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On a Gamble

Page 8

by Rose Lange

  While the rain continued to soak and overtake the earth, Alex continued to overtake her. Raising her arms, he placed them above her head, thrusting her chest out. The scruffiness of his facial hair against her mouth melted her insides, as powerful hands cupped one of her breasts and gently squeezed. Thank goodness she wore two layers, although that didn’t stop her body from reacting to his touch. She gritted her teeth, her belly quivering.

  She gasped, surprised when he fell to his knees, heat and passion radiating from his eyes. His handsome face trained on her. Unrelenting. Grabbing hold tightly, making her unable to look away even if she tried.

  “Keep your hands right where they are,” he gently commanded.

  Biting the inside of her cheek, she did as he asked, anxiety, excitement, and desire coursed through her.

  Holding her breath, she watched as he lifted her shirt, cool, damp air kissed her skin. Leaning forward, he pressed kisses onto her belly, flicking his tongue over and around her belly button. He took his time, gently nipping, tasting, and teasing. Until her knees wobbled and shook. Her hands itched to reach out to him, touch him, and brace herself against his strong shoulders. Unsteady from the passions he aroused.

  Alex grasped her bottom with both hands, softly, gently, kneading the flesh. He still continued to kiss, and nip at the sensitive skin on her stomach, moving to her waist, placing moist kisses there as well. She sucked in a breath as he blew on the still wet skin. Taking it one step further, he reached for the fastenings of her jeans, and my goodness she wanted him.

  The intensity of her thoughts made her gather her senses, but with each insanely sexy encounter, her defenses wore thinner and thinner. Tight rope thin, and she feared the rope would soon snap, but surely as the sun rose and set in the sky, she looked forward to the explosion.

  She put her hands down, resting on his shoulders. And damn if it wasn’t the hardest thing she’d ever had to do. He looked up, a questioning glance in his expression, and got to his feet. She hastily pulled her shirt back down.

  “What’s wrong?” His voice gruff with need, made her smile despite herself.

  Shaking her head, she cleared her throat. “I think we should, should head inside.” But she tripped over her words, as they stumbled awkwardly out.

  She’d reacted very strongly to his kiss, his touch. Even more so than the first time, and realized they could get very carried away out here, and during the day no less. But what scared her the most? She didn’t care because she wanted Alex. That scared the ever-loving living daylights out of her.

  He thrust a hand through his hair, and took a step back.

  Charlie attempted to avert her gaze, but it landed on his groin. The bulge of his erection trapped in the confines of his jeans, telling her just how affected he was. Heat rose up from her chest, and washed over her neck. No doubt staining her cheeks a telling hue of bright pink.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Your grandparents will probably wonder where we are.”

  Shit. Just how long had they been out here?

  Charlie’s stomach churned in knots, because no doubt a fair amount of teasing would ensue. Her lips most likely swollen and red from his kiss, and her face probably fared no better. She righted her appearance as best she could, and held out her hand. Rain continued to downpour from the heavens. “Ready to make a run for it?”

  He smiled, taking her hand in his. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  And with this they ran back to the house. She laughed out loud as the rain hit her, soaking her clothing, but she didn’t care. Soaking Alex as well, his shirt plastered like a second skin to his chest, but he didn’t seem to care either, as a rumble of laughter blended with thunder, filtered to her ears.

  She felt carefree, crazy. The best she’d felt in a very long time, and couldn’t help but think Alex McCray, was the reason.

  Chapter 7

  Two warm, comforting cups of hot cocoa awaited them, and upon seeing his soaked shirt, Pearl quickly procured him a fresh one, throwing his wet one in the dryer. Baggy, and ill fitting, being one of Eugene’s, he didn’t care. At least it was warm and dry.

  Charlie went upstairs to change, but he thought it a pity. She looked sexy. Too sexy for his own good with her hair plastered to her face, blouse, soaking wet, almost see through. Cheeks reddish pink, lips swollen, and a glimpse of her nipples playing hide and seek through her shirt. His thoughts inevitably drifted back to their scorching kiss only moments ago.

