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SEAL Kissed: A Navy SEAL Military Romance (Hot Dirty SEALS Book 1)

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by Mia Kenney

  The truck cabin is filled with Reeds laughter, and I realize it’s the first time I’ve seen him with his guard let down. His smile is genuine, exposing a boyhood charm I never noticed before.

  “I’ve never had a dog. What do I do with her?” Marigold turns in a circle and makes herself comfortable on my lap.

  “What kind of person has never had a dog?” Reed flashes me a look of disbelief.

  “A person like me,” I shrug my shoulders. “Actually, I’ve never had any type of pet. I’m not sure if I’m capable of taking care of her.” Secretly I’ve always wished for a puppy, just like any other kid growing up. But my wishes never came true. I accepted that fact a long time ago. And here I am, in a a truck with a man my brain tells me to hate but my body craves and he’s giving me something I’ve always wanted. My heart skips a beat.

  “You don’t have to do much. She’s already trained and housebroken. Just love her and feed her. And take her out for walks. But not too long, she doesn’t tolerate the heat well.” His dazzling emerald eyes dart between me and the highway.

  “Why are you giving her to me? Don’t you want her?” Disbelief runs through me. My hands are buried in her warm fur and she’s licking at my face. Her happy bulging eyes are winning me over.

  There’s a stretch of awkward silence and I fixate on his twitching jaw while he mulls over an answer. “My job makes me travel a lot, and I can’t keep her. If you don’t want her I’ll take her to the pound,” he declares, his tone tinged with an angry edge.

  “What if I don’t take care of her and she dies?”

  “I’m sure you will be fine. You don’t remind me of someone who would mistreat and abandon an animal.” He’s looking at me now, like he’s trying to judge my reaction. I try my best poker face, but the words mistreat and abandon are still bouncing around my head. This fur ball has only been in my life for five minutes and I already can’t imagine ever hurting her or leaving her in this world to fend for herself. I can’t allow her to become a cast away like me. She has my heart. Something no one else has never had. I wonder if my mom stuck around if she would of given me a puppy. It’s something I won’t know until I find her and ask her myself. There’s so many unanswered questions I have, like the reason for my abandonment and if she ever thinks of me. I’ve read the statistics of heroin addicts and know she is likely dead of a drug overdose. I cling to the hope of her being alive and drug free, searching for me as much as I’m searching for her. A dull heaviness begins to fall over me and I fight to push it away.

  Just as my solitary pity party begins I’m distracted by the E.T. charlatan. Marigold is snorting and drooling and licking my hand. “I can't believe she likes me,” I giggle and scratch the top of her head before looking back up.

  “Reed, I’ve always been by myself. What if I can’t do it?” My voice comes out softer than I anticipated. I’m not accustomed to people giving me things, let alone someone I barely know giving me a pet to take care of.

  “You’re not alone anymore. Now you have Marigold.” His voice is kind and sincere. “She’s a good dog. Already housebroken. Just rub her belly and give her treats. Let her be your family.”

  “You know, five minutes ago I couldn’t stand you. Maybe you’re not so bad after all.”

  His lips press together and he squeezes the steering wheel, his knuckles paling under his strength. "Pretty girl, don't mistake my generosity for a kind heart. I’m a bastard and deserve every shit storm life throws my way."

  Sadness flashes across his face and I wonder what could break such a confident man.

  Headlights of passing cars illuminate his profile making him even more mysterious. His jaw is rough, the clean shaven man from the club replaced with the sexy as hell badass persona that he uses to hide an endearing sweet side and I oddly find myself liking this Reed more. He appears so raw right now, a sexual storm capable of sweeping me off my feet. Dismissing my thoughts, I kiss Marigold on top of her head.

  “Let me have your cell, I’ll put in my number in case you have any questions.” I do as he says, his tone always so strong and demanding.

  Reed calls himself from my cell, programming my number into his phone. This arrogant cocky man doesn’t seem so intimidating anymore.

