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Ardent Page 2

by Jan Irving

Unbelievably, Jaime felt himself on the brink, brought there

  Arden read his upturned face, seeing he needed reassurance and permission.

  back against the side of the big tub, his bound hands all that kept

  them. § § § §

  He still needed some space to absorb the changes he’d

  he reached for his pastels and some sheets of paper, and after

  hooded eyes and the plump lips that made Jaime’s heartbeat pick

  suck Jaime’s cock.

  attention to his photographs.

  liking of his house.

  § § § §

  rubbing his sheathed penis against Arden’s leg, remembering his

  rubbed the necklace absently, reliving this latest one. He’d been wearing gold chains between his ankles. They restricted his movements and made a soft tinkling sound as he moved—a sound he knew pleased his master. Other than the links of beaten gold, he was naked except for Arden’s necklace. He was spread out on his stomach over velvet bedding in a shadowed room. There was a gold satin pillow under his stomach, raising his ass.

  paused to study his subject and Jaime boldly held his gaze. He knew just how to seduce his master by now. Holding his eyes, he reached back and spread his ass-cheeks, revealing himself fully to Arden.

  Arden drew in a harsh breath before abandoning the camera and stalking toward him with narrowed dark eyes.

  Jaime smiled.

  He rubbed the necklace again and glared at Arden, sensing he had

  Jaime removed them gently and Arden’s eyes snapped open. Arden pulled Jaime close and kissed him. “I’m glad you liked

  for Arden to do more things. Freaky, slightly humiliating things that made Jaime so hot.

  the sound, the sensation of it. He had a man in his bed.

  Arden blinked. “I didn’t actually think about such things

  “Ahem. Asked me? As in you put it on me and told me I’d be


  his hair. “I have to take a big step back sometimes because I don’t

  thing off you, push you on all fours, bite the back of your neck

  pain tempo. At the same time, the hair on the back of his neck stiffened.

  “It might be better if you simply ignored the bullies trying


  of shyness and desire.

  Arden’s eyelids fall, giving him a sleepy-predator look behind his nerd glasses.

  his eyes and relived the moments bent over a desk, the slap of the inside it.


  his satisfaction. Oh, yeah.

  brought you organic granola and bananas. You need to have a

  Jaime hid a grin at Arden’s pushiness over nutrition. “I am

  § § § § breaking.

  Arden had replaced it.

  He stared at the gift, and then at Arden.

  his neck, but Arden had left him sleeping in an alley. Jaime retraced his steps and pulled Arden’s surprised lips

  mention his glasses got foggy really quick this time.

  He leaned his forehead against Arden’s. “Okay, you matter to CHAPTER SEVEN

  language that screams ‘don’t look at me, I’m unlookable’ but

  good education and then move to a big city, maybe meet someone. time.

  up—and thank you for meeting your deadline on that—saved my


  § § § §


  pleasant vibe, calming, almost like the purring sound of Arden’s about the pendant. Arden had been pretty cryptic about it, saying

  § § § § “Shit!

  He rubbed his right palm, dripping blood onto the shards

  overdoing the cliché of the absent-minded professor, cutting

  a beast. He could hide that from his fragile boy, but he could not hide from himself.

  § § § §

  locker room.

  time he and Jaime met for coffee on campus doing complicated

  soapstone sculpture. diverse group of students, including some intense jocks and

  so he seemed the leader of their group.

  sports equipment into one of the storage bins.

  Jaime paused in changing back into his street clothes, studying

  “Okay, must be a full moon or something, since you don’t



  “You smell very


  “Claimed? Uh, are you okay? You look like you might be coming buddy. “ Don’t move

  to Jaime’s head on the locker room door and bent close, smelling Jaime’s skin.


  other guys? let

  § § § §

  Back at the house, Jaime found an apple and a note from

  lose himself in fantasy. § § § §

  to Derek, but Jaime’s older brother never made him lose sleep. And he’d never made a promise to leash himself for Derek.

  him, talk to him, and those dark urges slunk back.

  Eyes closed, he stretched out his senses and the scent of blood teased him.

  over rock, fast, faster—

  Panting, hair tangled in his eyes, Arden skidded to a sudden halt.

  body steaming. Luscious. CHAPTER EIGHT

  Jaime sat up, heart pounding, blinking at his surroundings.

  a deep breath, forcibly shoving them aside. He couldn’t think

  He rubbed his eyes, resting his back against the headboard

  A soft groan.

  Jaime stiffened, listening. mean?

  He caught the scrape of a footfall.

  Jaime sprinted for the open French door into the house,

  A trail of clothing led to the alcove that hid Arden’s bedroom from the great room. Jaime’s bare feet skidded on something. He snapped on the hall light and spotted a discarded shirt


  Dropping the shirt, Jaime shoved open the door of the room

  craters, as if he too had been burned, like his shirt. staggered, robbed of his usual menacing grace.


