by Steve Coll
Northern Alliance’s drive on, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 93–94, 102, 115
Kabul, U.S. embassy in, 200, 202, 232
Haqqani attack on, 574–75, 576
Kabul University, 131
Kakar, Faizullah, 274–75
Kandahar, Afghanistan, 68, 98, 100, 144, 145, 176, 216, 223, 224, 228–29, 298, 301, 331–32, 367, 390, 394, 419, 464, 511, 571, 598, 614, 615, 648
hunting program in, 139–40
poppy cultivation in, 266, 273, 274, 276, 277
racketeering in, 136–39, 142, 224, 314
Taliban threat to, 401, 464–93
Kandahar Airfield, 136–37, 139, 141
bombing of, 71–72
Kandarian, Art, 466–67, 468–69, 474, 479, 480–81, 483–84, 490, 491, 570
Kappes, Steve, 207, 246–47, 309–10, 312–14, 319, 320, 339, 354–55, 356, 358, 359, 360, 361, 680
and negotiations with Taliban, 419, 421
Karachi, Pakistan, 26, 46, 48, 54, 150, 243, 283, 287, 327, 341, 444, 535, 630, 654, 659
karez irrigation system, 476
Karimi, Sher Mohammad, 602–3
Karmalites, 19
Karzai, Abdul Ahad, 94, 96, 97
Karzai, Ahmed Wali (A.W.K.), 94, 145, 278, 301, 360, 379, 380, 443, 471–72, 496
Karzai, Hamid, 94–96, 100, 125, 128–29, 157, 163, 177, 217, 259–60, 294, 302, 305, 307, 364, 419, 422, 432, 472, 497, 499, 512, 625, 637, 647, 660, 682
and aerial spraying, 275, 276, 277
anonymous trips around Kabul by, 132–33
Arif fired by, 190–92
Arif made head of intelligence by, 122
arrest of, 95, 131
assassination attempt against, 144
assassination worries of, 131–32
Biden’s meeting with, 350, 352–53
at Bonn conference, 582–85
British pressured to fight Taliban by, 226
and building of Afghan National Army, 135
Bush’s close cultivation of, 132, 184, 231, 364
cash payments investigated by, 482
civilian casualties as concern of, 375, 395, 536, 643
corruption and, 218, 231, 352–53, 358, 379–80, 405, 443, 470–71, 495, 497
in election of 2004, 193, 211–12, 348
in election of 2009, 375, 376–87, 409, 448, 649
and election of 2014, 648–49
escalation of war approved by, 409–10
Fahim’s rivalry with, 194–95
in friendly fire, 101
India’s alleged influence over, 153–54
I.S.I. suspicions of, 198, 316, 348
Khalilzad’s friendship with, 188–89
and killing of Rabbani, 576, 582
McChrystal vs., 396–98
made leader of Afghanistan, 110, 112
mood swings of, 373–74, 375, 399, 634–35, 636
at Musharraf’s Kabul speech, 230
National Consultative Peace Jirga attack and, 457–58
Obama’s meetings with, 315–16, 364, 409–10, 434, 524–25, 539–40, 629–30, 633
Obama’s visit to, 434–35
Pakistan negotiations with, 424–29, 433, 434, 436, 452–54, 456–57, 541–42, 560, 660
Panjshiri tensions with, 122, 192, 373, 384–85
Pasha’s talks with, 452–54
personal life of, 371–73
Petraeus’s strategy disdained by, 491–92, 525
promise to eradicate poppy cultivation, 272
recommended as interim leader of Afghanistan, 100–101
reduction in troop numbers approved by, 623
and resignation of Atmar and Saleh, 458–59
Rosenberg expelled by, 652
Sherzai vs., 99
as suspicious of Britain, 305, 378
as suspicious of U.S., 373–74, 375–76, 383–84, 396–99, 409, 424, 429, 432, 434, 449, 453–54, 497, 537, 542–43, 634–35, 682
Taliban’s battle with, 100
and transition in peacekeeping responsibilities, 223
U.S. assistance against strongmen requested by, 184, 185
U.S. criticism of, 231
U.S. defended by, 231–32
and U.S. negotiations with Taliban, 502, 524–25, 539–40, 582–85, 626, 627–28, 633–34, 635
U.S. pressure on Pakistan desired by, 578
