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On a Gamble

Page 12

by Rose Lange

  “Enjoying the view?” she teased.

  His gaze swept over her nakedness hungrily, seductive and piping hot, making her shiver in her bones.

  His eyes held a dark warning.

  Then within seconds he toppled her once more, pinning, and effectively trapping her hands behind her head. “Your victory is short lived,” he whispered, pressing his hips forward. “But I warned you.”

  Wordlessly, Charlie grasped his buttocks, pushing him further inside. Not wanting to speak for fear of ruining this beautiful moment, she pulled him close, their breaths intermingling, fingertips curling the hair at the nape of his neck. Her eyes met his, and the sheer force of his gaze trained on her, as if he’d never seen anyone more beautiful. She sucked in her belly, as rioting emotions swirled inside, every part of her sung a soprano high note of ecstasy.

  Suddenly his body tensed against hers, as he urgently released himself inside her, and a feeling of peace entered her being. All the muscles, every nerve ending, shouted for the release he gave her, over, and over again.

  He rested his forehead against hers, and looked deeply into her eyes. “Charlie, that was—I don’t even have the words.”

  Brushing a damp piece of hair from his forehead, a languid smile crossed her lips. The luscious weight of his body, mixed with the afterglow of such sweet, potent lovemaking. She didn’t have the words either. “I don’t want to ever leave this place. I want to stay here with you.”

  Alex nestled her against his chest, throwing the forgotten blanket over their bodies. Contentment entered her being, as she looked through the tiny window on the side of the barn. Smiling as she spotted a few stars twinkling through. Glistening and winking at her, she nestled further into Alex.

  “I suppose we should get dressed,” he suggested.

  Her eyes already closed, body ready for sleep, she murmured, “Why? This is perfect.”

  Alex chuckled, the vibrations from his laughter seeped into her back, and she relaxed further. He slid an arm over her chest, pressing her further into his body, and whispered, “But we might get cold.”

  “You can keep me warm.” Her voice sounded distant, dreamy, even to her ears.

  Alex kissed the top of her head, and that was the last thing she remembered before she drifted off to sleep, cradled in the warmth of his arms.

  Charlie woke up the next morning, trying to make sense of her surroundings, and unusual sleeping arrangements. The small shaft of light shone through the small barnyard window, still managed to hit her square in the face. Erotic images of last night danced through her mind. She smiled, closing her eyes, and thought about the most amazing sex she’d ever had in her life. Last night she’d been too relaxed to move, feeling drunk without having consumed one drop.

  Sounds of barnyard animals, and morning filtered through the air. Her eyes popped open, and she turned to see Alex asleep next to her. Good Lord, she couldn’t believe they’d actually slept here all night. Glancing at her watch it read a little past eight-thirty.

  “Good morning.” His breath warmed the back of her neck.

  She stretched like a Cheshire cat against him. “It sure is.”

  He kissed her still exposed shoulder, and wrapped his arms tightly around her. A sharp intake of breath escaped as her bottom pressed into his hard, early morning arousal. Thoughts of that particular part of his anatomy inside her, made her want him all over again. The need satisfied, but still there, clinging like a vine to the recesses of her sex induced brain.

  “Alex, I don’t think we’ll have time this—”

  The words remained glued to her tongue, as he suckled her neck, nibbling the still sensitive flesh. Tilting her head back, she granted him better access, exposing more flesh. This part of her body seemed to be a favored spot, but she wouldn’t complain. Her insides got all topsy-turvy and tangled at the contact, because his lips felt damned good. Making her ready right this second for another round. Maybe for another couple rounds if luck was on her side . . .

  Charlie jerked up, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. She glanced out the window, and saw her grandmother grab her purse, and make her way in the house. “Shit! My Grandma’s home, she can’t find us like this.”

  Being quick about it, she found her undergarments, jeans, and her T-shirt. She tried not to smile as she watched Alex do the same.

  “Don’t you think she’ll know what we’ve been up to? She knows I’m still here.” He attempted to hide a chuckle.

  Charlie’s face warmed. Her hair must have looked rumpled, out of place, and her clothes probably didn’t fare any better. Anybody who looked at her would instantly know she’d been with Alex. She suppressed a chuckle, noticing his hair sticking up in all directions. His appearance hadn’t faired any better, either.

  How would she face Grandma? She’d know exactly what they’d been up to. Alex’s truck parked in the driveway would give it away, and not to mention her rumpled, unusual appearance. She mentally cursed herself for falling asleep here as she came down the ladder, Alex quickly following.

  “I need to get going home, Charlie. Take a quick shower,” he said.

  “You’re not coming in?”

  Alex stepped closer, cradling her face in his palms. Their closeness was a drug, igniting a delicious shudder through her body. The moment her eyes met his, her heart sparked, lit, and melted. The way he looked at her, as if she were the most beautiful woman on earth. His gaze more intense, knowing, and intimate. He rubbed her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, and damn, how she wished she could stop time. Right here.

  He placed a gentle, feather light kiss to her lips. “I’ll stop by later this afternoon. I promise. Let me know how your Grandpa’s doing okay?”

