sweat from her neck. They stayed like that for a long while. Eventually he stirred and gazed at her face, searching her eyes. She said, “I detest you. I hate you. I have no words to describe how much I loath you, you son of a bitch.”

  He smiled. His thoughts in her mind said, “I know what you feel. We are bound now forever. You belong to me. I have possessed you. Now I own you.”


  He rose and put on his robe. Katie heard the doors hiss and the pumpkin-heads came waddling in. One of them carried what appeared to be a silk robe. They released her bonds and she found that she had no strength to fight. She struggled to a sitting position and the pumpkin-head handed her the robe. Tsor-Vaal mind-spoke.

  “You need rest, Katie. I will show you to our chamber.”

  She turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. “Our chamber? What fucking planet are you on?”

  She caught the irony of her own question too late. He smiled. “We are not on a planet, Katie. We are in deep space. That is why there is no object in your fighting us. There is nowhere for you to go.”

  She didn’t answer. She put on the robe and stood. Now she could see that they were in a circular room that had the look and feel of an operating theatre. The walls were metallic and to her right there was a set of sliding double doors. They hissed open and she followed Tsor-Vaal into a long gallery. Along the left-hand side there was a line of maybe two-dozen gurneys, each with a body stretched out on it, covered in a sheet. Without thinking she spoke with her mind.

  “Who are these people?”

  “They are men and women of your species. We have harvested their DNA and we have tested them. We use those gray androids you described as pumpkins to do that. Unlike you, these humans have been found wanting. They are sheep. They will be returned to the Earth. They will remember nothing.”

  A further set of doors hissed open as they approached and they stepped out into a long, spacious corridor. It was, Katie thought in surprise, the sort of thing you would expect to find on a cruise ship, or in a modern, five star hotel. The floor was carpeted, the walls were cream and the lighting was diffused. He said, “We have more contact with you than you may think.”

  After a few moment he stopped in front of a door and it slid open. They stepped through into a luxurious, ultra-modern apartment. A large, oval window to the left looked out over a vast starscape. By the window there was a an obsidian dining table with four chairs. To the right a large sofa stood with two inviting armchairs around a coffee table. He gestured with his hand beyond the sofa and a door opened onto a bedroom with a large bed that seemed to be draped with satin sheets. His voice in her mind said, “Within, there is a room where you may bathe or shower.”

  She said, “I don’t want to bathe. I want to go home.”

  “This is now your home.”

  “Think again, buster. My home. I decide where it is, not you. And it is not aboard this bullshit poor imitation of the Enterprise.”

  He frowned, as though he didn’t really understand what she was saying.

  “You decide?”

  She stared at him. “Who the hell are you, anyway?”

  He stepped over to the window looking out at the stars. She felt his voice in her mind. It was quiet and melodic. She felt she could have listened to it for hours, for years.

  “I am Tsor-Vaal, commander of this ship, the Milky Way. We are Valhaans.” He turned and smiled at her with real humor. “We are much like you, Katie. We cruise this sector of the galaxy as predators, preying on those who prey on others. We harvest DNA and sell it on the open market. We raid ships from various empires, especially the Naga. We steal booty and where we find slaves, we either liberate them, or, if they do not know how to be free, we sell them to good masters.”

  She frowned. “How is that like that me?”

  He gave a small shrug. “You cruised from San Francisco to Baja, preying on men who tried to prey on you. We cruise the Milky Way, preying on imperial ships that prey on defenseless worlds. Not so different.”

  She nodded. “Fascinating. So what are your plans for me? I don’t qualify as ‘knowing how to be free’?”

  He became serious. “Your species is different, Katie. We have been connected with you for many centuries. Many of you carry Valhaan DNA. In a very few it burns brightly, but in most it is dormant, or a mere glimmer of the Valhaan fire.” He turned back to the great window and gave his silver head a small shake. “Your world is a rare gem, but your species is brutish and simple. You are herded and harvested, and consumed, and you do not even know it.”

  “Don’t underestimate us, Tsor-Vaal, the Klingons made that mistake and look where it got them.” She felt him wince mentally at her joke. He turned. “You are odd.”

  She spoke aloud, “That’s primitive, brutish humans for you. We’re all odd. It’s what makes us so lovable. You didn’t answer my question. What are your plans for me?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Some of your species are extraordinary. In some of you the Valhan blood is strong. It is so in you. You are a warrior and a predator. So I have chosen you for myself. I will keep you. You will pleasure me, and I shall pleasure you, and in time perhaps we will create life.”

  “Say what? You did what? You chose me? For yourself? You will keep me? You will pleasure me and I will pleasure you?”

  The smile was in his eyes again, but the fury was building in her belly. She crossed the room, pointing at him.

  “You know what, Tsor-Vaal? Go fuck yourself. Because this kid ain’t nobody’s sex toy. So screw you!”

  With a shriek like a crazed banshee she leapt into a flying sidekick. Tsor-Vaal side-stepped easily. She landed and delivered two devastating blows to his belly but he was already out of range. She spun into a back kick but he was to her side. A roundhouse and a spinning back kick found her staring into empty space.

  He was behind her. She charged and launched a devastating volley of kicks and punches. He parried sidestepped and avoided each one with ease.

  She stopped, panting. He placed the thought in her mind: “I am reading your mind, Katie. I can anticipate your every move. Stop fighting me.”

  She screamed at him, “I am
not your fucking slave!”

  He gave a small frown.

  “The captain is calling me to the bridge. We will continue later. I will send you maidens to bathe you and feed you.” He walked to the door and it hissed open for him. He stopped and turned to her. “You are not my slave, Katie. You belong to me. It is different. Try to understand that.”

  Captain Votan-Vaal was a full seven feet tall. His shoulders were massive and his head was leonine in look and in majesty. His nose was straight and his eye a deep blue, even like Tsor-Vaal’s, but his platinum hair was thicker and he had a long, red beard which hung to his waist.

  He turned his great head as Tsor-Vaal entered. He spoke aloud, and his voice was deep and resonant. “What is this human female you have taken to your chamber?”

  “I will have her as a mate.”

  Votan-Vaal’s lip curled. “A human?”

  “The blood is strong in her.”

  “We cannot take passengers and freeloaders.”

  “She is my mate. She will serve me.”

  Votan-Vaal grunted. “We are about to rendezvous with a Krakkan trading vessel. They will take the EM plasma cannons that we liberated from the Naga supply ship yesterday.”

  “What will they give us?”

  Votan-Vaal grinned and when he spoke it was a growl. “Six volumes of wealth into the Galactic Wealth Storage Bank, so we can spend a couple of moons whoring and drinking on Proxima B.”

  Tsor-Vaal smiled. “Six volumes! That is a good price. The men will be pleased. They have earned a couple of moons of pleasure.”

  Votan-Vaal nodded. “Go and see to the docking and the transfer. Inform me when it is done.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  As Tsor-Vaal turned to leave the captain stopped him. “This human female… Have you bonded?”

  “We have.”

  “Was it deep, like a Valhaan?”


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