Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4)

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Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4) Page 10

by Nicki Rowe

  When Lucky thrusts into me, my cock goes down Declan's throat. He hums around my cock, creating a friction that shoots up my spine. Lucky adjusts, hooking his leg over mine. The new angle has him pegging my prostate every. Fucking. Time.

  It doesn't take long until I am coming down Declan's throat, and he comes down mine. Lucky is still thrusting into me even after Declan pops free from my mouth and rolls back, Lucky rolls us so I am laying half on Declan and half on the bed. He pile drives me into the mattress and Declan's body, and I am panting and groaning and babbling incoherently. They're both praising me, telling me how beautiful I am, but I barely hear it over my own pleasure. And then he cums with a thunderous roar that shakes the whole bed.

  He pulls out and rolls off of me.

  I crawl along the bed so that I am laying with my head on Declan's chest, his hand runs through my hair. Lucky rolls over so that he's laying with his head on my back.

  “Thank you, guys, for being here.”

  “You never have to thank us, baby,” Declan says, his voice rumbling in his chest under my ear.

  I send a silent thanks to whatever God is out there that they brought Declan and Lucky into my life.

  Chapter Nine


  “Okay, Cynthia. I'll be on the next flight out,” I tell my assistant manager over the phone, giving Alex an apologetic look.

  I hang up and look at my men. Callum is smiling sadly at me, rubbing circles on Alex's back. Alex looks understandably upset.

  We had fallen asleep after fucking our brains out in the hotel, and were planning to go get a late dinner. Alex is dressed in his jeans and one of Callum's shirts, we had laid on his shirt while we were fucking and it was wrinkled and covered in sweat and other bodily fluids. Callum and Alex are sitting together on the bed while I had been pulling on my shoes when I got the call from Cynthia that our freezer stopped running at the restaurant and she wasn't sure what to do.

  “I'm sorry, baby,” I tell Alex, going to him and kneeling on the floor in front of him, cupping his cheeks with my hands. “I don't want to leave you.”

  He offers me a small smile. “Go. I know you have shit to do.”

  “I'll call you when I land.”

  His smile grows slightly bigger. “You better.”

  “Callum's going to take care of you.”

  He looks over at Callum. His hand curls around Callum's. “I know.”

  I pull his face towards me and kiss him slowly, savoring the sweet flavor of his mouth. His hands go to the back of my neck, pulling me towards him. He's clinging to me with all of his might.

  I pull away and grab my bag. I look back when I get to the door and look at my men still sitting on the bed, their arms wrapped around each other, Alex is looking at me with sad brown eyes. And I hate that I have to leave him the day before his grandmother's funeral.

  Fuck the freezer for breaking.

  ~ ~ ~

  When my plane lands I immediately turn my phone back on and call Alex as I wait for Carter and Diego to pick me up.

  “Hey,” he says. There's loud noises in the background and part of me is happy that Callum took him out, but the other part of me is pissed that I am not there to share it with them. “How was your flight?”

  “Shitty. I wish I didn't have to leave you.”

  “It's okay, Declan. You have to go be boss man, and Lucky is treating me to drinks and tacos.”

  I chuckle. “Boss man, huh?”

  He laughs. “The hottest boss man.”

  I groan, his words go straight to my cock. “You're killing me, Alex.”


  A truck pulls up to the curb, Diego is leaning out of the window. Carter honks obnoxiously.

  “I have to go, Alex. Call me later, okay?”

  “Okay. Go slay some freezers.”

  I laugh. “Bye, baby.”

  When I hang up I look at Diego. He's smiling at me. “Welcome, back.”

  “Sure,” I grumble.

  “What crawled up your ass and died?” He asks as I climb up into the back seat of the truck.

  “I had to leave my men back in Montana to deal with this bullshit.”

  An hour later. I'm in my restaurant, looking at my broken freezer, and all of the meat and product defrosting inside of it.

  “Fuck me,” I say.

