Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 17

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “But she is under mine.” Came a recognizable voice Cage remembered earlier, yelling at the woman when she contacted the castle. It was the first class sorcerer he saw the first time when Skylar used the castle’s spells to trap him and later learn the prophesy. He said “Naturally she would be thrown from the castle completely and need to earn a new way to live, but if the king is willing to be lenient, I’ll suggest that she spend the next six months with the servants cleaning the castle atop her usual duties.”

  “With her own two hands and will not be allowed to practice magic during such time.” The king said and nodded.

  “Very well.” The sorcerer accepted and held out a hand and magically took her staff away. “Go clean up in your quarters and report to begin immediately.”

  To Cage’s surprise the woman sighed and gave him a brief smile of thanks before hurrying off. She must have really like this job. He decided.

  “Corbin, so are you going to do as you said?” Cage said.

  “Yes, unless mine king tells me otherwise.”

  “Then put them in my care.” Cage’s words took a few moments to digest.

  “I believe I must have missed something.” Skylar admitted as he scratched his head. Fredrick and his men looked to one another with uncertainty. “Cage, please explain what it is you suggest.”

  The warlock organized his thoughts before explaining “It isn’t easy to clarify, Skylar. As a mage yourself, you sometimes get a gut feeling you can’t quite explain and its deeper meaning is impossible to articulate, right?” The king incline his head. “Well I’ve got one from them all. It is a few little things that add up. For starters, before I showed myself, to help out, I saw they have unquestionable honor and you could not have found better men. Not once did they mention handing over the Squirt even though they don’t like her.” The whole group other than the king and queen shifted uneasily at his bold words. “They held onto their duty to protect her with unwavering dedication, something I treasure dearly in a person’s true character. They were all willing to die, just as Nolan had.

  “They also proved to be deadly as we fought together and their battle skills were also impressive. And as I see it, they were innocent in her plot. With the information they had, I can easily understand wanting to get their client to safety, even if it meant being exiled and losing all they worked so hard for. In a city full of mages and all they had were crystals for protection, fighting a mage would be suicide for them. Raising suspicion that they knew there was nearby danger could also theoretically have forced the falsified enemy’s hand into action. I would likely have done similar if in their place.

  “But” He held up a finger. “when I later summoned Nolan’s spirit I got to realize something important that clicked when Corbin explained what their punishment will be… Well Nolan was explicit that they continue to live and cheer up. Then there was a moment when he was about to say something, but other spirits stopped him and the whole situation bugged me till I realized it was planned because if someone forced me to stop talking I would have yelled at them or looked insulted in the least, but Nolan recovered too quickly. It was a curious moment, almost rehearsed, but his point was clear, do not give up hope.” He smiled wryly. “Also each one of these men are childless, don’t have a mate and spend most of their life far from home. Skylar, if they are to be exiled for doing what they thought best at the time anyway, why don’t you let me give them a chance.”

  This open communication left the grounds silent except from the subtle wind blowing through. Eventually Skylar recovered to ask “Before I answer, I must ask why you are telling me this? You could have waited for them to be discharged from the city and take them anyway under your command. Why now?”

  “Because it feels right for some reason. I think they will have better lives with my tribe than being forced to live a harder life, scraping by and a become a shadow of their former self. I have a feeling the spirits want them near me and I can always have use for their skills in my war tribe. I just thought you should know my intentions if you see them by me after all this is over and won’t think I set this all up just to steal some of your elite warriors. I’m not that petty.”

  “Before I consider this unorthodox proposal…” The king turned to the group in question. “Captain Fredrick, what say you to Lord Cage’s request? I can tell you and your men are truly surprised by his opinion of you and what he’s willing to do about it.”

  Fredrick chanced a glance to his companions and saw they were all looking to one another in utter shock while maintaining physical composure. “My King, I… I do not know what to say… If he is offering us shelter while we face exile… I shall take it, but I cannot say the same for my boys who have families.”

