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Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1)

Page 12

by Vella Day

  The second her fingers yanked on the leather strap, it was as if she’d dropped a match onto a pool of accelerant.

  “Jesus, Amber. What you do to me.”

  His mouth descended and he demanded entrance. She yielded and let his tongue dip and take her. The man tasted divine. Their breaths collided as she ripped off the belt and fumbled with his button and zipper. Come on, come on.

  This was taking too long. She stepped back. “Please, Cade.” She kicked off her shoes and tore off her pants. To her delight, he worked faster than she did.

  Was she being hasty? Maybe. But after years of not being wanted, she needed Cade, needed his hard cock.

  What seemed like a lifetime later, they were naked, and she soaked him in. Wow. The man was huge. And hard. His vein pulsed from balls to tip. Reality dawned. He’d never fit.

  “So beautiful.” His gaze lingered over her small breasts then traveled downward until he stopped at her naked pussy. “I like.” His grin spread wide.

  Keeping his gaze on her, he squatted next to his pants and extracted his wallet. When he located the condom, he tore open the package and slipped the rubber on.

  Looking regal, he rose and hovered over her. Every one of her senses shot to high alert.

  Cade leaned over and dragged kisses down her neck. “I like the way you smell.” His voice came out husky and full of promise. He reached around her, drew one of her hands forward, and placed it on his dick. “Can you see how much I desire you?”

  “Yes.” It was almost too good to be true.

  Don’t question it.

  With one hand on her breast and the other hand squeezing her rear, he walked her backward. When his cock pressed against her belly, she placed her arms around his neck and kissed him. He moaned in her mouth and her body lit up.

  As soon as her rear bumped against the closed door, he dragged her legs open with his foot, and a torrent of sparks shot between her thighs. Dear God what the man did to her. He’d been an ass, so why was she even here with him? Because he turns you on. Deep down, Cade Carter was a good man, but was that enough?

  Shut up and take what you want.

  Before she had the chance to pull his lips near again, he dropped to his knees and inhaled. “I want to drink in your sweet nectar.”

  Now, she was the one to moan. He didn’t give her the chance to even anticipate the swipe. When his tongue swirled and dipped into her opening, her pulse soared as streaks of pleasure bombarded her. She clamped her hands on his head and dug her fingers into his scalp. When he slid a finger into her, she gasped and rose on her toes. “Cade! Now.”

  As if he’d been waiting for her request, he stood and kissed her hard, his thumbs brushing her nipples. He grabbed her ass and lifted her. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Yes! She did as he asked, crossing her ankles to secure her. To keep from falling backward, she slid her hands under his arms and latched onto his muscular back. She kissed him, exploring his mouth with all the pent up desire she’d suppressed for too long.

  He guided his cock between them and dragged his hands down to her waist. The moment his long shaft breached her opening and slid in an inch, her eyes widened. Holy fuck. She was wet, and the slick condom helped, but he was really wide. His girth stretched her to the max.

  “Breathe, sugar.”

  He then captured her mouth again. Their tongues dueled and parried, and lust catapulted over the edge. She sank down onto him taking his entire cock inside. She tossed all objections away, and said what was in her heart. “Fuck me hard.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cade couldn’t believe how amazing Amber was. Never would he have imagined he’d met his match. She was sexy, feisty, and fit him perfectly.

  But he needed more. Holding her hips still, he withdrew and drove up into her again. Her gasp urged him on. Cade stepped a foot away from the wall and placed a palm between her shoulder blades to keep her from falling. “Lean back for me, sugar. I need your tits real bad.”

  She moved her hands to his shoulders and dropped back her head, exposing her precious breasts. They called to him. With his cock lodged deeply inside her, he sucked on the taut nipples. When her nails dug into his skin, her passionate side set him on fire.

  He alternated between each tit, but then returned to her luscious lips, kissing her with desire and passion. His balls drew up tight. It didn’t matter he was a fucking lawman and had spent all those years in the Special Forces. This woman made him lose control.