  He could taste her fire. The way greedy fingers sank into his buttocks, thinking about it made him ache for more. He’d been trying to fight his desire for her, and steadily, day by day, losing the battle. Thinking the next time, he’d explore more, and peel away her shirt and bra to expose creamy, full breasts, without barriers.

  Alex must have been crazy, thinking he could take things slow, or not get involved with Charlie. Already hooked, and it wasn’t just her physical beauty, but her inner beauty as well. She was a good listener, a hard worker, and had a big heart, despite everything she’d been through. He already had it bad.

  He’d never hungered for someone this much in his life, and knew when he made love to Charlie it would be explosive. Wholesome, agonizingly erotic, and enough to bring a man to his knees begging for more, realizing once could never be enough. The beginning and the end of his problems started there.

  What would he do after the first time? He gulped, knowing he’d want a second time, a third time. Sweet Jesus, a fourth time . . .

  Alex looked up to see Pearl studying him. An inquisitive, yet knowing look on her face, he felt foolish to be caught dazing. He cleared his throat before speaking, “I’m sorry, did you say something?”

  She knowingly grinned from ear to ear, and blushed, as though she knew where his wayward thoughts turned. Which made his face burn.

  “Would you like something to eat, dear?” Her tone gentle, reminding him of Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast, very kind, gentle, and hospitable with everyone she came across.

  He smiled. “Yes, and anything you have would be fine.”

  Pearl hid a ghost of a smile behind her hand and walked away. Eugene did his bookwork at the table, not saying much as he sipped coffee from a John Deere mug, glasses perched atop his head, brows furrowed in concentration. The scratch of the pencil against paper blended with the general kitchen sounds of Pearl preparing lunch, and possibly dinner.

  Charlie appeared at the top of the stairs, and was he grateful to be seated.

  She wore a short-sleeved red T-shirt and pajama bottoms. Besides her arms, not a scrap of her body was exposed, but she looked good enough to eat. He pictured those long legs, bared, silky smooth, and eager for his touch. Wrapped around his torso as he made love to her, burying himself deep. Her hair still wet, but neatly combed. She looked like she’d just been thoroughly been made love to. His cock twitched thinking about her. Naked. In his bed, hazel eyes gazing at him, begging for more.

  He probably had a foolish look on his face, but didn’t care as he watched her slow descent down the stairs. A smile crept across her face, lighting her up her beautiful angelic face. Gaze cast to the floor, her cheeks held a slight red tint of a blush. Good God she was adorably sexy, in a wholesome way that made him want to take her right now.

  Alex’s blood was piping hot, heart galloping like horses at the Kentucky derby, and he suspected she felt the same. He’d never had such a strong reaction to a woman before. Sure he’d dated his share of women, but hadn’t been seriously involved with anyone since Carrie.

  Full of surprises since day one, Charlie completely knocked him off his feet. A rare woman in that she worked hard, dug in with her heart and soul, combined with her wholesome beauty, fiercely turned him on. Not afraid to get her hands dirty, she didn’t wear makeup or nail polish, but she was the sexiest woman he’d ever laid eyes on.

>   His thoughts scattered when Pearl set down a plate of food for him. Chicken noodle casserole, a warm slice of buttered homemade bread on the side. The comforting aroma filled his nostrils, and made his stomach growl. Alex smiled with appreciation. “Thank you, Pearl.”

  She inclined her head, and smiled that sly smile of hers. “You’re welcome.”

  Charlie sat across from him and took a sip of her hot cocoa. She too, had the same mysterious smile on her face, meeting his gaze over the brim of the mug, her eyes danced with mirth and mystery. Although he had a pretty good idea what she was thinking, which made his face heat up even more because not one of his thoughts was pure, either.

  All sinfully erotic, and all of them involved Charlie.

