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Holding Tight Five in a Bed 03

Page 14

by M. A. Blisher

  “That’s a good idea. Why don’t you come with me, Danny?”

  “Hell no! I’m not in the mood for that bullshit!”

  Mitch had one ear in the conversation, sitting on the edge of his seat. He leaped up when Danny defied Antonio by storming past him. Crossing the room in two large strides, he caught the cantankerous boy with his long arm. Taken by surprise, Danny lost his momentum as Mitch locked him to his chest. “Take a deep breath and calm down,” he whispered in his ear.

  Danny tensed up. Mitch held him firm until he complied. “Now, I believe Antonio asked you to take a break in the bedroom. I suggest you do that.”

  The girls gawked from a distance, curious to see what would happen. The rest had meandered off out of respect.

  Danny nodded his head feeling like a contrite child ten years younger than his true age. Mitch released him, and Danny bowed his head and watched his feet betray him by walking up the stairs to his temporary room.

  Mama Cecelia watched with dismay. “Maybe someone oughta follow him.”

  “Give him time to pull himself together,” Antonio suggested.

  Danny threw himself on the bed with disgust. He hated being sent to his room. He hated it more that he needed it. Why had he expected them to treat him different just because he felt different being away from home? After cooling down, he had to admit that he was fighting the boundaries that were holding him together. They were locked tight. He no longer knew what he hoping for. Had he been home, he would have surely gotten a spanking. Sleep was calling, but his head was spinning.

  Danny jerked his thumb out of his mouth when he heard a knock on his door. “Go away!”

  “Danny, love, may I come in?”

  Danny rolled his eyes. Although he wanted to be left alone, he couldn’t refuse Antonio’s mother. Staring at the door, he struggled to find his voice.

  Mama Cecelia cracked the door to peek in.

  Danny granted her a weak smile as an invitation.

  “Nicky needed a rest, as well. I thought he’d be mo’ comfortable in here, away from all da activity.”

  “Thank you. I’ll take him.”

  “Don’t get up. I was fixin’ t’ take him over t’ ya.”

  Danny lowered his face into the soft fur of his lazy pup. He felt awkward not knowing how to respond to Antonio’s mother since the status of his relationship changed with her son.

  Mama Cecelia fluffed the pillows around the bed. “May I sit down?”

  “Sure, if you want.”

  She ran her hand through Danny’s hair much the same way Antonio would. “Ya have dark circles under ya eyes. Have ya not been sleeping well?”

  “I have a hard time falling asleep in new places.”

  “Maybe it’s fo’ da best ya find time during da day t’ rest.”

  Danny growled in complaint. Nicky’s ears perked up. He bared his teeth to imitate the sound. Danny sighed. “Antonio thinks I’m a pest. He just wants me outta the way so the grownups can talk in peace.”

  “Don’t be like dat.” Mama Cecelia wagged a maternal digit at them. “My boy loves ya.” Nicky pawed at her finger. “Da both of ya,” she laughed, with a pat to the puppy’s head.

  “I love him more,” Danny insisted.

  “Den act like it. Ya should sho’ respect, not resentment when he’s trying t’ he’p.”

  “I do respect him. But I should be old enough to know when I need a nap or not.”

  “If ya ax me, he was doin’ ya a favor. Sending ya t’ ya room was a preventative measure dat ya seemed t’ be in need of.”

  “You sound just like him.”

  “Shouldn’t I? He’s my son after all.

  “I guess.”

  “Are ya not happy t’ be here? Is Mama’n’em boring ya too much?”

  “No, Ma’am. I didn’t mean what I said in there. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t fret ‘nother second on it. We all say t’ings we don’t mean when we’re overtired.”

  “I’m happy to be here, honest.”

  “Good, because I really enjoy havin’ ya. I’m glad ya come. It warms my heart t’ see everyone.”

  “I really wanted to see you, too. It’s just with everyone here…”

  “P’haps I shoulda been mo’ sensitive den having us all here at once, bombarding ya. I suppose we all were just jumping at da bit t’ visit. We don’t get t’ see Antonio much anymo’. Ya can’t blame me fo’ wanting mo’ of my family t’ meet ya n’ Ricky, can ya?”