on U.S. withdrawal, 644
Vogle’s plan to stir up tribesmen rebellion with, 97–98, 100
Washington visited by, 448–49, 452–56
weakness of, 133, 183–84
Karzai, Hekmat, 256, 260
Karzai, Mirwais, 371, 373
Karzai, Zeenat, 371
Kasab, Ajmal, 343, 347
Kashmir, 45, 54, 56, 148, 151, 152, 161, 163, 201, 313, 320, 327, 330, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346, 406, 527
Kayani, Ashfaq, 146, 214, 215–16, 221, 234, 238, 283, 289, 290, 293, 309–10, 312, 313–14, 315, 320–21, 336, 362, 402–4, 408, 455, 499, 515, 536, 676
background of, 147–48, 151
Bannu attack authorized by, 340
Biden’s meeting with, 351–52
and Bin Laden’s death, 545–47, 548, 549, 552, 553, 557
Clinton’s meeting with, 578–79
on Clinton’s threat, 461–62
at conference on joint strategy, 324–25
and Davis’s captivity, 526, 547
and drone program, 532, 534, 535
on fundamentalism vs. extremism, 323–24
and Haqqani truck bomb attack, 575
helicopters needed by, 322–23
Holbrooke’s meetings with, 405–6, 438–40
I.S.I. reformed by, 319–20
Martyrs Day speech of, 544–45
Mullen’s relationship with, 322
and Mumbai attacks, 343, 345
at N.A.T.O. meetings, 368–70, 577
and negotiations with Afghanistan, 424, 426, 427, 428, 436, 660
as negotiator for Taliban, 637–38
on Pakistan relationship with U.S., 559
Pasha admired by, 328
and potential war with U.S., 452
retirement of, 679, 680
return of Taliban as concern of, 628–29
shrinking of C.I.A. presence requested by, 540–41
in “strategic dialogue” with U.S., 438–40, 459–60, 532
and surge, 410
tribal areas raid denounced by, 318–19
understanding with Karzai sought by, 434, 456–57
U.S. disdained by, 514, 515
and U.S. negotiations with Haqqanis, 566–67, 576, 577
and U.S. negotiations with Taliban, 503, 565–66, 577, 627–28, 637–38, 639, 640–41
U.S. supply routes in Pakistan closed by, 626
U.S. visits of, 149–50, 500–503
Kayani 1.0, 434, 558, 627
Kayani 2.0, 459–61, 558, 627
Kayani 3.0, 501–3, 522, 558, 627
Keller, Art, 219–21
Kelton, Mark, 520, 531–32, 569
Kennedy, John F., 354
Kenya, 15
Kerry, John, 306–7, 384, 385–86, 399, 560, 635, 637, 651, 652, 660
K.G.B., 1, 24, 47, 122, 124, 598
K.H.A.D. (Khadamat-i-Atala’at-I Dawlati), 19, 124
Khairkhwa, Khairullah, 507, 580
Khalid, Asadullah, 118, 125, 229, 303, 647
Khalili, Massoud, 20
Khalilzad, Zalmay, 131–32, 145, 182–86, 198, 224, 232, 257, 259, 268, 372–73, 491, 585, 634, 643–44, 680
deal with Taliban desired by, 212, 423
Dostum’s argument with, 193–94
and electio
n of 2009, 376–77, 385
and firing of Arif, 190
and firing of Fahim, 195
and Ismail Khan’s promotion to ministry of water and energy, 194
kin network and entourage of, 195–97
as suspicious of Musharraf, 199, 200, 202–3, 209
U.S.-Pakistan investigation on India proposed by, 203
in work with Afghan government, 188–90, 193–94, 195, 423
Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 85, 118, 350
Khan, Amanullah, 194
Khan, Bismillah, 82, 652
Khan, Fahim, 21, 22, 81–82, 95, 131, 132, 135, 154, 184, 185, 191, 193, 194
Khan, Haji Birqet, 142
Khan, Ismail, 79, 184, 193, 194
Khan, Khwaja Muhammad, 155
Khan, Yusuf, 149–50
Khar, Hina Rabbani, 626
Kilcullen, David, 218, 219, 220–22, 329, 330, 681
Kimmons, Jeff, 73
King, Brandon, 475
Kini, Usama al-, 319, 357
Kissinger, Henry, 430, 432, 486, 581
Koh, Harold, 580
Kolenda, Christopher, 393, 505, 523, 562, 631, 632
Koran, 539, 600–601, 602, 603, 617, 624, 671
