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Page 34

by Daniella Wright

  “Are you okay?” Quin was suddenly by my side. His body was covered with dirt, his hair littered with foliage. His pants, the only article of clothing on his body, were decorated with mud. The hems were worn-out and he was barefoot. He looked like he had been stuck in the wilderness for ages.

  “Quin…?” I asked in disbelief. It was hard to believe it was really him.

  “Reunions later.” Elroy’s voice suddenly cut through the silence. The two vampires had popped their dislocated shoulders back in and looked even angrier than before.

  “Enough of these silly games.” One of them growled, his voice hollow and deadly. I stepped behind Quin. They were getting closer and my heart threatened to drown out all other sound.

  “Hide behind the rock,” Quin whispered to me. “I don’t want you to see this.” I reached up, touching this back, seeing the scars that lined his body. His shoulder blades shuddered at my touch before I obediently hid behind the rock. With my back against the rough surface, I closed my eyes and strained my vision. I didn’t know what was about to happen, but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  My heart beat was even louder than before, making it hard for me to figure out what was going on. My body was covered with a thin layer of sweat as I sat there, waiting for something to happen.

  Suddenly, I heard it. A long, drawn-out whisper that reminded me of the woman in the red dress. Seconds later, there was a reverberating cracking noise and then the sound of footsteps. I tensed up, wondering if these were the footsteps of friends or foes. I held my breath and waited, my heart thumping rapid fire.

  “Kyla.” The sound made me jump out of my skin. My eyes shot open and I was relieved to see Quin and Elroy. There were a few splatters of blood across their chests as they stood there, looking so different and yet so much like brothers.

  With shaky legs, I got up with their help. “Let’s get you home,” Quin said, his voice soft and soothing. “It’s all over now.” He picked me up and carried me as if I weighed nothing at all. Elroy trailed behind with a dark expression on his face. He looked at me with a sense of longing and my heart ached. Now that Quin was back, would I be forced to choose between the two men? Could I even make such a decision?

  Chapter 12

  Eventually, we arrived at the cul-de-sac. Night had fallen by this point. The families that were watering their gardens before were now safe and sound in their beds, dreaming the night away.

  Once inside, Quin gently laid me down on the living room couch. I sat up and looked at the two men, a million questions at the tip of my tongue, but none of them formulating into a coherent sentence.

  “I’m sorry I had to leave.” Quin broke the ice as he sat down on the coffee table. “I couldn’t help myself. After I bit you, I nearly devoured you right there and then. It took a long time to forget your intoxicating taste.”

  “Do I really taste that good?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. Of all the questions I could have asked that was the best I could come up with.

  “You weren’t just good, you were the best thing I had ever tasted.” He answered. By his side, Elroy’s eyes darkened with a sense of jealousy and my heart tightened once more, wondering if I would have to make an impossible choice.

  “Quin… I have a confession to make…” I whispered.

  He nodded, his hands on his knees. He leaned forward, looking like he was ready to listen to anything I had to say.

  I bit the inside of my lip, trying to make sense of my thoughts and arrange them in a logical order. “While you were gone…” I licked my lips, my tongue dry, my words choked. “Elroy and I…” I looked over at him and he lifted an eyebrow in confusion. “I…” The words were escaping my grasp. “I fell in love with him.” I got it out before I lost any and all ability to speak.

  Quin looked surprised for a moment before he smiled. “I thought that might happen.” Quin laughed, the earthy sound bubbling up from the pit of his stomach. Now Elroy and I both looked helplessly confused.

  “You’re not mad…?” I asked, my words soft and meek.

  “Of course not. Elroy is a fantastic guy and if you’d rather be with him than myself… I’ll respect your decision.” I could tell that behind his smile was a deep sense of disappointment. He was only saying this to be polite.

  I shook my head. This wasn’t what I wanted. “But I still love you too… That night we spent together… it was amazing. I don’t want that to end. I just don’t want to be forced to choose between you two.” I agonized over my words, wondering how the two of them would take it. In saying that I loved them both, I ran the risk of losing both of them as well.

