Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 9

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “I’m glad you can see that so clearly considering all you’ve overcome.” Zikon said. “This will take a few minutes so relax and have your mind be willing to accept the spell. If it is rejected, I’ll know you aren’t being truthful.” Cage leaned back in the comfortable chair. “Allow the barrier of Twilight to recognize Cage as a trustworthy citizen to have unlimited access into the city so long as he remains loyal to our beliefs that all mankind is special and equal…” Zikon continued bestowing the relatively complex spell on the warlock.

  For the next ten minutes Zikon spoke and he could feel them being accepted willingly. He noticed Cage focusing intently with those unsettling black eyes that seem to drill into his soul, but knew the intensity was to make sure Zikon didn’t add in any deceptive spells he didn’t speak of earlier. Even Zikon could sense that one mistake would set off Cage’s anger and be in a deadly fight by the way he gripped the simple staff that had been loaned. Cage might have appeared relaxed, but the way he sat was just a ruse for it could give him the ability to jump and strike or roll aside to avoid the first hit. Zikon could count the men on one hand in his whole life who, even when weakened, was still ready to kill if attacked, even if that person was a friend. Such an observation made Zikon tread carefully and make the spells he wove be specific so as to not invoke the warlock’s wrath. “There, I’m done.” Zikon said as he felt the end of the spell fall in place, but then sensed Cage’s magic flow inwards as he studied the new spell and how it worked. “You are now citizen of Twilight…” His hazel eyes turned. “Ah, right on time.” Zikon raised a hand over to the balcony and landing area to fire a violet orb.

  Moments later came in a flying wizard atop a crimson board. Leon flew in slowly till dropping down beside Theresa and bowing to say “Lord Zikon, Colby and I have arrived as requested.”

  “Leon, outside the chambers you do not have to be so formal with me. Come closer and wait till Daku and Poli return. Have you eaten yet?”

  Leon came closer while Colby jumped to the table to sniff the air and scurried over to Frill. The wizard responded “Yes, My Lord, I’ve eaten and I’ll try to remember.” And he sat after acknowledging everyone in the spacious room. “What were you discussing before we interrupted?”

  “I just placed the spells to make Cage a citizen of Twilight, but we are waiting for Daku so I can take you both to the library and increase your restricted access levels to certain subjects. With Cage’s honor to be allied with us, you won’t have to bother requesting different tomes through the council though it will be recorded and followed closely. I hadn’t had time to explain it all, but Leon, you can only get books above first class wizard teachings for Cage since he might need spells that might make him yawn, but would kill you if attempted so if the keepers tell you they are dangerous, do not open the cover. I know you know this, just be careful. And Cage will have clearance of all first class sorcerers.” His eyes shifted to the warlock. “And the first class sorcerer’s enclave will remain restricted to you both, but Cage, if you wish to see the records of the warlocks you may speak with a keeper who will know what you are allowed to read, from what the council decides. Leon and Colby will not be allowed there under any circumstances and if a topic is restricted Leon must inform you to do it yourself or if it is forbidden, believe there is a good reason.”

  “Alright, but what is a keeper?” Cage wondered.

  “Long lived men and women spelled like your mates. They keep the library safe, orderly and know all of its inner workings, but do not have the gift to do magic themselves. Unlike in the empire where magicians are barely better than slaves, here we bestow longer life to help maintain knowledge. The library’s keepers are what make the city function so well. They are of a loyal lineage who helped found Twilight eight thousand years ago. Many I call friend and the keepers make sure order is maintained. Their lack of magic is why we need them. It helps keep the young and inexperienced mages humble and not to search for magic that could get them killed. The keepers are well respected, even by dragons. If they tell you no, do not fight them unless you never wish to step foot in the library again. They protect the books while we of the council protect them.”

  “Huh. Quite a symbiotic relationship.” Cage said while filing away that bit of information. He then spun around in his chair when an idea popped in his head. “Theresa, while I’m thinking about it, can you explain something so I can understand. How is it possible a dragon of your size needs so little to eat? I was told just the equivalent of a deer per month is all you require.”

  “Correct.” She rumbled after arching her long neck. “Mature elder dragons require little prey. It is proof we reached our prime. We are creatures of magic and we live off what is made inside. Prey keeps us nourished, but we live on mana.”

  “Now it makes since, but why doesn’t everyone know?”

  “Rex Gralla permits you such knowledge. She believes you will live longer this way too. Some knowledge isn’t allowed till you are ready, Cage Two-legs. Dragon physiology is allowed since you are an evolutionary equal like White King Daku. She will speak more later when star begins descending in the sky.” Theresa stated, ending further questioning of her kind for the moment.

  Daku chose that moment to fly in and land, not requiring permission to pass the barrier since almost no magic affected him. Poli though needed Theresa to send magic so she could pass the powerful barrier. Daku’s steps shook the tree some as he said “I won’t need to eat for weeks since Poli found a herd of deer in the mountains. Zikon, is all ready?”