  Their moans and grunts blended as he plunged in fast and furiously. Christ but she was hot.

  “Come for me,” he said between breaths. I’m not going to last.

  As her pussy walls pressed down on him, Amber squeezed her eyes shut and let out a loud groan. Her climax shoved him over the limit. With one final stroke he buried himself deep and let the cum fly. Her passionate scream reverberated in his head and drove him wild.

  He held her long and hard. When her hold loosened, he set her on the ground and withdrew. “Be right back.”

  The attached bath made for easy access. He ripped off the condom, wet a towel, and returned. Amber looked well-loved but ready to collapse. Her eyes were closed and her breathing shallow. He couldn’t be more pleased that he’d satisfied her.

  As soon as he drew the towel between her legs, her eyes opened. She looked down, her lips parted. “I can do that.”

  Amber would want the control. This time he’d let her. When she finished, he took the towel and dumped it back in the bathroom.

  “How about we get some shuteye?”

  * *

  Amber was overwhelmed with what had just happened. Never would she have believed she was capable of letting go like that. All those years of suppressing her desires had finally surfaced.

  She’d suspected Cade to be a man full of hunger and lustful need, but she hadn’t anticipated he’d take her to heaven and back. He strode over to the bed and pulled back the comforter. She looked down. Her nipples were red, and the rest of her body was vibrating. She bet her lips looked puffy from all the kissing. She usually slept in pajamas, but since Cade was naked, she might as well sleep that way, too.

  He looked at her, waiting. “Coming?”

  She slid into bed and scooted to the side. Cade joined her and drew her near. He gently kissed her nose, then her chin, and finally her mouth, but he didn’t linger. “As much as I want to have a repeat performance, I think you need a break.”

  Who was this man? Where had the stern cop gone? “I’m afraid you’re right.”

  In one smooth move, he rolled her over and tugged her close. “Sleep.” He placed another kiss on top of her head.

  Right. Sleep. Her mind raced. Having made love with Cade had been fantastic, but now they were finished, the guilt returned. What would Stone say? Cade claimed his roommate would be fine, but she wasn’t sure. Would he be upset when he found out? She hoped she hadn’t ruined things with him.

  “What’s wrong, sugar?” She must have been twisting and turning.

  She rolled over and faced him knowing she couldn’t hide her feelings any longer. “Are you going to tell Stone about us?”

  He smiled. “Hell yeah, I am. Stone will want to celebrate when he learns about us.”

  Now he was exaggerating. “He’ll be angry with me. If I were him, I’d be.” Amber begged Stone to sleep with her and then turned around and slept with his best friend. Who wanted a woman like that?

  Cade stroked her face. “No. He won’t. That’s what sharing means. He wants you bad, but he’ll be okay that we worked things out between us. It had to happen this way.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip. “Are you sure?” She wanted to believe what he said.

  “Positive.” He nodded to the clock. “If it will put you at ease, I’ll find Stone right now and tell him the good news.”

  She dropped onto her back and shook her head. “It’s late.”

  “Not to him. He’s probably at
work. He’ll want to know.” Cade slipped out of bed. “The sooner I tell him, the sooner we can be together. I don’t want you having any regrets.”

  She rolled back over and propped her head up. “I won’t.” Maybe.

  “Why don’t I buy that?” He sat back on the bed and stroked her face. “You aren’t from around here where ménage relationships are the norm. I know it seems strange to have made love with me. I’m Stone’s best friend.”

  She winced. He’d nailed it. “You’re right, but I’ll feel better when I talk with him.”

  “I know, sugar, but I promise you, this is the start of something great.”

  That’s what all the men say. It never took long before things went south.

  Don’t think such negative thoughts.

  She wanted him to stay. “Why not just call him?”

  “It’s better in person. I’ll be able to judge his reaction.”

