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Freeing Lost Souls (The Family Tree Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Tracy Kincaid

  “I’m ready for anything as long as it’s with you,” I reply as Bruce and I step into the tent to join the celebration with our friends.

  When we enter everyone inside cheers. My parents walk over to us, and my mother folds me in her arms. “I’m so happy for you. I love you so much.” She kisses my cheek as she pulls away from me.

  “Oh, Mom,” I whine as we both cry. Sally, the best bridesmaid ever, rescues us with tissues. “Thanks, Sally.” I smile at her as I dab at my eyes, then she and Benny move to say hello to some of the guests.

  As my mom goes over to hug my husband, Dad hugs me tight. “You’ll always be my little girl, and you will always have a home. You call us anytime. I love you.” He kisses my cheek as he backs up and takes Bruce’s outstretched hand. “You take care of my daughter.” I can tell that my dad is trying very hard not to cry.

  Daniel and Teresa move over to us as Mom and Dad find the buffet table. “Congratulations to both of you,” Teresa says. “It’s nice to see that your two families have finally come together.”

  “We’ve been so busy, and I need to catch you up on what has happened over the past few days.” I look around and people are mostly in line getting their food, so we have a few minutes to talk. “We discovered that my dress,” I back up and pull on my skirt to show what dress I’m talking about, “was to have been Elizabeth’s wedding dress.” I go on to tell them what Mary from the costume shop told me last week.

  “That’s fascinating,” Daniel adds as they both look at the dress a bit closer, Teresa feeling the fabric as she looks.

  “That’s not all.” I go on to tell them about the dream I had last night.

  “You didn’t tell me about that!” Bruce takes my hand and squeezes it.

  “I didn’t really have time to tell anyone, and I haven’t seen you in a little over a day.”

  “That’s true.” He smiles at me, then asks, “Are you all right?”

  “Of course. We seem to have everyone’s blessing.” I smile sweetly at him.

  We see that Sally and Benny have headed off toward the buffet. “I’m starving. Should we eat?” I ask the small group.

  “You two go ahead. We will see you later,” Daniel suggests as he leads Teresa back to their table.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Bruce says as he guides me to the buffet line. Once we have our plates, we sit at a table in front set just for us. A dance floor has been set up in the center of the tent and the band is playing music that fits with the Civil War theme. Bruce sets his plate down so he can hold my chair out for me.

  “Why, thank you, Mr. Wilks.” I take a seat with a giggle, and we enjoy our meal. Dad chose wisely, BBQ chicken with mashed potatoes and creamed corn. Very tasty! But starchy!

  As we are eating, people move onto the dance floor. It is fun to watch. Beyond my parents, Benny, Sally, Daniel, and Teresa, I don’t really know anyone else. I mean, I know them from the Historical Society or from around town but not on a first name basis. I’m glad that we went small. I did do a bit of research on Civil War weddings. As it turns out, more people attend the receptions than would have participated in the actual wedding. What the chaplain did with the rings was what he would have done back then, too. And the fact that I’m not wearing white was normal. I’m glad we did things the way Edward and Elizabeth would have done if they’d had the chance. It is important to keep track of history. If things hadn’t happened the way they did, we wouldn’t be here right now. History is important. Other people’s mistakes and their accomplishments give us something to learn from.

  “May I have this dance?” I turn to see that my dad has come over.

  “Of course. Are you going to let me stand on your feet like when I was a kid?”

  Dad chuckles. “I guess you could, but I don’t think I’d be able to move.”

  I giggle as I slap his arm. He leads me to the dance floor, and we dance to an instrumental version of “Butterfly Kisses.” The instruments make it sound as if it’s music from the past. I rest my head on my dad’s shoulder as we dance and feel terribly nostalgic. The feelings I’m having confuse me. I’m happy to be married to Bruce, and I’m happy my parents are here to celebrate with us. I guess it is normal to feel tugs in opposite directions at your own wedding.

