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Cabin In The Woods

Page 93

by Kristine Robinson

  "I wanted to do this," Monique said. "An I know you have to be completely drained."

  Monique got up, walked over to me and took my hand, gently leading me to my seat. I sat down and we started to dine. She didn't ask where Ed was, and I wondered if at some point when I wasn't paying attention she'd slipped him a note or something. Or maybe she just watched from a window—that was more likely. As the dinner went on, our eating slowed, and we started to drink the wine, first one bottle, then Monique pulled another one from somewhere. I felt so lucky to have her. We didn't get very far into the second bottle of wine before we were lounging in each other's arms on the couch.

  Monique started kissing me softly on the lips, so softly that at first I didn't realize she was waking me from sleep. Then she kissed more aggressively, and I responded in kind. It was a good feeling knowing that there was someone in the world who cared so much about me, and not only that, but they didn't mind expressing it to me in the most visible ways possible. I wasn't sure how long we made out with each other, if our tender exchange of tongue and lips could be called such, had been going on, but I knew that I was fired up. I wanted to grind up against Monique, so I did. We both grasped at and groped each other, as if seeking something we could only hold for a second before losing again. Soon it was my turn to explore Monique with my mouth, and I did so as if there wouldn't be another chance. And as far as I knew, there wouldn't be. The future was so uncertain that it was hard to know if we would get another chance to be alone together like we were now, so I didn't plan on holding back.

  Monique moaned as I explored her most private parts with my kisses and caresses from my tongue. She arched her back and pressed my head against her whenever I hit a particularly good spot, and other times bucked up against me. When she climaxed, her whole body went tense for a moment, as if she was actually being electrocuted, and then she went limp. This happened a few more times before she could actually breathe again, and by then I was so hot for her I couldn't wait any longer for my turn.

  Monique didn't want to do things like she had last time, so she made me close my eyes and lay face down on the bed. She kissed me all over my back at random, and then made me tilt my hips up so she could probe the folds of my sex gently with fingers and tongue, making sure to give me as much pleasure as possible. I couldn't believe how good it felt. Monique definitely knew what she was doing, and she was amazingly good. It wasn't long before I could feel something building deep inside of me. When I climaxed, it was like a blinding light was flashing in front of my face. Then, when it was over, and the waves of pleasure stopped coursing through me, I felt like I was coming to from being knocked unconscious.

  The next day Ed loaded up the van while I spoke with Monique in the ranch house.

  “I want to see you again,” I said. “I can't go without you. Not now.”

  Monique took my face into her hands.

  “There isn't anything out here for me anymore,” Monique said. “I'm going to move to Oklahoma City. I think that's where you live, right?”

  I couldn't keep my joy inside me, and jumped up and down, screaming, before flinging myself into her arms. Monique was full of surprises, and this one bowled me over. I couldn't believe that she would be willing to leave all of this behind. But then again, like Monique had just said herself, there really wasn't that much left for her out here at this point. The town had to have been integral to her survival, and now it was completely destroyed.

  “Will you need a place to stay while you look for an apartment?” I asked.

  “Actually, yes,” Monique said. “But I don't want to impose.”

  “You won't be!” I nearly shouted. “Listen, my place is too big for me anyway, and the station helps pay for it, so you're more than welcome and you don't have to feel like you're imposing on me at all. There is even an extra room.”

  Monique paused and searched my eyes with hers.

  “Would you rather me sleep in another bed?” she asked.

  I looked at the ground between us, then kissed her.

  “No,” I replied. “I wouldn't.”

  Ed gave the van's horn a polite double tap to remind me we had to go. I gave Monique my number and headed out to the van. Ed was in the driver's seat, which was unusual for him. When I climbed in he gave me a knowing grin.

  “Figured I'd drive because you didn't get any sleep last night,” Ed said. “Or at least I hope you didn't.”

  “Don't worry,” I said. “I didn't.”

  It wasn't but a few weeks later Monique had sold her ranch, which had a modest amount of oil underneath, and moved into my apartment in OKC. It was good having her around, and eventually she stopped looking for her own place and decided she'd live with me while she worked for the city. Her work and my work kept us both busy, so we didn't get tired of one another, and we cherished every moment we had together.

  White House Scandal

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A Lesbian Menage

  Everyone loves a good scandal – especially when it involves the White House. But for once it’s not the president’s concubines that have the country talking. Instead, when the ‘presidential daughter’ finally discovers her sexuality AND that of the two tennis-star-friends, there is no limit to the controversy they will face. Ava White’s whole life has been lived in the public eye but this time she wants her world back.

