Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 49

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  Poli shook her large head. “No, the two-legs’ will not have power to open and close on their own. Bridge better. Less complication.”

  “How about high enough to drop and glide?”

  “No.” Cage said and pointed a bit north. “Keep it simple. I already planned to create a launch platform where we stood when the tidal wave came. It is near and would offer plenty of space without disrupting the ecology of the island as it is relatively void of trees. We can make that later and would ease how you take off and land.”

  “Acceptable.” Mox informed. To the generals he said “While we learn their secret it would be prudent to learn of the inhabitants you will associate with. These are not like other two-legs you’ve associated with and are easily the most interesting to communicate with.”

  The generals grunted and laid on their bellies while Cage, Ulon and Poli walked across the water to avoid traffic and got started.

  Chapter 15

  Plant cells began dividing more than a billion times per second as they fed on mana instead of sunlight for photosynthesis. One cell divided a hundred times and those hundred made another hundred. Under the combined might of two fully grown dragons and the strongest warlock to have ever lived the pier grew faster than expected. It began growing so quickly that Quitte hurried to her boat, the Spear, and began untying it from the dock with her mates and sailing a bit aside so as to not hurt her favorite form of recreation. She truly didn’t want to have her boat so much as scratched. Rin also took the hint and sailed the Dagger away, but dropped anchor not too far from the action.

  The pier widened from twenty to over two hundred feet, plenty of walking room for two gargantuan reptiles who walked side by side. Every minute the dock grew further out to sea and that is what Cage focused on, taking a slow step forward every thirty or so seconds. Poli and Ulon worked together when raising the pillars to raise the pier into a bridge with a single height of over a eighty feet above the watery surface and two hundred wide before they made the descent and firmly secured the last eighty feet on thick roots which were made and functioned as pillars. After that it became more necessary to float the new wooden road. Ulon made a very complicated series of chambers which would naturally absorb air or release it depending on the weight applied while Poli spun off a half dozen securing roots about eight inches thick for every ten feet that progressed. Railings were added and branches sprouted all along the way so that green leaves could continue functioning as a living plant long after they were through.

  Speaking in the Draconian language Cage spoke without slowing progress. “Poli, I know you are mad about what I said, but it was necessary.”

  The sleek silver beauty sighed heavily before saying “Why did you speak on private matters before the ancient ones. They all know our ways and that I cannot become a mother at this time. It was mortifying.”

  “It really wasn’t for them per say, but for my people who still know so little of your ways. But if there is one group of humans able to associate with dragons it is the Utala. Women hold the majority of power and they outnumber men, much like the colony you and Ulon told me when I was curious. And from what you said, for every male hatched, three females do. Only Rex’s pair bond and you yourself told me that Ulon is rare for a male because you are his only spirit mate when the average male bonds with three or more females and therefore has a higher rank. You being a lone pair, unable to become Rex’s yourselves when he naturally could have one day, are quite low on the ladder to have children. For the women of my tribe to understand the major reason for dissent in Heedi Rova, they had to know someone they can associate with. The women of my tribe are fond of you, especially how you let the children climb and play on you. Even Rena loves you. In my absence you’ve made friends of every woman in the tribe. They didn’t know why you couldn’t make a child though you’ve lived more than fifty of their lifetimes. I did what I had to do.

  “Had I not, all the women wouldn’t be half as dedicated as they are now. Their whole society is all about having children and protecting the tribe and realize Heedi Rova’s methods are wrong. My tribe would not even think of slaughtering another tribe just to have more babies, even if it pained their hearts. They see you as good and kind dragons and want to fight to see you come home again. When your kind officially go to war, there is always the chance you wont and my people want to raise the odds your side upholds, even for their own benefit. They can see that if Heedi Rova wins and overpopulates Raliea it will only be a matter of time before humans are seen as a viable food source. Even without the threat of the Tiaxm, humans wouldn’t stand a chance in the future. And you know that I would kill a dragon who threatened my friends and family and that would bring down a full squadron of reptiles that would whittle me down and finish me off. By speaking on your inability to have children I manipulated the natural fearsome motherly instincts of my people to see to it you get your own child. Many will die and if Hedi Rova falls you get what is desired because your population will drop.”

