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Obsession (Seven Deadly Sins Book 2)

Page 9

by Shantel Tessier

  Tiffany laughs as she falls down onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling. “This place is great,” she says with a smile.

  “It’s tiny,” I say sitting down next to her. “It’s a good thing I like you.” I laugh. “I’m going to be seeing a lot of you in here.”

  She laughs at that as she sits up. “This will be great, Skye.” She reaches over and grabs my hand, softly squeezing it.

  I nod my head. “Yes, it will.”

  She tilts her head to the side, and her face softens. “You know I would never let anything happen to you, right?”

  I swallow and look away from her. “You can’t make that promise, Tiffany.” I stand up.

  “Yes, I can.” She stands as well. “If we have to move a hundred times, we will. I won’t let him get you.”

  I fall down onto the bed and look at the clothes hanging in the closet as tears sting my eyes. We always thought that I was the one who had to be careful. I thought I was the one who would go missing. But it was her. I was so wrapped up in my own fears of my past that I never thought of what could happen to her. And now, she’s gone. How will I ever find her?

  My hand instantly goes to my neck, and I rub it. It’s as if Brecken’s hand is still wrapped around it, reminding me, I’m the only help you got. I lie down and look up at my ceiling. I’ll take it. If the guy wanted to kill me, he would have already done it. What do I have to lose? Maybe my sanity. Maybe my morals, but I don’t need them. All I need is Tiffany.


  I stand in the kitchen as Taylor stands beside me. She is cooking dinner while I take a few bites here and there.

  She leans over and slaps my hand as she laughs. “Stop, babe. There’s not gonna be much left if you eat it all while I cook it.”

  She then turns her back to me as she goes back to boiling the noodles. I stand behind her and wrap my right arm around her stomach as the left comes up and pulls her dark hair to the side. I lower my lips to her neck. “Oh, no …” She tries to pull away from me, but I lock my arm around her stomach to keep her in place.

  “I just need a second,” I say as I go back to kissing her neck.

  She laughs as she continues to try to pull away. “Yeah, right. You? A second…”

  I bite down on her sensitive skin, and her body shivers as she sucks in a breath. I suck on it, and she presses her ass into my hardening cock. “Case …” She sighs, and I pull my lips from her neck. I spin her around and pick her up as I set her on the counter beside the stove. Her lips are on mine before I can even remove her shirt.

  “What about dinner?” I ask through the kiss.

  “Fuck it,” she replies breathlessly as she leans her head back letting me know that she wants my lips on her neck again.

  “Hmm. That’s what I was thinking.” One hand goes into her hair while the other slides down my sweatpants that she is wearing. She moans when I easily slide a finger into her wet pussy.

  She wraps her arms around my neck, and she lifts her head to bring her lips to mine. “Take me to bed. Please,” she begs, and I smile.

  I have done a lot of bad shit in my life. Some of those things were to her. But somehow, she was able to forgive me. Somehow, she still willingly gives herself to me. And this weekend, she is going to give the last thing she has to offer to me. And I can’t wait to own every part of her.

  I yank her off the countertop and then the doorbell rings.

  She shoves me away quickly, pushing my hand out of my sweatpants. I take an extra step back as she tries to fix her hair and then straightens her clothes. “Go get that. I’ll finish up dinner and then you can finish up with me,” she says with a naughty little smile.


  I walk out of the kitchen and to the front door. I let out a sigh when I open it and see Brecken standing there.

  “May I come in?” he asks.

  I step out of his way and gesture for him to enter. “Sure,” I say, but I’m not sure I want him to after the fight we had last night up at the club. And then the one we had the day before that when I proposed to Taylor.

  I follow him into the living room, and he plops down as if he owns the place. “I have something—”

  “Hey, Brecken.” Taylor comes in, interrupting him with a big smile on her face as she greets my best friend. “Would you like a drink?” she asks him. I haven’t told her about the situation with Brecken last night. I don’t want to worry her about anything, and I don’t want to hurt her by telling her what all he said. So I’ve kept my mouth shut about it.

