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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 20

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Meeka, I couldn’t speak of this through magic, but the child you saw was Ananna, your niece.” He began.

  The gears in her head came to a sudden stop before speeding. “My niece?” she turned for a moment, looking where Elder Shania went. “I have a niece? Then that means Nolan…” she stopped as Cage withdrew a nearly identical dagger from his pocket and handed it over. Immediately she noticed her family’s crest. Unable to comprehend, she looked up at both her serious mates. “It’s his, but why would he give it to you? This was the last gift Father gave him before he left home. He promised to never give it away unless…” then her blue sapphires widened as far as humanly possible and began to hyperventilate when she realized exactly what the underlying meaning meant. The knife fell blade first into the soft sand, up to the hilt, moments before her legs buckled.

  Reacting faster than a snake, Brooke and Cage caught her and eased her down. The priestess and chief stared sadly at one another as their woman suddenly screamed and tears spilled like rivers.

  Some of the tribe heard the scream and turned to find the three huddled together. Those that did went to hurry back over till Daku, also at the end, snapped his wings straight out like a wall of feathers. “Do not proceed. Meeka just learned the fate of her brother who gave his life willingly for another. Cage will make sure they follow soon. Leave them for now while they let their mate express her loss.” Not willing to dishonor the griffin, the group pressed ahead, soon disappearing down a path through the woods.

  Meeka wailed for ten minutes before pulling herself together, but still the tears flowed. Brooke murmured in her ear while she felt the strong embrace of Cage keeping them all together. Slowly she found the strength to grab the dagger’s hilt and stare at it as she tried remembering her brother’s face when she last saw him at the age of thirteen when he left home. Her lip quivered as she finally looked up into her man’s black eyes to ask “Hhh… How… How dddiiid he…?”

  Cage explained all that he knew, even explaining how Nolan’s spirit came when called and she demanded everything, which he willingly gave. The more he spoke the calmer she became. When she learned he was truly at peace the tears stopped and the resolve took over. “We will raise Ananna… right?”

  “Of course.” Brooke stated while gently cupping her beloved’s cheek. “She will be our new daughter and I’m sure our sisters that are breastfeeding will be willing to feed her…”

  “Actually I trained her to use a bottle. I’ll show you later.” Cage promised. “Meeka, tomorrow afternoon we’ll go to your parents and tell them they have another granddaughter. For now just know that Nolan is watching over us all the time. We are going to honor him along with the three others today. The tribe will have reached the final resting place by now. We must go since the children are all there and I do not wish them to be any colder.”

  “May I keep this?” She asked while showing the dagger.

  “It was your brother’s. He’d probably like that.” Cage said and helped his women out of the cold sand. Meeka began widening the knife sheathe on her right thigh and managed to carry both securely. He then created a black board which both women understood immediately and climbed on. They felt their feet get stuck to the magic a moment before rising and flying over the trees.

  In a minute they found the clearing Cage frequently used to grow the tribe’s food, but in the center stood a skilled and cared for wooden framework where three bodies wrapped in brown leather sat atop and beside one corpse was a larger piece of pine in a rough humanoid shape to represent Nolan. All around the unlit pyre stood the tribe watching in complete silence. Around a dozen burning torches were the children keeping somewhat warm. But around Daku were the largest group of children staying close and holding onto his comforting heated body. Among them, sitting atop his back was Sean and Rena, but Rena somehow managed to already take Ananna into her personal care.

  They landed, but only the Elders approached. The youngest elder laid her hand over Meeka’s shoulder and say “Come, Child. I will stand with you and the families of the three.”

  “I appreciate that, Elder.” The older woman smiled and together they made way forward to stand with fifteen other men, women and children who lost one they loved dearly. Meeka was grateful the elder held her hand.

