Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 16

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Ah, stop mothering me. Why did you think I left home to join the army? Captain, I’m grateful for serving with you, but you need to move on. I won’t be able to visit when called again for quite some time. I need you to realize there is no need for sadness for me… The same goes for you all. Keep living.” Nolan turned back around. “Lord Death, I must go, but about my daughter?”

  “I will take care of it. I will keep my niece safe and loved.”

  Nolan smiled genuinely. “You have my thanks, Lord Death.” And he disappeared. Cage made the illusion vanish as well.

  “This will still be a serious blow to them.” Cage whispered to no one in particular. He took a few steps and held out the knife to the captain.

  “No, you keep it.” Fredrick insisted. “That was a great gift you gave us, Cage. Thank you.” The other soldiers saluted him with profound respect. Fredrick placed a fist over his heart last. “I think now I can find peace, knowing my boy is well as a spirit. If ever you need us you will have it.”

  “Thanks, here, let’s eat.” Cage began pulling out twelve loaves of cold, but remarkably fresh bread from a pocket. He passed it around before taking out some fruits and a large jar of butter. Lastly he summoned four wheels of cheese that were all able to be stuffed in his pockets.

  “I will not eat without a blanket to sit on!” the princess yelled. “It is beneath me to eat on a beast without proper manners.

  Daku turned his head around and simultaneously both he and Cage said as one “Then go hungry!” Cage then snatched the bread out of her fingers and her shocked look at what he did was picture worthy. The warlock said “Until you show some respect you will not get a damn thing, Squirt. Go hungry.”

  “You dare!” She started and stopped when he put a hand on her shoulder.

  “One more word an you’ll sleep the rest of the trip.” Cage warned meaningfully. “You do not own or order me. If my daughter heard you speaking to me like this she would cut your throat and not think twice. Children do not challenge the chief by word or action till they are proven warriors. Now sit down and shut the hell up or I swear that you will regret ever meeting me.” Very slowly she shivered and sat.

  The soldiers and handmaiden watched this without moving. When she surrendered and sat in her purple dress Cage returned to the group and sat down to start eating. Intentionally he left the loaf and fruit beside him and a mere look had the adults sitting almost in a ring around him to eat in silence. He had proven who was leader for the moment.

  The spoiled princess tried to make Cage suffer in silence, but not once did he acknowledge her presence. The only one who looked at her was the giant griffin. And he glared. Eventually the group finished eating and began speaking and her gnawing hunger and thirst grew and she began to realize she became a pariah and wouldn’t gain anything as silence is exactly what they all wanted from her. When it started getting dark she stood and walked to the quieting group to look at the warlock and the food left untouched for her. “I’m hungry, may I eat?” he didn’t even look at her. “I’m sorry… isn’t that what you wanted to hear?” still his eyes stared blankly ahead.

  “Cub, the apology should be directed at me!” Daku growled slightly. “Cage doesn’t care what you call him, but treating one such as I as a beast of burden will not be allowed. You are a mere princess while I, a king, you blatantly disrespect. If you were not of importance to your flock I would thrust you from my back and see if you can fly.” The threat appalled her and she realized her position.

  “Forgive me!” She squeaked and bowed at the waist and held that position.

  For a good minute Daku made her wait and saw she didn’t once look up or budge. “Adequate.” He responded. “The cub may now eat.” He turned his sore neck around and was finished.

  Cage finally met the girl’s gaze and held out the food, clearly showing it had laid directly on Daku’s pristine fur. She took it, but decided water was more important. She scooted up to her handmaiden for a bit of protection as she brushed the food off on her dress before eating.

  Shorty whispered in Bryan’s ear “Thought I’d never see the day.” The larger man gave a slow, serious nod.

  When she finished eating the sun was about to disappear. Cage stood and said “It is seriously going to get cold up here, you boys better shrug out of the armor. Daku’s body heat will help, but to be more comfortable you all better huddle together.” He then removed a large blanket from a pocket and unrolled it. “Wrap it around yourselves.”

