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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 29

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “We have till tomorrow evening to decide anything.” Daku said as his long stride’s effortlessly stepped over the frozen waterfall’s river. “Ulon, please carry Cage’s family to the tribe at the beach. The two of us need to fly together for a short time.”

  “Very well, but may I ask the females questions meanwhile, as to how it all began and came about?”

  “We females are right here! Ask us.” Brooke sounded irritated.

  Poli answered “We mean do discord, Brooke Two-legs. Ulon is unfamiliar with your customs. In ours, when asking permission, it must be done by the eldest member and none here are as ancient as White King Daku.”

  “Apologies.” Ulon offered as he realized his offense, forgetting his place at the moment.

  “Accepted.” Brooke allowed. “And yes you may ask questions of our love, Tohka, and us.”

  He laid down and allowed all the two-legs’ to climb and hold onto his thick spikes along the spine. For added protection he stuck them to his back magically. He wasn’t surprised they all were silent, beside the new female who had never ridden Daku before last night. He then dropped over the waterfall cliff and used gravity’s momentum to take off.

  Poli remained behind to eagerly watch Daku and Cage flying around each other for sheer enjoyment and just to fly for the fun of it. Then she felt need to join them and roared. The two smiled before flying swiftly around each other almost in a dance that required the swiftest reflexes otherwise an aerial collision would result.

  A half hour later Daku landed the size of a large lion with Cage’s legs draped around his neck and Poli landed nearby. He chirped “That was great!”

  Poli agreed with the ancient griffin as his master dismounted. “The exercise was gratifying to be certain. You and Cage Two-legs are expert flyers.”

  “High praise coming from you.” Ulon said as he spun his neck around. Sitting at the front of his feet were all seven elders, Brooke, Meeka and Tohka.

  “Did you witness?” She rumbled while stomping her way to his side.

  “No.” He rumbled back.

  “When next they fly you must join us.” She now purred. “They are swifter than sparrows and sharper than hawks.”

  Ulon simply grinned. It dimmed as he watched Cage walking towards the trees. “What task concerns you?”

  Catching the real reason for being stopped Cage asked “What do you want to ask?”

  Poli snickered in her way as her long tail wrapped around her mate’s while the fanned end played in the water. Ulon meanwhile asked “You’re mates do not know if you did magic the moment your new mate bound herself?”

  “Not at all.” Cage admitted. “At that time I was enjoying her expression to the gift and what it’ll get me tonight. There was no active magic upon her other than what you sensed from the mark placed upon her. I need to go make some more food for the livestock since they’ll run out in a month. The tribe has plenty for the winter though.” With that he continued on.

  After a quarter mile walk with Daku at his side, Cage noticed Rena and Sean sparring together naked with nearly all the other children. Daku pointed out Shorty, Fredrick, Luke and their women all staring openmouthed at the kids and silently they approached. “Like what you see, Boys?”

  The group of adults jumped in surprise before realizing who it was, his green mage’s robe easily recognizable. Fredrick fingered his twin swords at his hip while his red nose and cheeks spoke of him being out for some time. “I have seen how dangerous the Tribal Peoples are, but these children scare me. My four women all say you’ve been teaching these children how to fight and my trained eye can see you’ve made a deadly force out of them. If not for what you did to Shorty yesterday I would be skeptical, but those two over there especially move more deadly than any man I’ve fought in combat.”

  “My kids sure train hard. Rena’s a natural and learns almost as fast I did at her age while Sean hates being left behind and trains with his brothers in secret for hours, making sure the skills I teach are perfect. Here watch this.” Cage put two fingers in his mouth before loosing a sharp whistle.

  Instantly all partners stopped sparring, looked to the chieftain and formed ranks as they knew. Behind him he heard Shorty quip “Not even General Corbin could make me form ranks so fast… or wear a smile” Nearly all the children smiled, even two who were bleeding from minor cuts.

