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Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1)

Page 7

by Nora Flite

  “Hey there,” I said, feeling out of place. “Apparently I have a reservation or something?”

  Her drawn on eyebrows moved higher. “Oh?” With long, manicured nails, she flipped the pages of the book on the counter. “Name?”

  Could he have picked a snootier spa? “Alexis. Alexis Willow.”

  She started to smile, but her lips twitched. “Huh. Here you are.” She sounded surprised, double checking the list. Then, in a great show of skill, she put on a huge grin and spread her arms. “Welcome to the Lotus Spa! I see you've been booked for the deluxe package.”

  I gripped the box a tad tighter. “I don't know if I'm a deluxe kind of person.”

  “Nonsense! It comes with a salt scrub, a manipedi, a sea cucumber soak, and a make-up and hair blow out, as well as a massage!”

  It took some effort not to laugh. “Salt and cucumbers? Are you prepping me to be cooked?”

  The woman's sour disposition slid back into place. “It's good for your skin. You could use it, honey.”

  “I... think I'll take the manipedi and the massage, but lets skip the food stuff.”

  Clearly, she didn't know what to do about being told to take features off. Hovering with her hand by the book, she moved her lips but said nothing.

  “Ah,” a sweeter voice piped up. Glancing over, I saw a young woman with a blonde bob haircut. She waved, grabbing my free hand gently. “I'm Sarina, I'll be working with you. Come with me, please.”

  With a final peek at the still scowling host, I nodded. “My pleasure.”

  Sarina pulled me around a corner, the marble floors echoing as we strolled. Around us, various plants decorated the minimal atmosphere, as did a small river that had been cut into one side of the floor.

  The place was gorgeous, I had to admit.

  “Here,” Sarina said, offering me a robe and some flip-flops as we entered a darker hallway. “Go put these on behind that screen, there's lockers for your items.”

  I took the robe, testing its soft material. I hadn't expected to change, but it made sense. “Alright, thanks.” I walked behind the tall painted screens. They created tiny cubicles in what had to be a giant changing room.

  On one side, I spotted showers. For after they coat you in salt and seasoning, I mused. Putting the dress-box in a locker, I started to slide my clothes off. When I tugged at my trousers, I felt something in my back pocket.

  Confused, I held up the letter. My heart did a twirl. I forgot about this! In all the mess with the detective, I'd blanked on putting away Silver's latest message so no one would see it.

  Peeling the note open, I licked my lower lip eagerly.

  Dear Pet,

  Tonight, I have plans for you. Plans I know you'll love.

  I can't wait to share them.


  I rubbed the paper, then folded it tight. A long, hot breath escaped me. Fuck, whatever he writes, it gets me way too excited. I wondered what he had planned.

  I also wondered if I could handle it.

  “Miss?” Sarina called out.

  “One second!” I stumbled sideways, hurrying to get changed. I put the folded pile of discarded items away with the dress. Then, I tied the robe on securely. It felt amazing on my skin.

  She was waiting for me where I'd left her, her hands folded carefully in the pretty floral top she had on. Sarina blended in perfectly with the pretty plants and marbled walls. When she spotted me, her face lit up in a dimpled smile. “You look great.”

  Self-consciously, I held up my hands. “Hah, I'm the prettiest girl at the Shower Ball.”

  I expected her to roll her eyes at my stupid joke, but she actually snorted. “Maybe you'll be crowned Queen, then you can wear the shower cap.”

  Maybe it was her job to be likable, but I didn't care; she was good at it. Laughing, I followed her into a room where a few other women were getting their nails and hair done.

  Sarina sat me in a chair; it squished around me, luxuriously plush. “What color would you like on your nails?”

  I spread my fingers, frowning. “I don't paint them much. I don't know.”

  “Here, just look over these and see what catches you.” She offered a tray. On top of them, a color wheel of nail polish awaited. I was blown away by the range of choices.

  Brushing my hand over the colors, I inhaled. “So many options, huh?”

  “Take your time.”

  I started to thank her for her patience. But then I saw it; the nail polish was glittery, a beam of starlight.