  “What of you?” Fredrick asked when he realized their benefactor wasn’t going to join them.

  “I’m going to get some sleep between Daku’s eyes. I’ll be able to hear you so call me if you need anything.” He whispered ‘Stealth Mode.’ and everyone watched as his green robe transformed into a form fitted suit. He left their wind breaking barrier up, but then added one around himself which trapped his radiating body heat while allowing air to freely pass so he didn’t suffocate. He walked up Daku’s neck and slid into the slight recess between the large eyes and added a slight sticking spell so he didn’t need to fear falling. “’Night, Daku.” He yawned.

  “Rest comfortably, Cage.” Came the loving reply.

  Before falling asleep, Cage thought back to what occurred with Nolan and couldn’t help thinking something about it was suspicious.

  “Something Approaches.” Poli stated in the mid afternoon of the next day. “Remain here, Old One. We are near the destination and it likely must be a guide.” Her sleek, silvery form shot ahead much faster than their current speed and she angled downwards while Daku and Ulon held position. She caught the movement again and sped to it. Keen eyesight determined it to be a golden eagle. Only Familiars would fly directly towards a dragon rather than flee. She widened her wings to slow and said “Slow your flight, brother hunter of air. Explain yourself. Be you foe or kindred?”

  The large golden eagle slowed before her and said “I am the Familiar, Reece, of King Skylar of Emroc. I am a friend, sent to find you. Before I can permit you fair dragons into the courtyard I must see the princess is well.”

  “Very well. Follow.” Poli immediately flew higher with the eagle off to the side to avoid the turbulence created by her immense wings.

  “Reece!” The princess called out when she noticed her grandfather’s Familiar come closer and land on Daku’s back. She went to hug him, but he widened his wings and let loose a shrill. She stopped and he chirped quickly.

  “He says Skylar is upset and will demand immediate reasons as soon as we land, Squirt.” Cage translated for Reece the eagle. “He says ‘You better be ready to answer honestly this time.’” Reece chirped up at him. “Alright, we’ll follow your lead.”

  The eagle dipped his beak in a nodding gesture and took off.

  Castle Emroc grew steadily larger and looked completely different from an aerial view. The snowy season also gave it a different feel and Cage noticed the eastern fields outside the city’s walls no longer was occupied by the refuges of the Tribal Plains since they reclaimed their land by working with Emrocan forces. Much smoke rose from chimneys to warm the many homes and businesses. On top of the vast hill stood the huge castle where Cage remembered his time vividly since he learned his prophecy inside those walls for the first time. Unlike the white marble of Tate’s castle, Skylar’s was made of grey granite, but no less impressive.

  Ulon followed Reece first while Poli protected Daku who flew middle. The male dragon would be the first to sense deceit and be more than capable to react. They flew closer and slowly circled the city in minutes that would take hours on foot. Their arrival didn’t go unnoticed as the sight of a dragon is rare for the city.

  Slight magic gave a tingling sensation when they got closer to the city which prevented unauthorized access. Apparently they had permission since they didn’t slow even slightly.

  Then Cage noticed Reece angling for the castle’s open inner courtyard which remarkably lacked snow. Daku rumbled “Good, they salted it for us.�

  Before landing behind the inner gate they noticed a rather moderate group standing at the top of the castle’s stairs. In the front clearly stood King Skylar as Reece landed on the man’s broad shoulders.

  The three great creatures landed safely and Daku was right, the ground had a lingering scent of fresh salt on the cobbled courtyard. When all three stopped they laid down, facing the castle’s entrance.

  Taking that as cue, King Skylar led the procession of his family and guards down the stairs. At his side was General Corbin and behind followed three powerful sorcerers. They came to a stop when Ulon grunted and stretched out his hand and then magically dropped two staffs and several crystals. “I place these in your care.”

  “I thank you, Ulon Rosescales.” King Skylar responded courteously and inclined his head humbly.

