Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 8

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Three hundred and twenty nine?” Cage whistled. “I personally can only do a hundred and twelve. Good to know.” He tilted his head and then Ulon’s pink eyes narrowed with curiosity. “What happened back there with Ceembura? Can you tell me why you and your mate growled at him or is it none of my business?”

  Ulon went silent for a good thirty seconds, enough time to see they had only thirty more minutes before the gentle snowing turned into a nasty blizzard. Cage listened to the wind and the loud breathing of the dragon and knew he was about to talk when more air was sucked in through the large snout. “You may know, Cage Two-legs… Our scales are very precious to us and are as strong as the metal known as carbon steel, only ours lighter and more flexible. We do not shed our scales like other reptiles and the preciousness of each one is the greatest treasure. They can be removed and is painful to do so and can be re-grown… To give over a scale is only for courtship to prove to the one we are destined to mate with that our precious scale is nothing to the beauty our mate holds.” Ulon raised his right clawed hand to a place at the base of his neck and turned his head so Cage could see him raise a thick scale to reveal a silver one securely tucked between his pearly white, roof-like shingle, breast-scales. “By the vibrant beauty of this one you can easily see it belongs to my mate. She has one of mine hidden in her scales too.” Ulon’s eyes returned to the warlock’s. “Many mages know this courtship of scale exchange in my kind, but to give our scales to a human is unbelievable. Whoever did this has committed a crime in our laws since our essence holds many properties that can be used in magic. Our scales could be made into nearly unbreakable weapons and if used against the same dragon the scales come from, the dragon’s magic cannot fight against his own body, even after removal. From what I’ve heard of your arms and have seen, it does have dragon scale properties but I do not know if your black arms mean the scales were from a black dragon or if that was the intended color. Since it has your genetic makeup it will be impossible to find the original transgressor. To bind such magic to the body would have imprisoned Ceembura Two-leg’s, if he were still alive, for a hundred years and would never be able to approach another dragon for the rest of his mortal existence. Since you ignorantly had them bound, you cannot be held at fault. Because our essence can create such powerful weapons, it is Draconian law to not give any race our body till they are our equal.

  “Just imagine humans with swords, lances and arrows made from dragon scales that hold strength for many cycles. They could use them to kill us in great numbers since less than only twenty of you Two-legs has power to kill us on equal combat. If more humans had such weapons then it could present too great a threat. More wars would result and life would be in danger. Many magics can be done with our essence, but it would cause turmoil.”

  “But think about the good if people had my arms and feet.” Cage countered. “I’m proof that your scales can be used for more than a weapon. I’ve met men who run a granary and have lost fingers in their simple machines to grind grains for different things. Accidents could be avoided. No one would ever lose a finger. And then there are my feet. If people had my boots they would be able to never worry about frostbite or losing toes or their feet. Yes, weapons would be a problem with your scales, but for binding them to flesh as simply as this would be most beneficial.” Cage held out his hand. “I can’t tell you how many times just one of your kind’s scales has saved my life. If I hadn’t had these after coming to Raliea, even Daku would be dead. Personally if he is found I want to thank him.”

  Those words startled Ulon who said “I hadn’t considered that… Maybe one rotation of the planet, laws might be amended. Right now though, we better return you to the Old One.” Cage quickly climbed back to the thick horn and held on while they hurried back.

  Zikon and Theresa were waiting for their approach and allowed them passage as it began to rain from the snow melting as it hit the city’s barrier. Little was said as Cage noticed the sorcerer still a bit flustered. He awkwardly walked down Ulon and said “Grandpa, my boot’s done changing, but the moment I take it out of the water it will take a minute to return to its original shape.” Theresa watched closely as Zikon knelt beside the steamy bowl and took out the gold measuring rope and measured the flipper in the water to find the flap grew out six inches from its original flap, but it had not only fused to the bottoms of his toes, but completely encased them and has a semi-hard pliability and was slick, almost like a dolphin’s rubbery slick skin.

  “This adaptation would be wonderful to swim with… my magic says the reason it takes so much longer to change is because it slowly takes your mana to engorge itself to take this shape, but so slowly that none can sense the magic at work. These properties would make life so much better.” Zikon said.