  “No, thank you. I’ll only be here for a minute,” he tells her flatly.

  “Oh, well, I’m cooking dinner. You are more than welcome to stay,” she offers him.

  He shakes his head. “Thank you, but I gotta get back to the club.”

  I sit down in the recliner as she leaves the room.

  “What are you doing here, Brecken?” I ask, trying not to be the dick that he has normally been.

  “Rusty came in last night after you left. Looking for you.”

  Shit! “I totally forgot about that.” That was another reason why I had gone up there.

  “Yeah. Well, he only had about half the money.”

  “What did you do?” I ask, feeling sorry for Rusty already.

  “I was in the middle of breaking his arm when he told me that he had some information for me.”

  I frown. “Was it anything useful? Or did you break his arm?” I wouldn’t be surprised if he got the information and still broke the bastard’s arm.

  He runs a hand through his dark hair. Something is bothering him. I can tell by the way that he taps his heel on the floor. He looks me in the eyes, but they seem clouded. Somewhere else. I don’t question it because I feel I’m part of that reason. “He said there is a new drug on the streets. It’s called Gen. And that he was at a party last week where a woman said she had taken it.”

  I don’t miss the fact that he didn’t answer my question about breaking Rusty’s arm. But that’s not important at the moment. “A new drug? Have you seen or heard of it at Seven Deadly Sins?”

  He shakes his head. “I had never even heard of it until Rusty brought it up.” He shrugs. “He could have been making shit up because he didn’t want his arm broken. But I gave him five days to get me more information on it. And if I find out he was talking shit, I’ll break both of his arms,” he says matter-of-factly.

  I lean back in my chair and let out a breath. “What do you plan to do if it is out there?”

  “Find out who is selling it and of course, get a hand on it. If we don’t know about it, then it can’t be that big of a deal yet. But we need to know who makes it and who’s distributing it.”

  I nod my head. “I agree.” I look down at my hands on my lap as I hear my soon-to-be wife cooking dinner in the kitchen. I hate that I’m out of the loop of what’s going on out in the streets. Who is selling no telling what and why Brecken is so mad at me. But I’ve already chosen Taylor over our job before, and I don’t want to do it again.

  “I can push back the wedding—”

  “No!” he growls interrupting me. “That is not why I came here.”

  “It’s what I need to do,” I say with a heavy sigh. “Our work comes first. And Taylor will understand,” I say but don’t believe it myself. She is so excited; she even went dress shopping today with her sister-in-law. She came home and told me that she had found the perfect one.

  He stands, and I do the same. “I didn’t come here to piss you off again. Look…” He sighs heavily. “About what I said. It had nothing to do with you or Taylor. I just … had a bad day.” I feel like he’s hiding something from me, but I’m not gonna demand answers. I kept many secrets from him when it came to Taylor. “I want you to know that if you still want, I would be honored to be your best man.”

  I smile. That’s the closest to an apology that Brecken has ever given. And even though I’m mad at him, I wouldn’t want anyone else to stand by me on the day I marry Taylor, so I
nod. “Absolutely.”

  I reach out my hand, and he does the same. We shake, and I smile. “So what are we gonna do about this new drug? I wanna help.”

  He releases my hand and shakes his head. “I’ll take care of it. I just wanted to let you know where you stand with Rusty in case you get a phone call from his boss. And that he and I made a deal.”

  “You could have told me that over the phone.” I say the same words he told me.

  He smirks. “I could have. But sometimes, things need to be said in person.”



  My heart pounds and I breathe heavily as I place my hand on my sweaty chest.

  “God … Brecken …” The woman who lays next to me sighs as she runs her hands through her blond hair. “That was—”

  “I gotta go,” I interrupt her as I push off her pink sheets to sit up. Pink. This girl is about as girly as you can get. I’ve had many one-night stands. Hell, some of them didn’t even make it back to their house. I once slept with a woman in the backseat of her car. Another one in a bathroom stall at a club. But never, and I mean never, have I seen so much pink. It makes me nauseous.

