Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 50

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  It was a day of merriment and getting to know the visitors. That and seeing Shorty slide down butt first with his love situated in his lap. Bryan’s four looked like a human sled team as they challenged Eoin and his five.

  Meanwhile, as for the colorful giants, they were highly amused, enjoying the laughter, but Mox was preoccupied reading the highly detailed report of Cage’s personal experiences and plausible theories on how Tohka’s circumstance came about.

  Megdline, Frill and Barbav joined festivities after missing the morning hours and arrived in the mid afternoon. Apparently they tried mixing power and had little success, but it was more than enough to the general to further practice, since dragons had endless patience. The sorceress though seemed invigorated to try something completely new, but apparently Barbav hadn’t told her what would happen if there was success. And since the two magic casters just met, they didn’t have the level of trust Cage had with Ulon and Poli and therefore it seemed that they had work to do.

  Back home it was late, but the whole family sat in the living room. Instead of one large sofa, the greater size now held three, one facing the fire directly while the other two were grown perpendicular to the first, but made it look like an unfinished square. The sofas also had a new ability. Pull a lever in the side and it becomes a recliner. The legs were long and padded while extended. Cage was very comfortable as Brooke and Tohka used either thigh as a pillow while Meeka lay outstretched between his legs with her head firmly and comfortably content on his lower belly. Every now and then she would hum a new song when one of the women would kiss her shoulder.

  On the other sofa rested Rena as she cared for her slumbering sister curled up on her chest. Sean lounged on the remaining with Daku curled up by the armrest, fast asleep. Sean though was working on the finishing touches on his wolf pelt fur. At the moment he was checking the stitches which made it circular.

  The comfortable silence of the crackling fire came to an end as Meeka tilted her head back and her gorgeous blue eyes looked up at him. Sensing a question coming, Brooke and Tohka rolled onto their bare backs. “My Love, something bothers me.”

  “What might that be, Babe?”

  “This war sounds very bad, but you’ve not spoken to us of it. It made me angry that you would hide such from us, but you have your reasons. Always you do and I trust you. You have a knack for being right too often.” She said while rubbing his hard calf muscles slowly and he enjoyed it. “But my confusion is this. If the bad dragons and the empire clearly out number we down here, two entire nations, why the Tiaxm? If they are so dangerous and surely some dragons know just how much, why? Why go through all the trouble? You told us about the rage that overcame you and about a foul smell no one else could detect. You said Daku and Dragons also have it, but why have dragons not destroyed them if you want to kill them so badly?”

  He sighed and caught Daku’s eye crack before closing again. “Meeka, I just don’t know everything, but that is my best guess as a worse case scenario. My blood stirs even as we rest and Daku says he feels it too, something about our connection and my being a warlock. The name war in warlock isn’t coincidence. Somehow I feel a great war is coming and I want to be a part of it and fight those who can’t understand what life really means. I’m going to actually have fun killing, something you know I enjoy, but only for those that need the killing. This won’t be a fight, but war. War is something you dread as a healer, which I can understand. Tohka thinks the same, but Brooke is looking forward to killing a bunch of idiots.” Brooke beamed and Tohka took Meeka’s hand, but none looked from him. “I didn’t say anything because you would worry needlessly and if I told either of you, you would have told her anyway.” Then they glanced to each other before admitting the truth of it with a simple nod. “You three have no secrets from one another and I can take you being angry at me, but not at each other. I only spoke my mind today because the tribe needs to know what will be faced this Fall and also that the generals realize we understand the gravity of what will be faced. Besides, it’s already too late to keep quiet how you and Tohka will be partnered with Poli while Brooke pairs with Ulon. Even if the Rare Ones hadn’t showed up it would have happened. Ulon took a shine to you.” He told Brooke. “He once privately told me when he heard you speak that you would have made a fine dragon. And you two are so much like Poli it’s hard to forget the difference in species.” Meeka and Tohka looked questioningly. “She doesn’t like conflict, but will stand her ground if pushed. She’s timid and filled with caring and tenderness. Also she is a quick healer. She likely won’t be in the thick of any battles, but knowing Ulon, he won’t think twice, especially if Brooke’s on his back goading him on.”

