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Page 18

by John E Bujanowski Jr

  “Push the needle deeper!” Dr. Vensin yelled. “You must push through the brain matter! Now!”

  As the needle bore through hair, skull, and brain tissue, Boone uncontrollably wailed out in pain. He became so distraught, tears, saliva, and nasal fluids ran down his face and mouth causing him more anguish. He began to hyperventilate from the horror as his cries for help became a jumble of broken words and sounds.

  A nurse leaned down and said, “Boone, we have to stop the Nano! OK? We have to stop the Nano!” She reached down and gently caresses his shoulder. Then she shook him. “Boone? Boone!”

  He jumped up and out of his cockpit chair. Phia stood behind him; her hand reaching out for him.

  “I heard you moaning from downstairs!” He wiped his face, sat down, and let out a deep stressful sigh. “I’d like to know what that was all about.”

  “Uh,” he grunted. “You don’t want to know.”

  She sat down and stared at him. “Please?”

  Boone rubbed the back of his neck and let out another long sigh. “Just stress, Phia. It’s just stress. I’m OK. Thanks.”

  She nodded. Then the COM aboard the Night Star flashed. A call was coming in.

  “Lila,” Boone replied. “Open.”

  “Hey! Boone!” Pryce said. “Tell them to get dinner ready. We’re on our way and boy do we have a story for you! Everything good there?”

  Boone glanced at Phia then nodded to Pryce. He asked, “Pryce? Do they have steak? And those long green things we fried up last week?”

  “Cordo’s? Yes. Tell them we’ll need to feed a dozen. We’re half-an-hour away.”

  “OK,” he replied. “Steak and cordo’s coming up. Everything is good here. See ya soon.”

  The COM ended and Boone looked at Phia. With a slight smirk, he said, “No more talk about my dream. OK? And Lorin, too.”

  She smiled at him and didn’t answer.


  Rena heard a commotion from the courtyard and darted out of the ranch house expecting good news about the search for the device. Instead, someone notified her to contact Braxton aboard the Ambulas immediately. On her way to her space gunner, she anticipated some encouraging news such as Braxton had decimated the Sim-Sa Gale.

  “Brax! Tell me the good news,” she said.

  “Queen, no! Yes, we hit the Gale once but as I was approaching her, she banked and the Dorian Surge shot a laser at us! It did little damage but we lost one laser turret. I’m sorry.”

  “What?” she asked. “You were fired upon? Ah!” she yelled. She leaned back in her small cockpit chair and let her head hit the headrest. “Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” she bellowed to herself in disgust.

  “We took out two life pods, though, and we sent the Gale running home. That’s something. Isn’t it?”

  Rena did not answer as silence filled the bridge of the Ambulas.

  “What’s your status?”

  “We are one and a half days from you. I thought you’d want me to come back.”

  “No! Shadow, Brax, and meet me you-know-where. In Gorledeon. Understand?”

  “Yes,” Brax replied. “Shadow.”

  Braxton set a course toward the outskirts of the Gorledeon system then it suddenly disappeared from the scanning monitors of the High Guard.


  At Pryce’s ranch, Boone and his team, made up of High Guard officers and his three friends, grabbed plates of food from a large dining room table and carried them outside. They sat on benches, old frail chairs, and large tree logs around a large campfire. The sun was setting, the mountains in the distance were beginning to glow and as usual, at Pryce’s ranch, wild animals could be seen at the foot of the distant mountain. The fire in the fire pit was just starting to catch. Everyone was in civilian clothing as ordered by Boone. They were all update concerning the laser attack from the Dorian Surge. Though the Ambulas was running, the urgency of their mission remained.

  The hunger was obvious as the chatter was at a minimum. Boone was nearly the last to sit down then the questions came. All good questions.

  Lincoln asked, “What’s the plan? And I want to know more about the device.”

  Terra interrupted, “Like, where is it? Tell me, please, you’re not going to keep that to yourself?”

  Boone continued to chew on a mouthful of perfectly cooked steak with a long crunchy cordo in his hand. He nodded his head, yes. Terra glared at him.

  Jona, uncouth as he is, answered while chewing his food. “I wouldn’t!” he blared. Terra then glared at him. “Sorry,” he added. “I wouldn’t tell ‘cause if you get captured, they would get the device.”

