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Holding Tight Five in a Bed 03

Page 2

by M. A. Blisher


  “Hold on, Nicky! I’ll get you out in a minute.”

  Danny bent down to open the crate. His rambunctious pup pounced up, licking him in greeting. Danny carried his puppy to the refrigerator where he found a note taped to the door.

  Will be back in a few hours. Don’t leave the house alone. Love, Antonio.

  Even though it didn’t specify the message was intended exclusively for him, Danny had a hunch it was. The PS at the end, drink a Boost, confirmed it. Danny crumpled it up and threw it in the direction of the trash bin. Irritated, he opened the refrigerator door, and stared at the six-pack of beer sitting on the shelf. It wasn’t that long ago when his first thought in the morning was how he was going to get high so he could get through the day by forgetting about his past, and not thinking about his future. How long could someone live through an addiction before it kills them? He used to ponder that question while pounding down drinks or taking a hit. Not that it mattered to him at the time. He wasn’t trying to prolong his life.

  All that changed the day he met TJ. Once he was living in New York under the watchful eyes of the men, all opportunities to escape through addiction were removed from his hands. More importantly, he didn’t want to. Thanks to the men he loved, he had something to live for, and he no longer dreaded his future.

  Staring at the six-pack those old cravings began to beckon him. Would it be so bad to cloud thoughts of the past through the numbing effects of alcohol once in a while? Especially now when the memories have gotten so intense? He wasn’t attempting to block things out completely, he just wanted to take the edge off. Besides, it is perfectly normal for young adults to drink to excess, even during the day, he rationalized. Mitch would see things differently, but who cares what he has to say? He’s barely around these days to notice.

  “How long are you planning on standing there with the door open?”

  Danny jumped at Mitch’s voice. “Oh, I was trying to decide what I wanted.”

  “That beer in there is not for you,” Mitch said, as if reading his mind.

  “I know. What’s the big deal if I wanted a beer anyways?” Danny punctuated his question by slamming the door shut.

  Picking up on the tension, the puppy barked, and then leapt from his owner’s arms. Danny’s eyes followed his puppy’s exit from the room.

  Mitch could see his boy was ready to do the same. Not giving him the chance to escape, he grabbed him by the arm. “Calm down.”

  When Mitch didn’t accentuate his warning with a swat, Danny wrenched his arm free and said brazenly, “You have a beer with lunch all the time.”

  Mitch made an effort not to feed into Danny’s negative attitude. “I do not have a beer with my lunch all the time,” he answered coolly.

  “Well, you do on the weekends, and when you get home from work.”

  “I sometimes have a beer on the weekend, and there is nothing wrong with a man having a drink after work.”

  “I’m a man!”

  “You’re eighteen. Your body and mind are still developing.”

  “You didn’t have a beer when you were eighteen?”

  “We’re not talking about me, we’re talking about you. Regardless, it’s illegal for you to drink.”

  “It’s not illegal to drink in your own home.”

  “It is if you don’t have your parents’ consent. And this Daddy is not giving it. I said NO!”

  “TJ is right. You don’t have to be so damn controlling all the time!”

  “Listen to me, young man. TJ and I just had a serious conversation about that. You and I can have the same, if you think it’s necessary.”

  Danny took a big breath and rolled his eyes. Part of him wanted to push the issue, to feel Mitch’s hands on him, to be physically close. Spankings were intimate, even if they were painful. What stopped him was the weariness in Mitch’s eyes. They seemed to lack conviction. It made Danny feel guilty. On top of that, he didn’t want to face the rejection if Mitch didn’t follow through. Or even worse–to be put over his knee only out of a sense of obligation.

  “Forget it,” Danny mumbled.

  “Forget what?”

  “I didn’t want a beer anyways.”

  “Good. So what are you having for lunch?”

  Danny shrugged.

  “I’ll make us something. We need to talk.”

  Danny watched while Mitch took out cold cuts, sandwich fixings, and large rolls. He thought about offering to help, but his stomach was knotted with tension, making it difficult to move.