  Across from the grieving families who all began to tear up was the chieftain, priestess and elders. Knowing the ritual and his place, Cage held out his hands and easily conjured two large orange fireballs in his palms. As it is his magic under complete control the flames, they didn’t harm him. He held still with his hands engulfed while Brooke stepped forward and touched the three coverings and the representation before her voice rang out. “We all have lost this week through accident or sacrifice. I will let Cage and the outsiders explain Meeka Sister’s brother, but today he will be honored with the sending of Zalq, Ril and Venam. Their spirits no longer inhabit mortal bodies, but without honoring their bodies they will not know true piece. We all chose this place for nothing of the Utala people is wasted, not even our bodies. Even in death we shall continue to support the tribe so it will never fade. Their time in the living will be with us forever and through us they still live and guide. The great spirits are always with us and now we honor them so to never truly forget each other.” She stepped back.

  The chief took her place. “Rest now, Brothers and Sister. You will be missed, but we will one day see each other again.” He held his blazing hands out and slowly pushed the balls of bright orange fire into the heart of the pyre and circled the base till the wood caught and blazed on its own. The fire took quickly and in moments the flames roared over twenty feet high. Cage then stepped back.

  Elder Metak ten took his place and began saying “I remember all three from the moment their mothers were swollen with pregnancy and watched how they grew. My first impression of Ril is…” The elder then told stories of all three he knew so well. The heat from the fire eventually warmed the area to the point where all were comfortable. During that time Sean was kind enough to dismount Daku and hold his crying mother’s hand, offering support since neither Brooke or Cage could move from the elders’ side.

  The bodies burned quickly and the wood burned down for the next hour, but in that time the weather worsened. Cage was forced to create a barrier to surround the area till nightfall, when all the elders spoke on each of the dead, eliciting a laugh now and then as some remembered what they spoke of.

  When it was quiet Brooke had Meeka speak for her brother since few knew even his name. It started slow, but the more she revealed the easier it was to speak. She did so for a quarter hour till she said her last goodbye.

  “We must now return to speak to the outsiders. The sending is over now that the final flame has left.” Brooke said after staring at the coals. “Children will, as usual, reside in their tree till all is settled.”

  The tribe began immediately walking towards the wide trail and through the night.

  “Welcome home, Dad!” Came Rena’s voice as she continued to ride on Daku’s back. “Elder Shania said this is my new sister, Ananna. She is beautiful.” She crooned while caring for the precious child.

  “May I hold my niece, Rena?” Meeka asked in a choked voice.

  “Here, Meeka Mother! But she needs changing and by how she sucked on my finger I guess she is hungry too.” The eight year old Utala child gently transferred Ananna.

  Meeka cried anew as she looked down upon the child in her arms and blinked as Cage snapped his fingers and the ripe smell vanished. She reached in and felt beneath the cloth to find all dry. She didn’t question, even as he somehow produced a container with what looked much like a woman’s soft nipple. He looked at it for a moment before pressing the nipple to his wrist and both Brooke and Meeka saw a bead of milk deposited. He repeated this process four more times in ten seconds before he handed it over. Meeka reluctantly took it before Ananna got excited and reached forward and cooed for it. She immediately began sucking and her newly acquainted aunt turn
ed to her mate questioningly.

  “I had a little trial and error with certain spells to clean her on the ride from Castle Emroc, but she took quickly to the bottle… and before you ask, its cow milk. I got three gallons before leaving and yes, I warmed it. She is good with some solid food and prefers when I mash peas, but only Fredrick can seem to feed her the solid foods. She seems to look at him like a grandfather… Let’s talk along the way. I cannot keep the spell I’m using to keep the storm at bay for much longer. I’m still training, even passively while I’m here.”

  They agreed, but Rena got her dad’s attention before jumping over to ride on his shoulders. Daku though shrank and let loose when Sean started being playful. The excitement drew other children and soon Daku was playing with the horde of many cubs. All the seriousness of the past two weeks shed from his body as his trickster side reared its devious head. All along the way he was either tackled by the children or shoving clumps of snow down their clothes, just to see them squirm and curse colorfully. Parents laughed at the antics.