  She replied, “I’m not going to be captured, Jona. Ever! And if I did, I’d never tell.”

  Jona laughed which was followed by chuckles from Gunner and Chopak. Terra glared at them as well. They cowered then kept eating.

  Lincoln said, “Boone, he’s not serious. Is he? You think that?”

  Boone swallowed and said, “Listen up, everybody. Here’s the plan and here’s why I’m not telling you where it is.” That comment caused everyone to pause and stare at him. “First, someone else does know where it is. I’m not telling you, either. I will go and get it with Lincoln, Terra, Phia, and Jona.”

  Lincoln glared. Jona was excited at the news and felt special. His smile was wide and proud. Terra and Phia were surprised, especially Terra because she thought she would have an insignificant role in the mission. Still, everyone was disturbed by Boone’s secrecy. He explained why.

  Boone bit off a small piece of his cordo. “Lincoln? Tell me? Which is better for us and the constellation? No one ever finding the device or the pirate queen getting her hands on it?”

  Boone chewed and studied Lincoln as he pondered. Boone glanced around and noticed everyone was pondering it. Lincoln gave him a disgusted look.

  “Yeah,” Boone said as he swallowed. “That’s what I thought. It’s far worse if ‘she’ gets it. Right now, I’m sure that no one in the constellation will ever find it and…”

  Lincoln blared, “But, you were ordered to get it! You made a promise!”

  “And I am! Lincoln! I’m just not telling anyone where it is.” He bit off another piece, trying to eat and answer questions. “It’s too risky. Don’t you see that?”

  Kola said, “Boone, none of us would ever tell anyone even if we did get captured. I’m sure of…”

  Kola became quiet when Boone stopped chewing and lowered his plate. Boone looked at him while Kola waited for a response. Boone swallowed hard.

  “Zay'Geis almost gave them what they wanted! Remember?” Boone stood to his feet while everyone became concerned. They were glued to his words. “They told him to build a weapon out of that thing! He said, no! They killed Burgeis and Metri. He still said, no. Then they marched a father in front him and shot him in the head with a blaster! He still said, no! They shot the mother, two young girls, and a boy. They went out and found Geo, Leena, Ricen, and Jolie! When they pointed their guns at them… Kola, they had his family! You rescued them! What do you think they were doing there? Zay'Geis had to say yes. Are you ready for that? Lincoln? Kola? When they find your family and threaten you to do something, what’s it gonna be? Huh? And they will find your family because now we know there are High Guard officers giving the queen information. Information like Zay'Geis’ family lives here. Such and such are his sons and daughters. The queen could send an army down on us right here and now, for all we know, and start shooting and holding people hostage. Don’t you see this war she has started?”

  They all had disappointing looks on their faces as they recalled what the Axeons did in the name of the queen. It could happen again. Everyone watched Boone.

  “Right now, I’m the only one they can touch. That’s how it’s gonna stay. If I die, well, we’ll have to see what happens.”

  Mace said, “Then our job, I mean everybody here, is to keep you alive? So you can go get it?”

  “What’s the plan, Boone,” Terra asked. “You do have
one. Right?”

  Jona laughed which caused Mace and Pryce to laugh. Then Terra remembered Boone and his knack for coming up with plans. She started to chuckle.

  “What’s going on?” Gunner grunted.

  Lincoln added, “The plan is funny?”

  Terra answered, “No. Boone is known for coming up with plans that work and it is amusing sometimes just watching him do it.” She looked at Boone. “Boone? We all understand what you’re saying. We just want to know the plan. Let’s have it.” she smiled.

  Boone sat down and took another bite of his cordo. He chewed while everyone munched and waited.

  Phia asked, “What plans are you talking about? The last mission?”

  Terra nodded as she finished her plate and set it on the ground. “Yes, and more than just a few plans, I might add. Boone, how do you come up with these plans?”

  Lincoln asked, “That, Boone, is something I’d love to hear! Because Boone is known for being… uh… I mean, he’s not trained in any of this but we all know about his success.”

  Jona said, “His plans are the best in the universe.”