  “No, I don’t. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin everything.”

  “Ya didn’t ruin nuttin’, dawlin’. I promise ya dat.”

  “I don’t know why I act like I do.”

  “When Antonio was a youngin, he’d get like dat when too many people were ‘round. Fo’ da longest time it was just da two of us. I never remarried after Red died. But I was often opening my home t’ nieces n’ nephews t’ fill da void of loneliness. I was trying hard t’ make it work. I didn’t want Antonio t’ miss out fo’ not having a big family. He’d sometimes get lost in da shuffle, I’m ‘fraid.”

  Antonio was listening to the conversation by the door. He walked over to the bed as his mother was talking about him. He sat down on the other side of Danny. “How you feeling? Any better?”

  Danny kept his head down and his mouth shut. That was his answer.

  Antonio heard it loud and clear. “Leave us alone, please, Mama.”

  Mama Cecelia got up, patting Danny on the knee. “Just remember, ya not alone.”

  Danny nodded. Biting his lip, he waited for his lover to speak.

  Antonio began after his mother shut the door behind her. “Danny, I expect you to listen and obey orders no matter where we are. I’ll try to give you privacy, but if you push, I will push back.”

  “No kidding.”

  “Obey me and there won’t be problems.”

  “Now you sound like Mitch.”

  “Shouldn’t I? We are partners, and we want the same things.”

  Antonio paused, half expecting Danny’s juvenile eye roll. “In the future, when I tell you to go to your room, consider it a warning. If you choose to ignore it, be prepared for consequences. We don’t set rules to upset you. They are in place for a reason.”

  “I know,” Danny said with tears in his eyes. “But I can’t rest just because you order it.”

  “I understand. Come with me.”

  TJ bumped into Antonio and Danny as they were crossing in the hall. Nicky was yapping at their heels with renewed energy from his catnap. TJ bent down to pick him up. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, we’re fine. Would you mind taking Nicky out for a bathroom break and a little romp?”

  “Sure thing. And, Danny, I'm sorry if whatever I said upset you.”

  “No problem. Sorry I lost my temper,” Danny said with a yawn.

  TJ flashed a smile. He was relieved Danny was no longer mad at him. “See ya after your nap.”

  Although the queen size bed in Antonio’s old room nearly took up the entire space, it was barely big enough for the two large men who normally occupied it. They made it work. It was preferable to the guest room the boy’s were given with two full beds that were pushed together.

  Antonio closed the door and said, “You have to remember to ask for help when you need it. Don’t wait until it gets so bad you lose control.”

  “It’s hard.”

  “I want you to try anyways.”

  “I am trying.”

  “Try harder.”


  Antonio gave Danny’s question a few seconds of thoughtful contemplation. “Get in bed and make room for me.” He pulled off Danny’s shirt, tousling his hair in the process, making it stick up with static. A pink hue colored Danny’s cheeks and a pouty lip stuck out, giving him the disgruntled pixy look Antonio was so smitten with. “Let’s see if getting you more comfortable will help.”

  Antonio unbuttoned his boy’s pants. Danny lifted his hips out of habit
, allowing his jeans and underwear to be taken off. He watched from the corner of his eyes as Antonio unbuttoned his own shirt and took it off. Danny was awed at the way he exuded sexy in the white muscle-tee, which contrasted his velvety mocha skin. He wished he could fill out a shirt like that. Stripped to his boxers, Antonio folded the clothes on the arm of a chair and came back to the bed. He opened the top blanket, inviting Danny to crawl under the covers with him.

  Danny could no longer resist the comfort on offer. He was soon nestled into Antonio, breathing in his fresh familiar scent.

  Antonio rubbed his boy’s bottom, helping him to release his tension. Then, he spanked him firm.

  “Hey! What was that for?”

  “For not listening to my directions, and defying me.” He spanked him again, a little harder.


  “That was for the rude language you chose to shout at me. You’re lucky I’m not inclined to give you another mouth washing.”

  Danny blushed in shame. “I’m sorry.”

  “All is forgiven. Now, tell me what that was all about.”