  Chapter Ten


  For the first time in my employed life I call in sick from work. And I’m not even sick. Exhausted and highly irritable is more like it. By three a.m. I had a clear understanding why Reed had given me his dog. Marigold has to be the worst pet ever.

  “Aren’t there doggy downers you can give her? A crate you can lock her up in?” Olivia flashes her evil eye at Marigold and proceeds to give her pieces of her toast.

  “I have no idea. I’ll be spending my time Googling how to stop my dog from howling and eating everything in my apartment today. And I really don’t think you should be giving her toast, it’s not good for her.”

  “I’d rather her eat my breakfast than my new strappy sandals.” She throws another piece of toast onto the floor. I swear Marigold doesn’t even chew, she swallows every piece whole. This can’t be good. The dog food Reed had given me sits untouched in her bowl. I swear the only thing she’s interesting in eating are shoes and table food.

  “Did she ever fall asleep last night?”

  “Only after I couldn’t take her whining anymore and I brought her into bed with me. She curled right up at my side and was out like a light. Too bad I waited until four thirty in the morning to do it.” I yawn and realize that even though Marigold kept me up late that once we fell asleep together it was the best sleep I can remember ever having. No tossing and turning and no nightmares. That’s strange.

  My body is accustomed to waking several times during the night, always a nightmare of being trapped in a basement as the house falls around me as I yell for my mom. I always wake before I see the ending and I’m sure a shrink would have a lot to say about that.

  “So, what’s on your agenda today now that you have an unexpected day off?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe teach Marigold a few tricks and take her for a walk.” I pull the lid off my yogurt and some of it plops onto the vinyl kitchen floor. Before I can even think about grabbing a towel Marigold is licking it up.

  “Well, make sure you dress cute. You never know what kind of man you can meet walking your dog,” she says in her singsong voice. That’s Olivia, always plotting and planning how to trap a good man.

  “I’ll make sure I wear my comfy ugly clothes then.”

  “Haha. It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m thinking this Reed guy just may be the man for you. Face it, he’s stalking you at work and he gave you his dog. Who does that?"

  “Exactly! Who gives away their pet to someone they barely even know? He could be some crazy animal hoarder who gives every woman he’s interested in a dog.”

  “No way. Hoarders don’t give their things away. Don’t you watch the show? That’s how they become hoarders. I think he’s a smart man. He gave you something knowing that you will have to call him sooner or later." She tosses more toast to Marigold. "Forget Google. You can call Reed and ask him how to make her stop whining and chewing on everything.”

  Calling Reed is tempting and my thumb hovers over the dial icon on my phone. Besides Olivia he’s my only contact and the first man who ever gave me his number. It seems like such a silly thing to be excited over but I feel giddy when his name flashes on my screen. The allure of him makes my mouth water and my breasts heavy. Remembering our time in the parking lot I vividly recall his words, I don’t fuck virgins. It’s my only rule. The golden rule. Just anticipating his rejection of anything more than friend status squashes my trust in him and I quickly shove my cell into my pocket.

  Olivia slips into her sandals and puts her sunglasses on top of her head. Even early in the morning she is effortlessly beautiful. “See you later. Brandon invited me to the beach today. I can’t wait for you to meet him. He’s an app developer. Maybe we could do the double date thing,
you know me and Brandon and you with your guy. What do you think?” She gives me a wink and cracks her gum. I can’t stand that sound. “Umm, let me think about it.”

  “Okay. Well, don’t take too long to think about it. Brandon may be the one and I may be asking your help to plan my wedding before you know it!” Olivia twirls and heads out the door. I don’t have the heart to tell her that Brandon will leave her like all the others. It always ends bad. And why are all the guys in California App developers? I’m beginning to think nobody on the West Coast has a real job.