  Poli was quiet so Ulon spoke. “Do you believe this outcome to be a plausible reality?”

  “Makes sense with all the tiny fragments put together in this way. Ulon, when you told Daku about Heedi Rova’s withdraw, he was upset. It takes more than a thousand years to build up enough mana to pull one Tiaxm and only your kind has the fortitude to summon one. Less than a dozen humans have that kind of power, but only Zikon, Vika and one other who has a dragon for a Familiar. I sure as hell know Zikon isn’t crazy enough to pull one out. Vika is four thousand years old and possibly has stored enough or used the collective power of every mage in Laqura Castle and the third dragon master is an ancient recluse old enough to remember warlocks, but he has separated himself from the struggles on Raliea. And that was for one Tiaxm. Six attacked. Six!” Cage took yet another step. “What idiot would do that? Unless they summoned two and were breeding them like cattle. Three quarters of dragons alive remember what the Tiaxm are capable of. Only the young and foolish or the insane would tempt fate with something so uncontrollable. The icing on the cake are the Rare Ones who have seen the future somehow and even they know deep down that if the way things are remain the same, that we will all lose.” Cage grinned. “I can’t wait for the fight coming our way. I’ll finally get to play against more worthy adversaries. Outnumbered, outmatched… what more fun could I ask for!”

  Ulon and Poli looked to each other and chuckled in their own way. “Incorrigible little mammal.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment, Poli.” Cage laughed. They now stood almost three quarters from the skull pillars. “By the way, how did your week go? Learn anything new?”

  “We did.” Ulon responded in a voice akin to an avalanche. “My full size and potential is marginally greater than General Barbav’s and my physical power is equal to Rex Shrral of the southern glacial colony. Mox Shadowscales determined I am sixteenth most powerful dragon in terms of raw power on this world. But in terms of multiple casting I can make and hold eight hundred and sixteen spells, eleven more than any living dragon in the universe to our current knowledge.”

  “And I am fastest among fully mature.” Poli revealed. “I am small for a female, but my wings are large. Two rotations ago I bested the fastest in both direct speed and aerial avoidance.”

  “And it seems your sex life has grown.” Cage said and in the Draconian language they understood every context.

  “I am joyous to have Ulon as my lone mate. He made me submissive and mounted me for many hours. His size is the envy of other females who know his sire line can be traced back to the first immortal. One rotation in the future I will lay many eggs for him.” She purred and Ulon hummed pleasurably.

  “Yeah, but just don’t kill him. I saw how you bit him deeply.”

  Poli gave a great shrug. “He likes it when I draw blood. His thrusts are more dominating that way and it makes me feel loved only I get the pleasure he offers.”

  This time all three laughed.

  Nearly an hour pa
ssed as they grew the wide bridge out beyond the skull pillars. Cage said “Now we need to make a landing pad wide enough for four dragons of Ulon’s size to comfortably fit. I’ll do that, but it will be harder to secure it as the sea floor is over a mile deep out here beyond the reef’s drop off.”

  “I know how to keep it from moving.” Ulon said. “Poli, take this and make the landing wards.” He handed over an oval crystal of perfect clarity, about a foot wide and four inches thick.

  “What are landing wards?” Cage inquired as the two hundred foot wide wooden road began to flair out and would eventually become a large circle.

  They worked and simultaneously carried on a casual conversation as if the magic was doing everything on its own. Poli said “Emergencies. If one is injured or weak on magic, wards will activate and safely catch the one landing. If a fierce storm blows or endangers landing, it will safely catch and set us down. It works much like when you fall from great heights and get safely surrounded by magic, but this will be more powerful. It will catch and slow even the greatest of speeds and objects up to eight hundred tons. It will me more efficient here, where water will also cushion weight.”

