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A Delicate Case (Jack Lord Book 6)

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by Bo Widerberg

  “Sure Jack, I was only kidding,” said Belle, and looking at Ruth, she added. “What did you mean Ruth, when you asked James to get the guest room ready?”

  “Oh, didn't I tell you before; you are staying here for the night. I hope you haven't got any other plans for this evening,” she said in an extremely sweet voice.

  “I had planned to visit William Smart, the police chief. However, I can see him tomorrow, no problem. Why do you want us to stay here for the night?” Jack asked, his two clients.

  “We like you guys, not only for the fact that you are going to find either Susan, or Susan's killer. We like you as people; our normal guest's have their nooses so high up, they can hardly see their own shoes. It is so refreshing to have people like you two around the house. Please stay for the night, so we can offer you at least our breakfast,” said Ruth, and Allan nodded his head in approval as he sipped on his after dinner drink.

  “Well if we are to stay here in your home for the night as well. I believe that I can have that drink you offered me earlier Allan,” said Jack, stretching his back, and put both hands behind his neck.

  As Jack was leaning back in the sofa, Allan asked. “How do you intend to get the truth out of sixteen different people? And how would you know if they tell you the truth or not?”

  Turning around, to see that no one else was listening, Jack answered in a low voice. “I have, what is known as ESP, or extra sensory perception? I can hear if someone tells a fib all the time. You can try it out if you wish. Tell me two stories, one true, and one false, and I will tell you which one is the false one.”

  “Can you honestly do that? That would be fascinating to test,” said Ruth, and thought for only a few seconds. “I am going to relate to you Jack; I have been devoted to my spouse all these years. Then I will tell you that our daughter is as innocent as I am.”

  “The second statement was a lie,” said Jack. “We can keep this up to all night, and I promise you I will not miss one single fib.”

  “What did you mean with our daughter isn't clean?” Allan asked, looking at his wife.

  “She could be the cleanest person in the world, as far as personal hygiene is concerned. But the way Ruth said it, she was not clean. The statement, or what Ruth wanted to put forward, was a lie,” said Jack.

  “That is the truth Allan, as I was thinking of her college days,” said Ruth, then she changed the subject. And asked if we wanted more coffee.

  “I don't want to be personal. But, you know about us private detectives. We always like to know things. It might, when it comes to the point of picking out the perpetrator, be important for us to know about Susan's college days,” said Jack, while he took a sip of his drink.

  “What do you say Allan, should we, or should we keep on hiding it?” Ruth asked, holding Belle's hand.

  “I might as well, I do believe as Jack said it will improve their chances of capturing the villain. It started when Susan wanted to take a degree in housekeeping at the local college. We, both Ruth and I were dead against it, we wouldn't even listen. We told Susan we would pay for any degree she would choose, but not housekeeping. She answered we could shove our money. She didn't need them. She continued if I have to become a whore to pay for the semesters, then that is what I will be. We genuinely thought she was kidding. But we later found out she sold herself right through the college, and in that way paid for her own tuition. We also know that after she got her degree, one of her former customers saw her on the street, and wanted to buy a short time. Susan laughed at him, and explained that she was done with college, and with the prostitution business. The man became so aggravated that some other couple on the street had to come to Susan's help,” explained Allan, and said that he needed another stiff one.

  “I am with you man,” said Jack, and held out his glass.

  After pouring themselves some hefty drinks, Allan asked if Jack was interested in playing pools.

  “Yeah why not, it has passed quite a few numbers of years, since I played pool last. Can we bring our glasses?” Said Jack, and stood up from the chair he had been sitting in.

  “Sure thing Jack,” said Allan, and showed the way to the pool table.

  Sitting by themselves, Belle and Ruth filled their glasses. And sipped on some red wine, when Belle asked. “How did you take it all, when you found out the first time?”

  “It felt like someone twisted a knife right through my heart. I was totally out for several days. Susan just laughed, and said she only used her God given ability. And she continued, I have to say that in most cases I enjoyed it as much as my customers did. I wanted this degree, and you refused to pay for it, that left me with only one option, and I took it,” explained Ruth holding back her tears. “Let's drown it in some more wine it belongs to the past anyway.”

  “I have to agree with you Ruth, if the boys can keep filling glass, after glass of their hard liquor. Why shouldn't we have a few glasses of wine?” Belle said, in a way that put a smile on Ruth's face.

  “Let's go into the boys, and teach them how to play pool,” said Ruth and held out her hand, to graciously assist Belle out of the sofa. So, after a few more drinks for the boys, and several glasses of wine for the girls. The pool game got less and less important, as the conversation took overhand.

  “You are sure you want us to spend the night here?” Asked Belle smiling, and a little drunk.