  Why should she have to choose? On the one hand, the muscular, almost boyish Haley Adams had swept her away with her cocky smile almost instantaneously. On the other, best friend Leah Hall was irresistible with her shapely feminine curves and sensual demeanor. Will the young girls figure out the dynamic in time to save the relationship? Or was it all just a summer romance destined to blow over when they returned to school? There is only one way to find out…

  * * *


  She used to be proud to tell everyone that her father was the president, but these days it was more of an embarrassment than anything else, Ava thought somewhat annoyed as the grabbed another glass of champagne off the floating trays. She pushed her long, blonde hair behind her ear and forced a smile onto her face as she surveyed the room of people she didn’t feel like talking to.

  “You should slow down there, you don’t want to cause another scandal,” the smiling voice teased as the tall, athletic girl took a glass off the tray as well.

  “Oh I’m quite sure my father can manage to create those on his own,” Ava returned the smile, relieved to have some company in the room full of stiffs that have all known her since she was a little girl – something they insisted on bringing up every time they saw her. ‘They grow up so fast,’ they cooed as she rolled her eyes. She never wanted to run away so badly, but once again felt trapped in the role she was ‘supposed’ to play as supporting cast in a life that wasn’t her own.

  “Ah, the bastard child headline – that must have been fun for you?”

  “Everyone is gossiping, even the patrons in the kitchen. It’s so embarrassing! Everyone knows but he just pretends like it is all normal. So what does he do? He hosts this stupid party to celebrate him running for another term – like nothing has happened.”

  “Sounds like you’re not exactly ‘The President’s’ biggest fan right now?” the girl with the sparkling blue eyes joked.

  “That’s an understatement. This act is getting tired fast,” Ava took another gulp from her glass. “I’m being rude, sorry. I’m Ava,” she stuck out her hand.

  “I know – Haley Adams,” the brunette with the strong build put out a hand for Ava to shake.

  “Wait, I know you…” Ava looked at the girl pensively, for the first time noticing her striking features. She had a certain energy around her that was alluring.

  “Yeah, we have some classes together at college.”

  “Ah, the sports star, I remember now. Tennis is it?"

  “Exactly. Well ‘sports star’ is a bit flashy, but yeah, I’m on the tennis team,” Haley responded with fake modesty.

  “You’re quite the celebrity if I’m not mistaken?” Ava smiled naturally for the first time all evening, her large, brown eyes lighting up her petite frame donned in the elegant champagne colored dress her mother had picked out. She looked classy, grown-up apparently in this overly-expensive outfit with the six-inch heels that still didn't allow her stature to match Haley’s despite the latter’s flat shoes. The fairy princess look was getting a bit old, yet she still looked 12 instead of her actual 21, despite all the makeup she insisted on wearing. A grown-up Barbie doll her friends called her, much to her annoyance. But she often wondered if any of them were really her friends or just sticking around for the perks of hanging out in the White House.

  “I do okay for myself. Only a few titles, some international tours, you know – the usual. All in a day’s work for ‘the greatest potential to ever come out of the cabinet’,” Haley winked, finishing her glass and putting it down on the counter.

  “Nothing wrong with that ego, hey,” Ava laughed, finally feeling herself relax. This entire night up to now had felt so forced, running through the paces again of being the perfect little daughter so daddy could make a good impression. Although ‘daddy’ and his mistress made enough of an ‘impression’ over the last month that none of this ass-kissing fancy-dress parties could undo the damage caused in the media – but hey, why not try and pretend it’s all fine? She didn’t know how her mother could just stand there in her too-tight ball gown, holding onto his arm and smiling at all their ‘friends and colleagues’ who were pitying her behind those fake smiles. She tried to bring it up with her mother but was shot down instantly – ‘we do not talk about this’. Just smile and wave. Smile and wave. She was as irritated with her mother as her father really. What example was she setting for the women of America? Just pretend nothing happened and move on? There was a child involved! But nobody seemed to care about that.

  “If you’re good, you’re good – why deny it?” the girl with the strong jawline grinned. Her features were almost boyish and she looked out of place in the blue cocktail dress she was forced to wear, her tanned muscles and shapely legs contrasting the feminine fabrics. It was easy to tell she’d be much more comfortable in sneakers and jeans. But it wasn’t exactly on the list of approved attire for a White House cocktail function.

  “Fair enough,” Ava shrugged. “I can’t even hit a ball to save my life. I just don’t have a sporty bone in my body.”

  “Hmm, perhaps. But I didn’t come here to talk about my ‘booming’ sports career – I get enough of that from my parents and their stupid politician friends.”

  “So what did you come here for?” Ava asked.

  “To ask the president’s daughter for a dance,” Haley answered boldly, winking at the slightly surprised ‘princess’ in front of her.

  “I’m sure that will get them talking,” Ava laughed, taken aback by the offer.

  “They’re so busy trying to kiss your father’s ass, nobody will even notice,” Haley said, not even bothering to wait for an answer as she grabbed the small girl around the waist and steered her towards the string quartet playing in the ballroom.

  “Do you always just do what you want?” Ava joked, allowing herself to be navigated through the sea of familiar faces who were indeed paying no attention to her. Haley’s hand rested very low on her waist, almost on her behind – something that would normally annoy Ava when it was some boy taking a chance, but in this instance she didn’t mind at all. It was somehow exhilarating.