  Setting two plates filled with stacked deli style sandwiches on the table, Mitch motioned for Danny to sit down. He placed a large glass of milk beside his boy’s plate and took the seat across from him.

  Nicky located his favorite blue ball and ran back into the kitchen seeking a playmate. Eager for the distraction, Danny tugged the ball playfully from his mouth and began squeaking it,

  Nicky began barking and jumping in a frenzy to get his toy.

  “Please stop ramping up the pup,” Mitch said, trying not to lose his patience.

  Danny made a face and rolled the ball for the puppy to chase. Nicky quickly recovered it and ran back for another toss.

  Mitch placed his hand on Danny’s arm to stop him from throwing the ball. “Put your dog back in the crate while we eat.”


  “Because I said so.”

  Danny huffed loudly. He ripped a piece of meat off of his sandwich to entice the puppy into the crate. Nicky wasn’t too happy with the prospect of going back in regardless of the extra treat. Feeling bad for his puppy, Danny went back to his plate to give him another piece.

  “That’s enough,” Mitch said with a raised voice. “Do not get into the habit of feeding your dog food from your plate. Now sit down!”

  Danny wisely swallowed his imprudent desire to ask why he thought he was the dictator, and slumped down in the kitchen chair.

  “Has there been something on your mind, Danny?” Mitch asked in a tired voice.

  Danny wasn’t sure what Mitch was referring to, or how much he was willing to get into. He lifted the top of his bun and picked the tomatoes off his roast beef. “Like what?” he hedged, as a way of testing the waters.

  “Is there something bothering you that I need to know about?”

  “Did Antonio tell you to talk to me?”

  “He suggested that there might be a few things we need to clear up.”




  “Is there something you would like to tell me? Something you’re confused about?”


  Mitch eyed Danny curiously. “I’m not mad at you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “I know.”

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “About what?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. You have been losing your temper a lot lately.”


  “I’m not seeking an apology. I’m trying to understand what’s going on in your head.”

  “I’m just angry.” Danny sank further into his chair. “I don’t really know why I’ve been acting the way I do.”

  “I see. Well, there’s an appointment scheduled with Dr. Anderson for tomorrow. We can sort it out there.”

  “You mean with Terry? My old therapist?”

  “That’s correct.”

  Danny began to feel heated. Managing to keep it in check he questioned, “Why are you going?”

  “I think it’s important for me to hear what he has to say.”

  “Is Antonio coming?”

  “Not this time. He thought it best that I take you for your first session.”


  “He thinks there might be things we need to talk out. I’m inclined to agree with him.”

  “Oh,” Danny said flatly. “Mitch?”


  “Are you going to be home tonight?”

  “Not ‘til late. I’m training new staff. I want to make sure things continue to run smoothly while we’re away.”

  “I could come with you, and help out, if you want.”

  “I appreciate that, Danny, but there is really not much for you to do. I’d rather you get to bed early. You’ve been restless the last few nights.”

  Danny nodded, trying to not to show his disappointment.

  Mitch finished the remainder of his sandwich and stood up to take his leave. Pointing to Danny’s plate, he warned, “I want you to eat your lunch and drink that milk. No getting up from the table until it’s done.”

  Danny made a face behind Mitch’s back as he left the kitchen. He waited to hear him leave the house before he got up to dump his lunch in the trash and grab a beer from the fridge. After slamming down his third bottle on an empty stomach, Danny went to rescue his puppy from doggy jail. He was more than a little loopy by the time he sauntered his way out to the backyard. Warm from intoxication, Danny didn’t notice the drop in temperature as he played ball with Nicky in his flimsy pajama pants and tee shirt.


  “Danny! What the hell are you doing out there in your PJs?”

  “Huh? hic.”


  “Oh, hey, hic, Jay.”

  TJ rested his chin on his thumbs and pressed his forefingers against his temples. He took a moment to steady himself. “Have you been drinking?”