  “Sean?!” Cage called out as the tribe eventually reached the three primary tree homes and the former thief ran back to his dad’s side while Rena climbed down. “You and your sister need to take Ananna, but try and see if you can make her eat and take a nap… Here.” He handed his son a small bag of fresh peas and berries.

  “Yes, Dad. How long must we wait?” Sean asked while peeking inside for what was within.

  “Until I determine if the outsiders are worthy. I will be sure that the children come before mating challenges are issued.” Brooke answered seriously.

  “Come children!” Zanza, the warrior huntress said. Being pregnant herself, she could not be present, but like all of the pregnant women she would watch over the young till the priestess came to a decision. Sean, Rena and Ananna hurried to walk to a safe place with Zanza and the others.

  “Meeka Love, are you prepared?” Brooke asked, noticing her woman’s red and puffy eyes. “I can prolong questioning till you are…”

  “Thank you, but I’m better than before. The sending and talking of my brother’s childhood helped. After you decide, may I sit with you to hear what they need to say about Nolan?”

  “Of course you can.” Brooke received a gentle kiss for the consideration and smiled adoringly at Meeka.

  Daku fluttered over and landed on Cage’s shoulder before they all went inside the communal tree and said “I missed the cubs. I’m still tired from the season, but they are revitalizing. Wake me when the cubs return and challenges are issued.”

  “Will do.” Cage said and watched as Daku shot inside and found an empty ledge on which to roost and curled up.

  Like all the others, Brooke, Meeka and Cage shed all their clothes and laid them on wall hooks surrounding the expansive main room. Upstairs were the bedrooms while below it was either to cook or congregate. In the center was a blazing hearth keeping the room warm and lit. Though clothing was hung up and shoes removed, weapons remained. Cage was one of the last to hang his robe and sauntered to Brooke’s and the elders’ side.

  The loud chatter died nearly instantly when Brooke lifted a hand. “Bring the outsiders.” One ran up the stairs to find the nearest bedroom where the warriors stood readily. “Priestess Brooke is ready.” They nodded and Zatal knocked on the door. “She is ready!”

  “Good, almost went to sleep thinking of all those women!”

  “Shorty, remember Cage’s warning.” Fredrick said while adjusting his sword.

  “Sir, I don’t feel right about this.” Cody said while they approached the door.

  Fredrick looked at his men all standing as they were born, but still carried their weapons. “That Zatal fellow said it was a good idea we be naked like the rest of them. I don’t feel right about this either, but we need a new home and few ever get the chance to join a tribe, especially this one.”

  “True.” Zatal stated and used his spear to point them in the right direction.

  Downstairs all eyes were locked on the seven, but none sat as they expected. Cage was easiest to spot for he was a head taller than any other, but he was the only unarmed one there. The way he stood among the others told the soldiers he needed no weapon. Fredrick led his men and they lined up behind him. The fierce naked woman by Cage stepped forward a single step and every man fell under her critical gaze. She then walked slowly around the soldiers like they were cattle to be going to be slaughtered. Brooke said “You are all well fit without obvious malady other than many scars of battle, but my chieftain lover has told me none of you have children. Is there a reason or can you not have children?”

  Before Fredrick could respond when her powerful gaze fell on him Cage said “Give me a moment.” Each former soldier blanched as the warlock looked towards their testicles to say “No, all of them have a high chance of making a child.”

  She accepted his statement without question and looked to the seven “So why haven’t you any children. You are all old enough to have no less than six children, and you could be a grandfather.” She singled out Fredrick.

  The former captain spoke for his men while they has sense enough to remain at attention. “Being of the Emrocan royal guard is nearly impossible to have a family, Lady Brooke. And few wish to have us since it was known me and my men would only remain home for two months out of the year.”

  The priestess nodded. “Understandable. It would be hard on a mate to be alone so long without the warmth shared between bodies… My chieftain told me of your plight and should you answer all my questions you should know my sisters, mainly the unmated will want babies this night. Are you willing to give them babies should you win their challenge… I see your eyes all say you’re willing to put your lives on the line, correct?”