  “Most definitely,” answered Allan and put his arms around Jack's shoulders. “You have no idea what kind of dead beats we have to invite to our house here just to keep my business and the so called social standard up. I am telling you it is disgusting. We have never since we bought this house, had real people as guests. You two are the first once, and you will have to come back many times. However, this story about our daughter turns out. Can you promise us you will come back and visit us? That is of course if you find us good enough to be your friends.”

  “It came a bit like a push on. But I wouldn't have any problem visiting the two of you. At almost any time,” turning to Belle, Jack asked. “What do you say dear, are Ruth and Allan good enough people to be called our friends?”

  “First of all, you are drunk Jack. Secondly, I would be happy to be able to call Ruth, and her husband my friends. And, I can visualize many happy hours here in this house,” said Belle, and gave Ruth a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you Belle, I had so dearly hopped those would be your words. Thank you again,” said Ruth, as she poured some more wine into her glass and of course in Belle's.

  “So when do you start interrogating all these suspects? I remember you mentioned sixteen suspects earlier?” Allan asked, throwing one of the number balls across the table, missing the hole.

  “Have to talk to Bill first, he might have dug up something about one or two of the suspects,” said Jack.

  “Who is Bill?” Allan asked, looking at Jack from across the pool table.

  “The police chief, William Smart, but everyone calls him Bill. He is a nice guy, and we have worked at a couple of cases together,” said Jack, and looked at his empty glass.

  “Guys, this has been a wonderful evening. I feel a little tipsy, but also tiered. And, as it is eleven o’clock, I would like to retire,” said Belle, and drank the last drop of wine from her glass.

  James showed Jack and Belle, to the guest room. And, Ruth and Allan after a taking good night, to their new friends, went to the master suit.

  “I have had a wonderful evening,” said Belle, as she looked over the bed. “I feel sorry about their problem with their daughter Susan. If that hadn't happened everything would have been a lot more pleasant.”

  “That could be true,” said Jack. “But if she hadn't disappeared, we would never have met Ruth or Allan. So it was necessary for her to be missing, for us to meet.”

  “Yeah Jack, I suppose you are right there. I feel a great sorrow for Ruth. She has taken this extremely hard, even if she didn't show it tonight,” said Belle, taking a few side steps because of all the wine.

  The following morning, after an excellent breakfast served by James. Jack, and Belle went to the local precinct to visit Bill, the police chief.

  After the regular greetings, Bill sat down, and explained what they had been able to find out about the four youngsters. And, the twelve staff members of the Wills estate. He even had a full printout about Allan Wills. In these kinds of circumstances, we have to check everyone he said, as he handed the reports to Jack.

  Looking through the papers, Jack said. “I can see that there are a few of these people that have something on their conscious. Three of the staff members, and two of the youngsters that spent the last night with Susan Wills, all have a rap sheet.”

  “Where do you guys feel would be the best place for the interrogation?” Belle asked.

  “In my opinion, the interrogation should be held at the Wills estate. It is big enough, and most of the people you need to interrogate, lives on the premises,” said Bill turning his chair to answer a phone call.

  “See you in a day or so Bill,” said Jack, as he left together with Belle.

  “Do you think the estate would be the best place, like Bill said?” Belle asked, as they entered Jack’s car.

  “Yes, and we are going to do it as simple as possible. Belle you are going to interview the suspects, one at a time. While I sit quietly on the side listening to their answer to your question, and making my notes,” said Jack.

  “What am I going to ask them?” Said Belle a little confused.

  “Just one simple question you have to ask each one of the suspects. If they killed Susan, or had something to do with her disappearance,” said Jack, as he turned the car towards his home.

  “That is it? Did you kill Susan, or did you have something to do with her disappearance? That is all!” Belle asked, looking at Jack.

  “Yeah Belle, that is it. You see when they answer that simple question, I will know if they are telling the truth or not. And if they don't tell you the truth, we have a strong suspect.” Said Jack, and continued. “Can you phone Ruth on your cell phone, and ask her when it would be a good time to come over?”

  As Jack asked, Belle made the call, and Ruth told them any time at all. If they wanted to start tomorrow, that would be okay.

  “Ask her if they have a room, with two doors. Where we can let the suspect in one door, then they have to leave through the other door. Without meeting the people waiting their turn.” Belle asked the question, and the answer was yes we do have such a room. And this room is big enough for the purpose.

  “Wonderful,” said Jack. “I would love to start these questionings tomorrow. Tonight, we make a proper list for you to work by and another list for me to make my notes. Yeah, Belle this will work just fine. I have, for some reason, a feeling that by tomorrow we have the perpetrator, and this case will be settled.”

  As the two came home, Jack wanted to go for lunch at a restaurant. “What is the occasion?" Belle asked, and continued. “Do you know a good place?”

  “Of all those seventeen people, including Allan. Who do you believe is the perpetrator? I am going to write down who I believe did the crime. Then later we can check who had the right suspect. And, to answer your question, there is no special occasion,” said Jack.