  Charlie popped in a Bette Davis movie after their afternoon snack. The rain dashed her hopes of finishing any of the chores. Throwing on a sweater and a blanket over her legs, she nestled next to Alex on the sofa. Her grandparents took the sofa directly kitty corner to them. Her grandpa lit a fire, and it cast a warm and soothing glow all over the room.

  For a while nobody said anything.

  Then, her grandma nudged her grandpas’ knee, as if speaking in code.

  “Well, now. I think I’ll start dinner.” Grandma announced.

  Charlie eyed her skeptically, smelling matchmaking in the air.

  “And I’ll help.” Grandpa Eugene piped in.

  With this, they both left the room.

  Alex chuckled. “Sly ones aren’t they?” he murmured into her ear.

  She smiled. His low, husky voice sent delicious chills through her body. Damn it, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that kiss earlier in the barn. How she’d pretty much been the aggressor, but then he’d taken over completely, which was a fierce turn on.

  Looking up into his eyes, her belly did a little flip. They were now alone, on a couch, with a nice warm fire. He looked at her with an open desire that licked at the flames of her own. Couldn’t help but think if they were alone in this house, she would allow Alex to take her, here on this couch, with nothing but the fire’s heat to warm their bodies.

  “Yeah, I’d say so.” She hoped her voice sounded neutral, because in reality her insides churned. Good grief she was a woman in her early thirties, and thought she’d be beyond all these foolish thoughts by now.

  Charlie pulled the covers up to her chin, and leaned into the crook of his shoulder. Comfortably nestling her head there, she put her arms around him. Taking a deep breath, she sighed at the comforting scents of fabric softener and clean cotton emanating from him. She wished she could stay here forever. Just like this. Stealing a glance upward, she met his gaze. “You can go home you know. You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to.”

  He caressed the side of her face very softly. “I don’t want to go home, not just yet.”

  She wrapped her arms tighter around him. Sighing with contentment, she closed her eyes, and snuggled further into his warmth, relishing the feel of his solid body against hers. It had been a long time since she’d snuggled with anyone, and she had to admit it felt nice. Except for the snap, crackle pop of the fire, and Bette’s voice on TV, the room was silent.

  Charlie looked up at him, moving so her body leaned further toward him. She moved her hand to caress the side of his face. He met her gaze, his eyes penetrating, hypnotic, and she swore the earth spun. His lips tempted her to grasp the back of his neck, and kiss him hard. Kiss him until they were both weak, realizing she wanted more. One kiss, one touch would not be enough to satisfy her need, her hunger for him.

  She removed her hand, as if burned, the seriousness of her thoughts hitting her full force, carrying her away. The heat in the room stifled her, and she proceeded to lower the blanket.


  “Yes, Charlie.”

  “About what happened in the barn earlier. I’m sorry if I was being too forward.” She said this to her lap, too embarrassed to look him in the eye, unsure of what she’d find there.

  His body stiffened next to hers, and for a moment she thought he’d been offended.

  Then he placed his finger under her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. Her heart jumped into her throat, and her lips parted when he leaned in closer. His warm minty breath scattered across her face, and those incredible chocolate brown eyes burned into hers. For a minute, she thought he’d kiss her. God, how she hoped so, even if they’d shared a kiss only hours ago. It hadn’t been enough.

  She bit her lower lip. Her blood boiled hot with desire in her veins, because everything about Alex made her body stand up in awareness. Then, as if he could read her mind, and just when she thought he’d pull away, he cocked his head, and made a soft landing on her lips. Her belly took a nosedive at the contact, a slow, seductive, gentle, and brief kiss, but enough for her insides to quiver and shake. She kept her hands lowered, afraid if she started exploring him, she’d get carried away. Which was too easy to do in his arms. She groaned against his mouth, not wanting it to end.

  He gently pulled away, and leaned his forehead against hers. “You weren’t being too forward, I assure you.”