  Bryan and Cynthia were standing in the freezer, cataloging all of the food we are going to need to replace. Bryan looks at me and winks, his fake eyelash brushing his highlighted cheek. “Anytime, boss.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Lord save us from flirty employees.”

  Bryan laughs and goes back to his work. Bryan's flirting is harmless. I sort of view Bryan as a younger brother even though he's my employee. I have a soft spot in my heart for him; his home life isn't the greatest. I had to ban his parents from entering the restaurant, and I have had to knock a few heads together when they try to get fresh with Bryan, or they try to bully him. I don't stand for that shit.

  I already called my maintenance people to get someone out to fix the freezer, but they wouldn't be out until tomorrow. That meant I had hundreds of dollars worth of food to figure out what to do with. A smile curls on my lips when an idea comes to me.

  When in doubt call Greta Pile.

  Greta answers, greeting me in a way my own grandmother would. “Declan, my boy, what can I do for you!”

  “I need help, Greta. I need to get word out quickly about a party at Fred's. My freezer went out and I have a bunch of food to get rid of.”

  “Oh, honey, don't you worry. I will get the community out there.” And with that she hangs up.

  Bryan looks up at me. “Did I hear someone say 'party'?”


  It was amazing to wake up the next morning and find Alex curled up next to me, arm draped over my middle, face plastered into the crook of my neck. Over the past weeks I had fallen asleep with Alex and Declan, but Alex was usually gone by morning. Now the sun was streaming in through the curtains of the hotel room and he's still here, his hair splayed across his face and forehead, and drooling slightly on my shoulder. I smile and run a hand up his side.

  He responds to my touch even in his sleep, his body shivers, goosebumps dance up his flesh. He wiggles closer to me, pushing his morning wood into my hip. I reach between us, circling his cock with my hand. He lets out a groan which is deeper than normal from sleep.

  “What about Declan?” he breathes.

  I pause. He's right. We still haven't figured out how any of this is going to work. We need rules, we need to know what is going to work between all three of us.

  “Let's call him,” I suggest.

  I want to get Alex off before we have to get through the day. Today is the day of his grandmother's funeral, and I want to help him unwind and forget about it, even for a moment.

  He reaches over to where he left his phone and the keys to his parents car on the nightstand. He had intended to go back home last night and stay there with his parents, but they all but pushed him out of the house to come stay with me at the hotel. I wasn't complaining. I'll take whatever time I can get with Alex.

  “Hey, Dec,” Alex says into the phone, smiling when he hears Dec's voice.

  I can't help but smile at the look of happiness on his face as he talks to Declan. Does he look like that when he talks to me? He looks over at me and that look of happiness deepens, like being in my presence and talking to Declan makes him feel complete.

  “Hi, baby,” Declan's voice fills the room when Alex switches him to speaker. “How was last night?”

  “It was good. Lucky and I got a little bit tipsy and ate our weight in tacos.” He reaches for my hand and squeezes my fingers. “We wish you were here.”

  “I know. I'm annoyed that this shit happened when your grandma's funeral is happening. I want to be there for you.”

  Alex's smile turns sad. “You dropped everything and came in the first place. That means everything to me. Oliver would have never
done that.”

  I tense at the mention of his ex. Not only because I didn't like the guy based on what Alex had told me, but because I was jealous. I know it's irrational, but I hate that there's this other guy in the world who got to spend nearly eight years with Alex, and he didn't appreciate him for one single minute.

  “We care about you, Alexander. Of course we came.”

  Alex is looking at me, seeing my distress. He squeezes my fingers tighter, offering me reassurance and comfort.

  “Anyway, we called you for a specific reason. I'm kinda in a predicament, and Lucky wants to take care of it for me.”

  God, yes, please. My hand is itching to wrap around him, stroke him to completion and then hold him until we have to get ready for the day.

  Declan's booming laugh fills the room. “Oh? What kind of predicament?”

  Alex's face flushes. “Well...I woke up with morning wood.”

  “Hmmm. That is a problem.” There's a pause. “What do you want to do to him, Callum?”