  “Why wouldn’t I? Life is for the living. Speaking of,” she pulled Ava close on the next turn, her warm breath hushing down to an almost seductive whisper, “I think we should sneak away and go have some fun. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of all these corpses and their agendas…”

  “Depends on your definition of fun,” Ava heard herself saying, despite knowing she should’ve led with an immediate ‘no’. It couldn’t have been just the champagne she had; she found herself mildly intoxicated by the strong woman in front of her.

  “Oh you know, a bit of this, a bit of that – a whole lot less of this,” she gestured to the party around her.

  “I can’t. I’d love to but it’s so close to the reelection, I can’t ruin my father’s image,” Ava protested out of habit. “How is it going to look when the president’s daughter wanders off with some jock in private?”

  Haley shrugged, “He’s already got a mistress and a bastard, might as well have a bad girl for a daughter?”

  They had stopped dancing and were just standing in the middle of the floor, holding each other at this point as Ava considered her options.

  She looked around her to the room filled with people she had no desire to socialize with.

  “Come on, nobody will even notice you’re gone. You deserve to have a life too,” Haley added and she could see Ava’s resistance was wearing thin.

  “Okay, but just for a bit,” Ava agreed. She enjoyed Haley’s company. Even if the tennis star was a bit full of herself and forward, her embrace was comfortable. And Ava was indeed tired of playing the model daughter. What is the worst that could happen anyway? She wasn’t a child anymore. It was time they started treating her that way.

  It would be the first time in years that she allowed herself to let go and have fun. But little did she know just what she was getting into.

  The girls snuck away unnoticed – but not unnoticed for long…


  Ava slowly opened her eyes as the banging on her door intensified.

  “Go away, I’m sleeping!” she moaned as she pulled the covers over her head. It was too bright and too early (despite it not being that early at all).

  “Ava Mari White – open this door immediately!” the authoritative voice of the president, otherwise known as her ‘father’, demanded.

  She dragged herself out of bed, now fully awake. He hardly ever used that voice with her and she knew she was in trouble – especially if he was using her full name. Either way, she was in no mood for one of his speeches. It felt like she’d hardly had any sleep yet.

  She unlocked the door and he barged in, shoving the newspaper he was clutching into her face. “What on earth were you thinking? This is the last thing I need right now!” he was beyond upset. She hadn’t seen him this angry since the scandal broke last year.

  “What are you talking about?” she took the newspaper, where to her horror, she was met by a blurry picture of what was clearly her and Haley and a headline that screamed ‘President’s daughter smoking pot with tennis star’.

  She dropped the paper, silent.

  “Damnit, Ava – you know what’s at stake for me. How could you do this? You’re supposed to be the respectable, wholesome country girl with the good grades. What is this?” he was furious.

  Instinctively she wanted to apologize but then remembered just how good it felt the night before to hang out with Haley and finally be allowed to be herself, not some actor in her father's play. For the first time, she could just let go and not have to live up to any expectations. She enjoyed sneaking off with Haley and having that joint behind the kitchen. Being the ‘bad girl’ felt a lot better than being forced into portraying the ‘good girl’ endlessly. The good girl had no voice, no desires – nothing.

  She remained silent.

  “You’re going to ruin my campaign!” he was still furious and not letting her get off that easily.

  She had enough. “You should’ve thought about that when you had a bastard child with that woman! You’re perfectly capable of ruining your own campaign. Don’t pin this on me now. You’re not setting a good example – why should I?” she shouted as her father stared at her in shock.

  She walked out of the room, leaving the speechless president behind still clutching the paper.

  Despite his dramatic performance, nothing other than gossip comes from the headline and Ava felt oddly freed by the experience. She didn’t have to play the girl next door anymore. She was her own person no
w and not just her father’s puppet.

  It would only take a few hours before she’d call up Haley, asking if she’d want to hang out again. This was it, she was taking her life back and doing what she wanted. And what she wanted was to see the tennis star again.

  Who was going to deny her anything? She was the president’s daughter after all.


  After the gossip died down, Haley and Ava agreed to meet at a nearby club for a night out on the town.

  Ava spent all week dreaming of the night and it felt like it took weeks instead of days to arrive. She wasn’t sure why she was so excited, but she was.

  “You came!” Haley hugged her excitedly as she wandered to the bar.

  “Of course I did – I wanted to see you,” Ava smiled, relishing the familiar embrace that she now associated with her freedom.

  “I want you to meet someone,” Haley said, looking over to the dark-haired beauty sitting by the bar. “This is my best friend, Leah – she’s on the tennis team with me.”

  “Hi, I’m Ava,” she stretched out a hand to the tanned girl with the intense green eyes, but instead she was grabbed tight for a hug against the curvy breasts of Haley’s co-star.


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