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Ardent Page 3

by Jan Irving

  “Actually, there is he began.

  master vampire. he had read Arden.

  vampire, but then he never had. smiling, remembering Jaime’s appreciation for the simple gift of

  question but guided him outdoors to the garden house and

  from the night before. It lingered like faint, spicy perfume to the vampire’s senses.

  to you, my lord. You and your human boy may be too different

  Lal admonished, giving Arden a concerned look. “You are very focused on Jaime, their stares making him self-conscious.

  leaving Jaime frustrated. He’d also been hampered by keeping his

  cracked, leather and gold inscriptions, another of her archaic books of magic.

  hitting the books on magic so hard all of a sudden? “Are you eyes.


  else, and she’d found the perfect candidate. Mondo.

  hadn’t been the killer, because they’d been having coffee almost right up until she’d gone to the clearing.


  to. § § § §

  seemed to touch his skin, live under it like an itch.

  the brush.

  Jaime felt a spike of satisfaction.

  staring at Jaime. Jaime shook his head, the blood thumping painfully through

  Panting, Jaime leaned against the bars of the cage. He didn’t


  make the noise stop. He could soothe the pain throbbing through Jaime’s temples.


  standing in front of him, studying him thoroughly.

  demanded, hand collaring Jaime’s neck in a familiar gesture. Hurt. And suddenly

  Arden, please

  silk charcoal clothing, immaculately groomed and cool. He take.

  face in the dirt, bruise him.

  Arden took Jaime’s arm. “You are burning up. You need to lie

  skin, felt the strength pouring through himself, like the heat, like

  He yanked Arden close and nipped him hard, on the skin

  pain aroused Jaime.


  Jaime laughed.


  take it. didn’t have the endurance for a protracted battle. He had to

  A glimpse of their shining eyes told him he could be their Arden barreled into Jaime and they fought over the burning damaged his gentle human.

  Jaime shoved the log against Arden’s face. Arden screamed.

  in the shards of colorful glass and pale oak, he blinked and his eyes seemed to clear for a moment, catching Arden’s. Pleading.

  in Jaime’s eyes, he couldn’t—

  Jaime snagged the burning log and struck Arden’s legs,

  his neck, but he couldn’t hurt him, hurt his boy. He loved him.

  me. No more lame little Jaime. No more getting beat up and

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  very good, she’d loved it as an elective because Jaime made it so

  relationship? the vampire, covered in the blood of someone from her coven

  out at the nature reserve and had needed a ride home from one of his groupies.

  Running footsteps.

  brought out by Arden. § § § §

  Jaime suddenly fell back on his hands and knees, shaking his Arden had gifted him.

  obviously disappointed Jaime hadn’t taken Arden by force, but

  Jaime staggered to his feet, holding his head as if it hurt,

  crushed blooms Arden had bought especially for his boy. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN

  captive by midnight eyes.


  crashing through his skull.

  Jaime’s eyes snapped open at the voice through the garden

  Carefully, patiently.

  Jaime’s fevered mind. He rubbed his forehead, unable to make

  him think again, help him be himself, Jaime.

  He heard a mouse drinking from the fountain Arden had

  approaching. Elizabeth.

  Jaime cracked up.


  physically, but he had very little compunction about Jaime’s rabid

  reckless and he’d even the odds so he could get to his Jaime and

  He only hoped that before that happened, Jaime did not go too far.

  eyes, already aching for Jaime.

  ARDENT 131

  Jaime opened the door, slouching, seeming oblivious to the

  his arms.

  him like this. In fact, he didn’t seem self-conscious at all about the CHAPTER EIGHTEEN

  So, you hungry? I know I am.

  Arden caught Jaime’s self assured voice coming from the house. Jaime is hunting and Elizabeth has no idea.

  If Jaime hurt her, he’d never forgive himself, never again be

  they could overcome their differences.

  risked Jaime, by not taking care of himself. He had to end this

  Under his eyelashes, he looked over at his guard, one of the

  nude, huddled form. Lust.

  managed to stop himself. “In most packs, only the alpha gets to fuck a submissive. Beta

  hair savagely. He struck him, leaving a cut on one cheekbone from a heavy ring.

  her hair behind her ears. “I maybe did some magic. On you, I

  perfectly formed, like a slender young panther.

  thoughts. to try?

  some string in a rose bush—Jaime had insisted on burying it.


  dead talisman fell. § § § §

  After caring for Jaime, controlling himself for Jaime, at last he

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  Oh, goddess! This was real. Her Jaime, stalking her.

  scrabbled for something—anything—smashing a cappuccino cup against his skull.

  Jaime reeled back, touching his bleeding forehead then licking

  from the bottle.


  from him.




  thought he’d been responsible for the death of a friend. Hadn’t

  hurt him, using a spell she couldn’t control.