  “You know me too well, Cage Love.” Brooke crooned.

  “I wouldn’t be worthy of having three sensual women and have their respect if all they wanted was great sex. And you know I wouldn’t take an airheaded woman as a mate. You would kill her or kick her out of bed.” Brooke bit her lip to keep from laughing and startling Ananna. “But back to the topic at hand. The problem is, I don’t know how everything connects. There are too many maybes. Maybe the dragons are being blackmailed or coerced. All that is certain is you and Meeka were there and saw the Tiaxm with your own two eyes. Why they were sent so randomly, thereby raising suspicion as to who brought them, whether it was a whim or a ploy… Well I just don’t have that kind of information or spy network. All I can be assured of is the Rex’s I’ve met would never do what Heedi Rova is planning. Whoever this new Rex is has the power to make the rules and if they have any connection to Vika… well many more are going to die. If the Tiaxm are released and our dragons caught a whiff, they will make it their sole mission to destroy every last one and breathe fire to truly kill the regenerative pests. If that happens, our dragons will be more exposed, thereby creating an opening for Heedi Rova’s forces to utilize a strategic advantage. It would be a decisive victory. Dragons as a whole do not see humans as much of a threat, but even they know that the withdraw of the colony two years ago was just a precursor to an inevitable war. They know it. It was almost impossible, but the generals’ stony expression told me that they were already making precautions. Either the Tiaxm will be loosed in the war or will escape as soon as it breaks out and attention is diverted. Either way, there are too many threats to go about this without uniting.

  “The dragons made a mistake long ago with a second sentient species that went extinct long before griffins and humans ever came about and they blamed themselves for what happened, but then with the Tiaxm they were too separated and an even worse fate occurred than total extinction. Soulless creatures came about that are damn tough to kill. They’ve been living a fine line, but they need to understand that knowledge is power and separation leads to animosity and there is no power equal to what they possess. If they applied what happened and lived along side us as friends and not ancient guides, they wouldn’t have to feel so lonely in the universe. Just look at how Ulon and Poli have changed while I was away and you all stuck together. They speak almost correctly in this language. Even Gralla doesn’t mix words half as much. They are actually making friends to people who can’t use their own mana and are better for it. Change is needed for evolution. Otherwise stagnation occurs. Change is growth and the Rare Ones gave a damn good warning that things need to do so. If this world is pivotal to the known universe, we need to stand together.”

  “You sounded like a king just then.” Meeka mused and settled down. “I’m not mad anymore.”

  Undetected by Cage’s hearing, five pairs of eyes turned to one another. The five generals had gathered at the base of the waterfall, cloaked in stealth magics which hid them completely in the darkness and locked any sounds from escaping while standing on a cushion of air to not make the ground tremble. Sounds though could enter and they heard his every word. “His logic is sound.” One growled at last. Another added “We all sensed the conflict coming before the Rare Ones spoke seven rotations ago. Our blood burns with fire a
gain and not since the Stronghold has it come upon me so strongly.”

  Barbav sighed mightily. “Did you mistranslate any part of his words?”

  “No, she has done exemplary.” Another said in defense of the beige general.

  “General Barbav, what is on your mind? You already know our thoughts and had them confirmed by the warlock above us. He does not even know we are here.”