Kosovo, 134, 537
Kot Lakhpat prison, 528
Krongard, A. B. “Buzzy,” 28, 121–22, 207
Kubiš, Ján, 651
Kunduz crisis, 686
Kuwait, 34, 64
Kuwaiti, Abu Ahmed al-, 549–50, 551, 554, 555–56
Lahore, Pakistan, 46, 48, 150, 280, 281, 287, 327, 440, 517
Laitin, David D., 267
Lakhvi, Zaki ur-Rehman, 342, 344–45
Lal Masjid, 281
Lang, Dadullah, 255
Lanthier, Jean-Marc, 601–2, 603–4
Lashkar-e-Taiba, 289, 308, 341–47, 356, 460, 517
Latif, Abdul, 99
Lavoy, Peter, 287–89, 290, 312, 313, 333–34, 336, 337, 348, 401, 402, 571, 626, 627, 629, 631, 681
Lawyers’ Movement, 281
learned helplessness, 169–70
Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife (Nagl), 333
Lebanon, 34, 443
“Lethal Incompetence: Studies in Political and Military Decision-Making” (Bordin), 590, 619
LeVine, Steve, 3
Lew, Jack, 400
Lewis, Jim, 17–18
Libbi, Abu Faraj al-, 244
Libya, 78
Lieberman, Joe, 710
Line of Control, 330
Linschoten, Alex Strick van, 443
Lippold, Kirk, 29
Lodhi, Maleeha, 579
Lodin, Zia, 125
Loftis, Alison, 671, 672
Loftis, Camille, 671, 672–73
Loftis, Holly, 587, 601, 605–6, 671–72, 673–74, 675
Loftis, John Darin, 586–89, 601, 603–6, 616–17, 670, 672–74
London Underground bombing, 234, 236
Long, Mary Beth, 268, 269–70, 330, 331
Longhi, Lawrence, 195–96, 197
Love, Reggie, 473
loya jirga, 378
Loya Jirga Tent, 457–58
Lute, Douglas, 297, 330–31, 332, 335–36, 337, 340–41, 363, 364, 365, 370, 377, 393, 400, 401, 409, 433, 434, 453, 455, 486, 502, 510, 625–26, 631–32, 681
and Afghan election of 2014, 642–43
Kayani visited by, 627
pessimism on Afghanistan of, 510–11
and response to Kayani 3.0, 522
and U.S. negotiations with Taliban, 420, 423, 447, 497–98, 560, 563, 625, 626, 639
Lynch, Tom, 224
Maddakhel tribe, 530
Madrid, 240
Mahmood, Sultan Bashirrudin, 78
Majeed, Chaudiri, 78
Majid, Tariq, 51–52
Malaysia, 37, 78
maliks, 357, 530, 534
Mandel, Rolfe, 476
Manningham-Buller, Eliza, 239
Mansour, Mullah Akhtar, 445–46, 498, 499, 503, 506, 523–24, 539, 578, 676–77
Manzarkhel tribe, 530
Marchanti, Peggy, 671
Marchanti, Robert, 603, 604–5, 606, 616–17, 670
Marines, U.S., 104, 178, 305, 392–93, 394–95, 465, 598, 667
Marriott Hotel attack, 319, 320, 356–57
Marton, Kati, 364, 508
Maryam (al-Kuwaiti’s wife), 549, 556
Massoud, Ahmad, 684–87
Massoud, Ahmad Shah, 56, 59, 79, 80, 92, 95, 122–23, 154, 157, 194, 254, 372, 379, 455, 609, 646, 648, 650, 683, 684, 686
and aerial spraying, 276
background of, 18–19
Blee’s defense in Washington of, 17
Blee’s meeting with, 16
C.I.A.’s equipping of, 11–12, 13–14, 16, 18, 694
in civil war, 11–12, 13, 14, 17
death of, 20–22, 28, 123, 682, 685
Kabul seized by, 19
Karzai’s talks with, 96
Massoud Foundation, 685
Mattis, James, 501–2, 575, 579
Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, 390
McCain, John, 249, 337, 486, 635, 710
McChrystal, Stanley, 134, 135, 158, 204–5, 311, 368, 369, 380, 386, 388, 389, 431, 489, 505, 681
in Kandahar campaign, 465, 466, 468, 471–72, 473–74, 489
and Karzai’s Washington visit, 452
at meeting with Karzai and Kayani, 456–57
National Consultative Peace Jirga attack, 458–59
and surge, 408, 410–11
war strategy of, 393–94, 395–98, 400, 401, 404–5, 430, 438
McDonough, Denis, 418, 525, 580, 625
MacFarland, Sean, 599
McGowan, Kay, 187, 189, 704
McKiernan, David, 350, 367–68
McLaughlin, John, 31, 58, 153
McMaster, H. R., 488–89, 496
McNeill, Dan, 134, 135, 270–71, 300