  As Cage spoke he noticed Daku fast asleep, curled up against a wall. “Figured as much, but it’s impossible to differentiate my mana from my boots since, after all, it is part of me. Now watch this.” He removed his foot from the water and held it over the bowl to rub the excess water off. Without the water surrounding it the boot-flap flipper began to slowly shrink over the course of a minute. His toes were released and the flipper soon returned to the thin flap connected to the ball of his foot that supported his toes.

  “Remarkably impressive.” Zikon sat down right on the floor to begin writing as fast as he could so he didn’t miss anything, even for his eidetic memory.

  Glad to be rid of the bowl and not disturb the sorcerer, Cage walked right up to the gigantic purple dragon. “Theresa how did it go with Gralla?”

  His question had both Poli and Ulon alert and listening. The female elder fixed him in her violet gaze to say “Rex Gralla wishes me to extend thanks to reminding her of the abandoned colony. Zikon was just telling me of your communion with the departed Ceembura Two-legs so I hadn’t said this yet. The Rex and her mate permitted me to speak as they were preparing to send out the younger hatchlings to begin the search. Informed I was of why it was deserted. Foul water that killed our kind flooded the lower tunnels three million years ago. None remembered its existence till today. The Rex agreed it could be plausible the Tiaxm originated there, but doesn’t think it likely. But” Theresa raised a polished ivory claw as a human would a finger. “that is the first location that she will coordinate a search for any answers. If more broken are found, they will be eliminated, but if the foul water is gone the mountains will come alive again and expand a new home for the young dragons to call their own. Rex Gralla says your tunnel is being made as we speak and will also meet you tomorrow after the star passes overhead to guide you to your safe section.”

  “Glad some good came from my being forced into those mountains.” Cage said and yawned. “Tomorrow is going to be another long day. I’d better get some sleep.” As he said this he widened the flow to his diamonds and pumped all excess he could sustain into the four gems till he could barely walk like earlier.

  He stumbled away, feeling all eyes on him. Eventually he spent a minute walking Daku’s length and slurred “Ooopen up!” Daku cracked an eye and immediately realized his partner honoring him by intentionally weakening himself so that even while relaxing, his body had to forcibly make more and more mana so the training time would be dramatically reduced. Daku smiled and gently scooped his partner up and laid him in the curve of his arm. Cage immediately fell asleep, sprawled over soft fur. Daku smiled contently and curled up so his neck gently covered him without crushing. Then they both fell asleep because Cage was well protected since no one could reach him in any way with Daku surrounding him.

  “Time for the two of you to wake!” Megdline called out louder when the first attempt failed.

  Consciousness returned to Daku as he lifted his beak and looked down at the sorceress while he noticed Theresa and Zikon staring intently at one another. They were so still that if not for the movement of breathing they looked like statues. Frill was over at the kitchen, lapping at a saucer of milk greedily. Poli and Ulon remained tangled contently
over on the dark balcony. Sunrise had yet to arrive, but it didn’t mean that the dozen orbs of white light all around the cavernous room didn’t mean it was any less bright. “Good morning, Megdline. Why did you wake us before sunrise?”

  “Cage has a lot to get done before meeting Rex Gralla and my husband and Theresa wish to do a few things only they have the right to do. He also needs to have a lot to eat and have time to digest before you try to kill him again.” She said.

  “Fair enough.” Daku chirped and looked down to the curve of his left arm at the curled position of his master. Cage was still severely weakened and couldn’t rouse as he was accustomed because the magic being sucked from him kept his mind and body severely weakened. The griffin used the upmost care to gently nudge his partner with a pale white beak. In his current size Daku could easily cause death by laying his head down so he was using the gentlest movements.

  “Ten more minutes.” Cage mumbled and swatted the beak in a sleepily way. Only incessant pestering and chuckling made the warlock’s eyes crack. He groaned and fought the migraine along with the stabbing pain the magical light of the room caused. Few times could Cage ever recall feeling so groggy after a full night’s sleep. His body felt horrid and like he was still completely drunk while nursing a hangover.

  “Rise. Food will help some.” He said the second statement towards Megdline who walked away in understanding.

