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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 10

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  During the enlightening tour, the city heard the announcement from the First Council’s chambers of the Tiaxm incident back in Vin’re two days prior, leaving little out. Cage was glad so little was withheld since it could be a detriment if another person was caught unaware and didn’t know to run away and contact the city immediately if one was spotted. What was impressive is that for each resident in Twilight there was a citywide illusion cast for each loyal person to show a scaled version of what the oversized white ticks with teeth looked like and Cage knew that the spell he had accepted earlier from Zikon allowed the magic to find him and show him as it did everyone else. It was an impressive and complicated casting, almost as first looking at the library. To show each person required tremendous amounts of magic and focus if a person did the casting and when he asked about it when the announcement ended after fifteen minutes Colby explained a network of crystals lay all over the place that relay the magic to every sensed human, dragon and Familiar who had been spelled as he had this morning. It was complicated, but it was the magic from one person being sent everywhere to explain the situation to the masses.

  The knowledgeable guide continued the fascinating tour, staying away from certain occupied learning areas.

  Around the time they reached the halfway point they were interrupted by an inhuman, but feminine voice. “White King Daku, might you have a spare moment?” They all turned to the large light colored emerald dragon Cage first noticed upon arrival and was surrounded by a new group of children, small Familiars and two new baby dragons about fifteen feet long and both had an azure coloring, but one was darker.

  The griffin smiled in recognition. “Noreen? Is that you, Old Friend? It has been what… fifteen hundred years since our last speaking?”

  The large female dipped her scaly head and smiled, showing a long row of curved, pearl white teeth longer than a human arm and three times as thick without the slightest flaw or cavity. “I believe it has been that long, Old Friend. It is good to see your wings strong and beautiful, timeless.”

  “You speak more like a human now and who are these cubs?” Daku approached the female.

  Some of the children whimpered and ran to stand behind her house-size hands for protection. She looked down. “Be not frightened hatchlings. Show respect for the last living griffin in the universe.” Noreen further purred loudly, but it sounded more like a growl. If not for her gentle eyes it would sound almost a threat. Slowly the young moved out from behind her protection, and when they showed their respect by bowing, the dragon said “I have learned to speak more like humans so they can understand me easier out of necessity. The hatchlings learn quicker if you speak like them and their parents. For the past six centuries I’ve chosen to rear the many hatchlings knowledge on the many diverse species in Raliea and enjoy it thoroughly. Just last week this particular clutch learned of your kind and of your partner as a warlock since it is widely known you exist in the open once again.” Her large green, vertical irises glanced at Cage as he moved over to stand as surely as he could by his Familiar’s right foreleg. “Long as it been since I looked upon a warlock doing that kind of training. Is there a reason he…”

  “Noreen.” Daku rumbled in clear warning. “Not in front of the cubs. We do not want them to do as Cage is. If they try in secret it will cause irreparable damage since they are not warlock.”

  “Agreed.” To the students of about nine years in average she said “Who will be brave enough to ask first?”

  It was quiet for a few seconds till the darker azure dragon came forward. “Old One, will you let us feel inside you? Noreen Emeraldscales spoke of you fondly seven rotations ago. She said to fully understand your kind’s power we need to see with our inner power.”

  “I consent, Cub.” Daku stood tall and proud as the regal king he is.

  Magic rose in different levels as the young sent their testing magic to penetrate the griffin and soon after the gasping subsided the lot of them began whispering to each other at what they discovered with excitement. She gave a slight rise to her wings and slapped them along her scaly sides to gain attention. “Have you all felt within him?” Each head nodded aside from the array of Familiars who approached to catch his scent. “Then return to the grass and confer with each other on what you learned from my ancient friend.”

  The lighter azure dragon piped up to ask “What about his Two-leg Summoner? May we ask…”

  Noreen shook her head that was even four times larger than the young dragon’s entire body. “No, little one. None your age are allowed to learn of the warlock by magic. You might learn something you are not ready for and will be too dangerous for your health. They are different from your human friends and your curiosity will get you in trouble. Go with the others and do as I say.”

