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Red White and Werewolf

Page 4

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Seriously?” I mutter at him.

  We didn’t talk about this last night at all. Is he coming around to my argument’s side? I wanted to start sooner rather than later.

  Paris keeps saying we needed more time together before trying for pups. But the hunt seems to have shifted his focus on the matter somewhat. I guess I should be jumping up and down about that. But it’s shifted my focus on that matter too. Possibly not in the same direction as his, currently.

  “Sweetheart I just came like the earth was shattering inside of you. My balls hurt from coming so damn hard.” He mutters still breathing heavy. “If I’d come any harder I’d have shape shifted on top of you.”

  I smile widely back at him. He’s never done that. Paris has way too much control for that to happen. If he shape shifts on top of me it’s because he wants to or I’ve asked him to. “So does this means we’re going to start trying?”

  “You’re still on the pill right?” He asks and then I pause.

  “Oh yeah.” Damn. I had my contraceptive injection renewed recently.

  “Doesn’t mean we can’t have fun in the meantime right.” He kisses my shoulder again. “Besides, I came. You didn’t. So I owe you an orgasm for breakfast.”

  “You mean, before breakfast.”

  “No, I mean for breakfast.” Paris smirks back at me, as I feel fingers begging stroking me between my legs, with his cock still inside me. I hope I survive to see daylight, even if it means we just open the curtains in this room.


  We make it just in time for breakfast. I smell like sex and Paris and I’m not ashamed of it. He smells like me. It’s so damn obvious but neither of us care. We’re dressed rather shabby too. Didn’t brush our hair, our clothes are wrinkled. But it isn’t like our companions thought we were playing board games when we went off to our room together last night.

  Phelan however, won’t make eye contact with me. Even as I slid in to the spare space beside him, that much is obvious. For at least ten minutes we all sit around a table and eat a hot breakfast. Stuffing our faces with food.

  I groan in appreciation and look up to find every male staring at me in turn as I chew.

  “Better than game, any day.” I say between mouthfuls and look back at my food.

  Pretending everything is normal, acting as though we are all normal and that three quarters of the table hasn’t just been through something traumatic, like being kidnapped and hunted. But it’s surprisingly Markus who breaks that interlude first.

  “So what’s the plan?” He throws out to us.

  Thane looks at Markus and back towards Paris and me. “What does he mean plan?”

  “Plan, as in plan of attack.” Addison says between mouthfuls of bacon and eggs on his fork.

  Thane tilts his head and gives Addison a hard stare. “I get that’s what he meant.”

  Addison shrugs his shoulders “So what’s the problem?”

  “We protect our own.” Markus adds on.

  “And we destroy those that come after them.” Paris finishes for them all. Thane looks from each male to me.

  “And we mean to finish this.” I state back at him. “Our way.”

  Thane frowns and sits up straight, looking directly at me. “You want to get into an unnecessary fight, is what you want.”

  I put my cutlery down on the table and look at my flapjacks a moment before slamming my fist down beside my plate on the table top. “I want to know who is behind this, why they thought they could come after me! I want to make sure they don’t come back!”

  “You’re afraid.” Thane says softly.

  My heart beats wildly in my chest. I will never ever admit that out loud in the company of any werewolf. Of course I thought about when I was fourteen again. How could I not when I was in that forest?

  It was like reliving a nightmare I thought I’d never have to go back to ever again. Am I that transparent to these werewolves that he can see that so easily on me?

  I’ve always been raised to be fearless, as all werewolves should be. I suddenly remember about Thane’s telepathic ability. Does his ability mean more than he can just talk to another werewolf mind to mind?

  Go mind fuck someone else. I leave in front of my telepathic consciousness like a calling card and put my shield up again picturing the Aztec design on his chest as metal, worn green with weathered age.

  We stare at each other and I can’t tell if he can tell what I’ve done or not.

  “You don’t know her well enough to state such an insult.” Markus fires back at him.

  “You look at her wrongly.” Addison says joining in.

  “She’s angry.” Paris sates back at Thane. “There’s a difference. Why aren’t you pissed too?” He asks throwing the spotlight back onto Thane. Everyone looks at him, even his brother. “You and your brother were kidnapped and hunted all in the name of fun.”

  “I’m angry.” Thane replies looking from me to Paris. “But I don’t see the point to revisiting something we deliberately put space between for a reason. I’m not stupid.”

  It’s Addison that lunges across the table first, and Markus and Paris that pull him back hard and slam him back into his seat.

  Thane seems un rattled by Addison’s outburst. He’s as cool as ice. Hasn’t broken a sweat or twitched a muscle. It’s impressive and disconcerting. Addison is fuming, he looks pissed.

  “Well that’s disappointing.” I state picking up my glass of milk. “But it’s okay. We don’t need you.” I sip my milk and now I see Thane’s mask of nonchalance drop, immediately.