  “Got it.” He admitted as over half now was finished.

  In ten minutes the landing platform was complete. The gem sat in the very center of the circle and took a primary charge by the three of them. Ulon altered some color into the beige wood for contrast and to aid depth perception the gem though constantly glowed skyward at all times like a lighthouse for flyers. At the edges there were four places boats could dock safely. When all was settled Cage sent a spell and passed the island’s wards to create a black ball so his voice could carry to the beach. “We’re done, but we need to test the weight capacity. Generals, Mox, it will be a tight fit with eight dragons crowded on a four dragon approved landing pad, but if you’ll be so kind as to join us, it will be more effective to test.”

  All the dragons allowed this and in a few minutes each one of them squeezed tightly. Under their full and combined weight the platform still had eight inches before submerging. “Terrific. If it can hold all eight of you, four will be no sweat.”

  “I will try the landing wards now.” Poli said and surrounded herself in a pure silver light before being sighted high above. Everyone cleared the area, all using a thin cushion of air beneath their feet to be seen seemingly standing on water. Poli dropped straight down, her body streamlined while her wings moved the air around faster, making her mass speed up to deadly velocity. Cage felt a gradual rise in magic from the platform sensing the incoming traveler and sighed. It tingled stronger and stronger as it was put through a serious test. Without the tingle crawling over his skin he would have been worried such a sudden deceleration would destroy her. And just in the event of a problem, Ulon readied numerous spells to ensure the safety of his true love.

  A beam of silver light surrounded the silver dragon, as she was the creator of the spell and influenced the color, and it safely slowed her dangerous drop. She let it take full control, acting injured. The light cradled her and positioned her on her side before laying her gently in the center and ending the spell. She rolled right back to all fours with a giddy grin. “It works. Let us return and relax.” She walked along the reinforced hard wood strong enough not to scratch beneath sharp talons.

  Moving in a line, they all utilized the new bridge.

  After giving their passwords to the skull illusion Barbav spoke. “We have determined the process in which you combined power. It has been long since I’ve heard of such a rare ability. It is a gift in beings with total trust in one another. What you three did was, without intention or realization, you released mana from your bodies, but kept it from dissipating too much without a container. Proximity is key to the talent and the power that can be achieved. When you release your inner power, it mixes, much like weaker humans do when combining the same spell into one to make it stronger, but you do it a bit differently. You can mold spells from outside your bodies that has mixed and regulate who requires the most at any given moment. It is why you three are not tired. The efficiency is quite astounding. Mixing dragon and warlock mana and breaking down roles to achieve the same goal is quite difficult.” She then said something none were expecting. “If it can be duplicated with the human sorceress with the feline I will likely need to learn the human language. If we agree when all is done I will bond with her if our power mixes. She seems quite capable and does spells that are difficult to follow, some so subtle I would not have noticed if I had not always kept her close.”

  “Yeah, Granny is a sneaky old woman. And don’t underestimate Frill for that matter. That old cat is skilled and will tear you a new asshole if you underestimate him. She would be an ideal choice for you Barbav. From fighting all three of you, I know it will be a good match. She is skilled in subtly and defense while Frill won’t rest till he takes down his prey and your offensive tactics would do well with what I’ve seen her do. Compared to most, she is one woman not to be miscalculated, like you.”

  “Flattery from a warlock? Never had I thought to live to see such a rotation.” Barbav said in almost genuine shock.

  “And sarcasm from a hardass general too!”

  Their group enjoyed a legitimate moment of humor.

  At the beach Barbav separated from the others and walked straight up to Megdline and began talking. Frill’s ears perked before shifting his slit yellow eyes back to his faithful companion. “She says she wishes to discuss something private with us alone.”