  Cage took a stance and all children mirrored him. He’d punch and they’d follow the routine, first it was slow and measured before it was too fast for most children. Only Rena, Sean and four others were able to keep speed. He stopped and smiled “Well done, all of you!” even the children sucking air from their knees listened and glowed with joy at his praise. “I can tell each one of you have kept practicing each morning in my absence. And you’ve all been stretching. Now it’s time to learn the new move I promised.” A cheer rose among the children. “Settle down. Settle down.” They did. “Watch closely.” He tossed his robe aside and bent his knees. “If your opponent carries anything bigger than a knife and is obviously larger, do the deflection like I taught, but this time you spin on your left foot while leaning forward and hooking your leg around to kick them in the back of the head as they pass.” He did a slow movement as how it would be done, showing his lean form had excellent flexibility. Then he did it again, only in real time. “To show you how it works… Bryan, I know you’re behind me. Step front.”

  The giant warrior, now tallest of the tribe did so, armed to the tooth with his hammer, sword and daggers. He and his women arrived when the tribe gathered to watch their chief teaching. “As you can all see, Bryan is taller and larger than me. His sword and war hammer has a longer reach than my arms and he is an experienced warrior used to overwhelming opponents since few men can claim to be larger than himself. After I show you this I want the small children to pair up with larger ones and to do what I’m about to slowly.” Cage looked confidently into Bryan’s curious green eyes. “Come at me slow so the children can see how you would kill an enemy. The second time you must go for the kill.”

  “Can do.” Bryan unsheathed his long sword and war hammer, twirled them once and stood ready like a solid tree with a deadly strength. Cage came close enough and Bryan first slowly swung his hammer as if to knock off Cage’s head while coming with a hacking motion with the sword, but watched as his hammer’s head was punched up and the sword knocked aside and realized Cage could have done so in a real situation. Bryan realized he could have Cage in a bear hug till he twisted, bent down and brought his leg up. Only now did everyone realize how deadly the move was for it was a lulling trap for the hug would be the bait, avoided and then Bryn felt Cage’s heel at the back of his neck and held still. Cage held his left foot planted while in a split to say “Even if he wore a helmet, a blow from this angle will send him off balance and unable to react.” He pulled his leg back and returned to the same position. “Real speed this time, Bryan.”

  Next thing everyone sees is Bryan face down in the sand after a mighty war cry, with Cage’s heel on the back of his head. “And one good stomp will end his misery. Now pair up and practice.”

  As the children started Bryan was helped up by a pair of strong hands and met Cage’s grin. “Thanks for helping out. It is difficult to show moves when I was the tallest. You okay?”

  “No worries.” Bryan rubbed his neck and lifted his weapons. “Anytime to teach children. I’m used to it. Shorty often asked for my help when we were on leave.” They looked over at the man who was busy concentrating while working out the mechanics of the move by doing it alone. “Seems you’ve woken his competitive nature. Does me pleasure to see someone kick his little ass for once.”

  “I’ve got work to do.” Cage said after smiling and walked off with Daku, dressing as he went.

  In a small clearing where he wouldn’t be disturbed Cage began heating the frigid ground, allowing the snow to melt to be used for the needed water. Once it was augmented to summer temperature and the soil saturated, he began thr
owing oats to grow wheat for the animals. Soon over a hundred sprouts began to grow. While he worked, Daku curled himself around his partner, keeping him warm and blocking much of the breeze. Together they grew a pile of feed for the animals for over half a day and weren’t bothered although Poli was seen once flying above to keep an eye on them. Once the pile was established Cage wiped his sweaty brow and focused one more time before creating a large portal beneath it and watched it sink before Jumping it to the granary on the western island to be sorted by the few who live there full time.

  Daku and Cage returned to the common room of the largest tree the bulk of the tribe called home just as lunch was being served. Tension could be smelled in the air it was so thick in the oppressive silence. Shrugging, they found the three women huddled together with the elders and as he sat Meeka got up an planted herself right in his lap. To his surprise Elder Shania fixed her elderly yet still fearsome huntress’s gaze upon him to announce “While you grew food for the animals, difficult decisions were reached.”