  § § § § Jaime groaned.

  up on his bed, but as soon as he moved he discovered his hands

  Why are you doing this? Why won’t you look at me?

  Too uncomfortable?


  Jaime’s eyes stung as he heard the slam of the door and the lock turning.

  hand, looking at the fountain he’d repaired to delight Jaime, CHAPTER NINETEEN

  Arden took it, but didn’t bother opening it since he already

  as a loner, a scholar, someone indifferent to vampire politics. But

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  the university library.

  of. Among other things.

  shared before acting impulsively. Practicing magic means taking


  control their demon selves after some practice, but apparently

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  Arden sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “You need to

  them gently to ease the pins and needles.

  his knees up to his chest. alluring.

  Jaime seemed to respond better to Arden’s harshness, as if he felt himself deserving of it. He climbed to his feet, and Arden

  against his skin, as if all the passion had drained from the stones. If they could just get through this.

  rose petals? me again? Do you think it’s something you—I mean, she—can

  Jaime nodded, clearly miserable. His hands moved jerkily

  He took a deep breath, trying to push aside the dark braids


  a price for it.

  Jaime uncovered his eyes to look at Arden.

  gave a little shuddering sigh but his legs stayed open and he didn’t try to deny him.

  Jaime still didn’t speak, and Arden silently approved of his

  Jaime gave a slight nod, encouraging Arden to continue.

  refusing Jaime’s soft

  visits. Everything. If you are the perfect submissive pet, they’ll have no call to doubt my mastery over you and they should leave


  But Arden held his silence. § § § §

  hard voice, seemingly coldly removed from Jaime.

  What did you expect? Jaime asked himself scathingly, remembering the crushed roses.

  could remove all his pubic hair.

  couldn’t help observing dryly.

  that sounded anything like the old intimate banter they’d once vampire—and Arden needed it too.

  to Jaime’s eyes.

  pulled onto Arden’s lap.

  he smoothed Jaime’s hair back from his forehead.

  Arden accepted his kiss, his tongue going inside to play again and

  Oh, fuck, it felt so good to kiss again, Jaime thought. He plump, parted lips.

  appearance, his chained nudity. “Mine. § § § § Arden didn’t get up to greet his guests, merely nodded to them as they came into his house and sat in a semi circle around him. Jaime found it hard to believe anyone could doubt his authority.

  eyes, and some looked completely human unless you caught a discipline? Oh, fuck. level, he understood that Arden needed to reassert his authority over his human boy.

  tangerine catsuit and carrying an attaché. Jaime stared, reluctantly

  “I am myself and to prove it I ask that you discipline my

  but the big vampire ignored him, smoking a cheroot, looking utterly calm.

  not look at Jaime.


  than slave boy.

  done. Arden slapped him. Jaime’s chains rang softly as he put a hand against his stinging cheek. He felt tears come and concentrated hard on suppressing them.

  Jaime stared into hard black eyes.


  Jaime closed his eyes, his cheek still stinging, feeling utterly

  He took a deep breath and braced himself.

  out at the sudden pain. It felt a bit like a leather belt. Another fell

  crying out if it continued, yet grimly determined to try since it

  He thought Arden completely detached from his pain and

  screaming, it reached out and claimed his. CHAPTER TWENTY


  Arden told Lal.

  looked at Jaime and he could read some concern in the demon’s

  “Your pet does you credit. He is not only beautiful, but

  Jaime heard the demon pack up his supplies, snap his attaché closed and then the click of his boots as he left the great room.

  Shattered him. § § § §

  You forgive me

  “Just because you’re okay, doesn’t mean I am. Can’t you try to

  then glared at Arden.

  lodged in his chest.

  confused. “I thought you’d be happy that I forgive you. As for looking lost.

  § § § §

  Jaime looped his arms around Arden’s neck as Arden carried of intimacy.

  to go on hurting.

  Arden pulled his shirt off, and he didn’t miss Jaime’s eyes on

  He reached over to his desk and picked up a letter opener and


  Jaime leaned close and Arden cupped the back of his head,

  closed his eyes, cock stiff at the touch of his boy’s lips, at the

  the ritual of making him his chosen one.

  stroked Arden’s forearm.

  § § § §

  Didn’t feel that bad. Huh.

  even for a vampire. He had a trade journal about archeology over

  A rush of tenderness made Jaime’s throat tighten. Like Arden

  He got up. “I’ll get your breakfast ready. Good nutrition is

  Jaime snagged his hand and put it against his face, closing his We’re going to be okay. I think we’re going to be okay now.


  Jaime looked over his shoulder as he adjusted his heavy art

  and his dominant boyfriend.

  I’m really sorry I scared you after you zapped me into primordial land?


