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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 18

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Who’s granny?” The queen asked her husband.

  “Lady Megdline, Zikon’s wife. If she believes his wards are so powerful…”

  “Not all are my wards.” Cage clarified. “The gate pillars to my island were touched by a powerful elder dragon yet were modified by Ceembura before I came and now the island responds to me except in event of my death or absence it will respond to the commands of my tribe. My island is nearly impenetrable.”

  “Saying nearly doesn’t inspire confidence.” A princess commented.

  “Nothing is truly impenetrable.” Cage pointed out. “Such notions will get you killed. When your dad trapped me you all though the castle’s magic could stop me, but now you know I could have dug myself through the walls and floor and that was months ago and I wasn’t even at half my strength. Right now my power is around the strength of a seven hundred year old dragon and in three months I’ll be of equal power to an elder.” His declaration had the effect he wanted.

  “An elder?” The queen asked disbelievingly.

  “Of course.” Rumbled Poli as she felt it necessary to speak. “At the moment, Cage Two-leg’s full strength is equal to my own if put in opposition. The elders all agree with what he has just imparted to all of you. Do not be fooled by his appearance, he isn’t lying for he has no need.”

  The royal family looked to one another, the silver dragon and him before Sek said “It doesn’t matter to me where we are so long as Amy and I can finally be together, it’s been two years since we truly were together and I’m tired of all the procedure and secrets. If she wants to wed on the once forbidden island, I’ll do anything… especially since as children it was her favorite dream.”

  “I don’t think I could be comfortable being naked…” The queen grumbled.

  “My Love, remember that time when we were guests of the Bamani tribe?” Skylar asked and the queen blanched, going beet red in a second and it made him grin. “Remember how we were joined in their sacred spring, under the stars? I was fifteen and you sixty two? Our son upstairs now with our grandchild was conceived in those very waters. You didn’t have any issues then, why does it bother you now?”

  “I was too young and in love to care… oh!” her eyes widened. “Are you saying I should remember that time in our life? But my dress?”

  “Save it for the princesses weddings.” Cage said. “Unless they find they prefer how my tribe is more efficient working naked and also want to get married on a tribe’s land… But remember, Brooke made it clear that this will be the only time the Utala will host such a union as thanks for honoring their ways in the past. The Utala always settle their debts.” He said with a smile. “Brooke has decided that the date for their marriage will be in one hundred and ninety three days from today. If you agree on it, tell me now.”

  “That should be plenty of time to prepare.” Sek said and his parents agreed with a nod. “But what of presents? And a dowry excha…”

  “Nothing else will be permitted.” Cage emphasized clearly. “I will see any packages as a threat and will blow your ships out of the water.” His tone made it imperative they obey. “For all I know it could be a bomb or a magic capable of harming my tribe. As chief, it is my duty to protect my people from any threats and if I see one pouch, package or bundle you will all die and the ship carrying you will sink to the ocean floor. This is a friendly warning and I will not repeat it. Forgetfulness will not protect you. Understood?”

  “Unmistakably.” King Skylar announced seriously, looking to his family to make sure they comprehend the seriousness of his word. “Now with the kind warning and date confirmed for my son’s marriage out of the way, can you please recount the events in Vin’re just as the Tiaxm supposedly impaled you during your fight with Tate?”

  “Sure, if they show up you you’ll need to know what to do. But before I do you’ll need to understand that the moment you get word of even one person and confirm it is indeed a Tiaxm, it’ll be imperative to contact the nearest dragon colony so they can target it and kill it. Some I’ve heard think those that attacked were the only ones, but I’d rather not take that chance and get lazy. If they start breeding, have some undiscovered nest or worse, a nexus is somewhere you’ll only survive with dragons. Your mages are not anywhere near powerful enough to tango with them.”

  “Tango? I do not know this word.” The queen said.

  “It’s a dance from my world. One day I might introduce it. But if even one Tiaxm comes to the castle, keep away and call for dragon assistance for only they have power enough to kill them mindless beasts who live only to eat and repopulate.”

  “What do they eat?” one of the princesses asked.

  “Anything with a pulse.” He emphasized and then went into the story and explained the confrontation in Vin’re and how they were defeated. The family and guards were consumed in his story and accurate illusions, even as they were served refreshments. The king asked pointed questions as to his training with the elders, but Cage shook his head, keeping things secret as they needed to be, but not withholding vital information on the Tiaxm which might be needed in crisis.

  The session lasted several hours with minor interruptions, mainly to clarify details and be sure they didn’t misunderstand. The queen excused herself after the gruesome battle and listened to the events in Twilight in the First Council to go check on the remainder of her family, primarily the princess’s condition. Questions were raised and were explained as best possible, but it was soon time to go.

  Cage extracted a gold and tossed it to Skylar who caught it and asked “What is this for?”

  “I don’t have time to go to the market at this hour, but I need to resupply. I usually keep a personal supply of food for six months on my person as I don’t know what the future may bring and will pay for some food and fresh water to restock my canteens.”

  “Very well, I must attend to my family and make sure my granddaughter fully understands why she received your harsh punishment… Sek, please guide Cage to the kitchen and see he is well stocked from stores and give him a bottle of our best wine as thanks for involving himself and saving them all.”