  Charlie’s face warmed at the comment. “Yeah, but—”

  “Don’t over think this Charlie, let’s just take things slow. See where this takes us.”

  She nodded, satisfied with that answer, and they finished watching the movie in silence.

  Now the next morning, Alex sat in his car, staring at the front door of his parents’ mansion. His chest felt heavy, as if ten stones had been planted on it. He had difficulty breathing, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. My God, wishing he were anyplace but here.

  Getting himself together, he swiftly inhaled and exhaled. He had no information, and wondered how he could convincingly lie to his dad about Charlie.

  A grin crept over his face, as she came to mind. He’d told her he’d be running a little late this morning. Closing his eyes, he thought about last night. How they’d snuggled on the couch like some regular couple, and remembered that sexy kiss they’d shared in the barnyard. Nothing but the sounds of animals, the rain, a tangle of bodies, and lips filled the air.

  Alex remembered he’d told her to relax, see where this road would lead them, but wondered the same thing himself. It should have been simple. Go in, work temporarily, get the facts, and get the hell out.

  Only now, and since the day he’d first laid eyes on Charlie, complications grew and multiplied.

  Alex’s body hardened, realizing where he’d like it to lead. Down a dangerous road, one that could probably kill him, figuratively speaking. He smiled a slow smile. It would be an incredibly sweet, fulfilling death indeed.

  Shaking his head, he cleared his mind as he exited the vehicle. He approached the front door, but before he could reach the knob, the door opened, revealing his dad, a grim, hard, unsmiling expression on his face. Well, there was nothing new there.


  Shit. And he’d made use of his full name. That was most definitely a bad omen.

  Alex inclined his head, and walked in, putting his hands in his pockets. “Dad.”

  “Come into my office, son,” his dad stated in his most matter of fact voice.

  “Where’s Mom?”

  “Shopping, but stop trying to change the subject.”

  Alex shrugged. “Sorry, I wasn’t aware that we had.”

  His dad turned to look at him, annoyance crossing his features.

  Closing the door behind him, George went to sit at his desk. He leaned back in his chair, which made Alex feel like a schoolboy being sent to the principal’s office, like the uncomfortable itch of a woolen sweater, it grated against his skin. He hated it. He was a grown man for God’s sake. He scratched the back of his neck, lazily leaning back in his chair.

“I’d like to know what’s going on, son.”

  “There isn’t anything to tell.” Which wasn’t a total lie, he just wasn’t sure he wanted to divulge his involvement with Charlie, if ever.

  “Exactly. I want to know about this land,” he paused, “but I think your head’s in the clouds.”

  Alex leaned back in his chair. “Dad, it’s not like that.”

  Only it was just like that.

  “Son, don’t lie to me. I can tell this girl is on your mind.”

  Alex got up, and paced the room. He leaned against the bookcase, seeking space between him and his dad. His mind raced just thinking about her, not knowing how to make it stop, fuck, not wanting to make it stop. He enjoyed thinking about her. Her sense of humor, her smile, her everything, made him hot and bothered. Longing filled his being, wanting to take her up into the hayloft and make sweet, slow, love to her. He would take his time, explore every last square inch. Even then he wouldn’t be satisfied, and feared he would never be satiated of his need for her.

  No woman had ever taken up such permanent residence inside his head.

  Pulling his head out of the hazy, erotic thoughts, he collected himself. Needed to get his mind, and body under control. But damn, so far he was not succeeding. He turned toward his dad, trying to look as if he’d been paying attention. “Did you say something?”

  “Yes, I asked you what makes this girl special to you?”

  “I can’t explain it. And really I don’t want to talk about Charlie.” With this, he made a motion to leave, needing to make a quick exit.

  The conversation was over as far as he was concerned. He didn’t wish to talk about Charlie, to vocalize his feelings for her out loud. Not just yet, because honestly, he didn’t have them figured out in his mind. Still trying to figure out where this relationship would take them, if anywhere.


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