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Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1)

Page 9

by Janae Keyes

  “Nate!” I cried out as another high wave hit me with force. If I hadn’t been lying down, I would have been knocked off my feet by the impact.

  Nate lapped at me for a few moments, licking up every bit of the juices that left me during my intense climax. I was entranced by everything that had taken place in the last few minutes. He’d taken me to a place I’d never gone before, and I never wanted to leave. I had no plans of escaping this land of the purest ecstasy.

  “The sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” Nate hummed aloud to me as he worked to bring his body back to mine. I bit my lip, I wasn’t sure if I was embarrassed or not. I’d never had any of those feeling or reactions before. I’d never been brought to such an orgasm that made me forget who I was or scream out with such unchained passion.

  Kisses were planted by Nate on the curve of my collarbone, along the supple skin of my neck, and at once he took my mouth prisoner with his. His tongue swirled with mine, making me taste my arousal.

  My body was pleading for more. I had no clue if more was even possible. I’d never had an experience like this with my ex-boyfriend. Sex usually started with his mouth assaulting mine in a mess of sloppy kisses before he pulled down his pants and got me as naked as he needed before he did his thing and that was it. There were no worshipping touches, sensual kisses, and ecstasy taking me to another planet.

  Hands slid up my torso, slowly, taking in every dip and curve until they reached my bountiful breasts. The tips of Nate’s fingers barely grazed my hardened buds before they at once took them, squeezing and pinching. I gasped into Nate’s mouth at the arousing pain that hit me. What was happening to me? I had no idea, but every moment that passed, I needed more of it.

  “Did you enjoy that?” Nate whispered against my mouth. His eyes piercing mine, he was expecting an answer.

  I gained as little breath as I could to respond, “Yes.”

  “Good, you like it rough.” With his words he squeezed again, much harder than before, causing me to yelp. As much as it hurt, I needed more. It was as if I was going insane. I began to question my sanity at the moment.

  Nate’s hands were off me. He was leaning over the bed, digging through the nightstand drawer until he obtained a small foil package, it was a condom. He then when straight to fighting with his boxers. His actions were quick, and his erection sprung free from its confines. I stopped breathing for a moment as my eyes could not stop staring at the thick and hard length that had presented itself. I wondered how it was even going to fit inside of me.

  “Nate, I don’t know. You are so … big,” I said, my voice trembling, my my eyes not leaving his member. He worked to open the package before producing the condom from within. I watched him slide it over his member.

  He placed his hand on one of my legs before lifting it over his shoulder. I swallowed hard as the head of his arousal nestled against my slick opening. Nate moved over me slightly, bending my leg toward me a bit.

  “Don’t worry, I will go slow, but slow won’t last for too long,” he informed me. I nodded, willing to give it a try.

  I took a deep breath as he pushed into me, slowly filling me, allowing my body to adjust to his generous size. Once I’d taken all of him in, at my amazement, he then slid most of the way out of me before he went back in with much more force. Each time the force in which he thrust into me became harder and harder. I was crying out, needing and wanting more.

  “Fuck!” I hissed as shockwaves of pleasure struck me with force. I found myself once again bewildered and crazed. Nate continued to pound into me, letting my leg down, he reached between us and began to rub my clit with pressure.

  “I know there is another one in there for me,” he hissed down to me. I pressed my head down further into the mountain of pillows before the waves grew larger and washed over me.

  “Oh please, Nate!” I cried out my toes curling in tight. In moments, I felt Nate swell inside of me before a rush of his hot seed burst through and into the condom. A groan erupted from his throat.

  “Taylor,” he hummed, he seemed nearly as breathless as I was.

  Pulling away from me, Nate slipped off the bed. I watched him slip the condom off and dispose of it in a small waste can before coming back to the bed. He climbed onto the bed and pulled me into his arms.

  I pressed my head to his sturdy chest. I kept my breathing steady as I listened carefully to the thumping of his heartbeat while his finger lazily drew patterns on my arm. I left a delicate kiss on his chest before looking up into his eyes. He bent and pressed his lips to mine before he placed my head back to his chest where I fell into a peaceful sleep.