  It took three tries to sit upright and not collapse from dizziness. Cage slid to the ground and stumbled, but before he fell strong hands gripped his shoulder. “I’ve got you, Child.” And turned to find it was Zikon holding him upright. “This constant draining method isn’t good for the body, especially while sleeping. If you were a student of this city I would demand to cease such foolishness, but if this is the only way, allow me to help till you can move under your own power.”

  “Thanks, Grandpa. I’ll take the hand.”

  Cage managed to stand straight till Zikon surprised him by saying “Keppan!” and a violet light appeared for a moment before a faint popping sound made it vanish and in the light’s place appeared a straight grey staff with a lavender crystal housed in the top. “There is a reason nearly every mage carries a staff beyond that it holds our excess power. Magic is draining and a walking stick is beneficial when you can barely stand. This was my first staff, Cage. You better use it for the time being. It isn’t as fancy, but the staff is still very sturdy.” Zikon grabbed the gem being housed and released it from the wood and put it in his robes where it disappeared into a space manipulated pocket only the caster could reach.

  The six foot tall staff was wonderful to use. Cage had to focus greatly to walk a beeline for the head and used it while Zikon waited outside. While he relieved his aching bladder, Daku spoke with his guards about a meal and Poli said she hadn’t hunted in three weeks so they were allowed to go on the hunt. Cage came out, but didn’t ask where the griffin and silver dragon disappeared to as their deep and powerful voices carried. It took a few minutes to cross over to the kitchen area and sat down with a sigh, but Zikon carefully moved near his love and brought over two large steaming mugs of hot coffee, much to Cage’s pleasure and on the tray was a bowl with a wooden spoon where small balls of white sugar could be added to the drink. Cage was so drained and the mug so large he added twelve sugar balls. By the time he drank half, his foggy mind cleared marginally. Neither Megdline or Zikon said a word till he admitted “Much better. Thank you.”

  “You’re quite welcome.” Zikon said as he sipped his hot drink. “My Love, how long?” and she replied “Five more minutes.” Zikon nodded and turned to his guest. “Are you up to more conversation, Cage?”

  “It’s taking my all to keep my eyes open and focused to not sway, but yes.” He admitted.

  “Good, much happened yesterday and you didn’t tell me what happened with your mates and Ulon wouldn’t speak of it since it was private.” Zikon listened to the simple answer of how he just retold all he learned. “Alright… Well I sent the sample of your arm to be privately analyzed and after you left I sent some of my aids to go locate Ceembura’s research into bonding magic and flesh, but as of yet found nothing. He must have not put his notes to be found in the library’s magical scanner so it could be instantly located. But there is something else I need to discuss with you.” Cage merely raised an eyebrow. “You haven’t officially chosen a side so you cannot go anywhere without being accompanied by someone stronger who could take you out if you threaten the civility of Twilight. If you wish to roam the city when all is through and the Tiaxm threat is eliminated, you need to be spelled to never give up any secrets of the city or harm another within the boundary of this city.

  “As you are well aware, Vika must be stopped, but her power and influence is too great. Twilight might have twice the history, but by numbers, they are superior. Only the dragon colony and ancient wards are all that prevent her from succeeding. She wants nothing more than to learn the city’s secrets and how to put it all under her absolute control. There are spells on the city which prevent her forces from being allowed just as Laqura Castle and the sprawling stone city has, for mages raised and loyal to Twilight. Since you have no loyalties you were not allowed to enter the city. The only reason you passed the sentries and spells is because Megdline gave you temporary access by wrapping a barely sensed spell so you could safely pass, Ulon did the same since his loyalties both lay to his colony and to Twilight.” Ulon rumbled so Cage could know the truth, but he was so overwhelmed at the time he didn’t notice the harmless spell they put on him. “If you had come and tried to enter the city illegally, the barrier would have locked you in a barrier or even had killed you if you tried forcing your way out. If you wish to have access to this city like all of her residents then you must be spelled to oppose the empire should you be captured and tortured for information.”

  “They can try, but no one ever learned anything from torturing me.” Cage breathed slow and deeply to maintain his focus. “What else will this city access spell be capable of doing to me, even not directly?”