  I don't know how he knows he's on speaker or that I am in the room since Alex hadn't told him, but I can't help but smile when he says my name. I look at Alex, my eyes burrowing into his. “I want to suck him off. Make him writhe and cum. I want to fuck him, Declan. I want to fuck him so hard into the bed that he forgets his own name.”

  Declan moans over the phone. “Good. You make sure our man gets off more than once today, okay, Cal?”

  “Yes, Declan.”

  “You...You don't mind?” Alex asks into the phone.

  “Baby, the thought of Callum fucking you is going to be on my mind all day, and when you two get home I want you to show me how good he made you feel when I wasn't there.” Another pause. “I like the thought of you and Callum being able to be together when I am not around. You both have urges and desires, and it's okay with me if you act on them when I am not around.”

  “What about when Lucky isn't around?” Alex looks at me.

  “I'm okay with it,” I reply. And I am. There's no jealousy when I think of Alex and Declan fucking if I am not in the same room. In fact it sounds hot to think I can come home and find them bent over the sofa, going to town. Fuck. The images alone are making me harder than I already was.


  “Alex?” Declan says. “If you ever have concerns about anything regarding our relationship you talk to us, okay? The only way this is going to work is honest, open communication.”

  “I know, Declan. I will.”

  “Okay, baby. I have to go, the guy is coming to fix the freezer this morning. I'll see you guys tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Bye, Declan.”

  “Bye, Alex, Callum.”

  When Alex hangs up the phone he turns to me. I stroke my hand down his cheek. “What are you thinking?”

  “Just wondering how I was lucky enough to find two amazing guys.”

  I laugh. “Kiss me, Alex.”

  I wrap my fingers around the back of his neck, pulling his mouth towards mine. His kiss is a gentle caress full of wonder and uncertainty. I don't blame him. The three of us still have a lot to learn when it comes to navigating this three person relationship. But now that Alex is in our lives I can't imagine mine and Declan's life without him.

  I lay Alex down on the mattress, my lips never leaving his. I kiss him slowly, chastely. My hands exploring every inch of his body. It should feel strange being with someone who isn't Declan, or not having Declan around for this moment, but it doesn't. He's still here with us in a way. In my heart, and somehow I know Alex is thinking about him too.

  My hand trails down Alex's torso to cup his balls. He lets out a breathy moan. His cock is wedged between us, and he's moving against me, rubbing his cock against the ridges of my abs to create friction. I trail my hand even lower, sliding my finger over his taint and back to the crack of his ass. I circle the puckered entrance, tapping the muscle with the pad of my finger.

  With every tap his body jerks against me. “Please, Lucky. Fuck me.”

  I bring the finger back from his hole to his mouth. “Suck.”

  He suck's my entire finger into his mouth, down to the knuckle. Mimicking the way he sucks my cock, swirling his tongue around the digit and lightly gliding his teeth along the surface. He looks up at me. His pupils are blown wide, making his brown eyes look black.

  I remove my finger from his mouth and bring it back to his hole, penetrating him with the wet digit.

  He claws at my shoulders, his head goes back against the headboard.

  “More, Lucky. More.”

  I pump that one finger in and out of him while I grab the lube and a condom from the night stand. Then I add a second. Then a third.

  His muscles relax around my fingers and I take his cock in my other hand, squeezing slightly, ensnared by the bead of pre-cum that is sliding from his slit and down his cock. His head is still thrown back, eyes closed, hands fisting the sheets.

  “God. Oh, god.”

  “You're so beautiful like this, baby.”

  “Fuck me, Lucky, please.”

  “Get me ready.”

  I release his cock and pull my fingers from his ass. I sit next to him with my legs outstretched, cock standing straight up in the air. His hands shake as he rolls the condom over me and lubes my cock. Then he straddles me. His eyes never leave mine, even as he sinks down on me. I groan at the feel of his tight heat surrounding me. His hands tighten on my shoulders.

  “God, Lucky,” he whispers as he lowers himself until he's fully seated on me. “You feel so good.”