  Curling up onto the couch I power on my laptop and Google obedience school. Marigold makes herself comfortable against my side and in seconds her soft snoring fills the room. “Oh no girlfriend. You’re not keeping me up half the night and then sleeping all day. Come on, I’m taking you for some training.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I’ve been sporting a hardon for over a week now. As tempting as it is to just call up one of my usual fucks the only person I want to be with is Emerson. Every time I think about screwing another woman my dick goes soft. And I can’t get that fiery woman out of my mind. Her soft skin, doe eyes and curvy hips are driving me crazy. She has breasts that are made to be squeezed and toned thighs that should be straddling me right now.

  I don’t know what the hell I was thinking when I gave Marigold to her. I miss my best friend. She’s the worst dog ever and I can’t believe Emerson hasn’t called or texted begging me to take her back. I thought for sure the way to her heart would be through a cute little dog and that pain in the ass pug would open the door for me. Only I haven’t heard a peep from her, not even a text. I couldn’t help but notice when I entered my information into her cell that I was only the second person on her contact list. I’m not sure how someone so kind and beautiful cannot have any friends or family but I intend to find out. Even though she isn’t reaching out to me I take comfort knowing she has Marigold. And nobody can tolerate that dog for too long, Emerson will be calling any day now. I need to be patient.

  I’ve never had to work so hard to get a woman before. Getting laid has always been the easy part. Women love dropping their panties for Navy SEALs. But that’s the thing about Emerson. She hasn’t even asked me if I’m in the military. Part of the team code is to keep quiet about who we are and what we do, but every woman I’ve ever met can figure it out in minutes, even the barbie dolls. They may not know who the President is but they can recite military pay scales and rank verbatim.

  Emerson is a smart woman who doesn’t give up. Her focus on education and work ethic make her even hotter. She takes so much pride in offering her free samples in that crummy store she works at. I know she needs a new car but she doesn’t ask for help. The used text books in her faded bag didn’t go unnoticed. All the college girls I’ve known have parents picking up the tab, but not Emerson. She’s working her way through school and I admire her for that.

  An asshole like me is the last thing she needs in her life. I have a proven track record of pain and heartache. I’ve run from any woman who has ever shown a desire to be more than just a quick lay. Something inside of me is changing, I just can’t figure out what it is.

  Experience tells me it’s better to keep my distance but I can’t stop thinking about her. I know I’m no good for her. Every time she looks at me with those big brown eyes so trusting and naive to the kind of man I really am. I’m a trained warrior. Ruthless. Disciplined to kill on the first shot. Heartless. Better men than me have died for our country. Made their wives widows and left their children fatherless. Yet I survived. No waiting wife. No children with signs welcoming daddy home. Just a long contact list of first names and foggy faces. After returning from my first trip to the sandbox down two teammates I promised myself I would never have a serious relationship. And now all I want is Emerson under me every night and by my side every day. Lacing up my running shoes I stretch and take off on a ten mile run. Maybe I can run her out of my dreams.

  Chapter Twelve


  My phone is buzzing like crazy. I reach out of the shower and don’t recognize the number so I let it ring. My month to month plan only allows me so many minutes and unknown callers aren’t worthy of my money.

  After I feel thoroughly cleaned, scrubbed and shaved I step from the cascading water and wrap myself on a long luxurious robe. It’s ten pounds of the softest, thickest fabric that has ever graced my body. Wrapped in its warmth gives me a false sense of comfort and it’s the most expensive piece of clothing I own. Olivia gave it to me for Christmas and before I even saw the designer tag I knew it cost a fortune.

  I pull the tie tight, making a droopy bow right below my navel. My fingers rub against the silk tag buried deep in the pocket. A subconscious reminder that my best friend was the first person to ever give me something without expecting something in return. My thoughts drift to Reed and I look to the corner where Marigold is finally sleeping on her dog bed.