  “I would be honored, Father.” Sek replied in a deep voice that matched his bearing. His snake had fallen asleep and looked almost like a necklace.

  “Cage, as always, it is a true honor to be counted as an ally in these troubling times and do not worry, my granddaughter will change after today and if she doesn’t I’ll be forced to disown her… something I would rather not do because I do believe you would kill her otherwise.” King Skylar and Cage shook hands.

  “As a leader also we know that what must be done isn’t always the easiest to do… just be sure to install that truth spell on her more frequently so she cannot lie so easily and get people killed.”

  “My beloved has already spoken to me on this and I agree until she can be trusted she’ll not say another lie till it is her time to rule. I will place it on her as soon as I leave here. Farewell, Cage.” The soldiers moved protectively around the king as he departed with the princesses who gave Cage a curtsey before following their huge father and Reece the golden eagle.

  Sek personally led Cage through a side door leading to a large, bustling kitchen that was remarkably clean and smelled wonderful. One of the staff brought ten dozen fresh loaves of bread, cheeses, fruits and washed vegetables, one of the women left him tightly wrapped bundles Sek explained was a spice stew that only required hot water to make, a hundred fresh eggs and four gallons of pasteurized milk in bottles for a few of the castle’s babies. As Cage refilled canteens extracted from his pocket in a well pump the kitchen uses and used magic to cleanse the water, Sek went down into the kitchen’s stores and brought up a clear glass bottle of wine. “This is one of our finest vintages from Misty Way and has aged a hundred years. It is a sweet wine and is quite deceptive for if more than a glass is partook you will find it rather difficult to walk afterwards.”

  Cage sent a spell as he had with everything else to d
etermine any poisons and found it clean. He accepted the heavy bottle to drop it down into his pocket. “Tell your dad I say thanks and for your mom to realize that when you come to get married that everyone will be naked, even the elderly. Brooke also told me Amy is very excited to marry you on my island. But what is it you want?”

  “Personally I want to finally be with her. This war has kept us apart too long and I miss having her near. She has a soothing presence few have of her quality. If not for you crippling Bepop and Eeroan’s slave trade and commerce I don’t think we’d ever find time to be united. I’ll be happy anywhere she wishes to be wed so long as it happens, but why must we wait till summer, Cage?” Sek asked as he leaned against the kitchen’s wall to stand clear of the staff.

  Cage joined the man for a moment. “Because my tribe still has much to do to finally settle down and learn how to properly become one with the land. Ulata law says any new land must be fully understood so their ancestor spirits are at peace knowing they are somewhere safe and flourishing. It is their way to not be caught unaware if something is overlooked and a guest or child is hurt. My people are quickly adapting, but their laws are steeped in old traditions. Brooke won’t allow anyone on the island till she feels safe that the spirits are pleased with the tribe. As chief, I must defer to her as priestess in this matter. The summer is the soonest she is willing to allow the marriage.”

  “Are you sure that Amy and I may stay in your home during our stay?”

  Cage nodded. “Sure, you can use the spare bedroom, but my office will be off limits. Meeka is looking forward to hosting the two royal families and is learning all sorts of food to prepare for your stay, or so she says during our scheduled communications.” The warlock looked out the black window to find night had fallen. “I must head out. Who do I need to talk to, to open the wall so Poli can leave?”

  “Only the royal family or a steward has that authority. I will open it for her.” They stepped back into the hall and the prince spoke a secret phrase so quietly no one heard and the front wall began to part. “Fair winds, Lady Dragon.”

  “Gratitude, Prince Two-legs.” She replied while standing and her silvery scales glittered in the torchlight.

  Warlock and dragon stepped outside to find Daku curled up against the inner wall with Ulon ablaze, sleeping deeply. The pink male had erected a barrier from how none could get close to either of them, but among the gawking multitude of people stood a group of seven standing memorable individuals. In the darkness they lifted a pack and approached. In the lead was Fredrick clutching a bundle of clothes in his arms which turned out to be Nolan’s daughter, Ananna. She turned out to be eighteen months old and was tuckered out from a full day. She had strawberry blonde hair and for a moment revealed blue-green eyes. She was an adorable baby and Cage asked “May I?”

  Fredrick smiled and passed the child over to her new guardian. “She’ll grow up into a breathtaking beauty like both her parents. Ananna is a daughter to us all.”

  “Being so close to Nolan, you are all her uncles.” Cage said as Poli walked over to rouse her mate and Daku. The men before him all smiled. “Since you are all here I’m guessing there were few troubles?”