  “You too, Alex. You too.”

  My hands are on his hips, but I don't move him. And he doesn't move. We sit there, looking at each other, taking this moment in. His hair is plastered to his forehead with sweat, His eyes are lidded, his mouth red from my kisses. He's beautiful, perfect.

  And I know I am a complete goner, Alex Rhodes has totally won my heart.

  He kisses me, his tongue delving into my mouth and dancing with my own. He starts moving his hips as he kisses me, rocking back and forth on my cock.

  This is slower than the other times we have had sex. Those times were about fucking, this time it's about love making.

  He rides me slowly and I meet him with every movement. My hands trail up, cupping his face when it falls back and he moans to the ceiling, tipping his head back down so he can look at me. His hands are pressed down on my chest to give him leverage. He curls his fingers into the muscle, certainly leaving little marks.

  I reach for his cock and stroke him in time with his movements: slow, languid, sensual.

  It's not long until we're both erupting. He cums with a shout of my name, his load shooting all over my hand and chest. I fill the condom with a series of final thrusts and grunts.

  He looks down at me again, a sexy smile on his face. I have never felt more connected to him then in this moment.

  My heart swells, and I pull him down to kiss him again before we have to get ready for the day.


  It's weird seeing all my family gathered in one place we haven't all been together since the family reunion of 2007, but instead of hollering and screaming, they are all somber. There are nearly fifty of Grandma's former students in the church, and a bunch of people she had met throughout life. She would have liked that. She would have loved to know that she was remembered.

  Lucky and I find my parents and my aunts easily despite the large number of people who were attending the funeral. They're sitting in the front row, my mom is holding Aunt Hannah's hand. My mom looks up and smiles when she sees us. “My boys!” she exclaims loudly enough to make the rest of the room go quiet.

  Yes, in the span of a day she has adopted Lucky and Declan as her children. My mom is fucking weird, but I love her.

  “Where's Declan?” Aunt Hannah asks.

  Lucky answers her question, and I look at the other people in the pews at the front.

  My other aunts and uncles on my dad's side are giving me weird, narrowed
eyed looks. Apparently news has gotten out that I am in a relationship with two men. My aunt Margie purses her lips at me.

  “You know, Alexander,” she says while Mom gushes on and on to Lucky about how she is so happy that Declan and he came out to Montana to be with me during this time. “We didn't bat an eye when you came out as gay, but being with two men? That's unnatural.”

  My father whips around in the pew, almost hitting Aunt Lolly with his elbow. “Shut the fuck up, Margie. What my son does with his life is none of your fucking business. So, he found two men to love, so what? How does that fucking effect you?”

  My Aunt Margie sputters. “Mama wouldn't like that kind of talk today.”

  “Mom would be wringing your neck if she heard you talk to her grandson that way.”

  He turns, looks at me. “Take your seat, son.”

  I don't look at Aunt Margie as I take Lucky's hand and sit at the end of the pew on the other side of my Aunt Lolly. Lucky smooths his thumb over the back of my hand.

  “You okay?”

  “It's surreal. I never heard my dad speak to my aunt like that.”

  Before Lucky can respond the reverend ascends the dais and the funeral begins.

  ~ ~ ~

  I kneel in front of my grandma's grave. Her headstone isn't in place yet, but there's a small plaque that says:

  Rosa Margaret Rhodes


  The smell of fresh dirt is overwhelming. Tears track my cheeks and fall to the ground below me. I don't say anything to her. I was never one of those people that believed the dead can hear you. I just sit at her graveside and cry.

  The rest of my family has gone back to the house to eat food, but I can't seem to make myself move. I am aware of Lucky leaning on a tree a few feet away, but he doesn't come to me, and I am glad. I want to be alone at the moment.

  “Goodbye, Grandma.”

  I run a finger over the small plaque with her name and her entire life span that has been reduced to two dates and a line. It's weird to think that when we're gone our entire lives can be summed up by a few words and dates on a headstone.


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