  Jaime’s throat tightened. He didn’t like Arden vulnerable,

  maneuvered the other man into the vehicle.

  am Jaime drove them to Emergency, parked the car, and then

  for Arden quickly.

  nurse put aside a clipboard and signaled for a gurney.

  He stood there in his blood-stained clothing and put his hands in his pockets.

  § § § §

  He guessed it might be strange for anyone entering the room

  the hospital.

  But if he took from Jaime, he couldn’t keep from claiming him as his human.

  § § § §

  menacing as he had back on campus, so Jaime risked approaching him.

  “Right. Fell into a Apparently the same one a friend of


  Ouch!” Jaime covered the spike of pain on the side of his neck.

  ***§ § § §

  his big brother made Arden’s chest tighten so he rubbed his

  him days ago. Jaime glanced up and spotted him. His almond-shaped


  only to earn another skeptical look. At least Jaime didn’t look

  still feeling a need to be in control.


  § § § §

  scorched clothing. After clean up detail, Jaime paused for a moment at the

  dreams of Arden. .

  Jaime hesitated.

  mussed up hair making him look just a little adorable. Jaime

  afraid of startling Jaime, pulling him into his arms so Jaime’s head rested over Arden’s bare chest. Jaime let himself curl around Arden, his slighter body assuming a protective pose. He closed his eyes, absurdly close to tears.




  glasses. “You have no idea the kinds of monsters that roam this

  a deep breath. “Look, I didn’t ask for the hickey. One minute he

  uncompromising hands. />
  I me


  Jaime gave a derisive laugh, shaking his head. “I should just

  Arden kissed Jaime, and his lips seemed to be asking a

  Don’t leave me, Jaime.

  the sound of his heart beating, feeling choice loom, the choice to leave this dangerous man.

  Jaime remembered the times he’d chosen not to take the garbage

  death. “Your heart’s not beating. I never really noticed that before. Oh,

  bleeding, in need of a trip to the E.R.

  § § § §

  come to an end and he’d returned to Arden’s house determined

  by the stained-glass lamp. He decided he’d use them and Arden’s


  Jaime studied Arden, but because this time he asked, he stood

  silk sheet tented over his lap, so Jaime could feel his effect on Arden.


  before pulling aside the links that shielded his virgin opening.

  painful, but something had changed.

  in his ass.


  him the night of the full moon. Instead of frightening him— surrender.

  vampire’s eyes dilate in response. CHAPTER TEN


  lap like a blanket.

  rear end.

  Jaime looked over his shoulder and made out a pink hand

  together, savoring the sensation.

  meeting Arden. It had been very liberating, once he’d admitted

  everything Arden had done to him, they’d both enjoyed. And he

  “Christ, Jaime!

  arranged himself again, ass high— “Uhhhh!

  something very satisfying about that.

  moaning, separating his legs instinctively so that a corner of the

  Recovering, he mouthed Arden through his clothing. A trembling hand. Harsh breathing.

  directly into Jaime’s mouth. adoration. I love sucking your cock. Bestial. Come

  take it all.

  canines, the amber sparks in his void-dark eyes.

  Jaime’s nipple and bit him.

  Jaime shouted as he ejaculated a second time, hands tangled in Arden’s hair.

  A long time later, Arden stroking his hair, soothing, “You

  glasses. He put them on Arden and Arden smiled at him so he just had to kiss him, very gently.

  “I’m picturing your


  I am patient;~ I will wait.

  drifting, contemplating.

  still clinging to his skin in damp ringlets.

  one touches you, bites you, kisses you, but me.

  § § § §


  despite the unaccustomed aches, he could get used to sleeping

  “I think maybe baked apple this morning or some of that

  Arden looked at him dully.

  above his nipple. Intense.

  eyelashes dropped. Arden blinked. “You’re going to bring me a couple of college


  “I get inside

  “Me. § § § §

  found her in the campus library, poring over one of her arcane books.

  concern burning in her eyes. bangs falling into sad eyes as he begged, “Please

  damaged ribs, and Arden’s care, making him suck from a cut in

  § § § §

  Jaime said. “Look, all I need is for you to distract the nurses and thing? a chart and then left something in one of the rooms. It didn’t help that he felt a tug of attraction, that he could almost picture himself mashed against tall green grass, a full moon above as

  § § § §

  “Not that you aren’t attractive or anything. Just sometimes I

  normal? It couldn’t be that easy, could it? CHAPTER TWELVE

  He only thinks he owns me,

  you. You

  the sex. click.

  under him, of letting him bite deeply into his neck and mount


  “Arden. Thank you.

  called dating. § § § §

  had managed to snitch.

  against the brick building that housed the campus hospital. “Lucky

  under the surface.


  § § § §

  Jaime found his macho vampire boyfriend passed out cold in the great room.

  lap and then tearing open his knapsack. “C’mon, you can’t do

  over his face and neck and spattered Arden.

  accustomed to but hammered gold. As he looked through Jaime,

  Predator and prey,

  Arden bit into the bag, sloshing more blood over both of

  His hand came up, snaring Jaime, grip unbreakable.