  “So you want me to pick one of all those people? Okay Jack, I will write down a name and leave it in my purse. I will have the right one with or without your esp.,” said Belle, and wrote down a name right away.

  “So you are writing your name all ready. You haven't even met or seen anyone yet. The only people you have seen, is one house cleaner, one butler, and Allan. What about the other fourteen people?” Asked Jack, and smiled at Belle.

  “I have my intuition, and you have yours,” was the only answer he got?

  The day went by fairly slowly for the two, and Belle was happy when it became time for bed. “I have to say that I am really excited about tomorrow,” she said. “I know who killed Susan, yes Jack she has been killed; you can call it clairvoyance if you want to. But, poor Susan is no longer alive I can feel it. And tomorrow we are going to take care of the killer,” said Belle, in an extremely confident tone. “By the way, Jack, good night.”

  The following morning, Jack and Belle went over to the Wills estate, early in the day. As James opened the door for them, Ruth was just behind him and asked them to come in. “How nice to see you two again,” she said. “Please come in. I'll be happy to show you the setup we have done for you. By the way, Jack, when are the other suspects arriving?”

  “We have asked Bill, to have the four youngsters here not later than ten o’clock,” said Jack smiling at Ruth.

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, then we have plenty time for breakfast. You haven't eaten have you? All the staff, including the part timers, are here at your service. I want to show you the room I thought would suit the two of you,” as Ruth said this, she went ahead of Jack and Belle. “It is this way,” she added.

  The room Ruth had suggested for the interrogation couldn't have been better, even if it had been built for the occasion? It had two doors on the opposite side of the room, so the people could come in through one door, answer the questions, and go out through the second door. The idea was that those that had been interrogated should not be able to speak with the once waiting for their turn.

  Both Jack, and Belle agreed to the setup.

  So together with Ruth, and Allan they went to the dining room for breakfast. As Ruth rang a bell, James came in and asked what she needed.

  “We would like to have breakfast for four people James. We would also like to have both orange juice and coffee served,” she said this in a voice, as she would be talking to some of the furniture.

  “It will come up immediately madam,” said James, in exactly as cold a voice.

  After the breakfast, it was almost ten o’clock. “I believe that the police chief will be here with the four youngsters any minute. We had better get set in the room you suggested Ruth,” said Jack and stood up from the breakfast table. Looking at both Ruth and James, he said. “It was a delicious breakfast, thank you both.”

  Before Jack and Belle, had a chance to check out the interrogation room. Bill Smart arrived with the four youngsters, which were part of the suspect list.

  “Are any of you guys in a special hurry?” Jack asked, looking at the four youngsters.

  “Yes," said Lisa Glenn and Kevin Moon. "We are both working at a fast food place, and we have to be at work before noon,” said Lisa Glenn.

  “If that is the case, I would like to start with these four. If that is okay with you Allan,” said Jack looking at his new-found friend.

  “No problems at all, just go ahead. The staff will be here all day, so we are not in a hurry,” said Allan, standing there with his wife. Looking at the four young people that had spent the last evening together with their daughter.

  “We will start with you Lisa, then Kevin, Glen, and Fred. When you are interviewed, you can leave if the police chief hasn’t got any further questions,” said Belle, and sat down by her table to start with Lisa Glenn.

  As Lisa came in, Belle looked at her for almost a minute before she asked. “Did you Kill Susan, or did you have anything to do with Susan’s disappearance?”

  “No, no I haven’t killed Susan. We just left her here at her home, and I left with the boys. She was alive when she walked up to the front door,” said Lisa Glenn.

  “Okay Lisa you can leave through that door, we have no further questions for you,” said Belle and pointed at the door.

  “That girl is innocent,” said Jack. “You did a wonderful job Belle, keep it up.”

  Kevin, Glen, and Fred, had to face Belle's question, and where next in line for the questioning. All of them, as far as Jack was concerned, were telling nothing but the truth.

  Then, it was the staff's moment to answer Belle's question. It took the better part of the morning to go through eleven of the full time, as well as the part time staff. Jack cleared them all as they all
told nothing but the truth.

  The two people left, was Allan Wills, and the butler James. As James was preparing a table for lunch, Allan took the seat first.

  Belle asked the same question as she had asked all morning. Did you kill Susan, or did you have anything to do with her disappearance?

  Allan Wills, past all the questions with flying colors, as had the fifteen people before him.

  “Now, we are waiting for the last person. When can James come here to take the test?” Jack asked looking at Ruth. “If he turns out the same as all the others, we have only you left Ruth.”

  “So it is between me and James. If that bastard has done anything to my daughter. I will kill him myself,” said Ruth, in a voice that showed her feelings.

  As James arrived in the room for his questioning, he in an arrogant voice told Jack and Belle that he had better things to do than humor these two so-called private investigators.


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