  “Yes, Old One. Cage accepted the offering as you believed so he can go wherever he’d like.” To the others he said “We will leave and go get started. Megdline, would you like to come?”

  “I’ll be quite alright. The medicine says I shouldn’t do strong spells till after I take all of it and have plenty of rest. I’ll go visit our children and let them know what is going on for a few hours. You just have fun before going back to work and Leon?” the young wizard turned to her. “You and Colby have fun with Cage and Daku and be sure to show him around before heading to meet Rex Gralla.”

  “We shall do our best, Lady Megdline.” Both Colby and Leon said simultaneously.

  Out in the air again, Cage sat atop his Familiar’s head as he followed Theresa’s lead around the gigantic library. Poli and Ulon stayed back just enough to not interfere in the path of the last living griffin. Theresa carried Zikon almost identically to the honored guest behind them. Leon sat quietly with Colby between Daku’s wings, trying to not interfere till his services are required.

  Though Cage didn’t feel well he took in everything while holding the loaned staff. His gaze absorbed everything as they glided in a lazy downward spiral around the outside. The sun hadn’t even thought to crest the mountainous horizon and wouldn’t for the next few hours, hence why the city was named Twilight since it got no more than five hours of direct sunlight. But the giant library was so tall the upper section of gigantic leaves shone in light. The flight had plenty of room between the giant oak and the ring of council trees, thirty three in all for the eleven members on each of the three councils. Cage noticed Theresa move to an open ledge over a mile off the ground that served as a landing area for it seemed dragons and others capable of flight used it regularly. It was up so high for one reason, to aid in easier takeoffs since it took so much strength to lift so gigantic of bodies. The upper platforms made it so a dragon merely needed to expand his or her wings and dive off and have enough room to soar before crashing painfully into the ground.

  Theresa’s landing preceded Daku, Poli and Ulon’s. Zikon glided to the ground and angled himself towards a desk were ten men and four women stood and bowed. As he spoke with the group Cage noticed the inner network of the library.

  If the outside of the tree was amazing, the inside had no words capable of capturing such in any language. More books than Cage ever imagined in existence lined shelf after shelf for thousands of feet. Stairs wound around to different levels
wide enough for dragon elders to stretch from snout to the end of their fanlike tails. Wooden bridges crisscrossed a hollow interior where dragons could fly inside without fear. Long wooden ropes hung all over the place, but Cage didn’t wait long to find out their use as a person was shooting up to a different level to bypass the stairs by holding the rope firmly. Light orbs hung on each level, but they were dim in comparison to thousands of mirrors reflecting morning sunlight from higher in the tree. Some books floated on their own, returning to a specific shelf where they were designated. But most of all, the library was clean beyond any place Cage had ever seen and it smelled calming. This place was perfect to hold books to remain temperature controlled and not rot away as fast as books in any other place, even if they weren’t all magically protected from degrading or overuse.

  Cage, from his new vantage, noticed an emerald dragon over on the other side of the library, curled up, but her head was arched as she spoke to a group of human children and three much smaller dragons of lime green, blue and violet scales were so focused on the greater dragon’s every word they didn’t see Daku and the rest of them. At this time in the early morning, Cage figured the young were learning a lesson and the teacher really enjoyed their eager attention as when she stopped speaking on the proper dragon names for things, three human hands and two clawed hands reached up to ask questions. Cage really enjoyed his new ears since he could hear from the other side.

  Over a ways below the walkway Cage noticed two bulky dragons and a dozen humans lounging, reading thick books in soft grass inside the library, but large glass balls aided the dragons to read the much smaller human books like a magnifying glass and a miniscule nudge of magic turned the pages.

  A bright smile spread across Cage’s expression. I could get used to this. He thought. No computer on Earth could hold all the information stored in this place, but all is so peaceful here. I bet some live in here and dedicate their whole lives just to read. Poor saps, this place is a trap from the real world, but I can see the appeal. So much knowledge and history in one place… “Hey, Daku? When I get time off between these trials you’ve got in store for me, can I read?”

  “That is why we are here aren’t we?” Daku purred playfully. “The tomes can ease your mind while your body recovers. We will alternate action with leisure so your body can properly adjust to my methods.”

  “Cage, Leon, Colby!” Zikon raised his voice from the desk of keepers. “Come here for a moment.”

  Daku walked forward and laid down so his passengers could land. Cage relied heavily on the staff to walk over and Leon was smart enough to stay close if he fell from exhaustion. The food earlier helped marginally, but he approached the desk to see the keepers. In the center of each of their foreheads was a blue vertical leaf, but he didn’t comment about the tattoo. One of the older looking men pulled out a large, clear crystal orb the size of a bowling ball and it was truly flawless without needing to check with magic. He then sat it in the recess of the desk.

  Zikon waived his hand to the group. “Cage, these are the keepers of the library here in Twilight. If you ever need to research something, ask them and they will know where to guide you. Now I need you to touch the crystal ball so it will recognize you from this point on and will record all of your book requests and loans.”