  THE MOMENT I awoke, I was flooded with the memories of my night. Nate had given me something I assumed was a myth, mind-blowing, earth-shattering, mountain moving, toe curling, beyond amazing sex.

  I opened my eyes to the disappointment of finding I was alone. I was all alone in Nate’s big comfortable bed. As I sat up I noticed my clothes, they were neatly folded and sitting on top of the bedside table. It was as if he was ushering me on my way like a cheap whore. I pulled the blanket over my exposed body, I’d exposed myself to him.

  I took a deep breath in order to bear back the tears that were burning at the brim of my eyes. I wasn’t going to give Nathaniel Branagan the satisfaction of my tears. I jumped out of his bed and grabbed my dress. Of course, it would be folded for me, his preference for order drove him in everything. I yanked the dress over my head and took my undergarments in my hand before leaving the bedroom behind.

  The walk of shame across the house to my room was humiliating to myself. I let him seduce me into surrendering my body to his control. I felt cheap and used. He apparently wasn’t just paying me to paint.

  Sulking through the West Wing, I arrived at the end of the hall, at my bedroom. Walking through the door, I threw my things to the ground. I looked up in the direction of my bed and saw something I didn’t expect, a vase of fresh hydrangeas on my bedside table. Right away, I noticed a small note card.

  I was apprehensive, but I approached the table and picked up the card. I smiled at the poorly scribbled handwriting that belonged to Nate.


  You look like an angel when you sleep. I know you enjoy fresh flowers, and these are your favorite, enjoy them.

  - Nathaniel

  I held the card to my chest and smiled to myself. Was I looking for something when it came to him? Last night changed my perspective, he’d opened himself to me before he brought me pleasure that I’d never felt before, I’d been rocked to my core and presented with a drug. I needed my fix of Nate.

  I wondered when I would see him next as I opened my wardrobe to pick out what I wanted to wear. When painting, comfort was my friend. I took out a pair of jeans and a fitted tank top. I carried my clothes into my en suite bathroom in preparation for a hot shower.

  When lifting my dress over my head, I looked in the mirror at my naked body. I noticed little bruises around my neck and collarbone, those were left by Nate. I ran my fingers along the purple orbs that were striking against my chocolate skin.

  I turned away from the mirror and stepped into the tub, I picked up the shower head and turned it on. The warm water running over my body, I closed my eyes and thought of the way Nate’s hands touched me, the way they drove me over the edge and back to life.

  I quickly finished my shower at the feeling of my growling stomach. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the full English breakfast that Anne prepared for me every morning.

  I jumped out of the shower and quickly dressed before leaving my room behind after one last glance at the flowers Nate had left for me. Strolling down the hall of the West Wing, I hummed a tune to myself, lost in my own daydreams of Nate. The way his hands felt on my skin and his lips tasting mine. I caught myself yearning for him with a strong tingling between my legs. I shook my head, I wanted more than sex, I wanted connection.

  The sun was shining through the large window of the middle tower,
and the reflection of the chandelier was like crystals, sparkling off the walls in a magnificent rainbow glow. I paused for a moment and took it in. The colors that presented themselves on the walls and the light they brought to the entrance hall. This was my next painting.

  After a few moments of admiring the light in the hall, I jogged down the staircase and behind it, to make my way toward the dining room. I continued to hum my song as I pushed open the door. To my surprise, I wasn’t just going to be alone, chatting with Anne, but Nate was also seated at the table.

  Nate’s olive eyes met mine right away. He stood from his chair and walked to me. He said nothing as he pulled me into his arms and secured me to him. His lips barely brushed mine as he kept his face close, but never allowing them full contact.

  “Good Morning, Darling,” he whispered before pressing his soft mouth to mine. I was taken away and exhilarated at that kiss. Any thoughts I had in the morning about him using me for one night of satisfaction had melted away leaving no trace.