  She nodded, and watched as he drove away. Crossing her arms over her chest, she turned to find her grandma standing on the front porch, a wide, knowing smile on her face.

  “How is everything going?” Grandma Pearl asked.

  Charlie couldn’t hide the blush creeping over her face if she tried. Even if she couldn’t see her own face, she knew it was there. The heat came off in waves. Attempting to change the subject, she cleared her throat, and tried not to think of last night. But wow, the sex hadn’t been just your regular, run of the mill sex, either. Sparks didn’t merely fly. They’d over packed their suitcases, boarded a rocket, and crash-landed on the moon.

  “Fine. How’s Grandpa?” She kept her question, and tone, casual.

  “He’s fine, darling. They want to keep him in the hospital one more day, but he’s going to be fine.”

  She thanked God for that.

  Charlie stepped into the warmth of the kitchen, brewing a cup of strong, and very much needed coffee. Still hardly believing she and Alex made love last night. Her thoughts inevitably wandered there again before she could stop them. He’d been exactly as she’d pictured him in bed, and more. Intense, passionate, in tuned with her needs, as though he could read her mind, knowing exactly what she wanted, needed. Not to mention the phenomenal foreplay . . . my, oh, my.

  Closing her eyes, last night played on the back of her eyelids like a movie, as though permanently imprinted there. Recalling amazing hands, his exploring tongue, and mouth suckling on her breasts. He’d made love to them until they puckered. Every forbidden, erotic detail with Alex had been priceless. The urge to be with him again overpowered her, to hold him close, and thoroughly explore his body. Because the next time they would make love, she would most certainly explore him, and take her time.

  Oblivious to her surroundings, her Grandma’s voice broke her train of thought. “I tried calling last night. Were you home?”

  Turning, her thoughts scattered. Grandma walked toward her, and Charlie held her breath, although she could already see where this was going. Finally, she found her voice. “Yes.”

ndma leaned closer, picking a stray piece of hay out of her hair. Chuckling, she turned back to her task, “That’s what I thought.”

  Charlie gulped, but said nothing. Grabbing her coffee, she sat quietly at the table, sipping the strong brew. Thankful her grandma said nothing more about last night.

  Chapter 10

  Alex got home in record speed. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he stripped, and quickly jumped in the shower. A wicked good high hummed within his skin from the previous evening.

  The last twenty-four hours replayed in his mind. He should feel guilty as hell for making love to Charlie, but he didn’t because last night had been the most incredible sex he’d ever had. The first time he’d not only physically connected with a woman, but emotionally, felt things with his heart and soul. Thoughts of his true, albeit forgotten, agenda reared its ugly head, pounding at the door of his guilt. He’d tried to tell her, and failed. She’d been so vulnerable last night, and the second she’d looked up at him with those pleading, beautiful eyes, his self-control flew out the window without a parachute. When she’d told him with her body that she wanted him.

  Game over.

  What it really boiled down to? She still didn’t know who he really was.

  He stood under the hot stream, putting his hands up on the wall, and closed his eyes. What the hell am I going to do now? After last night there would be no going back. He was beyond the point of no return.

  Hooked like a drug addict, already anxious for the next fix, his mind drifted to memories of last night. And he knew without a doubt he hadn’t regretted it. Feeling like a greedy son of a bitch, he wanted her again. Even knowing he had absolutely no right to. He didn’t know if he could resist her, either. The damage had already been done.

  Charlie had been just as he’d imagined, innocently sexy, sweet, giving, and fiery. Damn, his feelings went way beyond the physical, and it scared the hell out of him.

  He hadn’t felt this way about anyone since Carrie, and even that didn’t fully describe it. She’d broken him he thought, beyond repair, but Charlie slowly loosened the barriers around his heart, full of everything pure, full of love despite everything. His Charlie differed from any other woman he’d known.

  He swiped his hand over his face. Only trouble now, he feared he’d hurt her when he told her the truth.

  And that broke his heart just thinking about it.

  Charlie finished her chores for the morning. By noon, she decided to sit on the porch, take a break with a nice big mug of chamomile tea, and relished the feel of it down her throat. She inhaled the clean, late morning air, and smiled, eager to see Alex.

  Her grandma had since left for the hospital to pick up grandpa, and she was excited, happy beyond words he’d been given a clean bill of health and released early. Leaning against the railing, she sat at attention with the sound of tire against gravel. Her insides did a little dance when Alex’s truck came into view, pulling into the driveway.

  She set her mug aside. Light on her feet, she arose, and stuffed her hands in her pockets. He exited the vehicle, and at first glance, he appeared tense, his face not holding its usual sexy smile. In fact, he looked downright tired, and haggard. Tentatively, she stepped forward. “Hi.”

  He scratched the back of his neck, not meeting her gaze. “Hi there, Charlie.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Alex barely made eye contact. “I’m fine. How’s your Grandpa doing?”

  She frowned. “He’s okay. My Grandma went to bring him home. He’s in the clear, thank God.”

  Charlie watched him shift his weight from foot to foot. His discomfort apparent, which, after all that transpired didn’t make sense. She crossed her arms over her breasts, wondering what changed since last night, besides the obvious. Was this shy, but admittedly adorable version of Alex, the same man that’d made love to her last night?