  “What?” She sits up quickly, and before I can get out of bed, she straddles me, pressing her non-existent tits into my chest. “You can’t leave. It’s still early.”

  I place my hands on her narrow hips and lift her off me before tossing her back over onto her side of the bed. “It’s late,” I say flatly as I get out of her bed. It’s gotta be close to ten. Miller is taking care of the club right now, but I gotta get up there.

  Bending over, I pick up my shirt off the floor. I put it on and then turn to pick up my jeans. As I’m slipping them on, she speaks. “You don’t have to leave. You can stay the night.”

  I shake my head as I sit down on the side of the bed and slide my black boots on. “I don’t stay the night,” I inform her.

  “Oh,” I hear her say, sounding disappointed.

  Once I finish tying my boots, I stand and turn to face her. Her blond hair is tangled from my hands gripping it as I fucked her from behind. Her lips are still swollen from the performance she gave me while on her knees when we first walked into her room. I just had sex with a beautiful woman, yet I feel nothing for her. She looks like a cheap whore who has been rode hard and put up wet. Nothing is sexy or attractive about her. Yet somehow, an hour ago, I found her attractive enough to go home with her. Or maybe it was the fact that she was throwing herself at me, and I needed to relieve some tension from the brunette that had me hard as a rock earlier this morning and all day today. Either way, I’m done now. We both got what we were in the mood for. Now, the mood is gone.

  “You sure you have to go?” she asks softly. “You could stay.” Her eyes look over at the clock on her nightstand. “It’s not even midnight yet.” She frowns. “You can stay the night, and I’ll cook you breakfast in the morning,” she offers with a shrug of her shoulder.

  Grabbing my black leather jacket off her floor, I answer as I shrug it on. “Maybe another time.” And with that, I show myself out.

  I pull up to Seven Deadly Sins, get out of my SUV and then make my way into the club. I see Miller standing by the bar, so I walk over to him. “Office,” I say loud enough over the music, and he nods his head in understanding. We make our way up the stairs and into the office. As he closes the door, he sniffs the air. “What is that smell?” he asks. “Smells like ...”

  “Cotton candy?”

  “Yeah,” he says sniffing some more. “Where have you been?”

  “You don’t want to know.” I wave a hand in the air. I had gone to a bar to see an old friend. Well, I wouldn’t call her an old friend per se. I was gonna see if she knew anything about the new drug, Gen, but she wasn’t there.

  He comes to a stop, and I continue to walk around and sit at my desk. “What did you need to see me for?” he asks.

  “Have you been asking around about that drug Gen?”

  “Yeah. I’ve asked several of our regulars here at the club, but no one seems to know anything about it. One guy even thought I was talking about a woman and swore he has not touched a woman named Gen.” He laughs, and I sigh.

  “There’s no way something is out on the street that we don’t have our hands on,” I say already aggravated.

  “Maybe it’s not from Chicago. Maybe it’s being shipped in.”

  I rise from the chair, needing the movement, and stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling window that looks down over the club. The lights dance over the people as they dry hump each other. “Maybe, but we should still know what is coming into this town.” I haven’t worked my ass off to become the biggest dealer in Chicago for fucking nothing. I’ve had others come to me asking for permission to sell. I’ve had some come into this very club and give me my own drugs from guys who bought from me and then went out and sold underneath me. I fucked those bastards up.

  “I’ll keep asking around. What did Case say about it?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing. He had no idea.” Which was not a surprise. “I just wanted him to know what was going on.” Although I kept the part about Skye showing up and her friend leaving our club with a man we don’t know under wraps. I don’t need his help with that. I can handle Skye and her missing friend on my own. He already has enough going on. “He needs some time off …” My words fade as I hear my bartender on the radio.


  I pick it up off my hip. “Yes?”

  “Someone down here is requesting to speak to you.” He pauses. “He hasn’t said it, but I’m pretty sure he’s an undercover cop.”

  Fuck! I was expecting him. “Send him on up,” I say and then clip it back on my hip.