  Kola said, “I want to hear this, Boone, because Tanner said what you did in Copiannis, when you figured out how Sabin strafed the city and figured out he was still there…”

  “Yes,” Lincoln interrupted. “Everyone in the High Guard is talking about that. And they claim you’re just a junk dealer.”

  Terra said, “I’ve heard space bum but don’t believe any of it. Trained or not, I like his plans.”

  Jona blared, “He is trained!”

  Mace said, “Jona, not now. Time is wasting.”

  Phia instantly remembered his training on Kova as a Kovan Defense Force cadet. She was perplexed about mentioning it and wondered why Boone didn’t mention it. He could have defended himself but he didn’t.

  Boone answered as he set his plate on the ground, “It’s not funny. It’s not even hard. One, or first of all, determine how you want the plan to end? Such as, we get the device and payback the Ambulas for what she did.” Some cheered and some grunted in agreement. “Two, we think about what could stop the plan once we set it in motion? You know? Do something to assure the plan will work. Enforce the plan.” They all nodded, liking that idea very much. “Three, who is best to carry out the plan?” He paused and they nodded, studying him. “Next, what is the fallout? What’s the worst thing that could go wrong? Here is my way of putting it… who is going to live and who is going to die?”

  With that comment, everyone glared. Some gaped as Boone pointed out the danger involved. He had everyone’s undivided attention.

  “Next, what can we do to prevent fallout? Can it be prevented or curbed? Or, what things can we do differently? Here is my plan.”

  When he said that, all plates were put on the ground as they focused on his words. They all knew their part in the mission was about to be divulged and Boone had them on the edge of their seats. Night time was just starting to set in as the sun had set and the night air brought with it a slight chill.

  “Mace, Gunner, and Chopak are in the Kori Dane. Pryce, Kola, Goss, and Viel are in the Wildfire. Both teams chose the best pilot and best weapons person. No arguing, either, Mace.”

  Mace blared, “Mace? Why say ‘Mace?’ I’m not going to be difficult?

  Jona uttered, “The Intrepid. I changed it from Wildfire, Terra. OK?”

  Boone just glared at him. “OK, whatever, the Intrepid. And you know what I mean, Mace. Play nice. OK?” Mace nodded in disgust. “Lincoln, Terra, Phia, and Jona are with me in the Night Star. The Kori Dane and the Intrepid leave for Isoter immediately. The Night Star leaves shortly after. I want you two,” he said as he looked at and pointed to Kola and Mace, “to go to Isoter. Actually, you’re just going to reach the outer rim of the system. I will be trailing both of you far behind. This is because I want you two to pave the way for me, a cargo ship. If you run into trouble, I leave. If you have a smooth trip, I’ll get the device. Understand?”

  Kola nodded, “We travel the corridor and make sure there is no one out there to cause us trouble.”

  “Yes,” Boone answered. “I will be in a cargo ship called, the Kenos Verisian. OK?”

  Lincoln asked, “I thought you said we…”

  “I am changing my designation device, Lincoln.” He watched everyone’s reaction. Terra and his friends were familiar with the tactic but Phia and the other High Guard officers were very surprised.

  Gunner said, “My, my, Mister Nova. You are full of tricks. Aren’t you?”

  Kola asked, “Where did you get this… designation device?”

  “I bought a cargo ship,” he smiled. Then everyone chuckled. “So, the Kori Dane and the Intrepid lead the way, I’ll be a few hours behind you in an unsuspecting small useless cargo ship and get the device. That is, wherever it is I put it. I’ll chat with you once we get close to the Xeraxes system. Any last questions?”

  They were all full of questions but knew Boone wouldn’t answer most of them because of his secrecy. After a few moments of silence, Boone stood and they followed his lead.

  He stood gazing into the fire and said, “Zay'Geis told me to say this… Father of the Heavens… help us.”

  Phia became very concerned that Boone never mentioned the miniature teleportation device he obtained from Dr. Zay'Geis. She felt compelled to mention it but felt more compelled to trust Boone. She remembered him asking her for her trust. It was very difficult for her to hide the truth. She was poised to tell all.

  Then everyone nodded to one another and started shaking hands. Pryce and Terra hugged one another and kissed. When they saw their affection for one another, a few hugs between brothers-in-arms took place as well. Jona stepped away from the hugging as did Gunner and Chopak. They only nodded to each other and that was enough affection for them.

