Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4)

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Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4) Page 9

by Nicki Rowe

  “What am I going to do with you two?”

  “I have a few suggestions on what you can do to me,” Carter says, adding a deep growl.

  “Gross.” I walk away, leaving them to flirt and make sex eyes in the middle of the bakery.

  The door opens and Declan comes in, looking hot and sweaty from working hard at the restaurant. I smile at him and go over to where he's standing in line. His dopey smile probably matches my own and I forget about everything as he pulls me to him and plants a kiss on my lips.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey, yourself.”

  I wait in line with Declan, and soon we're at the front where he orders a piece of pie and an iced tea. When we all have our food we go to sit at a table with Carter. Jayson, Diego's boss, lets him take a break so he came to sit with us as well.

  “How was your hike?” Declan asks, taking a bite of his pie.

  “It was good.”

  Carter shows Declan and Carter pictures of our hike, and the few pictures I managed to capture when Carter fell into the river earlier that day. We're all laughing loudly, drawing attention from the other people in the bakery.

  Diego and Carter show Declan pictures of their trip to Italy. I partially zone out since I have already seen them. I let my mind wander, and of course it wanders to the one place it always wanders to: either Declan or Alex. Most of the time both of them. Usually naked.

  I worry about Alex, when we had talked this morning he sounded off. Like he was at the point of breaking. He told me how he keeps finding his dad breaking down alone in various parts of the house. His mother was running around with manic energy, trying to remain upbeat and positive even though it was clear that she was on the verge of breaking down. His cousins, aunts and uncles had flown in, adding to the stress of his parents.

  On top of worrying about him, I miss him. Ever since he left I have been feeling this aching hole in my chest. Even though he's called Declan and me twice a day for the past three days, it still hasn't eased the pain in my chest.

  After a few minutes Diego leaves to go back to work, and Carter has to get back to check on his dog, Roscoe. Declan and I decide to head back to the house. When we pull up to the house I drag myself to the front door. The days events takes their toll on my body. A combination of the sun and the hike has left me utterly exhausted.

  I don't even bother changing before I climb into bed after removing my shoes. I'm out before Declan comes back in and climbs into bed with me.

  Hours later, the ringing of my phone on my nightstand wakes me and Declan up from a deep sleep. Alex's name flashes on the screen.


  Loud, gut wrenching sobs meet my ear. I bolt up. Declan gives me a confused look.

  “Alex? Talk to me.”

  More sobs, shuddering breaths, and then: “I...I need you guys.”

  “Okay, baby.”

  It's not until later when Declan and I are on the plane that I realize I had let that endearment slip.


  Throughout the entire day I could feel the overwhelming grief coming over me, but I kept trying to stamp it down, to remain strong for my parents. It seemed like the closer that the funeral came, the more erratic and sorrowful my parents came. I kept finding my dad sobbing in different places of the house, always alone. Whenever he was around other members our family he would remain the same stoic man he had always been, but behind closed doors he seemed to morph into this depressed mess that was overcome with grief at the loss of his mother. Mom was still running around like crazy, filling the cups of our family members, bringing them food to eat. I haven't seen her cry once since I've been home. I think she's trying to remain strong for my dad.

  My cousins and aunts and uncles came in the night before, only adding to my parents' stress. My little cousins were running around, hollering and throwing blankets and pillows around the house. During our family dinner they had thrown their food on the floor, and my mom got up to clean it, still smiling, but I could see the twitch in her eye that said she was at her breaking point.

  It was at that point that I stopped feeling strong for my parents and I just broke down, mentally and physically. I excused myself, keeping my exposure. And I went to my room fell to the floor and cried. After I cried for what felt like hours I fell asleep. When I woke up again the house was quiet, my parents were asleep. I went into the living room where someone had left out a photo album with pictures of my grandma, for a few minutes as I looked through it I was fine. But when I came to the picture of her wedding day. I broke down again. This time I cried for hours and began to feel really weak and alone, and I knew the only way I would feel strong enough to get through the rest of the week would be by having Declan and Lucky by my side.