  “Daughter!” The first prince shouted along with his wife and went to rush forward when they saw her walking down the griffin’s long arm behind seven soldiers tasked with guarding her.

  “Silence and remain put!” Skylar ordered them hotly while his enormous arms crossed. His eldest went to speak, but was silenced by his father’s angered glare.

  “Hey, Skylar!” Came a shout as the griffin stood and towered over them all.

  “Cage, welcome!” Skylar said with a bit of genuine warmth. “I hear Tate made you a lord. Congratulations.” Cage approached fearlessly and they shook hands. “Zikon informed me of your trials and was surprised to hear you rescued my granddaughter, who he didn’t know had left Twilight till I got word yesterday saying you had her and saved her and my men from the Empress Vika’s grasp.”

  “We can do details later, Skylar, but right now I want to hear why she was out there in the first place.”

  “As would I.” the king responded coolly with his hands now resting on the two large hammers hanging at his side.

  “Grandfather! I’m home!” she rushed ahead and wrapped her arms around his waist. She released when he didn’t return the embrace. “Are you upset, Grandfather?”

  “Very.” He said composedly. “You were not to leave Twilight till spring, when the snows melt and the roads are safe to pass. You were greatly understaffed outside the magic city. If not for Cage, I doubt we would even be speaking…” Skylar looked up to the line of her soldiers and asked “And Nolan, where is he, Captain Fredrick?”

  “Sacrificed himself by using the forbidden magic to hold off the enemy for a week before Cage came in our hour of greatest need.”

  The other soldiers gasped while Skylar glowered. “He would use it only in greatest need, Captain. Why wasn’t I immediately informed of my grandchild’s departure, the great danger she was placed in and especially after losing one of the finest officers to ever protect this kingdom?”

  Rigidly the soldiers stood, with Fredrick standing front and responded “My King, the princess told us that she was being followed and felt threatened in Twilight and ordered us to leave under the cover of darkness for home. She warned that her and the lady’s conversations were bring monitored and couldn’t risk allowing those to overhear our place and destination and step into an ambush. The princess forbade us from even speaking of it aloud. To not raise suspicion, we left so that larger numbers couldn’t be followed so easily… unfortunately it occurred anyway. Nolan gave his life for a week so we may escape. If not for Cage, our lives would also be lost…”

  “Is this true?” Skylar slowly asked his grandchild.

  “Yes, I…” Skylar stopped her then spoke the truth spell aloud and asked the same question, she immediately choked on her words. He glared angrily and she knew she had no choice other than to speak the truth. “I was finished with the other peasant children and associating with those heathens. I wanted to come home early so I made up the story for it was the only way to get my guards scared enough to take me away from them. I was tired of lowering myself. I’m a princess and to associate with the lower class isn’t proper for one of my stati…”


  The princess went flying after Cage backhanded her with a deadly calm mask. Everyone gasped, other than the king, and watched as the warlock slowly stalked after the shocked child. Swords from his personal guard rang out. “Remain where you are!” The king ordered.

  His son’s wife yelled “But he just struck her! Put him to the sword for harming royal blood. That is my daughter!”

  “I said, Remain. Where. You. Are!” King Skylar reinforced, louder this time, fierce anger burning in his eyes. “The first to interfere in her long overdue punishment will die by my hand.” For emphasis he gripped one of the large hammers.

  “You self important little BITCH!” Cage smacked her hard again, sending her five feet to the ground again. “What gives you the right to feel superior to everyone else! You have no remorse for what you’ve done.” He picked her up by her dress collar and punched her in the face, busting her lip and breaking her nose easily. She shrieked when she saw her own blood streaming out. He smacked her again to shut her up and she fell. “Because of your actions and bitter disregard for anyone other than yourself I have to go home and tell my woman her brother died saving your sorry little ass!” He placed his large foot over her chest and pinned her down. “His parents will be devastated all because you don’t know that your so called royal blood doesn’t mean shit!” he pressed harder, cracking a rib and got a scream of pain. “Feel that! That is how his family will feel soon, but will feel this pain forever. Grow up and realize you aren’t better than anyone else in life or I swear to end your life so that your stupidity and narcissism doesn’t get anyone else killed because you can’t learn that you are exactly like everyone else!”