  After the song, Bruce taps on my dad’s shoulder and asks to cut in. Dad nods, kisses my cheek, and goes in search of Mom. “Why are you crying?” Bruce asks as we move to the music.

  “Everyone cries at weddings. I’m fine, happy. I love you.” I fold my hands behind his head and kiss him. Bruce holds me close and returns my kiss. We pull away, I lay my head on his shoulder, and enjoy being in his arms, dancing.

  Chapter 32

  I wake to the smell of breakfast cooking. I can’t believe we live in this wonderful old house. The wedding was a few weeks ago, and since then, Bruce and I have been taking our time arranging our home. I can’t remember the last time I lived in an actual house. It likely was when I was a kid living with my parents. Buc loves it here, given that he has so much space to run and chase wild bunnies that come around.

  Bruce has told me great stories about growing up in this house. It actually has a secret passageway that was used during the days of the underground railroad. There is much history in the city and even more here at this house.

  I roll out of bed, pull on my robe, and go in search of my husband. I find him in the kitchen, sitting at the table reading the newspaper. “Good morning,” I say as I lean around and kiss his cheek. “How long have you been awake?”

  “Just long enough to start the bacon. How did you sleep?”

  “Great, that new mattress was a good buy. How did you sleep?”

  “Quite well. My back appreciates my letting you talk me into the firmer one. So what would you like to do today?”

  “I think I want to give the Wheatfield another try. We have not had any signs of Edward or Elizabeth since before the wedding. Maybe I can finally finish.”

  “Would you like for me to go with you?”

  “Yes, I would love to have you and Buc come along. I know that people won’t interrupt me now that tourist season is officially over. I just like having you both around.”

  “We can go over after breakfast.”

  “That works for me.”

  * * *

  We arrive at the Wheatfield, the last battlefield I need to draw to complete this project. It has taken me a long time to finally be able to come here. I know I’ve found love and a new home since coming to Gettysburg, but finishing the job I started will complete the cycle. Since burying Elizabeth, we have not had any run-ins with either her or Edward, except for my dream connection with Elizabeth before the wedding. I hope they have finally found each other and were able to move on.

  Buc and Bruce are settled on a blanket under a tree, so I set up my art supplies and go through my usual routine before I get started. I find the sound of the wind through the wheat soothing. It sounds similar to ocean waves. The weather is changing now, and the once green leaves are sporting new colors. Fall is in the air, and it’s beautiful.

  Buc barks, and I roll my eyes. I don’t need the distraction. I glance over at Bruce, who looks back at me and shrugs. Turning back to my easel, I realize that once again I have drawn something I didn’t mean to. “Bruce!” I call over to him.

  He jogs over to me and we both look at the drawing. This time I didn’t draw a cabin or a soldier. This time I have drawn a couple walking away from us, looking over their shoulders, as if saying farewell. The man is wearing a Union uniform, and the woman wears a nurse’s uniform, similar to the one I wore for the reenactment. “Do you think they are here?” Bruce asks.

  “They must be. They must have finally found each other.” I smile up at Bruce.

  “I guess so.” He puts his hand on my shoulder as we look out over the Wheatfield and notice a strange glow off in the wheat. The green flash didn’t last long, and we turn to each other and gasp, “Did you see that?”

ea, what do you think it was?”

  “I don’t have a clue, but I bet if you try drawing the Wheatfield again, that’s what you’ll draw.” Bruce kisses me before flopping down with Buc under the tree. I love that man and our dog. I look forward to what the future will bring us.

  I begin to draw again, and it takes no time until I’m finished. When I look at my work, Bruce is right. The only thing that I drew this time is the Wheatfield.

  I guess Edward’s and Elizabeth’s souls have finally been freed. I’m happy for them. I look forward to spending eternity with the love of my life.


  We are knee-deep in the middle of March. Bruce and I finally went on our honeymoon, my hoped for cruise to the Caribbean. We had a wonderful time exploring and enjoying each other’s company. In fact, we enjoyed one another so much that we discovered soon after we came home that we are expecting our first child in November. I cannot believe how fast everything is happening. I love Bruce with all my heart.