  Cage took a step forward when the comparatively smaller lizard hopped away to rejoin the others and said “Noreen,” her head turned upon him. “I’ll be staying for the next six days. You and Daku seem to be close so maybe I might be able to educate the kids about what I’ve learned about myself. I’m going to be on a busy schedule, but if you and Daku work something out I might be a guest teacher. Would you be willing to have the kids learn from me and be able to settle some of their questions so you aren’t pestered and they go behind your back anyway?”

  Green eyes raised and met clear blue. “Would this be possible?”

  Daku shrugged. “As he said, we can work something out. Just know eight hours each day will be strictly occupied. After he gets started under Rex Gralla’s care I will figure a solution with you.”

  “Speaking of!” Leon spoke up. “Sir Cage, Lord Daku, we must leave soon to reach her. Noon has passed.”

  Daku nodded before looking back into Noreen’s gaze. “Has your and your mate’s nest moved since my last visit?”

  “It has. I will be here till sundown. We can meet at the hot spring like we used to do?” She proposed.

  “That will be fine. Go back to the cubs before they get in trouble and I’ll meet you afterwards.”

  Noreen let out a deep, resonating chuckle along with a thick puff of smoke from her nostrils. “Compared to griffin cubs, these are tame, newborn hatchlings. At least they don’t play tricks on me. And if you ever paint my scales white like before, prepare for revenge.”

  “Glad to see your mind is still sharp. I was just trying to make you look like me.” Daku rumbled loudly. She snorted a six foot flame and rolled her eyes,

  “Before we head out…” Cage said as they parted company and Noreen walked back across the bridge to reign in her dozen students. He walked up to their patient guide and said “This place is amazing and too big to learn all in one day.” The keeper smiled in great pride. “Since we’ve got an appointment that can’t wait, can I ask to borrow a fictional adventure book. I’m not into poetry. Do you have a favorite adventure book you enjoy the most?”

  “I know just the one.” The man beamed for the request. “I’ll go retrieve it immediately while your company heads for the nearest landing area.” He walked away briskly for the nearest rope elevator and shot straight up and disappeared.

  It didn’t take long to reach the nearest exit and about that time the keeper came to a soft stop on the same level with a bulging satchel at his hip. He took out a thick book that had Cage raising a single eyebrow. It weighed ten pounds at least. They both approached the desk where another crystal ball sat and quickly touched and rubbed the spine over the smooth surface and successfully checked out the book. “This is one of my favorites, Lord Cage. It is rather long, but few books engrossed me like this one and I’ve read it hundreds of times.”

  “I look forward to it.” Cage then held the heavy book close before climbing on Daku and soon their group took off and left the library.

  Chapter 4

  Soaring through the warm air was wonderful and sunlight eased the mind, but Cage couldn’t be lax as he took everything in as he had been trained. He saw that most people in the city walked all over the place and
were mages who usually looked average, but some had chosen to modify their bodies in outrageous ways. Two though stuck in his minds as one person looked much like a human/dragon hybrid with red scales and wings, but as he walked on his two back legs it proved he wasn’t born a reptile that walks on all fours and the other turned out to be a woman stood a good fifteen feet tall and had feline features with a furry tail.

  Poli suddenly sped up to take the lead and Cage could finally see why Ulon boasted yesterday of her flying speed, but she was almost too beautiful to look away. The silver beauty was like a flying dancer with honed moves few could match if paired together. Her long neck turned completely around as she looked back to say “Old One, we drop to the ground.” and she tipped forward.