  “About Tohka?” He asked as the nurturer looked down and scooted closer to Brooke.

  “About all of you.” Shania said with more seriousness than she ever used in his presence before and Brooke also seemed resigned to a sore fate by how she grimaced. As the elder spoke the room somehow silenced more heavily and his gaze narrowed, but his senses spoke that nothing was being physically threatened. Shania held his gaze while saying “It has been decided that the dragons truly need you and your mates, Cage… and they cannot give our people an accurate time for your absence or how long it will be till they learn what they must.” He knew it was bad when she didn’t bother calling him chief. “None deny you are the best male warrior to happen to our people in our history, but your position as chieftain cannot remain. Though tradition says fifty years you may rule for being long lived, it must be overruled in this instance.

  “A new chief will be named tomorrow by mass trial as will Rena’s promotion as Priestess. Brooke is to continue teaching Rena, but no man will touch the child till the bleed of womanhood comes. She will remain your daughters.” Elder Shania promised the four parents. “But is now the Utala priestess as of this day. Tomorrow, after the new chieftain is named, you four will go and aid the dragons in their plight. Our two great neighbors lead us to believe this is no deceit and we seven agree on what must be done.” The elders all certainly looked it. Cage noted.

  Elder Metak then spoke. “Cage, this is not easy for us, but you have too many obligations and Brooke cannot always lead us. She knows this and willingly agreed it is time for her blood to take her place, especially for the dragons’ needs. Brooke will continue passing Rena all she will need to know as our priestess and will be as she always has, but will lead us with the new chieftain and learn wisdom and experience by us while you four must be away for an undetermined time.” Then he half smiled. “All you’ve done will not go unrewarded, My Boy. Utala you are and forever will be. Both you and Meeka honor our ways more fiercely than any outsider allowed to join us. But from today forth, you and your mates will be Utala protectors and in times of great need you may take command of us, if full consent is agreed by the current chieftain, elders and priestess.”

  “About damn time!” Cage sighed as his forehead dropped on top of Meeka’s scalp. “It was too much truth be told, but now I have one less issue to deal with.” His words had brows raised, especially from Brooke and Meeka who were both surprised at such a reaction. “Only one question, will we still honor our commitment to host the wedding of Sek and Amy?”

  “We shall.” Metak promised.

  “Then I won’t need this anymore.” Cage leaned back and removed his green chieftain’s bead. He handed it over without question to the only male elder and hated watching Brooke’s shaking hands as she tried removing her white. Tohka instead leaned over to help and passed the priestess’ bead away.

  Metak snapped his fingers and the bead maker brought forth four black beads and held them up “You are now our watchers and protectors. All the burdens you bore as chief and priestess are no more, but now you are free to live your life and do what must be done for the tribe, yourselves and any in great need.”

  The four took a bead and threaded it to their left temple and then Cage said “Right now I must take my family home. I can see none have an appetite.”

  Metak simply inclined his head. Their group stood, Brooke swayed as she was hit hardest, and moved to the door. Rena cried as she took her mother’s hand as they stepped outside. Sean closed the door as he was last out.

  As soon as it did and no one was around, Brooke fell to her knees and cried openly as she clutched her daughter tightly and murmured incoherently. Cage then bent over and scooped both in his arms as if they were weightless and created a black board. Tohka always want a chance to ride, but hesitated till Meeka offered a hand and was pulled up. Sean and Ananna climbed next and then they lifted off the ground, soon gliding over the trees. Daku flew at their side quietly as he knew nothing he could say would make a difference.

  But as Cage passed between the two large trees his enhanced hearing picked up the tribe’s anger. They were quiet for Brooke’s benefit, but now they can voice their objections, but what was done had to be. It was only a matter of time before one of them slipped up and hurt the tribe by negligence at best. Still mother and daughter cried, even for the ideal way things must be.

  It wasn’t long before they landed and as they slipped inside Tohka knelt before Sean and his new baby sister to say “Go find a snack and be there for Rena. We must help Brooke Love now.”

