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Corrupt Idol

Page 4

by Dinah Harper

  “I claimed the right,” he said against her lips. “And I don’t regret it. I still don’t.”

  She bit him, but before she could split his lip, he gripped her jaw, forcing her to release him.

  “Bad girl. If you’re hungry, I’ll give you something to eat.”

  He slid out of her and crawled up her body. She panicked as his heavy thighs pinned her arms and he settled on her chest. He stroked himself over her mouth, which was forced open by his hand squeezing her cheeks. She spewed hate from her eyes. He didn’t seem bothered. It actually seemed to arouse him even more. His fist pumped and she heard him groan a moment before warm cum splattered her mouth and face.

  “Fuck yes.”

  Her limbs jerked as she fought with all her might, but it was no use. He was like a boulder sitting on top of her. She was helpless and at his mercy. When he released her jaw, her mouth closed, forcing her to swallow.

  “This brings back memories.”

  “You’re a sick fucker.”

  He rubbed some material over her face to wipe away the last of him. She bared her teeth.

  “Will you stop ruining my clothes?”

  His teeth gleamed as he stretched out on top of her and tucked his head beneath her chin. “It feels good to be home.”

  “Get off me!”

  His hand moved down her body and slipped into her. “I almost forgot.”


  “If you hadn’t pushed me, we both would have got off at the same time,” he chided.

  “I don’t want this!”

  “You do.”

  She fought him, but she fought herself harder. She didn’t want to give him this. He didn’t deserve it. He was watching her, calculating every flicker of emotion that crossed her face. At first, she tried to play dead, but she couldn’t when he was playing her like an instrument. Then, she got physical. She fought with every ounce of strength she had. He rose to the challenge and was hard enough to slip inside her again.

  “Why fight this?” he murmured.

  “I have to!”


  “This is wrong!”

  He applied pressure on her G spot and she moaned.

  “Does this feel wrong?”

  “Please, please stop,” she pleaded.

  When he pumped his hips, she let out a choked cry. He fucked her until she fell into a climax that forced her mouth to open and close like a fish out of water. Her vision flashed white as she came down from the excruciating high.

  “That’s my girl. Give into me,” he praised.

  Tears seeped out of her eyes as he continued to fuck her, reviving their dirty past before he came again, planting himself deep and holding himself there. His eyelids were heavy and his breathing ragged as he slumped over her. His hand stroked over her hair as he whispered, “No one compares to you.”


  “Get up, Vi.”

  She opened her eyes. She was on her side curled into a ball without a stitch of clothing on. Sunlight streamed through the blinds and Jesse stood beside the bed dressed in jeans and a tee. She sat up and reached for the comforter, only to find that it had been tossed on the floor. She hugged a pillow to her chest and glared at him as she brushed her hair out of her eyes. She had a vague recollection on being spoon fucked at some unholy hour this morning.

  “Mom and Dad are on their way,” he said as he headed to the door.

  She stared after him for a minute as her eyes tracked around the room. The dresser had been put back in its place and the chair she used under the doorknob in the bathroom was at her desk. You forgot the window. Her head whipped toward her window. Is that how he came in? But weren’t the windows always locked? She shook her head as she tried to clear the cobwebs from her mind. She hobbled to the bathroom and washed herself thoroughly before she dressed, rushing so she had time to strip the bed and throw her sheets in the wash, desperate to erase any sign of what happened last night.

  When she walked into the living room, she found Jesse in the kitchen flipping pancakes. He looked up from the stove.

  “You hungry?” he asked.

  Her hands balled into fists as she stalked toward him. “Hungry?”

  “You didn’t eat last night.”

  She pounded her fist on the counter. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Act like nothing happened! How—You—” She jabbed her finger at him, at a loss for words. Her eyes burned with tears, but she refused to let them fall. Her tears and pleas had no effect on him. “You fucked me!”

  His eyes moved over her. “Yes.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Yes? That’s all you have to say?”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I—” Her hands opened and closed in the air between them as she tried to articulate exactly what she wanted from him. She had never confronted him, never talked about his assaults in the light of day. She had taken her cue from him and never said a word, always acted like nothing was going on, but things were different now. She was different. She wanted to fight. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “You swear a lot,” he said mildly.

  She smacked the counter so hard, her hand tingled. “Stop treating me like a kid and answer me!”

  “What’s the question?”

  She was so pissed, she was shaking. She went toe to toe with him. “What’s wrong with you? What kind of person does what you do?”

  His eyes moved over her face. “I told you yesterday.”

  “Told me what?”

  His finger brushed down her throat. “I can’t stop.”

  She stepped back and clutched her throat to banish the effect his touch had on her. “You have to.”

  He said nothing, he just watched her.

  “Is… is this your thing?”

  “Thing?” he echoed as he slid the hot pancake onto a growing stack. She was miffed to see they were all perfectly round and golden.

  “You… you force women? That’s your thing?”

  He visibly stiffened. “I don’t force women.”

  “You force me, jackass.”

  He turned from her. “You’re different.”