  Daku descended and Cage saw they were heading for a heavily forested mountain untouched by winter’s chilling grip. But as they lazily approached he noticed a huge, gaping maw tunneled into the mountain. It was a gigantic cave with a steep ledge that is common for dragon kind to utilize for easier takeoffs. But what was different about the huge cave entrance is it wasn’t dark which is why it wasn’t spotted immediately. The opening was teeming with ample light of the magical variety. Around the open landing zone were dozens of dragons sparkling while sunning themselves out in the open and seemed to be enjoying it.

  But as they came ever closer it was revealed that Rex Gralla and four fearsome males were staring directly at them. She was gigantic for a female and could hold her own against any opponent as Cage learned about dragon hierarchy from Megdline’s lessons. To be Rex of a colony is to be the strongest and for Gralla to wear the four huge gold bands around her horns meant none in the Blind Mountains is her equal. It reminded him of the Utala as he was also the chieftain and had to keep proving his worth as leader, but dragons reign for a hundred years before anyone could be challenged and Rex Gralla had apparently never lost in her immense lifetime after growing to full maturity. Despite being a powerhouse of a Rex, Gralla was stunning with orange and red scales like a living fire. Like most female dragons, she too wore gigantic gemstones between her horns while the males stuck with one that was larger atop their skulls.

  With plenty of room to spare, Poli landed first, Daku second and Ulon brought up the rear.

  Rex Gralla and the four other elder males approached with an air of supreme confidence. Ulon and Poli laid down and dropped their heads in honor to their leader, at least it was Cage’s observation. She approved with a grunt and they stood up again. Gralla’s potent gaze fixed itself upon Daku as Cage sat casually on his head and how Leon and Colby glided to the ground to bow at the waist to the dragons’ undisputed colony ruler. “Fair wind, White King Daku.”

  “And to you, Ancient One.” Daku responded without bowing as leaders of equal standing don’t dare do for it could be seen as weakness.

  Rex Gralla turned her fiery gaze slightly up. “At last we speak, Cage Two-legs. Last rotation Rex Nattan monopolized your time so we weren’t able to converse… You’ve begun training I sense. Confidence from our earlier impression of you in the tree dome is less and the piercing quality of your eyeballs is lethargic now.” She noticed with a tilted head.

  “Yeah, but I still do not know why it’s done this way. All I’m really doing is being constantly drained and staying in a severely weakened condition. I did it myself when I first learned how to use my gems to store them…”

  She sat on her haunches and raised a facsimile of a finger. “I can answer that better than Daku because I was alive long before either griffins or warlocks came to be.” She stated and enjoyed his dumbfounded expression without revealing so. Gralla just openly stated she was hundreds of millions of years old. “During the griffin and warlock war your ancestors had brutal, but highly effective training methods. They accomplished dual objectives since lifespan during the war was short. Only warlocks could sustain continuous draining of their living internal mana in a weakened state without damaging their physical bodies while containing all they lost in gems to support them when in battle so they did not weaken.” She then pointed to Leon. “Your species’ cousin like this young two-legs cannot survive two rotations without harming his body irreparably over a prolonged period. They must adjust more and less often so that they may be safe. You have no weakness to be fearful of. Adult you are, but little you know. Daku will correct the imbalance in the stead of your kind. For warlocks, the updraft before you will be difficult, but is effective.”

  She stopped speaking on that subject for a moment before saying “Theresa brought tidings earlier from your experience in the Darshay Mountains and I wanted to inform you that we are grateful to have it back. Young scouts Jumped there and already located the old tunnels, but nothing of the Tiaxm has been located thus far.” Gralla’s expression brightened as she further elaborated. “Ever since it was abandoned three million cycles ago it has lain dormant in our minds, but foul water appears to have been cleansed.”

  “That’s what I didn’t understand.” Cage admitted. “I can clean water effortlessly and I believe your kind is the same way. How could you not make the water pure by magic or even distill it? Why would water threaten your kind?”