  That made sense. He turned on the bedside lamp. As he buttoned up his shirt, she admired how handsome he was. “When will I see you again?” Hopefully, he hadn’t heard the slight hitch in her voice.

  “Very soon. I promise.” Cade tied his shoes, stood, and then kissed her again with lips that were soft and assuring. “Thank you for understanding and for listening.”

  She figured he was talking about the accusation, and then the revelation about his father. “You’re welcome.” She sighed and closed her eyes, happy once more.

  He shut off the light and then he was gone. Her doubts stormed in. Damn. Why couldn’t she be like her friends? Settled, happy, and sure.

  * *

  As soon as Cade left Amber’s house, he dialed Stone. It didn’t matter it was one in the morning. Either Stone would be asleep at their house or on the job. As long as he wasn’t in the middle of rescuing someone, he’d answer. Someday, Cade would figure out his roommate’s crazy schedule.

  “Cade? What’s wrong?”

  Stone sounded awake. Given the clanging in the background, he was probably at the fire station. “You at work? We need to talk.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be home in three hours. Can it wait?”

  Cade had to be up at six. “No. Because of tonight, everything’s changed.”

  “Oh, fuck. Did something happen to Amber?”

  “Only something good. I’ll be right there.” He disconnected and tried to focus on the deserted road and not on the amazing night he’d had. How in hell had he thought such a sweet woman could be capable of murder?

  At least he found out the truth in time. He turned north on Gold Avenue then left on Third Street. At this hour, a ton of parking spaces were vacant in front of the station. He cut the engine, rushed out, and jogged up to the well-lit building.

  Trevor, one of the firemen, was washing the truck. “Hey, Cade. If you’re looking for Stone, he’s in the break room.”


  He found his roommate with his fellow paramedic partner, Drake Longworth.

  Stone stood. “That didn’t take you long.”

  “Can we speak someplace private?” The room was empty except for Drake and them.

  Stone’s partner stood. “I’ve got to check on the groceries in the kitchen. I’m next up to buy.”

  That was bogus, but he appreciated Drake’s willingness to give them space.

  As soon as Drake left, Stone squared his shoulders as if readying for a fight. “Tell me you didn’t further piss off Amber.”

  “Why would you think that? I told you it was good news.” Cade motioned they take the two chairs in the corner.

  “Tell me.”

  “I’ll start from the beginning,” Cade said. “I went to Banner’s Bar to clear my head, and who should be there but Amber and her girlfriends.”

  Stone blew out a breath. “I bet she wasn’t happy you crashed her weekly happy hour.”

  “If I’d known, I wouldn’t have gone there. She sent me glares so potent they hurt.” He held up his hand. “Wait. It gets worse. Sam Richland came in and tried to put the moves on her.”

  Stone’s hands fisted. “I don’t like that fucker. You told him to leave her alone, right? That she’s ours?”

  Cade winced. “I’m not proud of my reaction. I did nothing because she was flirting with him. I think she was trying to piss me off.”

  Stone leaned back. “That doesn’t sound like Amber. Then again, maybe it does. She can be rather aggressive when she wants something.”

  That was an understatement. Cade still couldn’t believe how she’d practically torn the clothes from his body and then stripped off hers. He swallowed a smile at the thought. “At the bar, her signals were clear. She didn’t want anything to do with me.” Damn. He should have asked her why she’d flirted with Sam, but he’d been too busy worrying over the attack, Stephanie Osmond’s death, and his terrible misjudgment of Amber. “I have no idea why Amber was acting out of character.”

  Stone’s brows furrowed. “Wait a minute. Was she flirting with Sam before or after you realized she wasn’t a killer?”

  Cade winced. “So you know?”

  “Amber texted me.”

  That was good, because now he didn’t have to put his failure into words. “Before. Right after she danced one song with the man, she left the bar, and Sam followed her. It was then that I got the call about a third murder at the hospital and realized Amber was innocent. I immediately rushed out, not only because I had to go to the crime scene, but I’d hoped to catch up with her and tell her I was sorry. A block down the street, I saw Sam grab Amber’s arm with force. She yelled at him to stop, but he didn’t let go.”