  “Both?” Elroy spoke up this time. “How can you love us both?” He sounded genuinely confused.

  “I don’t know…” I ran my fingers through my hair, frustrated by the fact that this was so difficult to explain. “I loved Quin first… he was strong and yet gentle, but then, when I spent all that time with you… I fell for you too. I loved how you tried so hard to be a tough guy, but deep down, you were a softie all along. I love you both in different ways so please don’t make me make the choice…”

  The two men looked at each other before grinning. “We have shared everything else in life…” Quin remarked. “I don’t see why we can’t share a lover.” Reaching forward, Quin rested his hand on my neck and the mark he had left behind a week ago vanished. “Now, you’re free to love us both.”

  I blinked a few times, unsure. “You mean… like a threesome?” I thought back to the wild dream I had in the forest. Maybe that dream could now become a reality. I suddenly smiled brightly and without thinking, I jumped into Quin’s arms. He grabbed me, his hands digging into my ass as he got up and carried me toward the bedroom.

  Elroy lingered behind, hesitant. “You heard the lady. Three’s a party.” Quin called out before he started to kiss my neck, letting his lips run along my flesh, making me shiver. Quickly, Elroy joined us, entering the bedroom with an eager expression on his face.

  Quin gently laid me down on the bed, admiring my body before getting on top of me. Beside us, Elroy started to strip, layer by layer until his lithe body came on display. I looked at him, grinning ear to ear. “Come here.” With his shirt still half-undone, he obeyed my command. I grabbed his slender face and kissed him hard. Our lips locked together with a fiery passion as my tongue made its way into his mouth. Our tongues tangled together, knotting into one another as if we would never pull away again. I felt my breath escaping my lungs as our desire grew and my head spun. I could already feel the goosebumps crawling on my skin and the wetness forming between my legs.

  Meanwhile, Quin struggled with the clasp of his pants, eager to get things started. Elroy, following the same train of thought, fumbling with his pants as he kissed me. Taking control, I rolled us over and pinned him to the bed before I started to undo his shirt, my nails running along his pale skin. With ease, I undid his pants and pulled them down.

  I grinned as I saw his rock-hard cock spring into action. He wasn’t quite as large as his roommate, but still impressive nonetheless. Slowly, I took him into my hand, stroking him softly. I cupped his balls, fondling them for a moment, feeling the subtle peach fuzz he had growing there. I smiled, my eyes burning with desire as I caught Elroy’s gaze. He looked desperate before he pushed his hips into the air in a silent request.

  I smirked and leaned down, my lips finally wrapping around him, tasting him for the first time. As my tongue swirled around his tip, he arched his back, giving himself up to me.

  Behind me, Quin yanked down my pants, his hand slapping my cheeks until they were the color of newly-bloomed roses. My moans were stifled as I worked my head down Elroy’s considerable length, trying to please him as my tongue danced against the underside of his shaft. I bobbed my head up and down, letting him press against the back of my throat before I pulled away for a moment. A mischievous grin played across my lips as I took him in once more. I was taking my time, winding him up until he thought
he would explode. As I picked up the pace, I squeezed his balls between my fingers, knowing they were slowly filling up with his cum.

  Suddenly, I froze for a second. I was halfway down Elroy’s cock when I felt Quin pressing against my wet entrance. I spread my legs, my pants bunched up around my knees before he plunged deep inside of me. I let out a silent scream as he filled every inch of me. I thought he would rip me in half as his cock twitched against my insides. I arched my back, my lips tightening around Elroy’s cock.

  As Quin started to rock his hips back and forth, he started to play with my ass. His fingers kneaded my cheeks before he would pull back and smack them until they jiggled. I started to scream against Elroy’s cock. By this point, I had started sucking him again, deep-throating him with newfound last. As I screamed, the vibrations from my throat would travel up his cock, causing him to moan louder than ever. Behind me, Quin continued to fuck me harder and harder, thrusting his cock inside of me like a well-oiled machine.