  The sorceress stood and brushed dry sand off her backside and gestured for the blue general to follow as they left the area.

  “Where are they going?” Moril first asked.

  “To see about a test.” Cage shrugged as he patted Daku’s shoulder when he came up beside and bumped his hip. “Sean, you sure had a great idea. Now we won’t need to bring out any boats if a visitor comes and lose certain advantages. And we can still sail in and out without much hassle. And there are some games we can play with by using the bridge.”

  At hearing ‘play’ Sean’s ears perked along with Rena and the younger adults. “Like what, Dad?”

  Cage grinned. “Since today has been agreed as a day of getting to know one another, I’ll show you. You guys are going to love it.” He looked to the gathered children who were allowed out when Moril got the word from each general that no harm would come to curious children. “Come on. Daku, you too. You get first ride.” The griffin lifted a furry white brow.

  They sprinted back down the pier, followed by a horde of giggling youth hell bent on catching Cage an Daku. The ascent peak the peak of the bridge didn’t wind the eager and proud little warriors in training. Some laughed and pushed each other, but quieted when Cage had all of them gathered. “Now listen up! This bridge is also a waterslide. If you look closely, the wood has lines which channel the water to either side for safety purposes. If we had to come up, we won’t slip and slide down if it is currently raining. But for days like today that is dry” Cage walked to the railing and lifted the branches to reveal a pair of hand pumps to suck the water from down below. “Four can slide down at any time so long as you pump these levers to soak the chute. And don’t worry about getting hurt, you won’t slide out or hit the leaves and branches so long as you slide flat or sit up. If you stand you will hurt and likely kill yourself, so don’t try it. And unless you pair up to slide together, do not slide down when someone hasn’t gotten out. Take turns.” Cage began pumping the lever and gallons of seawater came gushing from the spout and soaking the long way down. “Daku, you get first honors.”

  “Test subject? You want me to try and if I break my neck you know I won’t die?”

  “Pretty much.”

  The griffin shook his head while chuckling. “Fair enough. The high slope seems more than adequate. If I’m unharmed I’ll fly back here and want to challenge you to a race.”

  Daku didn’t wait for a reply as he lunged forward with a laugh, folding his arms and looked
like a white spear as he went beak first. Water sprayed his eyes, so he closed an inner eyelid, but the thrill was exquisite. Sunlight filtering through the leaves gave it a tube-like feel and made the slide seem even faster. Then in a few too short seconds the angle smoothed and the gathered water made him skip like a stone and salty water shot up his nostrils. The speed came to a stop and he stood, forcing it out with a fearsome sneeze. The burn was minor as he looked at how the excess water flowed out through a grate at the very end, having slats that no child could accidently fall through. He stepped through the foliage, soaked, but excited. Powerful wings spread and he flew back to the crowd of humans. “That was thrilling, but next time I will not go down the same way. Where did this idea come from?”

  “Poli.” Cage admitted and heads turned to see the silver female eagerly and attentively watching activities. She gave a small wave, which in her case wasn’t small at all. It was her credit and she had to be acknowledged. “Back on Valagax they made use of nearly every piece of constructed material for one purpose or another and in colonies, they have smooth slides to have a bit of fun that run from the peaks of gigantic mountains. She wanted to share that with everyone. I have to admit I’m a bit jealous to not have thought of it first, but this is her gift to everyone.” He looked around. “So, who wants to pump the water for Daku’s challenge against me?”

  Hands shot up.

  In the end, Daku won the race, but it was close. As they climbed out they met most of the tribe who were as eager as the children coming down, each one screaming with delight. Some girls even shrieked… well… like girls. Smiles were bright and genuine. One after another, after another slid, utilizing all four slopes, two made on either side. The funniest moment of the day was when Elder Shania kicked Metak in the butt and sent the eldest of the tribe down. She was right behind, smiling with a perfect teeth that had been magically re-grown at both delight and smugly forcing her long time mate down the incline.


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