  “Yes, Ma’am!” Fredrick said and the others nodded sharply.

  “Then we shall begin. You will each prove to me your worth and how you may benefit the tribe. We will not tolerate laziness as all work together. I will start with you, Giant. Step before me and announce your name.”

  “My name is, Bryan!” he spoke normally, but still his deep voice encircled the group. He stared down at the woman, but he could see clearly she wasn’t impressed with his physical stature and would end him with one mistake from those two axes she lazily touched and were a moment from being unleashed. Bryan knew now just how serious Cage was when explaining just how dangerous his woman is. Bryan told her a brief view of his life.

  “We always have need for a horse tamer.” Brooke said after listening to him speak for a half hour. “Lean down so my sisters know that I accept you into the tribe.” He was uncertain why until her lips met his and he jerked back, getting a laugh from the tribe. When he noticed Cage nod and gesture to stand at his side Bryan figured he wasn’t in danger for receiving a kiss from his woman. “I assume your name is Shorty? Come forth.”

  “Relax Bryan, as priestess, Brooke is responsible for Utala laws and health. The kiss is a sign of acceptance. If she was angered a tomahawk would have found a home in your skull.” Cage whispered. He got a grunt in response since Bryan couldn’t risk whispering with a voice like his.

  Each man went before Brooke, spoke from the heart, got a quick kiss and stood beside Cage. The men were nervous since not one man or woman revealed any form of emotion. They were prepared, but in practice it was unnerving.

  Fredrick was saved for last and when he finished he swallowed dryly as Brooke stared at him harder than he noticed than any other before. The room was silent, even the fire seemed more subdued, all eyes were on him until eventually Brooke stepped forth and smiled before quickly kissing him.

  Immediately the room erupted in cheers.

  The abrupt change of demeanor startled the seven and Luke was the only one who reacted by grabbing for his blade, but then a firmer hand held it still. The hand was a black as a new moon which acted more as an armguard and the line funneled the knight’s gaze up to the warlock’s who shook his head and released the bone crushing grip. Then through
the cheers, Luke blinked and Cage vanished and was soon found patting Fredrick’s shoulder.

  And just as suddenly the tribe cheered it went deathly still as Elder Metak loudly slammed the butt of his lance on the hard wood and then raised a hand. All eyes turned to him. “Seven have become new brothers. Before the unmated proclaim their challenge to our new brothers, one must retrieve the young.”

  Two left out the front door in such a hurry they left naked only to return immediately as the storm outside had worsened and the darkness was difficult to travel through. They were quick and many laughed at their haste.

  “So what do we call you now? Brooke or priestess?” Shorty asked while adjusting the now revealed throwing daggers encircling the entirety of each arm much like Cage’s.

  “You may call me Brooke unless an outsider comes. Then I will only allow you to call me by Priestess.” She answered while turning to the man. “But I get the feeling that wasn’t your actual question.”

  “Perceptive.” He smiled broadly back. “Truthfully the boys and I were wondering if we would even have been allowed here without Cage’s intervention. Did his bringing us here reflect your personal decision?” His question silenced the entire room and Shorty and the others shifted uneasily.

  It ended as Brooke laughed and laid a delicate touch upon his shoulder. “No, my mate’s observation holds no sway when it comes to whom I allow live and become family. His observations merely voiced what I heard and learned from each of you.” Her chocolate eyes turned to all seven. “Through your words and my questions I found what Cage Love saw in all of you. You are all men too honest to lie or my questions would have trapped you in a lie and you would have need to leave immediately. None of you hesitated and I know how hard you all tried impressing me by making yourselves uncomfortable by being naked to the rest of us. We all understand how your former tribe were comforted by hiding themselves by cloth. And beyond being warriors, you all have another skill which will continue to make the tribe flourish.”


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