  I moaned even louder against Elroy as Quin stretched my insides, making me feel like he would rip right through me. Our first night together hadn’t made me realize just how big he really was. His stamina seemed limitless as he pounded into me until it became impossible for me to keep myself upright. His hands tightened around my ass, using them as leverage to fuck me even harder. Soon, my body was rocking like a ragdoll, but Quin still didn’t stop.

  Soon enough, it was too much for me to handle. His cock was pushing me to my limits. Never before had I felt this full. I shuddered, my pussy quivering around him.. Quin grunted, finding it difficult to keep up his pace as my pussy tightened around his cock into a vice grip. His nails dug into my skin.

  Trying to hold back my orgasm, I focused all my attention on making Elroy feel good. My head bobbed up and down, picking up the pace as I deep-throated him until there was a pool of my drool between his legs. My tongue danced around his cock as I sucked him fast and hard. My hands continued to toy with his balls, occasionally squeezing them just to hear him grunt with pleasure.

  Soon, however, all the pleasure that had accumulated inside my body was too much for me to handle. I couldn’t control the orgasm that surged within me. With Elroy hitting the back of my throat, I screamed out in ecstasy, my whole world painted in euphoria as I climbed over the edge. Seconds later, Quin and Elroy followed suit, their cum filling both my holes.

  Soon after, all three of us collapsed onto the bed, cuddled in a tight sandwich. I felt the two men cocoon me on both sides. In that moment, I felt safer than I had ever felt in my entire life. “Does this mean I get to go outside now?” I asked, letting the question linger in the air.

  “It means that you’re ours and that no one will ever try to touch you again. For as long we live.” Quin whispered, kissing the top of my head.

  Elroy nodded, pledging his allegiance to protect me at all costs, even if it meant giving up his life. Smiling, I held their hands, knowing nothing would ever hurt me again.

  Vamp’s Captive

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic First-Time Vampire Romance

  “I’m letting you get away with it for now. We’ll properly discuss your punishment later.” He retorts. I smile knowingly, kissing the tip of his nose. I consider making a snide remark regarding the punishment I had yet to receive for destroying his irreplaceable furniture, but I find myself getting lost in his eyes again instead…”


  “You shouldn’t apologize for changing me. I won’t accept that apology. Being changed is perhaps the greatest thing to ever happen in my life, because it brought me to you.”

  * * *

  All around me, the club pulses as if it is alive, throbbing with a bassline heartbeat. My body moves of its own accord, each thump of the music sending a feeling of pure elation rushing through my body. For those wondering, my name is Janine Rigby. I go to one of the best colleges in the locale, something I’m proud of but try not to be too boastful about. My days are filled with club meetings, hours of classes, and overall exhaustion. However, I don’t let the weariness of the day ruin my one escape, my nightly hours at the busiest nightclub in town: The Ivory Fang. Though the name brings to mind a rather quirky facility, the Ivory is more or less your typical nightclub. A surplus of my fellow students rush here as soon as the doors open, having our share of drinks and good times. It’s an escape for me, though I’m certain you’re wondering what exactly I need an escape from. Truth be told, the life I lead is something of a mask. I keep myself busy, as not to allow myself to give in to the somewhat darker thoughts that linger on the fringes of my mind. Though no one might expect it, I actually harbor a somewhat deep fear of being alone. That may sound silly, but I don’t mean the brief moments of solitude I get in my dorm room after classes. I mean the much deeper, all encompassing loneliness that one feels when they can not find their soulmate. I’m a romantic at heart, I suppose, but I can’t help but hope that someday I find the deep and meaningful relationship that people like my parents share. I know I’m young, only twenty two years old to be precise, but I can’t help as if feeling I am somehow stunted. As if I am missing some bigger piece of my life, in not having a meaningful relationship by now.