  “I’m not really sure. I get angry and I can’t seem to stop. It’s like I can see myself losing it. I don’t want to, but I do anyways.”

  “It must be frustrating.”

  “It sucks. What if I have a flashback in front of people?”

  “Is that what you're worried about?”

  “Sorta. They’re scary, and embarrassing.”

  “Follow the guidelines the doc set out for us. Come for help if you need it. No one will think less of you.”

  “Like that’s even possible,” Danny mumbled under his breath.

  “What’s that, baby?”

  “Nothin’.” Danny slid his hand under Antonio’s shirt, brushing his fingertips over the smooth ripples of muscle on the man’s otherwise flat stomach.

  He continued it in a soothing matter until Antonio whispered, “We got you. Trust us to keep you safe.”

  Hands under the covers began to roam. Antonio’s fingers reached out wide, searching, tickling, comforting. Danny twisted, giggled, and mewed. Antonio rolled over on his back taking Danny with him. He ran his fingers down the boy’s spine until his palms landed on tiny round mounds. He gave them a squeeze, before dipping his fingers between Danny’s crack. Spreading his cheeks apart, he felt around with his middle finger edging closer to the tender hole. Danny’s body convulsed, his penis pressed into Antonio’s lower abdomen. Antonio’s fingertip circled Danny’s silky smooth anus. Danny let out a deep moan as he continued to be teased. Antonio lifted his hand, putting his index finger to the teen’s mouth. He brushed it lightly over his lips. Danny opened his mouth to suck it in. Antonio’s finger was twice the length of Danny’s thumb and equally wide. He sucked on it with a mixture of shame, comfort, and sexual stirrings.

  Antonio kissed the top of Danny’s head and ran the fingers of his other hand through the boy’s hair. Danny lost himself in the sensation. His eyes rolled back in his head. The sound of Antonio’s voice brought him back.

  “Spit. Get it nice and wet for me.”

  Danny blushed at the instruction. He gave a shy effort. It dribbled down his lip to his chin. Antonio scooped it up with his finger. “Again.”

  Danny tried again. This time it landed directly on the tip of the large finger waiting to catch it. Deciding it was sufficiently wet, Antonio angled his finger back between the firm young cheeks, pushing it carefully through the opening. Danny squirmed as he felt in going in.


  Danny took a deep breath, obeying his Daddy’s command. The muscles around his anus tightened and relaxed. Antonio pushed in a little further. Danny’s jaw dropped as his lover’s finger massaged his prostate. He turned his face against the muscle tee shirt and bit down around the area of a nipple. Antonio began the slow sensual movement of pulling his finger up and in. Danny’s pert little bottom reached for it as his knees fell to each side of his man’s long tapered waist to anchor himself. His toes curled in against the supple ass beneath him. Antonio’s finger propelled Danny’s torso up against his rib cage. Blood ran to Danny’s penis, the friction against Antonio’s cotton tee exciting it to full erection. Danny began to thrust in concert with the finger inside him. His muffled cries of elation intensified with each nudge to his semen producing pleasure spot.

  As Danny’s sacs began to fill, Antonio increased the speed and force of his pushing inside his boy’s warm intimate space. Danny’s injured hand resting on Antonio’s chest itched to latch on to something. His other hand grabbed onto the bicep that was attached to the arm that belong to the finger that was owning his ass.

  Danny lifted his head. “Ahh!”

  Antonio pressed it back against his chest to quiet the sounds of his ebullience. Completely submerged in a submissive state, Danny’s arousal heightened. Squished between his small stomach and his Dominant’s muscular one, Danny’s penis throbbed hard to fullness.

  “Okay, baby, shoot it for Daddy.”

  The husky words rang through Danny’s ears, tingling all the nerve endings throughout his body. With a powerful thrust forward, Danny’s sex fluids were unloaded in three impressive ejaculations.

  Antonio gave his boy time to catch his breath before he took off his shirt, and used it to wipe them clean. Turning him on his side, Antonio spooned Danny up against his body. “Close your eyes now, and go to sleep.”

  Danny did as he was told, without thought.