McRaven, William, 525
Mehsud, Baitullah, 295, 320, 646
Mehsud, Hakimullah, 646
Mehsud, Latif Ullah, 646
Mehsud family, 285, 289
Mehta, Ravi Datt, 308
Mexico, 266, 678
MI6, 19, 175, 225, 237, 274, 362, 420
Michael Baker Corporation, 196, 197
Midway, Battle of, 590
Mihdhar, Khalid al, 35, 37–38
Mike (C.I.A. officer), 157, 159
Milam, Ron, 299
Miliband, David, 304–5, 346, 377–78, 420
Miller, Doug, 37
Miller, Mark, 181
Miller, Paul, 212, 259, 299, 330
Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC), 479, 480–81
Mir, Sajid, 341–42
Mir Ali, 534
Miranshah, 534
Mitchell, James, 169–70, 171, 173–74, 702–3
Modern Warfare (Trinquier), 204
Mohammad, Nek, 209–11, 311
Mohammed, Faqir, 244
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 68, 243, 547, 550
Mojaddedi, Sibghatullah, 94, 95
Monawar, Khaled, 195, 196, 197
Monawar, Wahid, 195
Morell, Michael, 515, 560–61, 580
Mortenson, Greg, 321
Moscow, 240
terrorist attack in, 550
Mossad, 13
Motasim, Agha Jan, 446
Motupalli, Venkat, 484
Moyer, Kevin, 479
Msalam, Fahid Mohammed Ally, 356–57
Mueller, Robert, 174
Mughniyeh, Imad, 34
Muhammad, Saad, 560
mujaheddin, 14, 254, 372, 566, 610, 641–4
funding for, 1, 2
Kabul taken by, 2–3, 95
Mullen, Jack, 321
Mullen, Mike, 309, 314, 319, 320–22, 324–25, 366, 367, 369, 387, 393, 401, 403–4, 409, 431, 439, 440, 461, 466, 470, 500–501, 522, 546–47, 560, 575, 577–78, 681
Muller, Scott, 178
Mumbai, terrorist attack in, 341–47, 460, 514, 515
Munich Security Conference, 504, 510, 523
Munir, Syed, 3
Muñoz, Arturo, 143
Munter, Cameron, 513, 517, 520, 523, 526, 528, 531, 533, 557, 568–69, 681
Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, Prince of Saudi Arabia, 416, 417, 421, 565
Musharraf, Pervez, 51, 64, 200, 203, 215, 221, 222, 501, 537, 548, 550, 696
Afghanistan future as concern of, 201
Al Qaeda arrests by, 15
on Al Qaeda hideouts in Pakistan, 288
Al Qaeda move into Pakistan as concern of, 109
army organized by, 147
attempted assassinations of, 201–2, 208, 209, 218, 344
and Bhutto’s assassination, 292, 293–94, 295
Bhutto’s suspicion of, 284
Bush’s meeting with, 222–23
Bush’s support for, 64
in decision to back U.S., 148, 151, 156
delay in Kabul’s fall desired by, 90, 94
drone strikes allowed in tribal areas by, 210, 211
grip on power lost by, 281
I.S.I. reformed by, 87, 88
Kabul speech of, 230–31
Khalilzad’s suspicion of, 199, 200, 202–3, 209
legitimization of Taliban sought by, 56, 57, 218, 289
Pasha vs., 327, 328
power arrogated by, 149
Taliban peace agreement with, 229–30, 232
and transition in peacekeeping responsibilities, 223–24
U.S. ultimatums to, 52–56, 61
and violence in tribal areas, 285, 286
and war in Waziristan, 218, 219, 220, 221
Muslim Brotherhood, 443, 555
Muslim League, 294
Mutawakil, Wakil Ahmad, 141–42, 144, 445
Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.), 656
Mützelburg, Bernd, 422–23
Myers, Richard, 80, 149
Nabil, Rahmatullah, 384–85, 645–46, 649–50, 651–52
Nadeem, Ishfaq, 545
Najibullah, Mohammad, 1, 2–3, 14, 374, 375, 642
Naqibullah, Mullah, 101
National Assembly, Pakistan, 558
National Consultative Peace Jirga attack, 457–59
National Counterterrorism Center, 83, 245
National Defense Authorization Act, 579–80
National Directorate of Security (N.D.S.), 6, 185, 191–92, 200, 202, 259, 260, 303, 372, 382, 435, 445, 598, 608, 617, 638, 660
C.I.A. in shaping of, 122–25