  * * *

  I return home from the grocery store and set my bags on the counter. Bruce walks into the room and folds his arms around me, placing his hands on my stomach. “How are you feeling?”

  “My stomach has settled down since this morning. The doctor said the nausea will come and go, so I’ve stocked up on saltines,” I explain as I pull four big boxes of them out of the bag.

  “I guess so. Do you have anything else in the Jeep that needs to be carried in?”

  “Yes, please. I stopped by the art supply store and picked up a few things.”

  “I’ll get them.” He kisses the back of my head before retrieving my supplies.

  My cell phone rings. It’s Daniel. “Hello.”

  “Hello, Sarah. Teresa and I wonder if we can stop by and talk to you and Bruce. If you’re not busy, that is.”

  I turn as Bruce walks back into the kitchen with my bags. “Daniel and Teresa want to talk to us. Do we have anything going on today?”

  “Not that I know of. Do they want to come here?” he asks.

  “Yes…Daniel, we will be home, so you can come anytime.”

  “All right, we’ll come by in about an hour.”

  “We will be here. See you soon.” I hang up the phone. “I wonder what they want to talk about.”

  “No idea. Would you like me to take your supplies into your studio?”

  “Yes, please.” Since we have so much room in the house and now a baby on the way, we have decided to wait a while to open the bed and breakfast, at least until after the baby comes and the new house is built.

  I move into the family room and put up my feet. It’s surprising how tired I am after such a short outing. The doctor promised I’d pick up energy as my pregnancy progresses. I lean my head back and close my eyes. I feel Bruce come in and sit next to me. “You tired?”

  “I didn’t think I would be this tired all the time.”

  “The doctor said it would pass, right?”

  “Yes, by the next trimester.”

  We sit on the couch. Bruce is rubbing my feet when we hear Buc bark and then a knock at the door. “I’ll get it, just stay here.”

  “No problem,” I say as I close my eyes again.

  I hear Bruce talking to someone at the door. “Where is your car?”

  “We didn’t need one,” I hear Daniel explain. A few moments later Bruce, Teresa, and Daniel walk in. Bruce joins me, and Teresa and Daniel take a seat on the couch across from us.

  “Are you ill?” Teresa asks with concern.

  “No, not really.” I look at Bruce, and he smiles and nods. We haven’t told anyone except my parents that we are expecting, but I don’t see why we couldn’t tell Teresa and Daniel. We feel as if they are family. “Bruce and I are expecting.”

  Daniel and Teresa look at each other and smile. “Congratulations, we are so happy for you. When will the baby be here? Do you know what you are going to name the baby yet?”

  “Thank you. The baby will be here in November, and we’ve decided that we’ll name the baby Edward if a boy and Elizabeth if a girl. We thought the name will pay tribute to those who helped bring us together.” I grin.

  “What wonderful news!” Teresa gushes.

  “So what can we do for you? Have you sensed Edward and Elizabeth again?” Bruce asks.

  “No, I think they have found peace now that they have each other,” Teresa assures him.

  “That’s good, I’m happy for them,” I say.

  “We came to say goodbye. Our time here is up, and it is time for us to move on, ourselves,” Daniel announces. His choice of words sounds odd to me.

  “What do you mean by move on? Are you moving out of Gettysburg?” Bruce asks.

  “We were sent here to make sure that nothing happened to you or Sarah. Our families have been trying to merge for over two hundred years. We all thought you needed a little extra guidance.”

  Bruce and I look at each other confused. “What are you talking about?” I question.

  “Well, it all started with us, actually. We were to marry each other in 1812. Daniel was sent to war and never came back. Then Edward and Elizabeth were to marry in 1863, and you are well aware of their story. And now we were sent to make sure nothing happened to Bruce so the two of you could carry on the Wilks name. And it looks as if not only did we succeed, so did you.” Teresa smiles.

  I’m still not quite sure what is going on. “Wait a minute, are you trying to tell me that you’re the Wilks who died in 1812?” I inquire.