  Pointing, I controlled my tiny smile. “That one, please.”

  The manipedi was glorious. I found myself going slack, relaxing as Sarina worked over my fingers and toes. When she was done, I wiggled my nails in awe. They sparkled, a pure silver that was bound to impress.

  “You like?” she asked.

  “I like. Yeah.” They'd match my dress exactly.

  “Now, let's do your makeup and hair.”

  I winced. “This will sound ungrateful, but I'd rather... not.”

  Sarina tilted her head so fast that her hair swished like a broom. “But you've paid for it.”

  Silver paid for it. Not me. Shrugging, I blushed nervously. “I haven't been done up like this in—ever, I guess. It's making me feel not very me.”

  Crouching, she met my eyes with her friendly smile. “I'll only do a little bit. Trust me.”

  I wanted to say no, but she was so sincere. “Okay. But please don't slather it on.”

  “I'll make you look like you, just more shiny.” She winked, then set about preparing my skin. Sitting there, my relaxing mood diminished. I was wary of what I'd see when she was done.

  Except, minutes later, when she told me to open my eyes...

  I realized I'd been acting stupid.

  “Oh my gosh,” I laughed, turning side to side in the mirror. Sarina had kept it simple, just some eye shadow and a little mascara. She'd wound my hair up into a delicate coif, my neck long and exposed. I looked like me, only enhanced. “You're incredible.”

  Clasping her fingers, she bounced on her heels. “Glad you like it!”

  I had a feeling Silver would like the end result, too.

  Guiding me further into the building, Sarina waved me into a low-lit room full of candles. It smelled like sandlewood and coconut, a shelf covered in oils taking up a whole wall.

  “Just strip your robe off and get under the sheet,” she said. “Your massage will start in a few minutes.”

  “Alright. Sounds wonderful.” I could definitely use this massage. The stress from my meeting with detective Roose had left me tense, even if I'd done my best to forget the whole mess.

  Sarina slid out the door, so I unbelted my robe, letting it pool at my feet. In just my lavender bra and panties, I snuggled up onto the table. The room was warm, the gentle music making me sleepy.

  With my face pushed into the hole at one end of the table, I started to drift off. Distantly I heard the door open, feet scuffing gently my way.

  “Welcome back,” I mumbled, almost giggling at how drunk I sounded. “I was starting to pass out.”

  Firm hands slid the sheet down, pressing into my shoulder blades with practiced force. A hot whisper tickled the nape of my neck. “I hope I don't put you to sleep.”

  I jolted up, nearly banging Silver in the face with my skull. “You!” I gasped, yanking the sheet around my chest.

  And it was him; he stood there with a wicked smirk, his hands shining from massage oil. He'd rolled his shirt up high to his shoulders, exposing his forearms.

  Silver was here.


  Crossing his biceps, he lifted an eyebrow at me. “You look tense. Let me help.”

  “How are you here?” I blurted.

  “I drove. That's usually how I get around.”

  “No. No. How are you—where's my masseuse?” I was flat out stunned.

  He flexed his hands, fingers bending one by one. Fuck, he had beautifully long fingers.
“Right in front of you. Though masseur is more correct.” He looked me up and down, lingering on my chest through the cloth. “Fancy dress or plain sheet, you manage to be just as stunning.”

  Being reminded of the Red and Ripe had me squirming. “You planned this all along.”

  “What, coming here to massage you? Of course.”

  “Then why that lie about meeting for dinner?” I asked lamely.

  He laughed, throwing his head back before leaning close. “That's still happening. But I've been looking forward to this all day. Lie down, Pet.”

  A tiny spark of desire dazzled into my belly. “You're serious.”

  “Most of the time.” He winked boyishly. “Let me help you relax.”

  This is going to do the opposite of relaxing me. I inched around slowly, lying on my stomach. The sheet was still clutched around me like armor.

  He startled slow; fingers molding against my shoulders. Inching the sheet away, he exposed my spine. My muscles bunched, I wanted to rebel, but his voice stopped me. “Let me do this,” he whispered. “Let me take control.”