  Stepping closer, she invaded his personal space. Even if he seemed intent on focusing anywhere else except on her. “Alex, have I done something wrong?”

  Finally, he looked into her eyes, nearly knocking the wind out of her. He grasped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and ran his hands down her neck. Moving against her jawline, he took his time, caressing the now heated skin. He cupped the back of her head, holding her reverently like a frail, fine porcelain doll. Gently crushing her hair between his strong fingertips, he angled his head, as if to prepare for a landing. His lips scant inches from hers. Her mouth parted, expectant, waiting, anticipating his kiss. “Not a thing,” he murmured against her lips.

  Charlie’s lids drifted shut, as he pressed his mouth to hers. She’d longed for this again since last night. Heck, since this morning after he’d left. His tongue greeted hers, sending a shiver of anticipation up her spine, and through her toes. Only this kiss differed from the others, a familiar, hungry, knowing kiss, between lovers. It seemed to go on and on and on, not that she was complaining. Her arms made themselves at home around his waist, bringing him closer. Her breasts cocooned against his chest, reveling in the feel of him against her, even fully clothed.

  His hands crept toward her backside, but stopped just short, at the small of her back. She moaned against his mouth, fisting her hands in his hair, twirling and twirling. Reveling in the dark, fiercely wild mane, loving the feel of it between her fingertips, his goatee tickled the sensitive skin around her lips. Bringing forth memories of that same roughness on her parts down south, and of him giving her the most intensely sweet loving she’d ever experienced. Of orgasms coming at a rapid succession, completely pulling her apart, at the mercy of more passions to come.

  Thinking such erotic thoughts during the day, further inflamed her need. Wild, reckless, she lowered her hands, giving his ass a not so gentle squeeze, the heat for him climbing sky-high.

  Alex pulled back, his breathing labored, and she knew he’d been just as affected. He looked into her eyes, framing her face within the palms of his hands. “Last night was incredible, Charlie,” he finally said against her lips.

  Her stomach did a little flip at his words, suddenly rendered mute by this man. He’d managed to steal her heart in only a few short weeks, but it felt like she’d known him forever. Even if they’d only made love last night, the desperation to have him again, took swift hold.

  She smiled. “Ditto.”

  Later that night, he unfortunately would have to deal with his dad’s wrath. He’d left a message on Alex’s cell phone, urging him to call him back as soon as he could.

  After a nice welcome home dinner for Eugene, he’d kissed Charlie good night, and decided to get this phone call done and over with.

  Already he couldn’t wait to see her again. Her beautiful face came unbidden into his mind, and he smiled as he walked through the front door. But that smile faded, the phone ringing into the otherwise silent space. Begrudgingly, he picked up the phone, knowing he couldn’t avoid his dad forever.

  He mentally cursed when his dad’s angry voice filtered through the line. “Alex, what the hell is going on?”

  He gripped the phone, in no mood to argue. “Well, hello to you, too.”

  “Don’t you use that smart tone with me, young man. What is going on?”

  Knowing he was being a smart ass, and not caring in the least, he responded, “Nothing, Dad. What gave you that idea?”

  “I’ve been more than patient. We’re approaching Thanksgiving, and you still don’t have any information we can use. This development has been at a standstill, and I need to know why.”

  Alex rested his head in his hand, closing his eyes. He may as well tell him the truth, or at least some of it. “I’m starting to have feelings for her.”

  There, he’d said it out loud, and damn did it feel good.

  A deep breath sounded at the end of the line, followed by a soft curse.

lex paced like a caged animal. He didn’t know what to tell his Dad other than that, so he chose his next words carefully. “Dad, I need to figure this out. I’m sorry.”

  He heard another deep sigh, then, “Okay, let me know. But I won’t wait much longer.”

  Alex hung up. What the hell was he going to do?

  Then he thought of his sweet Charlie. Remembered how she’d felt in his arms, and knew he hadn’t made a mistake. He wanted her again, even against his better judgment. Christ, but he’d never regret their lovemaking as long as he lived. This situation grew more complicated by the minute.

  He never imagined his heart would get involved.

  As she climbed in the front of seat of her truck the next morning, there was an extra bounce in her step. Alex’s large, commanding form dwarfed her in the small space. His sexy, masculine scent filled her nostrils. Tempting her to slide closer, and steal a kiss. Even if they had made love only a few days ago, her imagination ran rampant constantly. As if the moments with him permanently etched themselves in her brain.

  “Where are we headed?” he asked.

  “Into town. We need to get a few supplies at the hardware store.” She feared her grin only got wider, wondering if he could read her mind. Good Lord, she hoped not.

  He quirked a brow, giving her a sideways glance, sending shivers dancing up and down her being. How did one glance completely undo her? It was a mystery she’d probably never solve.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Not a thing.”

  When they arrived, Charlie put on her gloves, and turned to find him staring at her out of the corner of his eye. No longer able to bite her tongue, she asked, “Is something wrong? That’s the second time I’ve caught you staring.”


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