  I call them, feeling better the instant I heard Lucky's voice, and then I fell asleep on the couch.

  ~ ~ ~

  I wake up to find the sun streaming through the curtains of the living room. My mom is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. I don't fear for my taste buds when it comes to my mom's ability to fry bacon and scramble eggs, she's mastered that at least. I roll off the couch and scratch at my head. My phone is curled in my other fist.

  I barely remember the night before. It's weird how a good sob session can make you feel disoriented and almost like you're hungover afterwards.

  At that point, I didn't remember calling Lucky and asking him and Declan to come to Montana.

  I go to the bathroom, and then to my room to pull some pants over my boxers. I try to call Anthony and Gideon, but both of the calls go to voicemails. The doorbell rings, but I make no plans to get it, thinking it's probably just family.

  That's what I believe, until my mom is shouting for me down the hall. And it's then that I remember calling Lucky and asking them to come.

  I didn't actually think they would. A smile curls on my lips and I race out of my room.

  Declan and Lucky are in standing in my living room. My mom is standing to the side, looking between them and then at me, but I only see them. Declan's mouth pulls into a smile when I come skidding into the living room, my pajamas slung low on my hips, no shirt. Lucky gives me a once over, his honey eyes filled with worry.

  “Alex,” they say in unison.

  I fly to them, hugging them at the same time, sighing in relief when both of their arms go around me. I get the urge to start crying again, but I manage to keep the tears at bay.

  “Oh, baby,” Lucky says.

  My body jerks at the endearment and I pull back smiling at him. “Baby?”

  Declan rubs the back of his hand over my cheek, drawing my attention to him. “Do you not like that?”

  My smile grows. “I love it.”

  “Alex?” my mom's voice cuts through my happy bubble. I forgot she was there.

  I pull back from Declan and Lucky and look at her. My stomach is tied in knots. Her thin brows are drawn down in a confusion. Declan and Lucky let me go completely and I go to my mom.

  “Um...well, this is Declan Jones and Lucky Dickson.”

  “Declan? Your fella?” She's looking at them like she doesn't know what to make of them. Like she doesn't know how all of this is fitting together.

  I rub the back of my neck. “Well, um...”

  “We're both dating your son, Mrs. Rhodes,” Declan says.

  Dating? When did we talk about dating? Lucky reads the confusion on my face. “That's what we wanted to talk to you about.”

  My face actually hurts from smiling. “Thank God.”

  They laugh.

  I turn to my mom. She's blinking at us slowly, hopefully she's coming to terms that her son is dating two men and not just one. She still looks like she doesn't fully understand it, but she comes forward, arms outstretched, ready to attack Lucky.

  “Hello. It's nice to meet you both.”

  It's a more subdued greeting then she gave Gideon when she met him for the first time when we were in college. We had come to Thanksgiving in my sophomore year and she had near
ly knocked Gideon to the ground giving him a hug.

  My dad comes out from the garage, just as my mom pulls back from hugging Declan. “What's going on?” my dad asks, rubbing a hand over his mustache.

  “These are Alex's fellas.”

  My dad looks at Declan then Lucky then me. “Oh. Um...welcome,” he says, looking uncomfortable.

  I probably shouldn't have sprang the fact that I as involved with two men on them like this, but I needed Lucky and Declan here. I felt stronger since they had walked through the door.

  “Are you boys hungry?” my mom asks.

  I snort at her calling Declan and Lucky boys. Not only were they both thirty-four, but Declan is the size of a building and Lucky is sporting three day old scruff, his muscles bulging in his tight navy tee.

  “They're always hungry, Mom. Dec's a chef.”

  Declan chuckles. “I'm not a chef, Alex. I just like to cook.”

  I look over at him, his smile making me get this dopey look on my face. I'm aware that's it there, but I can't do anything to make it go away. “My mom needs major help in the kitchen.”

  “Oh, hush, Alex,” my mom says, swatting at my arm.