  A throat cleared and Nate broke away. I saw Anne standing in the corner with the silverware, the sweet old woman had a grand smile plastered on her lips. My cheeks warmed up instantly.

  “You’re blushing,” Nate murmured to me. I couldn’t help it. He’d ushered me away in some mind-blowing kiss that was an expression of something I hadn’t expected. “Come on, let’s eat.” He took my hand into his and pulled me to the table. Always the gentleman, he pulled out my chair and allowed me to sit. “Sorry, I left you alone. I had a business call to make, and you were so peaceful, I couldn’t dare wake you. Did you sleep well, Darling?”

  “I slept great,” I answered. I couldn’t remember ever sleeping as good as I had. Something about having orgasm after orgasm before bed was ideal for sleep apparently.

  I looked over the delicious breakfast that was waiting for me. It took me no time to fill my plate with bacon, eggs, baked beans, sausages, and toast.

  “I see someone worked up an appetite,” Nate noted playfully.

  “Just a little bit, I had a pretty intense workout last night,” I mentioned slyly as I slipped my foot toward Nate’s leg. I ran my foot up toward his knee and down, keeping my eyes on my plate and only peeking at him every so often.

  “The new look is nice on you, Nathaniel,” Anne mentioned as she sat a cup of coffee in front of me. I gave her a smile of thanks.

  “Well, someone wasn’t a fan of my old look. I thought I would oblige her and give it a change,” he said looking directly at me. He’d done it for me. I was shocked that this man who could have everything in the world that he wanted, he changed his look for me, some struggling artist.

  “You’re right, I hated the old look. You look much more handsome now,” Anne noted sweetly, looking down at me and giving me a grin.

  “We got news while you were asleep,” Nate began. I looked at him eager to hear what his news could be. “Langston’s wife has gone into labor. We are waiting for the official word.”

  “That’s fantastic!” I cheered out happily. Langston was a nice guy, and he was so excited about his wife having another baby. I felt like I needed to get them something, a gift of some kind. During my time in London, Langston was my guide to the city and went above and beyond. “Are there any baby stores around here? I’d love to get them something.”

  Nate took my hand into his, lacing my fingers with his own. I loved the variance between his creamy skin and my own dark skin. My stomach did a backflip. I hadn’t been this girl in a long time, infatuated and overtaken by it. His hold on me was strong, I was like a puppet, and he controlled the strings. Of course, it would be like that with him, he was a control freak.

  “It won’t be long until your car is here,” Anne noted to Nate who nodded in response.

  “I have a meeting to get to in Lancaster, maybe Anne can take you into town to get something for Langston’s newest addition,” Nate said to me as he squeezed my hand gently before letting it go. My hand felt empty without his strong touch. Empty and abandoned.

  Nate stood from his chair and came behind mine, his hands gripped at my shoulders before he bent to me. He kissed me gently, and I could tell from the lingering intensity of it that he didn’t want to leave as much as I didn’t want him to go.

  When he broke away, he peered down at me. I didn’t exactly know what had changed between us over the course of the night. Just twenty-four hours ago I was frustrated with him when his ever changing mood had struck me once again, but now I was here looking at him lustfully and allowing him to kiss me and hold my hand.

  “I will see you when I get home,” he said down to me before planting one last kiss on my lips. He went to Anne and kissed her cheek, before saying his goodbyes to her. Giving me one last look, Nate left the kitchen, and I felt a pang of emptiness come over me.

  “I see you’ve warmed up to Nathaniel,” Anne noted as she picked up Nate’s plate from the table.

  “Just a little,” I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. “It wasn’t his change in looks that changed my mind, though I like it. It was his shift in attitude toward me. He opened up to me, and actually spoke to me, and not at me. I don’t know, he actually made himself seem human.”