  Jaime shrugged, coloring a little. so private.

  easy. He’s compromised for me and I had to compromise for

  “And I think you are just desperate to deny you did anything


  Jaime crossed his arms. “But he didn’t actually hurt you, did

  about them, but the truth is, most humans and demons can’t

  “Jaime, this isn’t some fairy tale. Vampires and humans...they


  Before Jaime could think of anything to say—although he

  § § § §

  boomed in his head, echoing and grating on his sensitive nerves.

  he stay at the mansion and recover under his protective eye, but

  behind him as soon as possible.

  He sat hunched on a stool in the art room staring at blank canvas. He felt empty of creativity, like a bag of sand that had

  no relief.

  Out of habit, he touched his necklace since for some reason it usually calmed him, but today even that failed him. § § § §

  her in a club chair in the campus coffee house.

  handled himself very gracefully. Besides, Arden hasn’t been actively hurting anyone, as far as I can tell. He appears content

  a predator, same as Arden, and I haven’t seen any vampire kills in

  offense, but I don’t think a virgin can understand the dynamics

  human pets on the lookout for Arden and Jaime, but they are


  § § § §

  him, grounding him. His hands on Jaime bringing pleasure and comfort.

  Too much had happened too soon. § § § §

  Arden’s eyes snapped open and he sat up in bed, fangs bared. Emotion boiled through the mystical connection he’d made

  Jaime was struggling.

  to soothe him, make him safe, make him not hurt. Now.


  and the main corridor through the largest building on campus.

  just on principle, since no one had the right to be that cheerful.

  having run through the tunnels.

  Jaime. Hold on. I’m here now, can you feel me?

  Bake Sale on behalf of the University Rose Society.

  Arden cleared his throat, remembering the disastrous time

  Had he upset Jaime, dared to touch him?

  “Oh, don’t forget the free recipe card. You can make variations disappointed.


  Arden abandoned the baked goods on a nearby bench and

  bird against Arden’s throat.

  mingled pain and amusement.

  like to be fragile. And if I did not, since I met you, I have been on and everything’s bright again. But, turns out it’s not that easy.


  He adjusted Jaime so he could get a look at his backside, running marked him—marked them both.

  Jaime caught his breath at Arden’s touch. Not in pain.

  Jaime closed his eyes and Arden caught the smell of his sudden

  happy to offer it. He lifted Jaime to his feet and pressed him

  and Jaime gasped.


  him. He nodded, holding Arden’s dark eyes. He licked his lips. “I like your hand on me. I had a little fantasy in class the other day about coming home from school and you making me pull

  suck on your cock—teasing you until you beg me to let you they lived Jaime’s spanking fantasy for real.


  Arden imagined shoving inside him and giving him the deep

  admitted he liked pleasing him.

  Arden gave a lop-sided smile of satisfaction.

  as he looked at his vampire.

  that elusive something years.

  pointed straight out. commented.

  “I have to open you up and take you before the full moon,

  want to be his. />
  He held him from behind for a moment, his taller body


  “Oh, God!

  pink handprint on my ass. Please.


  do these things to him?

  spill as Arden took command of his body.

  happened? Tell me. prick. He groaned in pleasure as his big demon began to bob up


  giving both his come and his tears.

  Not that Arden had given him any choice.

  A limp body clinging to him. Jaime had his legs around Arden’s hips, his body open and embracing. Naked from the

  scent of young human. His. Jaime trusted him again.

  at his command, and Jaime had surrendered and taken it. He’d been so brave that he’d aroused Arden. He didn’t quite

  much to him.

  as Jaime calmed.

  leave this moment behind. not kill to keep him.

  treated human slaves and pets.

  busy trying to help less fortunate slave girls and boys.

  obviously possessive about his demon lover too.

  “Uh. I don’t think I’ve seen a movie in a long time...perhaps Love Story.

  Arden shook his head. “Let’s see, I took three tavern boys out

  Arden couldn’t stop a hot shiver from running through his muscular frame. He caught Jaime by the hair. “Don’t. You don’t I need you. Arden let his head fall back and his impudent boy took advantage and suckled his neck, leaving a cherry-colored love bite and then daring to laugh against it. Arden didn’t stop him.

  touch. and his long hair draped around them both as he claimed Jaime’s

  He wanted this.

  heart in his cock.

  against Arden’s, thrusting so that hard, hot slippery skin touched,

  stripped them both of all their defenses so that they shot,

  Arden gave a sleepy grunt of agreement.

  § § § §

  oh, shit.

  radiant under his attentions, and currently backed up against one of the gym lockers.

  “I have to go to a late class, so the neck nibbling thing? You

  hot nights to anticipate for both of them, once he had taken his

  fucks. Less complicated. could mean all manner of things.

  tempted again to make him miss class.

  Jaime’s taste, smell, touch, and enthusiasm.

  He shook his head, reminding himself he still had to settle the


  “Yeah, turns out that sometimes a cliché is a cliché for a

  raised a hand. “Don’t say it. Jaime’s in love, deeply in love,

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