  The black circular disc-shaped ship - the Kori Dane, and the larger triangular-shaped ship with an extended nose - the Intrepid lifted off into a darkening sky. Boone explained they were leaving in a few minutes. He had to check on some systems. The others doused the fire, stowed Pryce’s lawn furniture, and Terra and Lincoln went into the Night Star and stowed their gear in the cargo bay. When they were ready, they found Boone under the Night Star fixing a panel. He entered the Night Star and Lincoln, Terra, Phia, and Jona followed. Boone gave Lincoln a quick tour while walking up the aft ramp and into a spacious cargo bay.

  “Lincoln, Phia, she’s a three-story ship.” He paused while standing in the cargo bay. “These crates are filled with parts for my ship and some for sale.” He left the cargo bay and headed for the bow. He explained as he entered a narrow corridor in the center of the ship. “These rooms here, on both sides of the corridor are marked - parts, engine access, ward room, storage.” He got to the bow and started up a circular metal grated staircase. Halfway up he said, “This is the second floor – galley, quarters – she’s got four bunking rooms, mine is marked. Jona, you can have mine.” Jona nodded. They reached the top deck and Boone pointed aft. “Right here next to the cockpit is another room for napping – in case you want to be close to the cockpit while in space. I’m napping in there quite a bit, so that’s my room, now. That ladder back there,” he pointed down the narrow corridor toward the back of the ship, “leads to the shuttle.” He stepped into the cockpit where there were six cockpit chairs. “I’m pilot. Terra fills in for me if I need to sleep. Jona, you’re my co-pilot and weapons. When Terra flies, Lincoln copilots and has weapons. I say who flies, and when. Phia, that panel is all yours,” he pointed at an instrument panel. “And you’ll be busy. Now, does anyone need some sleep?”

  They all just looked at him and wanted to get going. They strapped in and the Night Star lifted off and headed to the sky. It left the planet O'bipherion and unexpectedly headed for the sixth moon orbiting O'bipherion.

  Boone said, “They are both much faster than we are. We are going to travel only as fast as a cargo ship can go. Not any faster! Everyone got that? Tha
t is going to be part of our rouse. Understand?”

  Jona, sitting next to Boone nodded. Terra said, “We get it. We are a cargo ship. If we go faster than a cargo ship, someone could suspect something.”

  “Right,” Boone replied. “Phia, anything on the monitor?”

  Lincoln was sitting behind Phia and watching her study the readings. “No. No one is following… yet.”

  Terra said, “That’s a good sign. After what happened out here, I’m willing to bet no one wants to venture out into the corridor.”

  Lincoln added, “Yes, the O'bipherion-Xeraxes corridor at least. Where is the Sim-Sa Gale and the Dorian Surge, Officer Sa’vo?”

  When he said Officer Sa’vo, Phia shot a glance at Boone. She said, “See, Boone, he called me by my…”

  “Lincoln, we are using first names on the mission. In case we end up ‘on-world’ somewhere and want to keep our mission a secret. OK? I forgot to tell them. Phia, can you send a data-burst to Pryce?”

  Phia glared at Boone concerning the use of names and felt supplanted. She finally smirked when she saw Boone smirk.

  “I’m contacting them, now. And the Sim-Sa Gale and the Dorian Surge are heading this way. We will pass by them soon,” she paused when she saw the heading Boone set for the Kenos Verisian. She wondered and continued, “They are not exactly in the corridor, so they will be a good distance away. Boone, we’re not heading toward Xeraxes. Why? Where are you going?”

  “No, we’re not headed there, yet.”

  Chapter 19

  Janek was in his ship making his way to the planet Xeraxes. His ship was a Juno Class I transport ship. Juno Class I’s were one-story two-seaters with a modest cargo bay. Their weapons were limited - one center mounted 20 mil gun and two small phase cannons. Janek’s ship was similar to Sabin’s crab-like ship but smaller.

  He contacted his female cohort and instructed her to meet him at a specific location on Xeraxes where they could reunite for a special mission – find Boone Nova and bring him to the queen. His friend, Rowe, was very excited about the opportunity. She immediately left the capital city, Borlejalon, on the beautiful and luscious planet, Efferium, and headed for Xeraxes.


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