  “Nathaniel can be a difficult egg to crack. He is guarded and rarely lets anyone in. I suppose there is something about you that enticed him to do so. Either way, I like seeing him with a smile on his face, there hasn’t been a real genuine smile there in a very long time. Just please don’t break his heart. It has happened before, and I hated seeing how it affected him.” Anne had known Nate since he was a child and knew him probably better than his own parents. Knowing that she saw that change made me happy. Knowing about his heartbreak, it hurt me. I knew what it was like to find your way out of a heartbreaking situation. “I have a couple chores to handle, and then we can go into town.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said happily. I hadn’t left the manor since arriving, and I was excited to experience the town and someplace off the Branagan Estate. There was a change in the air, I felt it strongly, and I couldn’t wait to see what it brought.

  THE SMALL VILLAGE closest to the manor was gorgeous. I instantly fell in love with the old stone buildings, along with the sleepy and slow pace. Anne lived in the town and showed me around, she practically knew everyone and at every place, we went to, she raved on and on about my art.

  There was a small boutique that sold baby items. Anne sent me alone as she waited for her order at the butcher shop. I loved that this town was so traditional and storybook-like. There were no major retailers or chains, just shops owned by families, making their living off the land and old traditions.

  Stepping into the boutique, I immediately wanted to look at everything. Everything was so small and perfect for tiny humans. I’d never thought about having children, it wasn’t something that was major to me. I was always about my art and where that was going to take me. The moment I stepped into the shop, a feeling washed over me, more of a desire. It was the desire to bring a life into the world.

  I walked toward a rack of small pajamas. I ran my fingers along the fleece fabric and smiled to myself. What would it even be like to have a small version of myself? A little person that depended on me for absolutely everything. The thoughts were scary, but I welcomed them to me.

  First, I’d have to find someone to marry ... Nate. I took a deep breath, I was getting ahead of myself, I didn’t even know what Nate and I were. We couldn’t be dating, could we? Maybe, we were just going to be fuck buddies, a body to have close when needed. The uncertainty of it all struck me. I’d dove into the deep end, and I didn’t know how to swim.

  “May I help you?” asked a kind female voice, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to see a woman, she looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place it. Her dark brown hair was pulled into a sloppy bun, and she had a kind smile.

  “Yeah, I’m buying a gift for a family that is having a baby today,” I told her as I approached the small wooden counter she stood

  “Boy or girl?” she asked. I was then struck by the fact that I didn’t know what they were having, I just knew there was a baby coming. It would be great information to have when going out to buy a gift.

  “I actually don’t know,” I answered timidly, slipping my hands behind my back nervously. I was ashamed that I had no clue.

  “No bother, we have plenty of gender neutral ideas and a teddy bear never hurts,” the woman said, smiling. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, are you American?”

  I let out a chuckle. I never thought I’d have that question asked of me before. Sometimes I forgot I was in a foreign land, and I was the odd one out.

  “Yes, I am. I am doing some artwork for Lord Branagan,” I said proudly. I was proud that I was finally an actually working artist, and I was making art for someone with clout. Her face lit up instantly, and before I knew it, she pulled me into a hug. I didn’t have any words and was in shock. Quickly she pulled away.

  “Sorry, you must be Taylor. I’m Bella, Anne’s daughter. My mom talks about you all the time, she absolutely adores you. I feel like you are family in a way,” she explained to me. “I’m sure you are buying a gift for Langston and Rachel. They are having a little boy finally. They have 3 girls and finally got their boy. I actually have their registry list if you’d like to get something from that.”

  “Yes, that would be great,” I mused out.

  “I will be right back!” Bella had cheered before she scurried off toward a back office. I looked around the little shop while I waited for Bella.

  While lost in my thoughts, the front door of the shop opened. Anne stood in the door, holding her shopping bags. She gave me a wave as she weaved through the product displays.

  “Bella!” Anne called out for her daughter.

  “Coming right now!” Bella called out from the back room. Anne was always going on and on about how proud she was of her children and grandchildren. They were her legacy. I thought to myself about what my legacy might be. My paintings would live on, but would I ever leave behind a living legacy, a family of my own possibly. I let out a shallow breath when the sound of a cell phone filled the store, I jumped on response.


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