  Danny woke up from his nap a half an hour later. He lifted Antonio’s arm and crawled out of bed. It was the first time since they arrived that it occurred to Danny to look around. He picked up a framed photograph from off the dresser.

  Antonio sat up, quietly observing the naked curves of his lover’s tight little body as he studied his picture. “Did something catch your interest?”

  Startled, Danny spun around with the photograph in his hand. “You look sexy in your little running shorts,” he said with crooked dimples.

  Antonio laughed. “That was the style back then.”

  “Who’s the boy in the picture with you?” Danny asked, walking over to the bed with it. “Is he a cousin?”

  Antonio’s eyes instantly reddened. He took his time to gather his words. “That’s Jesse. Not much older than you in that photo.”

  “He’s cute.”

  “He was beautiful inside and out.”

  “TJ says you don’t like to talk about him. Is that true?”

  “I’ll admit it’s not easy.”

  Danny cringed, uneased by the discord in Antonio’s voice. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “What did he die from?”

  “Cystic fibrosis. It’s not common in people with African descent. It went undiagnosed too long. People assumed AIDS because he was gay, but I was his first and only sexual partner. He was bubbly and charming on the outside. On the inside, he was sensitive and deep. He didn’t want his family to know his sexual orientation. They had very strict religious beliefs. They tried to convince him that getting sick was a form of punishment for his sinful desires. It nearly worked.”

  “That’s awful.”

  “It was tragic. He had a huge heart. He couldn’t bear to see anyone suffer.” Antonio took the picture Danny was holding as he snuggled up next to him. He gave him a hug, exhaling loudly. “I wish you could have known him. I wish more people could’ve had that chance.”

  “He was small like me.”

  “Little bodies can house big spirits,” Antonio said with another squeeze to Danny’s shoulder. “Being small didn’t stop him from knocking me off my tracks.” He smiled forlornly at the memory of Jesse colliding into him on the first day they met. “Jesse was a wiry spitfire full of raw nerves and the biggest heart there ever was. He volunteered at homeless shelters and animal pounds. He’d often come back from visits in tears. It broke my heart to see him like that. He dreamed about opening a shelter for home
less families with pets after he finished school. He was studying to become a vet. We talked about doing it together. I wish he could have lived long enough to make that dream come true.”


  Antonio’s smile dropped. “Sure does. Every once and awhile I try to imagine what that shelter would have been like. Although it would be filled with people in unfortunate circumstances, I always envisioned it being a happy place.”

  “It could still be done.”

  “Maybe. It’s something to think about. I just didn’t have it in me after he had died.” Antonio placed the picture he had been holding to his heart on the bed stand. “Jesse came into my life to save me from myself. I had been running down a dead end path.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I had spent the previous decade trying to live up to the legacy of my father.”

  Danny’s eyes narrowed in confusion.

  “Don’t go anywhere.” Antonio got up and put on his pants. He came back to the room with a large box and placed it on the bed. “Open it.”

  Danny lifted the lid of the dusty box and sneezed.

  “Sorry,” Antonio said. “I should have cleaned it off first.” He sat back down next to Danny and picked up the firefighter helmet from inside and placed it on his boy’s head. When Danny looked up, the helmet covered his face. Antonio chuckled. “I was probably your size when I last wore it.”

  Danny took it off to inspect it closer. “What’s the number fifty-five on it for?”

  “It’s his shield number.” Antonio lifted up his father’s retired badge and said, “I was told I should be proud to be his son. It was odd to hear pop showered with so many accolades.” He placed the shield back down in the box lined with newspaper clippings. “Strangers would come up to me years after he died to tell me what a great man he was.”

  Danny reached in and lifted an article that featured a picture of young man about Antonio’s age. He could have almost been his double. The paper was worn and the color was faint, but the man in print seemed to be brimming with life. His chin was raised toward the sky, and a warm smile stretched across his face. The caption read Local Hero Saves Family of Six. “You can’t see it in the picture, but my dad had auburn hair. His beard was a brighter shade of red, which is where he got his nickname. Not a very common color for a black man. I can’t see the color red without thinking of my pop. His red beard, his fire truck, the name his buddies called him, the color of the flames that killed him–the color of the anger that burned inside me.”


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