  My friends accompanied me here tonight, likely in an attempt to distract me from my studies. It’s a kind effort, but it’s not my studies I need a distraction from. If anything, they’re one of the few things keeping me sane. All the same, I’m more than willing to accept free drinks if they’re offered. Who am I to turn down such kindness from a friend? Heh. Speaking off… I approach the bar as one of my friends flags me down, a devious look in her eye. I quirk a curious brow, knowing that she is no doubt up to no good.

  “Janine, Bethany thinks she can outdo you on shots. You’re not going to let her slam on you like that, are you girl?” Crissy smiles, and Bethany shoots me a sly look from the opposite end of the bar. I can’t help quirking my lips in a smile, looking at the plethora of shot glasses spread before my blonde haired friend. Though on most nights, I avoid drinking in excess, something about the challenge lights a fire in my gut. I rub my chin thoughtfully, meandering over to Beth’s end of the bar and resting my hip against the stool beside her.

  “Oh, Beth… you always have been a kidder. You really think you can outdrink me? I’m essentially royalty here at the Ivory.” I say in a faux snooty voice, and try to swallow my laughter as Bethany laughs in response. I trace my fingertip around the brim of one of the shot glasses, considering the drinks laid out before us.

  “Well, I think it is due time that someone dethrone you.” She ripostes in an equally snooty tone. We share a smile, and I make a point to properly seat myself on the bar stool beside her. Crissy steps towards us, laying out the rules of engagement. I zone out, as this is little more than child’s play for me. My eyes are drawn towards the exit of the club, where a pale man with platinum blonde hair and dark eyes seems to be watching my every move. I narrow my eyes in his direction, and he seems to realize I’ve noticed him, averting his eyes swiftly.

  “Three, two, one… Drink!” Crissy announces, and I am pulled from my reverie by Bethany accidentally clanging together two glasses. I consider her from the corner of my eye before swiftly taking my first shot. Then my second. Followed by my third. This goes on for several moments, with Bethany and I tossing back shots as the rest of our group looks on. Their loud cheering rings in either of my ears, and when I toss back the final shot, Bethany looks as if she is ready to spill her dinner.

  “A bit green about the gills, aren’t you?” I say slyly, and she looks as if she will retort, only to be cut short by a heaving gag. She covers her mouth with her hand, bolting to the bathroom. The remainder of my friends and I share a laugh, and I stand from the bar stool. It suits me just as well that no one know how much the room is spinning for me right now. I grip the bar counter for a moment, looking from my laughing friends to the writhing bodies on the dance floor. The beat of the club resonates within me again, and I wave wordl
essly to my friends before slipping back among the other dancers. They part with ease, accepting me amongst them as if they too know that this is where I belong. Among the dozens of people, among the bumping and grinding, among the sheer body heat that resonates between all of us. I glance up, only to meet eyes with the same man who had considered me mere moments before. He doesn’t move with the same ease as the rest of us, but I can’t help but feel drawn towards him. He offers me a tight-lipped smile, and perhaps because of the alcohol flooding my system, I feel inclined to put on a bit of a show for the poor guy. He sticks out like a sore thumb in this place, and though I can’t say I’ve ever known the awkwardness he seems to be feeling, I pride myself a smidge kinder than others in the crowd. I lock eyes with the man, taking note of the dark shade of his eyes. The irises are so dark they are nearly black, yet shine with a fiery that seems to blaze brighter as I move my body specifically for his eyes. He keeps his distance, even as I attempt to draw him in with my gaze. I bite my lip, swinging my hips from side to side, and I can’t help but be surprised at the lack of blush on his pale skin. He simply averts his eyes, drawing them to an aged looking timepiece on his wrist. Feeling perhaps unnecessarily offended at how easily my sumptuous dance moves are cast aside, I turn my back on him, allowing myself to merge with the bodies on the dance floor once more. Time seems to fade into nothingness, and I’m vaguely aware that I’m perhaps a little too drunk. However, I simply close my eyes and allow my body to move to the steady thump of the bass.


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