  Wow, I never knew it would be that easy to get to him. Why would he care if he came along with us or not?

  His eyes dart from me to the others. It’s like he’s waiting for the other males at the table to disagree, or to tell me to shut up and know my place. Addison calms down and starts eating is breakfast again. Everyone but him and Phelan, carry on as beforehand and normal.

  It’s probably not that common a practice to have a female like me in on the war council. But I’m not common and everyone at this table, knows that.

  “You sit amongst these wolves like you were a queen.” Thane says to me coolly.

  Oh touché mother fucker. Bitter much?

  My eyes widen. “Are you trying to insult me wolf?”

  Paris glares at Thane from across the table. Thane shrugs his shoulders.

  “I fight, and bleed with these werewolves. I do not opt out. But hey, that’s just me. Each to their own.” I glance at Phelan who has been suspiciously quiet throughout the breakfast, his head down eating and back at Thane. His black hair half covering his face. “You’ve got your own.”

  “And so do you.” He says back at me and nod my head in agreement.


  “Where do we start?” Markus asks Addison and Paris and I start eating my breakfast again.

  “The forest will have been cleared by now, if it was just for game, it won’t be like they hunt where they live right?”

  Phelan lifts his head and watches Markus. “I know where to start.” He lifts his head and looks directly at me, brushing his hair back from his face, tucking it behind his ears. “I know how to start this.”

  “How?” I ask him softly and pull my hair back off my face, I really need to tie it up. It’s get-ting annoying.

  “Jesus H Christ.” Addison mutters in a low voice and the attention falls back on him. “Are you seeing this?” He asks Markus and Paris.

  Phelan falls silent and watches as Addison puts up a hand as if to tell us to hold and wait for him to demonstrate something. All eyes are on him as he produces his cell phone and holds it up like he’s going to take a photo with it.

  “Addison, what are you doing?”

  I hear the snap of the camera application on the phone and he hands it over to Paris first. “Now do you see it?” Paris looks at the phone grimly and back at me, as he hands the phone across to Markus.

  I watch Markus study the photo on the phone and his e
yes slowly look up at me and shift to Phelan.

  “Who the fuck are you wolves?” His eyes darken from Phelan to Thane and he wipes a hand across his mouth. Markus seems rattled.

  “Can’t believe I didn’t see it before now.” Addison mutters. “Must’ve been the jet-lag.”

  “What?” I yell at him

  “Or you weren’t coming here to find…”

  “What?” I yell and demand of each of the three werewolves I know.

  Markus hands the phone over to me and I snatch it out of his hand. I look at the photo and I see it. I see exactly what they all saw in it. It can’t be missed when we’re side by side together. It’s practically screaming at me.

  I’m pulling my hair back and Phelan is looking over at Addison. We have the exact same facial bone structure. The same nose. The same expression on our faces. We both have black hair, and brown eyes.

  We’re both the same height and build and we’re both the same age. We both have telepathic ability.

  We both have blue eyes when we shift to our tribal form.

  We look like the male and female version of one another. It’s undeniable. Which could only mean one thing.

  We’re related. More than related I think.

  I drop the phone on the table.

  Phelan picks up the phone and puts it back down again. “You knew.” I say . He doesn’t look me in the face and I find Thane looking at me, sadly. I don’t want his damn sympathy, I want an answer. “You both knew.”

  “Knew what?” Markus asks us angrily but he too knows what that question means. Still someone has to say it out loud. Someone has to be brave enough too.

  After all, my past is finally catching up to me. I’m the adopted one in the Sommers Family.

  It’s Thane who speaks first. “That Bg is Phelan’s twin, our sister actually.”

  I look again at Phelan and this time he lifts his head and holds my gaze. “Sorry about calling you a bitch before.” He says with a half-smile to break the tension that has just pressed its self uncomfortably on all of us.

  I nod my head silently that I accept his apology and then I scramble out from the table as fast as I can, running out of the dining hall.

  “Bg!” Markus shouts after me.

  But I am gone and running.


  Running in human form makes me feel calm. Running in werewolf form, makes me feel free. There’s a pretty big leap between the two.

  And right now, I want my mind to be free of what I’ve just come to learn. Because it’s like a wave crashing in on me and taking me in the undertow.

  How did I not put it together sooner? I knew there was something between Phelan and me. I sensed a connection and chose to ignore it. Because I didn’t understand it and therefore it didn’t make sense.

  I saw the hurt in Markus’s face when he looked at that photo of us. And when Markus is hurt, I am hurt, I’ve always reacted like that with Markus, always. Kind of like he was a substitute twin for me.

  Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

  I’ve grown up my whole life in the Sommers family, in Brooklyn New York and whilst I’ve always been their baby sister, it has always been Markus and me who’ve had a special bond, an attachment to one another.