  “For the eldest race, change is difficult.” Barbav admitted. “I have not seen a human in six hundred cycles and that was only a glimpse. For the first time in our history we five will be responsible for the fate of our race. We must look to the future, beyond what might occur within this cycle. Look at what happened when warlocks and griffins were bound. Their self-destructive natures led to the end of the griffins, the most unique species we’ve ever encountered, now down to a single male with no chance of recovery. What if after several thousand cycles we end up…”

  “My old friend, we were at fault ten thousand cycles ago. We betrayed White King Daku. It was we who managed to send every warlock and bonded griffin to Earth. We again killed an entire race. And if the prediction comes to pass, we will sacrifice an entire world with another sentient species to become fodder. More than eighty eight percent of this world’s human population cannot even conceivably survive a Jump to another world. Maybe five percent could be assured. And they are sentient although they cannot consciously tap into themselves. This planet will be doomed to a cruel fate and many of those who die will become ghosts and only one being in the universe can heal that kind of damage. And we have not the time for him to breed more warlocks. Even if we left and took him, his females wouldn’t survive and we would have one deadly being be our enemy and if the white king favored his Summoner’s wrath, the outcome would be just as bad.” Xamii voiced herself clearly. “We know the Tiaxm are here. I smelled the taint in Vin’re as soon as my mother returned and sent me for proof. Cage’s logic is sound and that female that stabbed me made an excellent demonstration. Personally I want her.” The general grinned. “She is tenacious and had no fear as she stabbed me. Never has a human tempted the death of the body so brazenly. And she is intelligent. I spoke to her and her mates for an hour and though she has not been taught about many subjects, she is a fierce hunter and fighter. She loves and guides. I too have had little contact with these primates, Barbav, but I see now they have immense potential.”

  “Your decision is final then, Xamii?” The most ancient blue general on Raliea spoke.

  “It is. I will wait though to bind the female to me until you see the sorceress is a worthy one to be bound. My instincts scream to bind immediately before any preemptive attacks come from our northern colony. Even if binding has minimal advantage, it is an advantage nonetheless. This Moril could actually save my life, especially if what she did this morning ever came to pass. My attention could stay focused if my trust in her to guard my lower spine is there.” Then she added one last statement to drive her point home. “It was an effective tactic during the nexus war. I remember warlocks on my back in the last fifteen cycles who would secretly drop on the enemy from above so that when the Tiaxm sensed their magic it was too late. It was an invaluable tactic and the northern colony likely won’t expect us to bind with humans who have yet to reach full potential.”

  “Your argument will be taken under advisement.” Barbav said in an official manner which meant more than placating her fellow warriors. She meant it. “When the star rises again I’ll spend the day with the one known as Megdline and Frill. If she can become proficient enough to cast spells through my greater power I will consider the bond. Speak this to Mox for I wish not to be disturbed and when I do return I want your objective opinions on what we agreed upon.”

  The other four grunted and marveled at the paradise beneath them. The flowers seemed to glow under the reflected light of the full moon.

  The two hour sleep came to an end as an orb of soft white light sprang into their bedroom. After it appeared it began flicking in code. ‘Boat approaching from north. Slowing down. Pink light glowing at front. Magic.’ Then the ball repeated the message and Cage got up to touch a crystal fragment imbedded in the door and sent weak pulses of magic replying ‘Thank’s Hammit.’

  Light returned. ‘I’m Killeo.’

  ‘My mistake, Killeo. Thank you for the warning. How far till they reach the dock?’

  ‘No more than twenty minutes.’ And that was the end of their conversation.

  With a smile on his face he returned to the bed and saw only Meeka sitting up as she was roused by the light. Immediately she asked “She’s arrived?”

  “Seems that way.”

  “Love’s, the fertility healer is here.” Meeka nudged her satisfied mates. They both groaned as they had barely gotten two hours of rest too and already predawn was arriving.

  It didn’t take long for her words to sink in and their tiredness vanished. Brooke leapt out of bed saying “I need to hit the head first.” liking how it sounded.

  “Me next.” Tohka said and waited her turn before slipping in while Brooke brushed her shoulder length hair.

  Soon all of them cleaned up and shone in his eyes and Daku said “Go on ahead. I’ll tend the cubs.” as he poked his beak through an open window.