  Sean’s muddy brown eyes looked to the room, watching Daku climb the stairs and gave a brief look over a wing to say he’ll be waiting upstairs for the three cubs. “I can do that. Brooke Mother needs love right now.”

  “And so will we give it. Don’t come down till someone comes for supper.” Meeka said as she took off her shoes. She then got up and pulled Rena from her mother and took her upstairs to rest. Sean arrived, ready to help as she left.

  She heard a muffled cry and entered the room to find Brooke somehow was stripped and sheathing Cage’s mighty lance, her back against the wall. Even Meeka knew Cage was helping Brooke recover, unable to think straight with him stretching her and making her sing. Tohka was pushing her pants down and aside before helping Brooke relax in many kisses and caresses. Meeka knew who needed sole attention and undressed before motioning Cage to pull her off the wall for a moment before squeezing in and Brooke’s back pressed into her blonde woman’s chest to get her neck kissed and a hand reaching down to rub the bud while Cage stroked her insides the way only a man could.

  After two hours Brooke lay curled up in a ball on the couch and napped for another before looking up and found Tohka sitting on her man’s lance, bouncing with wild abandon and knew right away she had amply prepared to sheathe him this time so she got the most pleasure out of pain and her flower didn’t bleed. “Thank you for that, My Loves.” Brooke stretched. “I needed that.”

  Tohka sat fully with a soft moan and half turned, making it clear she wasn’t getting off any time soon. “We love you, Brooke and we all know how painful this is for you.”

  “My daughter rising to priestess before she is ready or the lance your flower has consumed?” Brooke tried to joke.

  “Both.” Tohka admitted with a full bodily shake. “But it would only be harder to let go later. At least we get our wish, we can all go together. We won’t be separated from each other because Cage must go while you cannot. It was the only solution, even if I hate that I caused all this.” She looked down in shame. “If I had stayed away you’d still be priestess.”

  Brooke managed to lift Tohka’s legs and sit on Cage’s lap too while wrapping her hand around her back. Cage seemed amused at the arrangement. “No, do not blame yourself. If we knew it was to happen, I wouldn’t change anything. I love you, Tohka Sister. Yes, I’m sad I’ve been made protector over priestess, but as you said ‘We can go together.’ and tha
t outweighs being priestess. You are my miracle, but now the dragons know what I always have.” And then she leaned in to give a slow kiss which both enjoyed. Brooke then leaned to the side. “I don’t even have to ask how you feel. You’re glad you’re not chieftain anymore.”

  “Damn straight!” he chuckled on the sofa with two gorgeous women on his lap. “Now I don’t have to mediate or oversee every petty issue and nor do you.”

  “Haven’t thought of that.” Brooke suddenly brightened and laughed genuinely. “We will be disturbed less and have more time to ourselves.”

  “Exactly!” he grinned.

  Brooke’s shoulder length black hair swished as her head turned. “Is Meeka relieving herself?”

  “No.” He said while Tohka squirmed. “When you fell asleep she realized we’d be all leaving together tomorrow without the kids and is arranging for them to be watched after and went to speak with Fredric to learn more of Nolan, as he had promised. I’m to pick her up around midnight.”

  Brooke said “That was kind of her.” Tohka tilted her messy head of long hair questioningly. “She wants me to be near Cage Love when I need him while also giving you room to fulfill your desires in a real mate.” Brooke grinned. Tohka’s eyes widened as Brooke began flicking her flower while getting a mighty thrust from below. In seconds she held Brooke and clamped tightly while she yelled “GREAT SPIRITS!!!”

  Chapter 9

  Councilor Raul of the First Council of Twilight sat in a secret sanctuary outside the city’s ever watchful eyes as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Again he sighed and his Familiar, a large silverback gorilla grunted “Enough already, Raul! We have what we needed and procrastinating will get us in deeper trouble when they learn what we’ve done behind their back. I for one do not wish to be there when the empress learns we’ve been sitting on information for two days. Her wrath hasn’t diminished in the century we’ve been spying for her.”


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