  He’s the most confusing person I’ve ever met, a combination of brute force and kindness. Normally intimidated by the tatted up, shaved head bad boy look I am surprised by my feelings towards him. Briefly I consider calling him, longing to hear his rough voice in my ear but I’m not sure what to say. Marigold has grown on me and the idea of disappointing him, admitting I’m a complete failure, makes me feel defeated. She is destructive, begs for table food and jumps on the furniture. I have fallen in love with her unpredictability. I didn’t know it was possible to care for a dog as much as I care for Marigold.

  There’s an unfamiliar emotion tossing around inside of me to please Reed, unsure where this has come from, I relent to the idea that maybe I do have feelings towards him. His tough guy dirty talking exterior bewilders me, but after glancing a slice of the real Reed laughing in his truck, dimples on full display I begin to speculate what it would take to make him break the virgin rule. I have a few ideas, and make a mental note to discuss them with Olivia.


  Curling up on the couch I open my library book and continue reading about training a disobedient dog. Apparently Marigold isn’t the problem, it’s me. I need to become a pack leader so she will respect me. Ha! She looks up at me with those giant bug eyes from the comforts of an orthopedic doggy bed that cost more than my own bedding. My chewed up sock is soaked with her drool. With my luck she will end up with some sort of intestinal blockage and require expensive surgery. Which of course I wouldn’t be capable of paying for with my measly paycheck. The steady sound of her gentle snoring whirls through the air creating a soothing rhythm.

  I’m suddenly awoken in a startled daze. Someone is pounding on my apartment door. I must have fallen asleep. My dog book is upside down opened on the floor. I reach to pick it up, placing it on the coffee table. “Just a minute,” I shout. Standing I smooth my robe with my hands and glance down at Marigold. Her little doggy paws are moving back and forth even though she is sound to sleep. I guess that's what dogs do when they're dreaming. Hopefully it's not a serial killer at my door because she doesn’t budge.

  “Who is it?” I unlock the deadbolt but leave the door chain intact. Peeking through the crack I gasp in shock at the same time he responds, “It’s Reed, open up.”

  I step back, crossing my arms over my chest. “What do you want?” He flashes his sexy grin and sparks a warm feeling deep in my lower abdomen. No doubt he’s the type of man normal mothers would warn their daughter to avoid.

  “Emerson, I’m just stopping by to return something you left in my truck. Are you going to let me in or make me kick down your door?” His voice is low and demanding and my body hums to life.

  “I don’t like bossy people. And if you kick down my door my neighbors will call the police.”

  “I’m not bossy, just persistent. Now open the door so I don’t have to make a scene.”

  Against my better judgement I undo the chain. The little voice in my head warns me of danger but my body can’t help obeying him. Bright emerald eyes b
laze into me as he kicks the door closed and grips my shoulders. He has me turned and up against the wall before I can catch my breath.

  “You. Are. Driving. Me. Insane,” he rasps into my ear. My arms are suddenly stretched and pinned by his one hand over my head. His narrow hips hold me in place as his thick erection pushes into my belly. The sparks I felt earlier now feel like flames pumping through my veins. I can’t help but press my breasts into his chest, my hard nipples screaming for his expert touch.

  “What do you want Reed?” Its more of a whispered tease than a question. He is causing something crazy to happen inside of my body, stirring up emotions and desires I never felt before.

  He responds with a growl and a grind of his hips. The juncture between my thighs is throbbing. He pushes his strong thigh between my legs. My body is searching for the friction it so desperately needs and somehow he knows this. He presses his thigh against my apex, rubbing in small circles. My breath hitches.

  He glances down between us. “Christ, you’re wrapped like a present for me.” A moan travels over my lips and my brown eyes meet his green. We are lost in each others lust filled daze. I feel helpless pressed against the wall like this but I like it. A lot.

  The tension of my robe tie disappears and I look down just in time to see my bow come undone, the white fluff falling to my sides. His eyes are traveling up and down my naked body. Not saying a word but telling me everything I need to know.


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