  “Thank you.” Meeka said as she kissed him on the beak after sliding on her bracelet. They geared up as Utala, but Cage went commando, needing nothing else.

  Once on the board, Cage chuckled. “I bet those sailors are pissing themselves.”

  “Why?” Tohka asked.

  “Because one of the stationed soldier dragons is standing on the platform, holding them from docking. He’s triple the size of the sailboat.” He chuckled.

  “Then go faster.” Brooke said and got her wish.

  Cage dropped his girls off on the peak of the bridge with several of the elders who were already awake and were surrounded by hunters. Three or four warriors were running and gathering behind the skull pillars while a dozen stood beside the cobalt dragon glaring.

  The warlock flew down and landed right in front of the bulky soldier. Immediately his black eyes locked on the witch and that of a visibly shaking crew of ten sailors gawking at the great beast. Cage stretched an arm and a bright green ramp appeared, connecting the boat to the pier. The witch calmly said “Thank you gentlemen for sailing me. Dock in Miot until I send a summons to retrieve me.” She then casually walked alone down the ramp wearing a tight blue robe that emphasized her round, child birthing hips, a plunging neckline revealed a large bosom of milky white skin. She appeared young and in the prime of womanhood, maybe eighteen to twenty. Out of all the robes Cage has seen, hers was the most provocative. But next to Utala, she was greatly overdressed. As soon as she landed on the platform, the ramp disappeared. In a whisper Cage said in Draconian “Soldier, send the boat on its merry way.”

  “My pleasure.” Came the deep rumble and the ship magically spun around and was pushed faster than any wind could move a boat. The sails were immediately lowered and fattened with wind over two miles away. Then the soldier said “The approaching female has a poisoned blade on her inner thigh, but has no dangers I can detect in her space altered pockets.”

  Cage sent his power and said “The poison is weak but fast acting. It would be dangerous for a child, but against an adult it would merely put them asleep.”

  The dragon said “I negated the poison’s effect anyway. I will know if she attempts to return or strengthen its properties.” With that the dragon walked away and followed the boat to make sure they didn’t stick around.

  The witch was direct and Cage immediately liked her. “I know one of you stripped the potion from my blade. It is merely for my own protection. Nevertheless, I would like to begin my duties. My account already has the required gold for this preliminary day. Your aide is very prompt. Who shall be my primary patient?”

  “My mate, Tohka.” He replied and looked to the warriors. “She only carries a knife and will be constantly moni
tored by me.” Spears relaxes at his promise and the group turned around.

  The witch critically said “That lance is too large to be healthy for a woman to mount. If the woman is shorter than I, I will recommend you reduce the size and girth so you will do no damage.”

  “Tohka is the shortest of my mates, but she is five foot eleven. My other two are both six. All Utala are tall and sturdy. The shortest grown woman is five foot eight, and the tallest man is six foot three. Only one other is taller than me, but we weren’t born Utala.”

  “Then it is marginally safe to not do harm, but once they get pregnant you cannot fully sheathe yourself, maybe half at most. Your lance is naturally that size by what I can tell, but why have you mutilated it?”

  “To reduce the constant need to clean it and it is called being circumcised. It was done to me as a baby after I was found. Also it increases pleasure without the extra skin. As you can see, I’ve done it for all my tribal brothers and their mates couldn’t be happier. Now most females like using their mouths to harden their man for if not regularly cleaned, the stink is not looked forward to, but now it is gone and they reach orgasm much more frequently.” He returned directly and she looked closely at each man’s phallus.

  “It has potential, but does it increase pleasure for both?”

  One of the female warriors said “It does. I now get pleasure from sucking my man’s lance as well as his vitality increased. The only ones to hesitate are these brothers.” Fredrick and his men blanched.

  “Then I will need to mount a lance to fully understand these benefits.”

  “My mate will be willing, but I do not permit you to bare his child.”

  “Agreed.” The witch said as they walked. To the nearest man she asked “How was the extra skin removed?”


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