  “Speak you opinion.” Skylar said, looking to each man in line.

  Gregory said “I don’t care so long as Bern and I stay close.”

  Bern shrugged. “Since Cage is chief of the Utala… I always wanted to study and learn their bow skills. They are legendary, even on among other tribal peoples. And as a boy I always wanted to see the Vlaran forbidden island. I had heard its waters are truly clear and the land lush.”

  Bryan’s deep voice carried. “I wouldn’t mind learning how they train their horses. They are well known for how well trained the horses they rear are.”

  Cody was a bit hesitant. “My family will be saddened, but if my brothers go, so will I. They’ll need someone to keep them in line.”

  “If you are all going to accept his offer I certainly won’t say no. Personally I might find me a woman who can put up with me and everyone knows the Utala women certainly aren’t as sour as other Emrocan women.” Luke admitted. His words caught a few of the other soldiers off guard and they failed to hide a chuckle in a cough.

  “I wouldn’t mind that either… I’m not the only weapons master in the Scholar’s Guild and a replacement will be easy enough to find.” Shorty said. “I’m certainly willing for a chance to start a new life with a bit more hope down the trail than what I’m seeing without the man’s offer, My King.”

  Skylar looked into the firm eyes of each soldier to immediately decide “Very well, the law will be upheld and your punishment dealt forthwith. You are all released from my service and expelled from the city, unless accompanied by your new lord as his personal guard or be on business through his behalf. You may keep your weapons for protection as gratitude to being so faithful for bringing my only grandchild home safely, but you will remove your armor and have your rank struck form our record and shall henceforth lose your access to the castle, except on your lord’s official business.” He held up a forestalling hand. “You have until the time your new benefactor is ready to depart, to return home and gather only your necessities. If you do not return by the time Cage is ready to depart, you will be forcibly removed from the city. I’m sorry that the rules are clear, but I’m grateful for all you’ve done for this kingdom. You all have my sincerest apology and thanks. Be off.”

  “It has been an honor serving, My King!” Fredrick saluted thickly and all could see he hurt most of all, but the other men joined him.

  The other soldiers of the royal family returned the farewell salute after General Corbin ordered it in honor to their service. The king stepped away after clapping each one on the shoulder and individually thanking them before placing a small bag of coins secretly in their palms. Each man knew the king expected this to be a result, but didn’t want them leaving without some way to support themselves, at least for a little while. Then the knights began removing their armor and setting it down on the ground as the king stepped away to take his queen’s hand.

  As Fredrick removed his breastplate last Cage said “Fredrick, after you settle your affairs I want you and the men to come back here to depart. I have business to take care of and be sure to bring my niece along with plenty of clothes to keep her warm. Daku, Poli and Ulon will be getting some rest and won’t be ready to fly away till nightfall. Be sure to be here by that time… all of you.

  “It will be done, Lord Cage.” Fredrick said stiffly.

  “Enough of that. Since you chose to come with me I’ll only let you call me by name. I couldn’t care less about titles or haven’t you noticed? We’re all equals now. Just take your time and get only what’s required. Daku won’t carry useless things.” Daku rumbled appreciatively.

  “As you say, Cage… Sons, you heard him. Go tell your families goodbye and meet here soon.” Fredrick and the others walked away and as they did so, two squires appeared and collected the shed armor.

  “Cage, we will remain out here to sleep.” Daku yawned afterwards and loudly walked over to the side so as to not block the path from the inner gate to the castle. Ulon joined him, but Poli said “You may enter the hall, but stay where I may view you at all times.”

  “We shall remain in the audience room.” The queen herself promised. “The front shall remain open and is more than large enough for you to enter, if your prefer…”

  “I would, Jeanne Queen Two-legs.” Poli said. “My mate is larger than I so my presence won’t make it as crowded.”