  “It was fouled by unintentional magic that poisoned if drank, inhaled through mist or absorbed through skin or scale. Any magic used on it only made the foul water more toxic. Our only option was seal whole mountain range to contain it and hope pollution not go to other places or spread… it seems to.. how you two-legs say… paid off?” Gralla saw Cage nod. “It will take many rotations to fully scout the tunnels and make sure all foul water is gone, but the entire colony is hopeful to expand to a new range and breathe life back into it. The hatchlings truly are curious since it will be for them to occupy.”

  “Rex Gralla, is Cage’s training area prepared?” Daku wondered. “We have but six days before he must return briefly to his tribe.”

  “My mate and ten other elders told me not long after the star’s high point that it is prepared for your master. He will be waiting to guide you. We will have to Jump to reach it since it is located to the furthest unoccupied mountain under my domain where there is little life to be harmed…”

  Daku interrupted. “You want to Jump all of us? Me included? Are you sure that will be possible since it takes tremendous magic to summon or Jump me anywhere?”

  She fluffed her wings some, but didn’t get irritated. “Why is it you see four of my most powerful magic casters? We will all combine our magic to transport ourselves far away so we do not waste hours flying. Mountains we can move, you will find no danger this rotation.”

  One of the large males said “We have plenty here to transport, Old One.”

  “Very well.” Daku chirped, but all could see he wasn’t exactly comfortable being Jumped and Cage felt the same for they wouldn’t be in control, but with all the surrounding dragons it wouldn’t be possible to resist their power.

  “Before we Jump,” The Rex shifted her gaze back and forth. “Poli, Ulon, the elders and I have decided that until White King Daku and Cage Two-legs have completed their training that the two of you will continue on as part of their flock, if you wish it. Not forced. Issue with the Tiaxm is too great for them if they continue to cloud fly. Until the warlock comes into his full power he is vulnerable and if he dies, we lose the last griffin. Will you continue on and soar with them?”

  Poli dipped her head to say “It will be an honor. We will never be far from them or see them in danger.”

  Ulon had to ask “Rex, does this also mean we are under their command and be allowed to interfere should the need arise?”

  Gralla rumbled and let out smoke through her nostrils. “Precisely. They are too important to be lost since neither can be replaced. No danger can threaten them, even among humans. Until these hatchlings are fully prepared, if there is another Tiaxm attack, even humans are to be eliminated.” This had even the relaxed dragons around rearing their heads and looking straight at the Rex in astonishment. “But since Cage Two-legs isn�
��t bound to war with the other Two-legs and is well documented on not involving himself, it is unlikely you will be forced to protect them from anything they cannot handle themselves. But if the Tiaxm somehow get close to them again, you are both well trained to support and resist such threats.” When both Poli and Ulon accepted their leader’s order the Rex said “Prepare to Jump.”

  Necks stretched before Rex Gralla shot into the air, followed by her four chosen powerful casters. Daku sighed before taking to the sky when Leon flew back up and prepared himself. They followed the five towards the southern exit point, but didn’t land as usual for Rex Gralla fired off a fiery arch of lightning from her mouth which impacted the city’s barrier and opened it wide for well over a mile. The power she displayed made Cage’s jaw dropped for he barely felt her magic harness her inner power before she instantly fired it and the magnitude was on the scale of when Daku alters his size for Cage’s skin itched like pins and needles over every inch of his body. Whatever spell the dragon leader fired opened a passage through the wards which allowed them all to fly between the two tree towers without needing to land and take off again. The opening snapped closed behind Ulon’s tail.

  As they flew a another thousand feet higher Daku slowed down when the five leaders all began to glide in the frigid air. Cage and Leon couldn’t believe the enormity of magic being released by the five as their skin proved impossible to not scratch as the irritation became nearly painful. Ahead grew a multicolored wall of swirling light as five dragons combined their power beyond anything the two young humans had ever before experienced. It stretched for well over a mile, but suddenly the flight formation narrowed into a single file line behind their undisputed leader while maintaining the archway. Then she flew straight into it without hesitation. The other four didn’t hesitate to follow.


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