  “Do you have anything I need to get rid of for you?” Miller asks referring to drugs and guns.

  I shake my head. “That’s not why he’s here. He’s here about Tiffany.”

  He nods and then walks out. I pull my phone out of my back pocket cussing myself. I should have gotten Skye’s number. Or at the least given her mine. What if someone shows up at her place and she needs help?

  I sit down, and a few minutes later, Miller opens the door introducing a man by the name of Jet.

  “Please. Have a seat.”

  Miller shuts the door on his way out, leaving us alone. “What can I do for you, Jet?” I ask him.

  “I am here looking into a missing person case.”

  My brows lift. “You’re a cop?” I ask wondering why he isn’t wearing a uniform.

  “Something like that,” he says.

  “Okay.” I let him leave it at that. “I’m not sure how helpful I can be, but I will try my hardest,” I say with a friendly smile.

  He sets a picture on my desk. I look down at the girl I saw on our surveillance camera a couple of nights ago. Her blond hair is down and hangs over her shoulders. Her blue eyes bright. But she doesn’t catch my attention. It’s the girl who she has her arm around who gets my attention. Skye. She said that she had given them a picture of Tiffany, but she failed to mention it was a picture of both of them. “Which one is missing?” I ask as if I didn’t know.

  I don’t miss the frown on his face as he points at Tiffany. He thinks I have no clue, and that means no lead. I’ll be a dead end. Thankfully, I’m not him.

  “Her friend came into the station to fill out the report. I spoke with the woman today, and she said she had still not heard anything from her.”

  My head snaps up to look at him. “You spoke to who?” I question.

  “Her friend. Skye,” he repeats. “Spoke to her earlier.”

  I set the picture down. “And what did she have to say?” Did she keep her word? Did she tell him about the surveillance video? Is that why he is here?

  If he finds my question odd, he doesn’t show it. “She said that Tiffany’s phone still goes to voicemail and that she has not returned home.”

  “That’s it?” I ask, holding my breath.

  He nods. “She
said she had to work tonight, and she was going to ask her co-workers about her to see if they had any leads. I informed her to call me in the morning if she had any new information.”

  I know how these fuckers work. They say they do everything they can, but they don’t. They have rules. Jurisdictions. I, however, do not. I run this town and find out much more with my fists than he can with a fucking badge.

  “Do you have a card? I can call you if I find anything out as well.” He nods and starts to dig his card out of his pocket. He stands and goes to the door. “Oh, one more question. Do the security cameras outside work?”

  I smile on the inside. “No. They are for looks.”

  He frowns. “Shame. They could help us. You really should get real ones,” he says. “A place like this ...” He trails off, and my jaw clenches. “You never know when something might go down, and you could help the cops out.” He turns and reaches for the door. Instead of opening it up, he pauses and looks back at me again. “Oh and Brecken, I find it hard to believe that you don’t know who she is.”

  I frown. “Why is that?” I ask.

  “I looked her up. She has a record. Drugs. Theft. She was in juvie. I know what goes on around here. I have a feeling she’s just out on a three-day binge with some guy. But her friend seems to believe otherwise. But then again, she has a record too.” Then he turns and walks out.

  I sit down and pick up the picture of the two girls again. It looks recent.

  I hate how happy Skye looks here. How something so important to her was ripped from her. Do I think they’ll find Tiffany? Not a chance. The city has swallowed her up. She’s either dead or begging whoever has her just to kill her. But I do know that Skye was right. The guy has her phone. Her purse ... A woman’s purse holds all kinds of personal information. And I would bet my life on it that they know where Skye lives. Good thing I can come to the rescue again. I have a safe place for her; now, I just need to convince her of that.


  It’s almost closing time, and not one person has any information on Tiffany. I’ve asked every person who I work with and even the ones that I know we don’t talk to. But they are all dead ends. The only one I haven’t spoken to is Cliff, one of our cooks that she went out with. He supposedly went out of town to visit his grandmother, and I find that odd. I’ve been calling him all night, and he’s not answering my calls either.


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