  His palms glided downwards, lingering for a moment between my shoulder blades. I was lost in the bliss of his touch. Silver was a master at this, his hands working away my knots, replacing them with something that was slicker... electric.

  The sheet was gone, cool air tickling across my hips and ass. I turned, wanting to say how he shouldn't, how I wasn't ready.

  Like silk, he pressed down to the backs of my knees. I jumped, and his chuckle was hot chocolate in my veins. He cupped my calves, digging in until he was stroking the soles of my feet. It was gradual, but the flames of arousal began to lick at me.

  “Is that good?” he asked.

  Chewing my lip, I shoved my head into the forehead rest. My muffle of agreement must have pleased him, because he swung across me, dragging his fingertips along the muscles of my arms. With each stroke, my nerves turned from arching cats into purring kittens.

  Then he slid his hand up the inside of my thigh, ruining everything.

  “Hey!” I gasped, pushing up on my hands to stare at him.

  His eyes twinkled. “Something wrong?”

  “I don't want a happy ending with this massage.”

  “Everyone wants a happy ending,” he said softly, bending away so I couldn't tell what the expression on his face meant. The low lights hid him from me, and worse, I sensed him pulling away.

  Before I could investigate what was wrong, Silver peered back at me. The glimmering centers of his amber eyes were unforgettable. He was here—with me—and I convinced myself whatever I'd sensed was my imagination. “Don't lie,” he said. “It's obvious you want me to touch you.”

  I bristled, not just because of his audacity, but because he was right. “You're the one who showed up out of nowhere to give me a massage. If anyone wants anything here, it's you.”

  “Oh, you're definitely right,” he chuckled. His weight settled on the table, his palms on either side of my hips. The candles along the walls turned his skin into a glistening bronze canvas. “I want to touch you more than anything, I want to feel the soft folds around your clit and discover how wet I'm getting you, Pet.”

  My breath hitched, become a solid ball in my throat. Silver lifted a hand in the air, flexing his fingers. On impulse, my pussy clenched. “Are you asking me to stop?”

  “I'm just saying I'm not... ready for you to go that far.”

  Smiling so his teeth didn't show, Silver motioned for me to turn back around. “I have a feeling you're more ready than you realize.” Rubbing my lower back, he blew air on the side of my throat. “Let me show you.”

  Closing my eyes, I sucked in through my nose. That was my only response.

  It was enough.

  He bent over the edge of the table, his weight pressing the heels of his palms into my shoulders. Small circles, rhythmic motions, Silver touched me with precision. His fingers swept down my ribs, grazing the outsides of my breasts.

  I was breathing faster, wiggling in place the longer I endured his touch. He acted like he knew my body already. How could he? What allowed him to be so perfect in drawing out the heat in my lower belly?

  Experience, I thought to myself. Someone as sexy as him must have had many other partners. I'd seen the sex club he liked to attend. But I didn't want to think about that—I wanted to focus on Silver and how he made me feel.


  No. Wonderful.

  Panting, I shivered at the way his nails scraped over my spine. He reached the crest of my ass, then dodged around it, not touching me. My disappointment was crisp, I even groaned.

  His strained hiss made my hair stand on end.

  My desire was lightning in a bottle, and he'd popped the cork. He was proving he could turn me on, make me want his touch.

  Lying on that massage table, my thighs shaking as arousal flooded my cells, I felt panic. I was vulnerable like this, at the mercy of someone who was making me crave erotic, terrible things.

  I wanted him to stop teasing me. I wanted him to quit stopping short of the gap between my legs. His teeth brushed my temple. “The heat coming off of your pussy is burning the air around my hand,” he whispered.

  Rocking my hips, I pushed into his palm; he squeezed my ass and I moaned. It was unconscious, and I couldn't take it back.

  “That sound is driving me fucking insane,” he growled. “My cock is throbbing, Pet.”

  I was hit with the compelling desire to see that. How incredible would he look, his shaft swollen, flexing to its full length. If he slid his pants down, right now, would I be able to resist touching him?

  Tasting him?