  Butter sizzled as he whipped pancake batter and poured it in the pan. Her stomach rumbled, but she wasn’t going to be distracted by food.

  “How am I different?” she challenged.

  “In every way.”

  “I think you have multiple personality disorder,” she announced.

  “You think so?”

  His lack of reaction enraged her.

  “Yes! There’s something wrong with you, Jesse! You need help! I also think you have a taboo fetish.”

  He paused in the middle of buttering pancakes. “Fetish?”

  “Yes. That’s why you’re fixated on me…” She waved her hand as she tried to find the right words. “You get off on our relation to one another. It has nothing to do with me. If I wasn’t your step-sister, I’d be nothing to you.”

  His eyes narrowed, but she was on a role and couldn’t stop. She needed to get this out.

  “You like the risk of being caught. That’s why you did it in the car yesterday and why in the light of day.” She jabbed her finger at the sunlight streaming through the windows. “You can act perfectly normal. You—”

  It happened so fast, she didn’t have time to run. One second, he was standing beside the stove and the next, he was on her. He gripped her face as he leaned down and kissed her. She screamed and beat her fists against his chest. He backed her against the fridge. The cool metal was a harsh contrast to her feverish skin.

  “I fucked you in the SUV because I couldn’t wait,” he said as his hand fisted in her hair and pulled, bearing her throat to him. “And I can act normal right now because I had you under me last night, but if you want more, I’m ready.”

  He arched against her and she stilled. He was rock hard. How was that possible?

  “We could go to a foreign country where no o
ne knows us and get a hotel room for a month. I’d fuck you so many times you’d forget your own name.” He bit her jaw and then licked away the sting. “It has nothing to do with a fetish and everything to do with you.”

  She dug her nails into his neck. “No.”

  “You don’t understand why I get you on your back every chance I have? Why I’ll take you in a car? Why gas stations and even our parents in a room down the hall doesn’t matter to me? I don’t care what’s proper and normal. I need you.”

  When his hand went to her jeans, she gripped his wrist.

  “Jesse, don’t.”

  “Me wanting you has nothing to do with our relation. I wanted you from the start, but you didn’t want to see.”

  He undid the button and shoved his hand into her jeans despite her attempts to stop him.

  “So, I forced you,” he said against her ear as his fingers slipped inside her. Tension eased from him as if he had stuck his cock in her. He sighed and rubbed his face in her hair. “I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop. I need this.”

  She shook her head as he worked her roughly. “Jesse.”

  “Anywhere, anytime, I’ll take you. I don’t care who sees.”

  “Jesse, stop!”

  He glared at her, face carved with lust, anger, and determination.

  “Five years, Vi. Five years you stayed away. You want to diagnose me? Paint me as a monster? I can take it. I’ll take anything as long as I get this.”

  As he rubbed her clit, she hissed through her teeth. He groaned and withdrew his fingers. In seconds he had his pants undone and was sliding into her wet heat.

  “Years, I’ve dreamed of this. No one came close.”

  His tongue stroked hers and when she tried to turn her face away, he braced a hand against her cheek.

  “How can you deny what’s between us?” he asked hoarsely.

  The fridge began to move as he hammered into her so he transferred his grip to the metal box to hold it steady. The sound of the garage door opening made her stiffen.

  “Jesse! They’re back!”

  His eyes gleamed with maniacal recklessness. “You want to tell them, Vi?”

  “No!” She shoved at him, but he wouldn’t budge. “We have to stop!”

  “Make me.”

  She stared at him, absolutely horrified.

  “You could have stopped me anytime. All you had to do was tell them what I was doing to you. Why didn’t you?”

  “I… You—” She heard the garage door close and wailed, “Jesse!”

  “I told you I don’t care who sees.”

  She did! She squirmed in panic before she yanked his mouth to hers and kissed him. He stiffened, shocked for a moment before he moaned. She sucked on his tongue as she gripped his ass and pulled him closer. She milked him desperately. He punched the fridge as he came.


  The moment he was finished, she shoved him. When he staggered back, she pulled up her pants and slipped past him. She started toward the garage, but turned when she didn’t hear him move. He had both hands braced on the fridge and his pants were around his ankles.

  “Fuck, Jesse!”

  She turned him around, pulled up his pants and zipped and buttoned them.

  “You’re such a fucker,” she spat as she turned off the stove and ran to the garage just as the door opened.

  “Morning!” Lynne chirped as she leaned heavily on her father.

  “Morning,” she said hoarsely as she smoothed a hand over her hair and neck, which was damp from his saliva. “How are you feeling?”

  Lynne gave her a thumbs up.

  “Mom,” Jesse said and brushed against her as he leaned over to kiss Lynne’s cheek. “Hungry?”

  “Bags in the car?” she asked Dad who nodded.

  She slipped away from them and went into the garage. When the door swung shut, leaving her in the garage with the two cars, she slumped against the wall. She was shaking. How the hell did that backfire so badly?

  “Jesse, you made pancakes? My favorite!” Lynne crowed.

  She shook her head as she retrieved the bags from the trunk.