  Zikon took another sip of coffee. “Your presence will be known that you had come, your duration in any given place and where you visited will be tracked and recorded. If something ever happened we could retrace your every step while inside the city and locate you here at any given time. The dragon colonies do the same so no one is ever lost and could be easily found. It doesn’t record any conversations or what you were doing, but it lets us know you are an ally and gives us the ability to discover anything we must take care of in an emergency.”

  “If I say yes, could it be stripped from me? What would happen if I was suddenly stripped inside the barrier?”

  Zikon liked a person who could think and wasn’t disappointed. “Yes, the access spell, as you called it, can be removed. But if you ever chose to have it stripped you would never be able to speak of the city, anything you learned, associating with an empire’s mage will render you speechless and you would not be allowed to speak or replicate any magics you learned while within the city. And that includes passively. For instance if you accepted and I suddenly stripped it you would never be able to call a spirit like I showed you.” Zikon sat his drink down to add “But the most important part of the spell is that it must be done on a willing host. If you said no, I could work the spell on you anyway, but it would be pointless. Same way if I tried taking it afterwards. As for if it is done in the city, you don’t need to worry, no one is protecting you now. It only works at the city’s edge where the four entrances lay. You can leave, but returning will be impossible, even for a warlock. Only Daku cannot be impeded by the city’s magic.”

  Megdline then magically transferred over the large breakfast by levitation, one plate had much more than the other two combined. “Eat up, Dimwit. You’ll need to stuff yourself for what is to come.”

  The food was delicious and Cage’s condition believed it was starved for nutrients as if he hadn’t eaten in five days. The tricked bodily system b
elieved he was starving. Food was shoveled and table manners went out the window as Cage inhaled the delicious meal of a full dozen scrambled eggs, peeled oranges, bananas and six large biscuits with strawberry jam spread in the center. Both Megdline and Zikon watched in both amusement and fear as he ate enough for three large men. Only when the last wedge of orange disappeared did Cage find himself unable to restrain a belch so loud the wooden cavern echoed. Embarrassed, Cage said “Sorry about that, Granny. It wasn’t polite.”

  “Nonsense!” Megdline laughed heartily. “I take that as a compliment in our family. Usually our great grandchildren have contests who can eat my food and release the loudest belch and how many times the room echoes. I think that beat Zikon’s record.”

  “No doubt about it!” Zikon laughed loudly and he had to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye. “That was impressive, Cage!” others joined in the chuckle, mostly Theresa. “In a few weeks we will have our annual family reunion and the little ones would love to challenge you after that.”

  “None have ever beaten me.” Theresa challenged.

  “That’s because you’re a dragon. You belch flames and nearly burned of all my hair last year.” Zikon shot back.

  Theresa’s massive shoulders bunched and released in a shrug while remaining laying down. “The younglings shouldn’t have challenge me then.”

  “They think your too tame to be a dragon.”

  “And they think their ancestor can’t handle cooking without making them sick.” Theresa bantered back. “If not for your mate you would be all bones.”

  They both got a good laugh.

  “Well I’m stuffed. Thanks, Granny, that was delicious.” Megdline nodded as she pet Frill who curled up on the table near her plate. To the sorcerer Cage said “I’m willing to have the access spell put on. I cannot stand slavery in any way, shape or form so I’ll never associate with the Laqura Empire as an ally. They captured Meeka and experimented on her and even sent twelve sorcerers and their Familiars to capture and likely kill me. They tried having Tate arrest me for kicking their ideals right in the balls and wanted me extradited for wrecking Bepop and freeing the slaves in Eeroan. At least you’ve shown tolerance from what I’ve done and who I am. Vika would find out real quick how I wouldn’t help to even wipe her ass let alone join her little cult. From all I’ve learned in my short time here on Raliea and how Emroc and Vlara hold respect for the Magical Council and all of Twilight I think I can use your resources and know you would be a better ally. And I don’t want permission to enter the city if my only business were to come visit the library and borrow a book on a certain species of daisy and be led around like a criminal. Of course I could always get Leon to do it, but still, it would be an option if he were busy.”


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