  “Enough,” he said. Firm fingers wrapped in my hair, pulling it from its neat little up-do. Silver contorted me around, straddling my waist as he yanked my mouth to his. He'd spun me so fast my back cracked, the noise cascading through the room.

  The only other noise was my desperate whimper.

  We kissed like that for an unknown stretch of time. It could have been minutes, it could have been centuries. In just a sheet and lingerie, I curled into his arms. Silver pushed a palm along my ribs, snaking it between my thighs.

  Heaven help me, I started to spread them.

  Wait, I warned myself. Not here. It can't be here. Sex in a public place wasn't something I could ever do. I wasn't brave enough, or bold enough.

  But he must be.

  Silver was wild, he was going to be disappointed with someone like me.

  “Stop,” I said, my voice cracking.

  He chuckled darkly against my neck. My blush went full body, but I kept from wilting. Silver's hand lazily stroked up my bare knee... then away. “I'm pushing you too fast, is that it?”

  Tugging the sheet up to my neck, I held still. Maybe he'd sit with me here, just holding me, even if I didn't want to fuck. “Sort of. I don't know. I'm just not sure I can do this whole thing here.”

  “Here, as in this building?” Tucking some of my hair behind my ear, he grinned. “Or here, as in fucking me at all. You keep stopping me from going further.”

  I started to stutter; I hated the idea that he'd think I didn't want him. “No! It's not that I don't want to do... that.” Steeling myself, I glanced down at the front of his pants. His hard-on was massive, and when he saw me look, he smirked even bigger. “I'm not making out with you half-naked because I'm not into you, Silver.”

  Cupping my chin, he closed the gap between us. “I'm only teasing. It's obvious you want me.” His voice dropped an octave, his free hand massaging his cock through his pants. “And it's clear I want you.”

  Fixated on his erotic gesture, I froze. It was like my brain had the hiccups.

  He said, “Let's get out of here. It's close to our dinner reservation, anyway.” He abandoned me, but I took cruel solace in the way he grunted at his uncomfortable erection. I'd seen the shape of it so many times, I was starting to get an idea of its size.


  That was a perfectly
good word for it.

  “Go change into your outfit.” He washed his hands in the nearby sink. “I'll wait for you by the front desk.”

  The warm room had become smoldering. It was a relief when I escaped down the hall, my lungs able to take in a full breath finally. Will he be like that every time? So hungry, so tempting?

  I knew the answer.

  As long as I resisted him, he'd keep pushing.

  What would happen when I finally gave in?

  - Chapter Ten -


  “You seem a little different,” he said.

  Silver had driven us over to the restaurant, a fast trip from the spa. Before our escape, Sarina had spotted me in the hallway. Her eyes had met mine, curious but not cutting. She must have been thinking about what Silver and I had been up to.

  After all, I still was.

  Now, leaning into the booth, I sipped my cocktail too fast. “Different than what? The first time we met up, I wasn't exactly in my element.”

  Considering my question, he lingered on it more than seemed right. Then he shook his head, mouth turning into a half frown. “In general. It's like your mind isn't fully here.”

  He's right, I thought sullenly. A sliver of my brain had been focused on my meeting with Detective Roose. He'd crept into my life like a black beast from an old nightmare. Everything had been going so great, I didn't want to dredge up my damn history from five years back.

  I won't let that guy ruin my mood. Forcing a smile, I gave Silver my most brash grin. “Maybe I'm just thinking about all the amazing things you've done for me.”

  “You mean you've been enjoying my gifts.”

  “Very much so.” I lifted a finger, brushing one of the mercury-folds of my gown pointedly.

  “I'm glad,” he said softly. “But I wonder if you've enjoyed all of my gifts?”

  It took me a second, but the wolfish edge to his mouth gave him away. I knew what he was referring to, and it made my knees push together. Oh yes, I'd 'enjoyed' the special vibrator he'd sent my way. Shit, was my whole face glowing red?

  Winking, he sipped from his glass. “I'm proud of that toy. I spent a while designing it.”

  “Is that what you do?” I asked, leaping at any info about him. “You design—ah, sex toys?” My blush was growing hotter.


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