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In the Court of King Arthur

Page 10

by Samuel E. Lowe



  And so in turn came the second stranger before King Arthur. Poorlyclothed, too, yet had his coat once been rich cloth of gold. Now itsat most crookedly upon him and was cut in many places so that it butbarely hung upon his shoulders.

  "Sire," said the stranger, "you are known everywhere as the noblestKing in the world. And for that reason I come to you to be madeknight."

  "Knights, good friend," replied the King, "are not so easily made.Such knights as we do appoint must first prove their worth. We knowthee not, stranger, and know not the meaning of thy strange garb. Fortruly, thou art a strange sight."

  "I am Breunor le Noire and soon you will know that I am of good kin.This coat I wear is token of vow made for vengeance. So, I found it onmy slain father and I seek his slayer. This day, oh King, I go forthcontent, if you make promise that should I perform knightly deed youwill dub me knight of yours."

  "Go thou forth, then. We doubt not that thou wilt prove thy true valorand be worthy of knighthood. Yet proof must be there."

  On this selfsame day, Breunor le Noire departed.

  Next morn, the King together with Sir Launcelot, Sir Percival, SirGawaine, Sir Pellimore, Sir Gilbert, Sir Neil and Sir Dagonet, indeeda right goodly party, prepared to depart. Nor did they purpose toreturn until they met with Sir Tristram, for King Arthur was of greatdesire to have this good knight as one of the Round Table.

  Now as these, the flower of King Arthur's court, were waiting for SirDagonet who was to be with them and who had delayed, Sir Launcelot sawAllan the boy watching them from the side. Saw too, the great wish inthe lad's eyes. Nor did Allan see himself observed for Sir Launcelotwas not then with the others.

  A thought came to this fine spirited knight and it brought great andsmiling good humor to his lips. He rode to Sir Percival's side and thetwo whispered for many moments. Then did the two speak to the King andhe laughed, but did not turn to gaze at the boy. Sir Gawaine nowjoined in the whispering. Then did all four laugh with greatmerriment. So Sir Pellimore and the other knights inquired the causefor the merriment and, being told, laughed too. Kindly was thelaughter, strong men these who could yet be gentle. Sir Launcelot nowturned and rode hard at the boy.

  "And wherefore, lad," and dark was his frown and greatly wroth heseemed, "do you stand here watching? Rude staring yours and no fithomage to pay your betters. Perchance, we may all be displeased, theKing, Sir Percival, and all of us."

  Now the lad's eyes clouded. To have displeased these knights, thegreatest men in all the world, for so he thought them. Then and therehe wished he could die. Woe had the knight's words brought to him.

  "Indeed, and I meant no disrespect, Sir Launcelot. Indeed--" and saidno more for he knew he would weep if he spoke further. So he saw notthe dancing laughter in the knight's eye, nor the wide grins on thefaces of the others.

  "Yet we must punish thee, lad. So then prepare you to accompany us.Get your horse at once. Nor will we listen to any prayer you may makefor not going because of your youth."

  Agape, Allan turned to look at him. For he knew he could not haveheard aright. But now, as he looked, he saw that Sir Launcelot waslaughing and then as he turned wondering, he saw his own lord and theKing and the other knights watching him with great glee.

  "You mean then, that I--I--may go with all of you!"

  And then so that there would be no chance of its being otherwise, herushed in mad haste to get his horse. Joy was the wings which made hisfeet fly. He came back in quick time, a bit uncertain, riding forwardslowly, diffidently, and stopped a little way from them, awaitingword. Then did Sir Launcelot ride to him and place kindly arm aboutthe youth and bring him among them all.

  Now Sir Dagonet was with them and they rode forth.

  With the equipage came the hounds, for the first day of their journeywas to be given over to hunting. There came also the master of thehounds who was to return with them at the close of the hunt.

  None other than the great Launcelot rode with Allan and none satstraighter and more at ease in his saddle than the boy as they passedthe Queen, the Lady Olande, her two daughters and many other ladies ofthe realm. Nor did the boy see any other than the minx Yosalinde. Butshe--she did not seem to find him among the knights, yet he wonderedhow she could help but see him. He would have liked to call to her,"See, here am I among all these brave knights." Instead he rode pastvery erect. If she would not see him, what matter, since, he wasthere, one of the company.

  Then, of a sudden, she smiled straight at him. So that for him was thefull glory of the world. And we doubt not, for that smile he wouldhave fought the bravest knight in all the world and found man'sstrength therein.

  Now the company found itself in the woods and many hours journey away.So they rode hard for they liked not to tarry on the road.

  Long after midday, King Arthur and his men spread out for the hunt.The forest in which they now found themselves held game and wildanimals in plenty. Soon thereafter did the hounds give tongue for theyhad found the scent. No mean prey had they found though, for thequarry gave them a long race. Close behind the hounds came King Arthurand almost as close, Sir Percival and Sir Launcelot.

  Now, at last, the stag, a noble animal with wondrous horns, lithe bodyand beautifully shaped limbs was at bay. Straight and true, at itsthroat, flew the leader of the pack, and sank its teeth deep into it,while above the King blew loud and long the death note of the chase.No need for other hounds nor for weapons of the men.

  Dark had stolen over the forest when the men with huge appetites cameto sup. Juicy venison steak was there, so was the wild duck and thepheasant in plenty. To the full they ate as did the few men at armsthat were with them.

  Yet none stayed awake long thereafter. It had been an arduous day.Allan alone was wide-awake; his eyes would not close. And he knew of acertainty that he was the most fortunate lad in all the world. When heshould become a man, he would be--well, he was not certain whether hewould be like unto the King, Sir Percival or Sir Launcelot. Yes, hedid know, he would be like them all. Now there came mixed thoughts ofa maid who waved her hand and smiled at him. And he felt of aprecious ring upon his finger.

  So now his eyes closed; he found himself seeking the Holy Grail. Andduring all of the night dreamed that he had found it.


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