  Breakfast passed without a hitch until the washer beeped to announce her load was done.

  “Someone’s washing clothes?” Lynne asked.

  “I tossed in my sheets,” she said as casually as possible.

  Lynne frowned. “You’re washing your sheets? I changed them right before you came.”

  She willed herself to stay calm as she said, “I spilled soda in bed last night.” She refused to look at Jesse even though she sensed his amusement. Fucking asshole.

  “Oh no! I hoped they didn’t stain. You always loved that comforter.”

  She made a noncommittal noise. On second thought, she should have stained those damn sheets long ago so she could get new ones. Once she moved home, she would repaint the walls and change out everything so there were no reminders of Jesse and the past.

  Despite Lynne gushing about how tasty breakfast was, she ate only five bites before she needed to lie down. She helped Dad get Lynne settled and hung her bedsheets on the back clothesline to dry while she tossed her parents things in the wash and started a new load. She cleaned up the kitchen and saw Jesse standing on the driveway, greeting some friends who stopped by to welcome him home. Nothing had changed.

  You could have stopped me anytime. All you had to do was tell them what I was doing to you. Why didn’t you?

  He knew damn well why she hadn’t told anyone. Why did he make it sound as if she encouraged his advances, as if she wanted him? She tossed the dishes in the sink with more force than was necessary and was instantly contrite when Dad appeared in the hallway with a frown.

  “Sorry,” she mouthed.

  He shook his head and disappeared back into their bedroom. She washed the dishes, put away the food, and then snatched the car keys. She tiptoed to her parent’s door. Dad sat up in bed reading beside Mom who had her head on his lap. The scene tugged at her heartstrings. He peered at her over his glasses.

  “I’m going out,” she whispered.

  “Where?” he asked in a low voice.

  “I’m gonna run to the store. Do you need anything?”

  “No. Do you need money?”

  She did, but she wasn’t going to take from him. “No, I’m good. I’ll see you in a little bit.”

  As she walked out of the hallway, Jesse came through the front door with his friend, Blaine.


  She smiled as Blaine wrapped her in a hug. She caught a glimpse of Jesse’s narrowed eyes before she pulled away.

  “I see you even less than Jesse,” Blaine said as he stepped back to take her in. “How you been?”

  “Good. And you?”

  He puffed out his chest. “Four kids.”

  She blinked. “How is that possible?”

  Jesse snickered as Blaine said, “Two sets of twins.”

  “Oh my God!”

  Blaine shrugged. “They’re a blast. You should come over. Allison hasn’t seen you since high school.”

  “Maybe I will,” she said even though she wouldn’t. “It’s good to see you.”


  She used her thumb to point to the garage. “I’m heading out. We’ll catch up later?”


  As she made her escape, she saw Jesse usher Blaine toward the living room and start after her. She tried to slam the door in his face, but he stuck his combat boot in the opening and shoved his way in.

  “What?” she snapped as he loomed over her.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To the store. Is that against the law?”

  “For what?”

  She bared her teeth at him. “None of your business.”

  He grasped her chin. “You should know by now, everything you do is my business.”

  She slapped his hand away. “I can take care of myself.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid,” he warned before he bru
shed a kiss over her parted lips and headed back into the house.

  She didn’t move for a full minute. He never touched or kissed her unless he intended to fuck her so what was that? She let out an aggravated growl and slammed the car door when she got in. She couldn’t take a full breath until she put a few miles between herself and the house.

  What game was he playing? What happened this morning in the kitchen filled her with cold terror. He couldn’t want to be discovered. It would shatter their family. Their parents were devout Christians. They wouldn’t shrug something like this off. Their parents didn’t believe in premarital sex, much less a sexual relationship between two kids they had raised as siblings. It was blasphemous and yet within a day of being home, they were closer to being discovered than they had ever been in high school. What the fuck was he thinking? He would ruin their lives and their family would never be the same. Why court such stupid risks?

  She walked into Planned Parenthood, was handed a clipboard with a questionnaire, and took a seat. Was she sexually active? Yes. (But not by choice.) Was there a chance she could have an STD? Yes. (Who knew what the hell he did on base?). What was she here for? Test for STDs, morning after pill, and birth control.

  The waiting room wasn’t full, which was a good sign. She pulled out her phone and went through the group text with Meg and Reese who took pictures of her things and asked what she wanted them to do. She met Reese and Meg in Algebra in her freshmen year of college and the rest was history. They moved out of the dorms and rented a house where they’d been for four years. Reese and Meg had recently graduated from college and were both happy in their careers. Out of their trio, she was definitely the screw up. They encouraged her to go back to school, recommended better jobs, and urged her toward good, upstanding men, but nothing lasted. Her friends tried their best, but they couldn’t make her better. She had short spurts of motivation, but it died quickly and she reverted back to her mediocre ways. It was no wonder they were moving out. She was holding them back. Reese was engaged and Meg had been with the same guy for two years. They were going to marry, have kids, and excel in their careers while she moved home and watched her mother die.

  “Violet Carr?”


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