  Queen Jeanne clapped her hands and touched her circlet holding a delicate ruby and then all watched as the actual stone entrance above the iron door began to separate through some kind of hidden wheel system aided by magic to open a path large enough for an elder dragon to enter. The hall, Cage knew from a previous visit, was also open and spacious to contain even one of Rex Nattan’s size comfortably. Jeanne said loudly, over the castle’s grinding sounds “We will proceed inside before all the heat is let out.”

  The group followed the king, queen and warlock inside the hall. Along the way Cage asked “Skylar, why did you give them some money when it is of no use on my island?”

  “Because I know all the minor laws of all the territories in my kingdom, especially those of the tribal peoples who govern themselves and care for the plains. The warrior tribe you lead in particular isn’t for the fainthearted. I know you are mate to the ill tempered priestess Brooke and she will certainly not allow outsiders into the tribe without first them proving they can give their valued women babies and have strength to kill when even threatened by anything minor that might endanger them. It isn’t an easy tribe and they won’t tolerate weakness, especially from men… as you well know they’ll kill their own lovers if betrayed.” Cage nodded, but remained quiet for him to continue. During this time Poli stepped inside before the widened entrance closed. “If by some chance they cannot reach your priestess’s strict standards they will be expelled immediately and I just gave them enough gold to at least find a new home to settle in and enough of it to get started on a new life. I wouldn’t be much of a king if I didn’t understand their unfortunate plight.”

  “Oh, well what I saw yesterday of their skills, they will have no trouble being assimilated… and it would be good to have some more men around. I learned from Brooke that in my time with the dragons this week that two good men and a huntress were killed in a slipping accident and fell in the surf to drown and weren’t able to be rescued in time.”

  “My condolences.” The king said.

  “Yeah, their women were devastated. They never had to be aware of these new dangers on the plains and Brooke has had to console them. The funeral rights are being postponed till my return while the bodies are being prepared.”

  Enough had been said and the queen called for a servant to bring out chairs for everyone to sit. Instead of using the thrones at the end of the hall, everyone moved to a table being prepared. She also ordered refreshments. Before everyone sat she asked “Cage, what is it you must speak of.”

  “Primarily Sek’s marriage in the summer and also catch up on current events I’ve been too busy to follow.”

  “Brother, you’re getting married?! To whom?” one of his younger sisters asked in complete astonishment.

  The large sorcerer sat down beside his father, across from the warlock. “It was a delicate matter, Sister, that I had hoped wouldn’t be so openly spoken.”

  “Fear not, my great nephew,” The sorcerer from before said “I can feel the warlock and dragon’s magic’s confining our conversation atop the castle’s protection. None hear us outside the table.”

  “Astonishing!” the prince said as he felt the level of magic at work. “Forgive me, Lord… I mean Cage. Royal protocol is a difficult habit to break. If I insulted you, forgive me.” He was waved off. “Sister, do not be upset, only Father, Mother, General Corbin and our great uncle knew of my proposal to Princess Amy.”

  “Amy? The princess of Vlara? Why weren’t we told?” The youngest princess asked while the eldest scowled silently. The guards were also shocked, but held position around the table, looking outward to keep others away. Only Poli dared stare directly down upon the group.

  “Be not angry, Daughter.” Queen Jeanne said tactfully. “It was secret for it was a delicate matter, especially for Vlara till they were prepared. For Sek and Amy to be wed would finally combine the kingdoms against a common enemy, but the Vlaran military wasn’t mature enough for many years. Their trading with the Laqura Empire over the years has slowly stockpiled the necessities and their armies have been training. Now that they have finally become a fully established kingdom and thrown the empire from their shores your brother and Amy may now openly reveal their long hidden love for each other. Through the warlock’s efforts, he has inadvertently created enough of a disturbance to finally reveal secret plans our two nations have kept quiet about since I worked with Tate’s father fifty years ago.