  “Yes,” Daniel replies.

  “How? Are you ghosts, as well?” How is all this possible?

  “Not exactly. We are more like your Guardian Angels,” Daniel explains.

  “So if you’re a Wilks, then who are you, Teresa?” I question.

  She grins. “I am a Finny, just like you and Elizabeth. Elizabeth was my grand-niece.”

  “Wait, so how does this work? You told us your last name was Parker and Daniel’s was Banks. I’m so confused.”

  “We thought it might be easier for you if we didn’t have the same last names, so we wouldn’t confuse things. We were sent just to help guide you. Edward got things going; we just made sure nothing else happened up until now.”

  “So what does happen now?” I inquire.

  “The two of you will make your own path. We just helped get you here,” Daniel replies.

  “And what happens to you?” Bruce wants to know.

  “We don’t know. We hope that we can now spend time with each other and find our own little piece of Heaven. Perhaps see if we can find our lost relatives. Maybe run into some new friends,” Teresa explains.

  “Do you think we will ever see each other again?” I ask, the emotion thick in my voice. Bruce holds me in his arms, trying to comfort me.

  “Absolutely!” Daniel answers. “Please don’t be upset. Everything happens for a reason. We have fulfilled our reason. Now it is your turn to fulfill yours.”

  “What are we to do?” Bruce asks.

  “Live. Have lots of babies. Don’t let the Wilks line die out. Tell your children and grandchildren what happened here. Our families have seen enough heartache. It is time for the happy ending for us all.”

  Bruce looks at me comfortingly. “I think we can do our part. What do you think?”

  “I think we are off to a great start.”

  Bruce looks at Teresa and Daniel. “Thank you both for everything you have done for us. And if you see my parents, please tell them I love and miss them.”

  “We will, Bruce. I know they are proud of you and everything you have done with your life.”

  “Teresa, are you ready to go now?” Daniel asks gently.

  “I think so. I think our work is finished here.” We all stand and walk to the door.

  Bruce opens the door, and the four of us walk out onto the porch. We watch as Daniel and Teresa walk down the steps and away from the house.

  Teresa turns around and adds, “Take care of each other and your family. We
are all counting on you.”

  Bruce walks up behind me, wrapping me in his arms, and places his hands on my belly. “We will. Thank you again, for everything.”

  We watch as Teresa and Daniel walk toward the patch of trees in the front yard, and we see the same flash of green light we’d seen with Edward and Elizabeth, as they disappear from sight.

  I turn in Bruce’s arms and hold him close to me and cry.

  “Hey.” He lifts my chin and looks at me. “We will all be fine. Why are you crying?”

  “I hate goodbyes. I always have.”

  “I do, too, but it doesn’t sound as if it will be forever.”

  “I know.”

  “Come on. Let’s go for a drive.” I nod. We go back into the house, scramble into our coats, and shut the door, leaving Buc inside. Bruce takes my hand and leads me to the truck.

  We get out of the truck at the Visitor Center, and Bruce takes my hand and leads me to our spot where he proposed to me. We sit on our bench, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

  “Can you believe all of this has really happened?” I inquire.

  “It is hard to believe.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “It will be strange not having Daniel and Teresa here with us.”

  “I am sure that they will continue to watch over us, just as they watch over Edward and Elizabeth. My guess is they will make certain nothing happens to us.”

  “It is a nice feeling,” I say with a sigh.

  “What is?”

  “Feeling loved.”

  “Yes, it is.” We watch the sun set, and since we are bundled up and warm, we wait for the sun to set completely. Just as the sun disappears behind the hill, we see four blue and gray butterflies flying in pairs by us. “Do you see that?” Bruce asks.

  “I do. I think they are Edward’s, Elizabeth’s, Daniel’s, and Teresa’s souls being freed.”

  Bruce and I stand with our arms around each other. “I love you,” I say before I kiss him. We have come a long way in the last two years, and we have so much to look forward to together. And I know that, with Bruce by my side, we will make it through anything.


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