  “Uh....hic.” At his third hiccup, Danny burst out in a fit of laughter.

  “You’re drunk!”

  “Def-f-fine drunk.”

  TJ threw his hands up in the air. “Danny!” He ran down the steps of the porch after his foolish young partner.

  “JAY!” Danny opened his arms being cute, pretending he didn’t know TJ was running at him in anger. “Do you wanna play fetch with me an’ Ni hic ky, only it’s a bit of a task because he doesn’t get that he’s ‘pose ta bring the ball back.” Danny grinned from ear to ear as he watched his puppy run off to hide the rubber ball he caught between his teeth. “Some retriever you are,” he chuckled.

  “Are you insane? Get your little tail in the house, right NOW!”

  “So, that’s a no, then?”

  TJ reacted fast. He quickly caught up to his young wisecracking lover, whipped his hand back and swung it hard against Danny’s backside. The suddenness of it left Danny clutching the sting from the seat of his pants with a mixture of shock and amusement on his face.

  “HEY! hic.”

  “Don’t you hey me! You can get hypothermia out here!”

  “I don’t have hypa hic..hyerth...hic.” Danny crossed his arms and leveled TJ with indignant eyes. “I’m not cold!”

  “Then why are your lips turning blue?”

  Danny covered his mouth and hiccupped again, causing himself to fall into a giggling fit he couldn’t control.

  “Damn it, Danny! It’s not funny!”

  “What crawled up your ass?”

  “The sight of you inebriated in below freezing weather, and playing fetch in nothing but a tee shirt.”

  Danny made a show of pretending to search behind TJ. “I don’t see Mitch anywhere, yet I coulda sworn I heard a nagging lecture that sounded just hic like him.”

  “If you are not in the house in two seconds, I swear, I’ll put you over my knee and spank the living daylights out of you!”

  “Listen,” Danny said, cupping his ear, “I heard hic it again.”

  “That’s it!” TJ made a grab for Danny.

  “No, wait, stop, I was just kidding!”

  “I’m not laughing!”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Did Mitch strip you of your sense of humor, too? Is that the first step in your training to be a Top? Honestly, hic Jay, I liked hic you much better as a lowly hic bottom. You were a lot more fun.”

  “Is that a fact?” TJ asked, as he made another lunge for him.

  Danny yelped out a loud hiccup and made a run for it. The puppy came bounding towards them, yapping at TJ in Danny’s defense.

  “Sic hic ‘em, Cujo,” Danny laughed.

  TJ snatched Danny by the scruff of his shirt and dragged him over to the porch. Careful of the injured hand Danny had busted during a recent flashback, TJ lifted his little troublemaker over his shoulder and carried him up the steps with Nicky tugging on his pant leg.

  Danny’s head began to spin at the quick movement. Dangling over TJ’s shoulder he whined, “Umm...Jay, I think I’m gonna puke.”

  “You do, and I’ll dump you on your head,” TJ warned, without sympathy.

  “That’s not hic f-f-funny.”

  “Now who’s without humor?” TJ mocked with slaps to Danny’s backside, before stepping inside with him in tow and Nicky barking up his leg.

  “Let me down, asshole...Oww!” The impact of Danny’s protest was lost through his inability to contain his laughter.

  TJ carried the naughty teen into the den, determined not to let his playful manipulation change his focus. Danny shimmied down TJ’s body, purposely rubbing against his erogenous zones. Then he slithered back up to give a proactive kiss.

  TJ pulled away breathlessly. “A kiss isn’t going to get you out of a spanking!”

  Danny coquettishly lifted his shirt while gyrating his hips. “I can think of funner things to do than that,” he said with a devilish twinkle in his eye.

  “Danny!” Reminding himself of why he was angry, TJ tried to shake the image of the lithe young body that was seductively taunting him.

  “We could dance naked,” Danny continued to lure, while reaching for TJ’s shirt.

  TJ’s voiced cracked. He cleared it, saying firmly, “I’m serious. Knock it off! You have a spanking coming to you, and you know it!”