  “My family was upset,” Began Luke. “but when they heard how you’re giving us a chance they weren’t so angry as much as terrified. Rumors about your prowess frighten them, but hearing how you’re giving me a chance instead of being exiled from the city made their opinion less fearful… Cage, I just… well… Thanks for taking us in…”

  “It isn’t a sure thing yet.” Cage interrupted and all the men silenced to listen gravely. “Ananna will be automatically welcomed, but as you know, you will face the Utala. As Chief I may bring forth those whom I judge with honor to meet the priestess. Brooke will judge your worth and, if insufficient, you will not be allowed to be tested for mating rights. If you fail her judgment you will leave and need to find your own way. Should Brooke accept you though” he smiled. “any unmated female may come up to challenge you and you will be forced to make them submit. You may hold them down, or disarm them and wound if need be, but do not kill them unless they state they are going to kill you. Trust me when I say that she will go for the kill and if you are forced to kill her, no harm will befall you. Should you win a mating challenge she will happily be your mate unless challenged by another male or challenge you again to leave the union and be unmated. If she wins she leaves and vice versa. Most of the women are quite promiscuous and sexually insatiable, but it also means they are more deadly. And just forewarning, you will all find a strong woman who will want to mate with you if you pass Brooke’s standards.”

  Shorty grinned. “Really? That’s all it takes and women will flock to me when they see my skill and want to couple?”

  “Pretty much, but I must also warn you I’ve been teaching them how to fight.”

  “Oh.” Shorty’s smile vanished when he realized the weight of that statement. Then he elbowed Bryan’s ribs. “Looks like we might finally find some worthy women.”

  “What will they have to gain from fighting us?” Fredrick asked before those two started fighting again. He watched as Cage showed such care holding the child in just one long arm. “If they fight so strongly, what do they want?”

  “A man strong enough to give them strong children. The entire Utala society revolves around children and strength. The weak have no place and will die otherwise. All of my tribe is deadly and that is because women fight as fiercely as men. The women want babies and if you want sex you need to earn the right.” Cage looked to another. “Bryan, I’m afraid you will have it harder than others because the strongest unmated females will want you and they have their own pecking order.” The large man blanched before stroking his beard nervously. To everyone else he said “You might have thought I was helping earlier, but in fact you fill find my offer quite difficult. If you still want to come you may, but this will be your only chance to back out before standing before Brooke.”

  “Beautiful women, battle… Sign me up!” Cody grinned and looked up as Daku and the others approached.

  Cage noticed not one of the men had any doubt they wanted to leave so he said “Good, I will speak to Brooke when we depart and shall share one of Skylar’s finest wines for a job well done, just in the event one of the women call a death fight and you lose. Best have a luxury. Grab your gear.”

  “I understand, Cage Love.” Brooke said towards the orb. “I will meet with these warriors and see their worth for my sisters, as potential mates. The tribe will await your arrival in two days, but before they are judged they must wait till the sending. Their bodies have already been prepared and await their chieftain to be present. If you believe them honorable and not stupid I will meet them… It is your right to find quality men for my sisters, but be aware that if I choose not to allow them in, you must send them away.”

  “I’ve already explained what awaits and still they chose to come. When you finally meet them you can understand why I noticed how special they are.”

  “We will see, My Love. Rest while you can for when you get home you will not sleep much as Meeka and I need you in bed to help warm it. Rest well.”

  “And to you, Brooke.” Cage ended the spell.

  “Why didn’t you tell her about Nolan or Ananna?” Luke asked while holding the child for now.

  Cage looked down and sighed. “I could not do that. It was hard enough getting Brooke to speak privately just now. I couldn’t tell Brooke our mate lost her brother without facing her in person. Neither would forgive me as it seems cowardly. If I had told Brooke, she wouldn’t have been able to keep it secret from our woman. She is too straightforward and honor bound as priestess to inform anyone of such news… I need to be there for Meeka, in person.”

  “At least she took it so well and is willing to speak before deciding our fate.” Gregory said as he leaned back on Daku’s warm fur.

  “What of the promised wine?” Bern asked.

  Smiling, Cage brought out the win
e and eight cups. Everyone was poured a decent amount while Luke had Shorty brung out fresh bread and strips of meat from his parents bakery and stores.

  At first sip Fredrick gasped in surprise. “This is from the high vineyards of Misty Way and is worth twenty gold per glass. I know this flavor and haven’t had any in years… but this one is aged to perfection. This is a good sign, My Boys. We might have lost everything, but I feel something better awaits.” The drinks were tapped to each other in cheers and between the eight hardy men, the bottle of wine was drained to the very last drop.

  Cage chuckled for Sek was right. The wine was potent for not long afterwards, the men were unable to remain lucid and passed out. Being a warlock, he cannot get drunk thanks to his heritage, but it was comical to see how each man’s personality was perfectly matched by his brothers and formed an inseparable team. He held the slumbering toddler while reminiscing back to an earlier time on Earth and missing his brothers and sisters who lost their lives by being betrayed by the very countries they belonged to. Seeing these men’s playful, yet serious relationship brought back fond memories and heartache at the same time.

  “Long days await, Cage. Rest while you can.” Daku purred and Cage yawned in response at the truth of those words. He curled up protectively around Ananna and fell deep asleep.

  Chapter 6

  “Before we get anywhere near visible range, everyone needs to bathe.” Cage announced after having a private conversation with Daku and the dragons.

  “And watch as our balls fall off, I think not.” Shorty responded. “I agree that our odor is ripe for meeting your people, but I guarantee we’ll freeze if you throw us out and into the water…”


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