  Arden’s hair. At last the caress seemed to reach the vampire. He maybe in a mug. Just don’t tell me you needed type-O-Negative

  Arden shook his head as Jaime helped him climb to his feet.

  before helping him into the large tub and turning on the hot

  Huddled in the center, Arden shivered, eyes half closed, arms

  again as the vampire drank. Jaime grimaced over the blood still sticky on his face and hair, dunking himself before noticing the normally fastidious Arden had the same problem. He reached for the pine-scented shampoo,

  homeopathy shop. Jaime rubbed it deep into Arden’s scalp. Jaime suppressed a grin at the return of Arden’s arrogance. His vampire seemed to be recovering. “You’re forgetting I also

  coppery nipples stabbing through the strands and making Jaime

  “You never

  Arden nodded, a blush just touching his cheeks. “I rely on

  Arden colored some more. “Just for that, I think I’ll assign

  taskmaster. But he loved to help him out. Arden’s passion for his

  raked his hands through Jaime’s hair so Jaime could feel his nails. out and helped himself, cupping Jaime, possessing

  or begging.

  Jaime hovered over Arden’s lap until Arden’s hands guided

  “Do it.

  a soft sound of need, but then another cock prodded insistently against the back of his hand, demanding attention.

  his hands clenched on the rim of the bathtub and his lips parted. please it, but it still might eat you. cock, feeling heat, steam, relief Arden.

  § § § §

  of Arden’s teeth inside him. “That’s

  Arden leaned back, giving Jaime room. “Have you thought

  But he couldn’t deny that he’d been feeling an attraction to the Jaime stroked Arden’s arms, looking into his eyes.

  the revelation, but more as if he found it a curious and intriguing

  information about the vampire. Jaime had never thought he’d get close enough to ask the source.

  languages so he settled for making me a vampire. He told me he

  “Oh. I think I hate him a little for that. At least you give me a

  archaeology. I’m grateful to have the time to do that, as much as Or Mondo, but Jaime didn’t say that aloud.

  “I’m sure you’ll enjoy that. I’m just afraid of disappointing


  be just me making the changes, big guy. You better get used to “It’s my CHAPTER THIRTEEN

  In the kitchen, Arden heaved a patient sigh. Jaime crossed his arms.


  Arden moved closer, eyes dilated, lips parted... Knock! Knock!


  especially not this

  Instinctively, Arden pulled Jaime closer, remembering Arden felt a surge of jealousy. He friend.

  and his boy.

  He could smell her discomfort. No doubt she could feel the burn

  magical attacks.

  I get a carving knife and you can cut off your favorite parts and

  it, shifting closer unconsciously. supplied, obviously looking for a peace offering.

  listened gave her a half hug.

  “You think I don’t see that? I have spent years recording

  § § § �

  vampire hunters across continents.

  them, the humans they preyed on.

  Of all the lovers he’d possessed, Arden had been the most

  still insisted Arden attend him from time to time.

  anymore? of the more muscular young man, Jeff, a California blond he


  he does that. You think you are having one conversation and he

  “And also from ardent As You Like It

  sparking through Arden. He put a hand on his arm to ground him.


  him? weren’t

  for. different

  all Jaime could handle.

  Jaime’s hand.


  Arden found Jaime in the garden house later, sitting on his hands in his pockets.


  Arden gave a slight nod, pulling Jaime close so his head rested “For one thing, if you aren’t penetrated by me by the night of the “Oh, he’s your friend

  Jaime rolled his eyes. “Can you try to not be so jealous all the

  Arden leaned close to kiss Jaime, as if seeking to distract him

  opened his mouth to receive Arden’s tongue. He couldn’t help

  heated as Arden sat on the edge of his desk and lifted Jaime onto his lap.

  hair line from the intensity.

  Dark approval lit Arden’s eyes and Jaime could see he liked

  rigid boner. Arden smiled and reached for the key to Jaime’s prison. Arden

  elaborated. He lifted Jaime effortlessly off his lap and positioned Smack!

  Jaime’s ass bloomed red from Arden’s palm.

  Arden ordered, “Reach back and spread your cheeks for me,

  Jaime’s hands shook, but he obeyed.

  Jaime’s head fell back and he gave a lusty moan as he felt a cool

  Please. Master

  soft only a vampire could have heard him.

  “I like you.

  Arden settled Jaime and then climbed to his feet, as if on the verge of leaving him.

  Jaime hid a smile against Arden’s neck as they curled together.

  call him. § § § §

  other man. Reached out and ran his hands through his dark, silky

  temporarily on his face. Arden stirred, opening his black eyes, Arden rubbed the bit of a night beard around his chin and lips. He looked like a large ebony cat, freshly roused from sleeping

  tempting Jaime to stroke sleek skin and pebbled nipples.

  blanket. He readjusted his glasses. “Don’t forget you have to eat Jaime smiled against Arden’s skin.


  the bus.


  brunet, one girl a more rounded blond and the other of slightly


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