  “Already King Tate’s navy has bolstered our own and trading has begun between us. Our nation is getting resources only found in Vlara while they get iron from Mirim Mines to help construct more naval vessels that cannot be allowed by the growth treaty Twilight has with the Laqura Castle. It is too easy growing warships otherwise. If it is made by hand the empire’s ship building skills will never compare to Vlaran master shipwrights. What is even better is with King Tate’s navy fortifying our own is not one enemy vessel has crossed below Dragon’s Port and for the first time in sixty years we’ve finally reclaimed it as our own. News reached us just this morning.”

  “Truly?” The head sorcerer of the castle asked. “What of Soloro, Grand-niece?”

  Cage now realized why the red robed man didn’t resemble the king. The man had no claim on the throne despite being the oldest mage among those at the table.

  “It’s only a matter of time till we reclaim that city. Without Dragon Port’s constant supply, we can rescue more of our citizens before they get taken into slavery.” Skylar said and looked to the men who made it possible. “If not for your harassment in Bepop and Eeroan forcing the empire’s mages to return to those cities we were able to push them back, Cage. How you survived Frozen Forest I’ll never know, but you’ve aided us greatly and were right, we used each other. In your wake, Emroc now controls both Wayward Way and Dragon’s Port and now my mages finally erected ancient wards that will give advance warning from Vika’s mages Jumping from her nation into mine and will let us know if any group larger than twenty men cross the boundary. We can now hold off her advance thanks to you and use that time to fortify our nation properly. Their army is in full retreat for the first time in three years and my kingdom will breathe its first sigh of relief in the morning when I tell my people of the great achievement along with Sek’s impending betrothal.”

  “Glad to hear it, but do you remember our last conversation?”

  The tone he used had the king nodding slowly. “Yes, and I gave my word that we wouldn’t press our advantage and I won’t. My ancestors were fine with the size of this kingdom and so am I. Even Tate is pleased with our effort over this past week… Despite the setback at the Winter Tournament which I wish to discuss later… But our spies have reported that Vika’s forces are preparing to do a full assault that won’t be ready till late summer to Fall, but preparations are underway. This force our spies have learned of will hold the maximum allotment within a
ll treaties. It will be the most costly war Emroc will have faced since my great great grandfather’s time by our estimates. It is imperative Emroc and Vlara are truly and unbreakably united or my land will likely buckle.”

  “Way to go from the best news to the worst. Still, it isn’t my fight.” Unless Vika tries to kill me one more time, then it will be personal. He thought wryly. Cage then met Sek’s gaze. “About your marriage to Amy, it’s been over a week. Have the two of you had a chance to speak… especially about what my mate had to declare?”

  “Of course we have. We’ve used the most secure methods at our disposal and the priestess is more generous than either of us could imagine. We both agree to only bring one warship and be transferred to the island on one of your ships. Only the royal family and two guards for each will be in attendance, no gems will be permitted and… am I missing anything else?”

  “Clothing won’t be allowed. The Utala despise covering the body during bonding rituals. You will not have to fight Amy like a Utala woman would, but all must be as they were born. Brooke chose the summer because that is when the water is warmest. She also agrees to allow the water consummation ritual the royal families traditionally do. Your guards will be allowed to carry their weapons, but also need to be as they were born and must stay with their person. If any are caught roaming the island alone, hurt a child or rape a woman and somehow survive, the transgressor will be killed immediately. No questions asked. So whoever comes need to be warned.”

  “All must be naked? But I’ve commissioned a dress for my son’s wedding.” Queen Jeanne said quickly.

  “Yes, naked, nude, in the buff, streaking, whatever you call it. Jeanne, it is my tribe’s way. Livery will only get in the way. It might be difficult to comprehend that nudity isn’t wrong and if you choose to come to my island you might never want to wear clothes again. My mate Meeka was also hesitant, but now she runs around the house like the whole tribe and doesn’t need to think twice about what shoes match what skirt… Besides the young couple will have three weeks to themselves while their family get one week of my tribe’s hospitality and protection. Granny also told me that the island’s wards are on par with this city’s in defense so fear not an attack.”


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