  We all sit around and eat breakfast. My mom asks both of them a million questions about what they do for careers, about how we met, about how they met. I'm surprised she didn't ask for their credit scores. Over the course of breakfast I can feel my mom warming up to them and the idea of her son dating two men.

  ~ ~ ~

  Later in the day we're sitting at a restaurant, waiting for my Aunts Lolly and Hannah. They spent their lives living as straight women, married to two awful men, and then fell in love when they met each other working at a doctor's office. They came out three years ago, and got married six months ago.

  In just five hours my parents had fallen in love with Lucky and Declan. I think they were still confused on how I could be dating two men, but they accepted it. Just as they accepted me being gay: with lots of love, support and bone crushing hugs from my mother.

  Declan sits on one side of me and Lucky on the other, their hands enclosed around mine on my thighs. Their other hand is on the table. Declan's talking to my mom, giving her tips on cooking, and Lucky's talking to my dad about the cars and motorcycles he was fixing. I sit in silence, watching my parents and my men interact. A warm feeling fills me up from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, and everything just feels like it was falling into place.

  My aunts come in and my mom jumps up, embracing them and all three of the women are giggling and talking so fast it's hard to keep up with what their saying, they're all talking over each other.

  When they finally sit down, the waiter comes and takes our orders. My aunt Lolly looks over at me and smiles.

  “Who do we have here, Alex?” she asks, flipping her long red hair over her shoulder.

  My aunt Hannah turns away from my mom and blinks as if she just realized there were two extra people at the table.

  “This is Lucky and Declan,” I say, that uncontrollable smile and content sigh comes like it always does when I say their names.

  “Oh!” Aunt Lolly claps her hands excitedly. “Wow!”

  Aunt Hannah turns to my mom. “Sister-o'-mine, you didn't tell me my adorable nephew is part of a triad. And they're hot!”

  I feel the blush creeping up my neck. “Aunt Hannah!”

  Declan laughs and leans towards me to whisper in my ear. “I love when you blush.”

  “My family's embarrassing.”

  Lucky laughs. “All families are embarrassing.”

  We go through lunch with my aunts treating Lucky and Declan to the same interrogation my mother put them through hours ago. They answer all of their questions generously. Then my Aunt Lolly asks about siblings. All three of us tense. The mood suddenly goes heavy.

  “Um...Lucky's an only child,” I answer, but look at Declan to see how he's reacting to this topic. He nods at me, giving me permission to go ahead and tell them about Peter. “Declan had a younger brother. He died five years ago.”

  My mom and aunts stand and come around the table to hug him. He offers his thanks and hugs them back. When they sit back down, he pulls my top half towards him, so I am leaning back against his chest. He whispers, “You're family is so loving and wonderful.”

  I pull away from him and turn to him, cupping his cheek with my hands. “So are you.”

  He smiles down at me. “And you, Alexander.”

  The use of my full name sends a shudder through me, making me wish that lunch was over and I can do the things I have been imagining since they walked through the door hours ago.

  Once we all finish eating and my aunts pay the bill—after lunch everyone offers to chip in for their part, but they refuse. Aunt Lolly even snags the bill from the table and settles it while the rest of us argue. We all stand and go outside. Lucky's hand is on my back and Declan's hand is in mine. We're getting looks from people, but I don't give a shit. I'm too happy to care about what other people think.

  “So, I'm going with Declan and Lucky while they check into the hotel,” I say, probably too eagerly. Aunt Lolly smirks and Dad looks uncomfortable again.

  “Don't do anything I wouldn't do,” My Aunt Hannah calls as the three of us walk away.

  “That's not saying much,” my mom comments, and the three women erupt in a fit of giggles.

  I shake my head at my strange family, but I can't help but smile because my mom seems more relaxed since Aunt Hannah is here.

  We walk to their rental car, a small Toyota that I could never picture either of them driving. Declan motions for me to take the front seat while Lucky drives, and he climbs in the back.