  “Father! Stop this! He’s going to kill my daughter!”

  General Corbin answered “If he wanted her dead he could have done it a hundred times over by now. He is teaching the princess a valuable lesson.”

  “What?! How to inflict pain!” The prince shouted as two guards held him still while struggling.

  “No, that there is always someone who is your better.” King Skylar announced. “She has been overly spoiled and has never learned that royalty means nothing if you cannot value your subjects’ life, especially standing before him.” He motioned to Cage. “You and your beloved have made the princess believe she has power over everyone and to do her bidding immediately and that she is their better in all things. This situation is just what she needs to realize that her actions have consequences and that a person’s life is too precious to waste. The man teaching her a lesson goes by many names, but he knows the value of treating others fairly better than anyone here. Her petty actions squandered a valuable life and until she learns what the price of her deeds was paid with I’ll likely be beating my own grandchild just as he is if not for acting first.”

  “But the punishment is too harsh!” the mother said, tears now spilling.

  “He is done.” The queen stepped forward to stand beside her husband. As Cage left the balled up girl behind, the queen said “Take my grandchild to her quarters immediately and see to it her wounds heal as nature intended. No magic. The lingering pain will remind her of this situation. And lock her room till I arrive.”

  “What of us, Mother?” The prince growled while three attendants rushed to the princess.

  “The both of you may keep her company.” She waved dismissively. Cage noticed the sorceress queen dressed humbly, but was strikingly beautiful. The only ornate part was her slim golden circlet. “My husband spoke greatly on your first encounter, Lord Cage. I see he wasn’t exaggerating. I’m Queen Jeanne.”

  She held out her hand, intending him to kiss a knuckle, but he instead shook it. She blinked before offering a small smile when she realized he didn’t act like most men. “Well it was an experience, Jeanne. Oh, I want to say thanks for throwing salt on the grounds for Daku, Ulon and Poli. It made their landing safer.”

  “You are most welcome.” Skylar said, mostly to the three silent giants. “I was told you needed to speak to Sek and my
self. Before that, can I offer you anything?” The larger, second son and his Familiar snake wrapped around his neck for warmth stepped around his two frightened sisters to listen more closely to his father’s words.

  “For starters I’d like to know what you intend to do to Fredrick and his men… Oh the witch, don’t fire her just yet. In fact you better give her a medal for her patience. That squirt sure is a handful and for her to not have killed her long ago for that mouth and attitude is commendable, and I only had to listen to it for little over a day.”

  Skylar was quiet for a moment before asking “Why do you wish to know?”

  “Humor me.” Cage said. “If they had arrived without our assistance and I wasn’t here, what would you have done… or still have planned?”

  “Answer him, General.” The king said while looking at the men in question still at attention, unwavering as they listened.

  Corbin sighed. “Knowing Fredrick as I do, he’ll probably step forward to take full responsibility. Nevertheless, he and all his men have disobeyed standing orders to keep the princess safe in Twilight till the Spring, where she would have been properly escorted back to the castle and had plenty of strength surrounding her to dare anyone from attempting a kidnapping. Furthermore they should have had her handmaiden contact this castle and the council both to report the supposed following claims and would have learned the actual truth much sooner and saved a good man’s life. Yet even when Nolan activated the forbidden spell they didn’t contact for help. All of them are going to be severely punished, to the law.

  “Disregarding direct orders, endangering the princess, losing a good man in direct service to the royal family and leaving Twilight in the height of winter without notice is clear to punish the entire squad. They will be dishonorably discharged, stripped of their knightly rank, commissions and be expelled from the city forthwith, never allowed to return… That is how it would be done. As for the lady, she is not under my command.”


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