  Cage placed his large hand on the ball and watched as its clarity turned murky before going pure black, but since none reacted hostilely, he figured it was supposed to do that. Then a clear blue oval appeared overhead the ball as he withdrew his hand. Something like a hologram. “What is it doing now.”

  The more wizened keeper ran his fingers through his salt and pepper hair to say “This magic shows you’ve not rented a book from us personally. This oval would have the names of each volume you’ve ever used. Young man, care to show him?”

  Leon nodded and placed to fingers on the crystal. It flashed burgundy for a moment and as he drew his fingers back the blue oval flashed for a moment and hundreds upon hundreds of names in black lettering appeared in dozens of rows and scrolled down much like a computer screen would. Then there were six at the bottom in pulsating red. Leon then said “The other colors are books I’ve yet to return. When I do, the color will be black like the rest. There are some books with lines next to them, those are tomes I’ve borrowed more than once, Sir Cage.”

  “Oh! Hold on.” Cage reached in a pocket, whispered almost inaudibly and withdrew a thick book from his pocket. “I’m done with this and it has really come in handy.” He looked between the young wizard and the keepers. “Uh, who do I return this to?”

  “I will show you how it’s done!” Leon said and took the offered book that taught Cage how to alter his sight and hearing to whole new levels. Leon placed two fingers on the crystal ball again and while it was red he brushed the spine along the smooth surface till a momentary white flash came from it. He then handed it to one of the women who took it and walked away with a smile that said she enjoyed her job. “My Lady, a moment?!” The woman stopped. “Since that was my lord’s first, shouldn’t he have that book borrowed under his name as well?”

  “Of course, my apologies.” She said and Cage took it. He felt like rubber but managed to touch the crystal, rubbed the spine and when he withdrew a red light of words of the book’s title appeared on the magic screen. He then did it again and the red turned black. “Thank you.” She said, taking the book back and left again.

  “Cage,” Zikon started in a clear tone of authority for the keepers’ benefit. “You are now allowed full access to all class of knowledge and in the first sorcerer’s enclave for only the knowledge of warlocks, the great division and all references to how your universe was created. You may read the passages inside the enclave alone or with Daku, none else are permitted, not even your guards. No knowledge in any physical form may leave the enclave at this time, but the upper boughs of sorcerer knowledge is allowed to be borrowed. And as you already signed the library’s contract you know the obligations you are bound to uphold… Leon, touch the orb again so that the keepers know your access will be changed if it is on Cage’s behalf.” The wizard did so and as he touched it, Zikon touched it at the same time and both red and purple colors swirled. A bit of some form of spell altered Leon’s color marginally and it had two tones when the sorcerer withdrew, one much brighter than the other. “Do not abuse this responsibility or you know the consequences.” Leon accepted the warning with a nod. “Now you too Colby.” The chipmunk scurried down and went through the same process. “My task is done. Cage, I must now leave you in Leon’s company till your appointment with Rex Gralla. I will be in council, readying for the announcement. Behave yourselves.”

  “No promises, Grandpa.” Cage quipped and a few librarians gasped at the response till Zikon chuckled in returned. The warlock watched as Zikon flew over to stand on Theresa’s head and proudly hold a horn before she left them and disappeared outside. “So who wants to give me the grand tour of this big ass book collection and kill some time?”

  “We collect more than books, My Lord.” The middle age looking man responded, but his ageless gaze said he was ancient and knew everything there was to know and more. But his gaze wasn’t upset, just patient. “Since Lord Zikon brought you here, I would be honored to give a tour of my home.” So I was right. People do live here! Cage thought and followed the man. The ground shook as the three great beings followed. “We shall start at ground level to give a proper orientation.” He walked up to one of the ropes with arrows pointing down and grabbed hold with both hands.

  “Meet you down there!” Cage hooted and leapt over the ledge where the safety railing was missing to utilize the ropes for faster access to different levels.

  Leon laughed and leapt into the air too.

  The fall felt great and the rush of adrenaline lessened the fatigue all within in a second as Cage passed the guide holding the rope as he plummeted. Some heads in the inspiring building turned to watch him and Leon fall, but realized they weren’t in distress
so the other occupants ignored them, Daku on the other hand gained attention. Several seconds later Cage’s wards flared when impact was imminent and he was fully surrounded in blackness to land without issue. As his cocoon disappeared he saw Leon’s crimson sphere land like a soft rubber ball, but it absorbed the impact and spread it out safely before disappearing instead of bouncing. Cage saw the boy smiling fully before looking up and watching Daku and the others gliding down smoothly. Last to land in the open space was the calm guide who seemed to have seen much and didn’t care what they did. He only said “So long as you do not disturb others or interfere in another keeper’s work, you may do as you like. Remember to keep quiet since some lessons are being taught.”

  The tour lasted all morning and was spectacular. The whole book system was complicated, but efficient and would be easy to navigate even without one of the live-in workers. All listened closely while using the stairs and they eventually paused for a break at a refreshment area much like a cafeteria. The food was tasty and the seating area eased sore leg muscles from climbing all the stairs and crossing the many bridges.


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