  Stone leaned forward, his face flushed with concern. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. After some ugly words, Sam stalked away. One of us should check in with her as often as we can. I don’t trust the guy not to seek revenge.”

  Stone’s jaw tightened. “That makes sense, especially with his history. What was her state of mind?”

  “Shaken, then mad. At least she seemed relieved I’d come along. Because she appeared disoriented, I didn’t want her driving home.”

  “I’m glad. What did you do?”

  “I brought her with me to the hospital. She was actually very helpful. The other nurses were willing to talk with her.”

  Stone sat back. “That’s it? You came all the way out here to tell me nothing happened to her?”

  Cade shook his head. “There’s more. A lot more. After I finished up with the crime scene, we went out to dinner. It was my way of apologizing. Plus, I was starving.” Their time together had really changed him. “I told her about my father and what kind of man he was.”

  Stone whistled. “How did she take it?”

  “In stride. Then she confided in me.” He told Stone how her ex-husband had fooled her into thinking he loved her. “You should have seen her. She was devastated when he told her he was gay.”

  “Gay? Fuck. That would have hurt her terribly, especially after having a mother who had emotionally abandoned her.” Stone ran a hand down his jaw. “I wonder why she never let me know.”

  “Embarrassed perhaps?” Cade shrugged. “I drove her straight home to make sure she was safe, and one thing led to another.” Cade watched Stone carefully, hoping he hadn’t misjudged his roommate.

  A few seconds later Stone jumped up, his face contorted. He punched Cade in the shoulder. “You fucked her?”

  Cade pushed back his chair and jutted out his chest. “I didn’t fuck her. I made love with her.” He took two slow breaths. “Ease off. I told her that we shared.”

  Stone’s breath seemed to rush out. Hope filled his face. “What did she say?”

  “I think she might be amenable.”

  Stone shook his head. “Amber wouldn’t agree to that. Was she drunk?”

  “No. Not anymore, but she was hesitant because of how you’d react.”

  “Did she say why?”

  “She adores you, but when the chemistry between us took over, we did what seemed right at
the moment. Then afterward, she feared she’d ruined everything with you.”

  “But you told her we shared.”

  “Yes, but I don’t think she believed me.” He sat down again and Stone did, too. “We need a plan. We need to show her that it’s all right for the three of us to be together.”

  “Should I go over there now?”

  “It’s two in the morning. Tomorrow will be soon enough.” His mind spun. “I got it. We’ll take her to Katie’s birthday party on Saturday. Show her the three of us are meant to be together.”

  “Oh, shit. I forgot.”

  Cade almost smiled. “You forgot your sister’s birthday?”

  “What with everything that happened to Amber, and me working extra this week, I did. Crap. I need a present.”

  “Ask Amber to help you shop, tomorrow—or rather later today.”

  Stone finally smiled. “You know, sometimes you have good ideas.”

  “Gee, thanks, buddy.” Cade stood, his body weary. “Remember, we have to show her that we aren’t petty and we don’t get jealous.”

  Stone stood, too. “I’ll call her. I’ll tell her you spoke with me and that I’m good.”

  “Don’t wait too long. We don’t need her second guessing herself.”

  Drake rushed in. “Stone. We gotta go. Fire out on Mountain View Road.”

  His roommate took off with a start. Cade huffed. This better work.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Stone remained by the ambulance as the firemen fought the blaze. Even at this distance the intense heat made him sweat, and the smoke saturated his clothes. The burn looked bad, but he prayed Trevor, Marshall, and Donner were able to get the victims out of the house. The rest of the men were manning the trucks, trying to put out the fire.

  Shouts sounded and he returned for the gurney, readying it for whoever needed aid. Trevor rushed out with someone in his arms, and from the way he was sprinting, the person was alive—or so he hoped.


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