  “Okay, after I let you spank hic, me...then I get to sp-p-pank you, or we can spank something else,” Danny said suggestively, as he grinded his pelvis against TJ’s.

  TJ gripped Danny by the shoulders and pushed him away from his body. Holding him firmly at arm’s length he scolded, “Boy, you better stop that! I don’t care how sexy you are, you’re getting it from me! Or would you rather I tell Mitch what you were up to, so he can punish you?”

  “Why you being a buzzkill?”

  Ignoring Danny’s pout, TJ lectured on. “You know damn well you shouldn’t be drinking. Not to mention, there is no way in hell I’m gonna have sex with you while you’re drunk!”

  “Why the fuck not? Anyways, I only had three beers. I’m not hic DRUNK!”

  “Well, you’re sure as hell acting drunk. Besides, you hardly ever drink. You have no tolerance for alcohol.”

  Danny crossed his arms. “That’s not my fault.”

  “And, you’re a lightweight,” TJ added.

  “Fuck hic y-you!” Danny emphasized his annoyance with a shove. “I’m not a weight...l-l-light!”

  “Oh, you’re getting it now!” TJ went after Danny with renewed determination.

  Danny squawked as he felt himself being yanked to the couch. Faster than his alcohol addled brain could register what was happening, he was vertical under TJ’s arms, and dropped over his lap.

  “Ugh!” Danny’s stomach landed suddenly against TJ’s muscular thighs. “You must really want me to puke on you.”

  “Be quiet! And put your head down!” TJ ordered with a shove to the back of his head.

  Danny began to slide down, losing his balance. TJ pulled him back up by the waistband of his pants before positioning him in a proper placement for ideal spanking.

  With a hurt ego, Danny wiggled his butt mockingly at TJ. “Spank me real good, baby,” he goaded with a false sense of bravado.

  “You’re pushing your luck, kid. I’m NOT PLAYING! And trust me, I don’t need any more enticement.” Tired of the bratty behavior, TJ secured him in tight, wheeled his arm back and walloped his hand against Danny’s upturned bottom.


  “OWWWW!” Danny shrieked, as he reached back to cover his bottom.

ve your hands, Danny!”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Move them!”

  “Then stop spanking me!”

  TJ repositioned Danny’s injured hand snug against his waist and wrenched his other hand to the small of his back.

  Danny felt trapped and began to moan. “Please, I’m sorry!”

  “A little too late for that, don’t you think?”

  TJ spread his dominant hand out as wide as he could. It was nowhere near as big as the two head’s of household, but it wasn’t small, either. He was confident he could make a spanking sting enough to see the boy squirm. Swinging back, TJ whacked the center of Danny’s bottom with the palm of his hand until it throbbed.

  “Oww!” Danny shouted in defiance. “You fucker!”

  In response to the name-calling, TJ pulled back Danny’s flannel pants and spanked him three times hard on his white cotton briefs. Danny’s cute, round bottom vibrated, and TJ slapped him again on the under curve of each butt cheek. Danny, who normally accepted his corporal punishment with silent tears and soft sobs, began to howl in outrage. Maybe it was the alcohol that was making him bold, or maybe it was the fact that it was TJ who was chastising him. Either way, Danny wasn’t prepared for a serious spanking.


  TJ was undeterred. “Oh, I’m just beginning!”

  With the sight of red handprints peeking out from under the bottoms of Danny’s underwear, TJ stopped for a second to catch his breath. How the hell Antonio and Mitch did this without getting aroused was a mystery to him. Ignoring his erection, TJ re-adjusted his hold on Danny before yanking down the young man’s briefs.

  Feeling cool air on his roasting backside, Danny tightened up his cheeks in preparation for a serious bare bottom correction.

  “Unclench those buns!” TJ ordered.


  TJ fired off several more smacks, turning Danny’s hot pink buns ablaze.

  “Knock it off!!” Danny screamed.


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