  “Fuck. There is zero leg room back here,” he complains, adjusting his big body to get more comfortable.

  I laugh. “You're the one who wanted the back.”

  “There's a reason for that.”

  His fingers come up and knead the muscles at the back of my neck. I moan and my head lulls to the side. Lucky pulls out of the parking lot, his hand going to my thigh when he's on the street and heading to the hotel that is near my parents' house.

  Their hands feel so good on my body, especially Declan's as he massages out the stress of the past few days.

  In no time at all we're pulling into the parking lot of the hotel near my house. Declan's fingers leave my neck and I moan at the loss of contact.

  The lobby is empty when we go in and go to the desk. The woman behind the desk is friendly and all smiles. Honestly, she reminds me a bit of my mom. She hands Lucky and Declan their keys, and gives them the spiel about the pool and the fitness center and that check out is at eleven. And then we're in the elevator.

  Once we're in the room, we're all over each other. Hands are everywhere. Declan's kissing my neck, Lucky's on his knees before the door even closes all of the way and kissing all over my torso.

  “Bed,” I manage to breathe out.

  Somehow we shuffle to the bed and we all fall onto it. Declan's removing my pants while Lucky takes off my shirt. When I am fully naked they both stand before me, looking at each other. The love between them is so palpable, and I am so happy to be a part of it. They strip each other and then they climb back into the bed with me.

  Declan lays back, throwing the pillows on the floor. Lucky lays on his side, stroking a hand up and down Declan's stomach. “Sit on my face,” Declan demands.

  I don't hesitate. I climb up and swing my leg over, settling my ass over his head. He leans up, burying his face in my ass. His tongue licks around my hole, urging the muscles to relax. His tongue spears me, probing into me. I throw my head back and ride his face.

  Lucky is still laying on his side, but his hand is no longer stroking over Declan's ribs. His hand is pumping Declan's cock, I can feel Declan's hips rising to meet Lucky's strokes.

  Declan eats my ass for what feel like hours. My hard cock bobs up and down as I ride his face, trying to match the rhythm that his tongue is probing me with. Lucky is sti
ll working Declan's cock, and I wish he would touch me, but he hasn't. He's just watching me, his honey colored eyes meeting mine when they aren't shut and my head is thrown back in ecstasy.

  Declan taps my leg and I know he's signalling for me to get up. I climb off of him and immediately turn to Lucky. Lucky is still working Declan's cock, but he starts in on mine too. I wrap a hand around his and stroke him, swirling the bead of pre-cum around the head.

  “On your knees,” Declan commands. “Ass facing me.”

  I adjust so I am on my knees instead of sitting back on my heels like I had been. My ass is facing Declan and he quickly enters a finger into me, my hole still wet from his tongue. He pumps the finger in and out of me while Lucky jacks my cock. My hand goes behind me, clawing at Declan's flesh, definitely leaving half moon nail marks. He enters two more fingers into me at once, I groan at the burn, wiggling back and forth involuntarily.

  “Stop, Cal.”

  Lucky removes his hands from our cocks, and I remove mine from his. He reaches over the bed for their bags and pulls a condom and lube from one of the pockets, but I barely register it with Declan's fingers buried inside of me. He scissors his fingers to stretch me even further, and I let out a sound that sounds like a half hiss/half groan. He crooks his fingers, holding them against my prostate. I come barreling towards the edge, my entire body tingles, I see white and stars, and just as I am about to go over Declan's fingers are gone.

  I growl. “Declan, please.”

  “Lay on your side, Alexander. Facing me with your head by the headboard.”

  I follow his instructions, kissing him as my head comes to rest on the mattress by his, but he sits up and flips over so his cock is in my face, and mine is in his. Behind me there is a shick of a cap and lube is spread out between my cheeks. Lucky lays behind me, kissing my neck.

  Lucky enters me, his cock is deep inside of me, buried to the hilt only seconds before Declan's mouth covers my cock. I've sixty-nined once or twice in my life, but never like this. I take Declan's cock into my mouth and suck.


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