  Like we were our own twin siblings.

  I stop running, my lungs are burning with oxygen and I break, bursting into tears. Letting Markus down is the worst thing I think I could ever do in my lifetime.

  Markus and I are two sides of a coin. We always have been, it’s just the way it worked out. I bend over trying to suck down breaths of air. I can’t not have Markus in my life. I can’t let him think he has no place in it. I can’t let him be hurt by this.

  Because of me.

  I try to straighten up again and get my breathing under control. Phelan is my twin brother, it’s so damn obvious when you see us side by side.

  I flash back onto that photo and wonder how any of us missed it prior to that. I frown, maybe Phelan shifted the bones in his face a bit, to hide the differences. Maybe that was why.

  Because I’m sure before today’s breakfast, we didn’t look exactly alike. I would have noticed it, right? Would have been like looking in a mirror.

  I pull up and put my hands on my hips and look back down the road which I’ve run. Shape shifting your bones to change your human appearance rather than work them to your werewolf form. That was some talent. It had to take a lot of energy and focus to do that.

  “Oh you dick,” I groan at myself and slap myself in the head. “He was telling you how to capture your capturer that was why he revealed who he really was to me. Why no one saw the connection before. Addison saw it instantly and took the fucking photo. Because whoever wanted us in the hunt, put the three of us there, because we’re siblings.” I pant and start walking back the way I’ve come.

  “And they fucking knew that. That’s why we were chosen to be hunted.” I shake my head. Sometimes going for a run really does clear the cobwebs. “Fuck me.” I mutter seeing a figure come running down the road towards me.

  Markus stops short of me. I walk over to him and hug him and he hugs me right back with all the assurance I need. “You’re still my favorite sister.”

  We let go of one another and Markus wipes my face with the cuff of his top. I’m transported to a moment I had when I was being eight years old and I’ve fallen off the jungle gym and gone crying to Markus. Markus picks me up, cleans me off and dusts me down.

  “I’d better be.” I sniff and smile at him.

  “Come on, it’s safer with pack, than without, even you know that.” He says nudging my shoulder lightly.

  “This wild hunt thing, isn’t about me, it’s about them.” I state back at him as we fall into slow step together, side by side. “Whoever put us all there together, knew we were related and that was the key to our selection. It has to be.”

  Markus kicks the dirt beside the road. “Well that has got to narrow the field down some-what. I mean, no offence, but other than the brothers wolves, who else could possibly know about you? You were abandoned without a note or any information to go off, and adopted by our father and he named you right? So for all intents and purposes, you were given a new identity, one that no one else could possibly know.”

  “So let’s think about this. Who could know of me, ever?” We walk along a few steps in silence as a car drives past us. This is what Markus does. He is the calm, strong, silent and reliable type of wolf a person could fall in love with, over and over again. He is all heart, my heart.

  “Well, you’re mom, I mean you’re birth mom.” Markus offers up.

  “Thane, cause clearly he’s older. So he was born before either me or Phelan.” I add on. “God that sounds weird. Even to my ears.”

  “Thane is around Aksel’s age, so yeah, he would have been around, most likely known his mom was carrying you two.” I stop then and look across at Markus.

  “Do you buy it? Do you think it’s true that Phelan and I are twins?” I ask him while we are still alone and away from the others.

  Markus sighs heavily. “Yeah, I do. I think it’s for real.”

  “Before you guys met us, he didn’t look like that. He didn’t look like, me.” I say hurriedly at Markus.

  He frowns “What did he look like?”

  We start walking again. “Similar I guess but it wasn’t so obvious, so blatant. So…”

  “Exact?” Markus offers me.

  “Yeah. So this got me thinking, right? What if Phelan can shape shift his bone structure, just enough to alter his human appearance in such a manner, that others can’t detect it? And if he can do that, then and hold that form for six days when he’s around me, then maybe this Phelan, his face, maybe it’s the real him. Maybe, he’s not really my twin.”

  Markus seems to think this over for a moment. “You theory is sound. And there are ways we can figure out if he and Thane are who they say they are to you. And we will, because you should know. You have a right to know. And if they are m
essing with you Cadey, I will mess them up till no one can recognise them, ever again.”

  He puts an arm around my shoulders and squeezes me tight. “And no matter what, if it’s true, if it isn’t true, three thing standing right here beside you will always be your truth.”

  Looking over at Markus I feel loved and special “I am your brother, nothing is ever going to change that. You will always be a Sommers, and you are without a doubt, a Breukelen wolf.” I want to cry again, happy tears. I am such a cry baby.

  “Love you.” I say instead.

  Markus smiles and squeezes my shoulder again. “Back attcha.”

  We walk the rest of the way back to the motel in silence. There is a lot that could be said, but if I know Markus then I know he’ll be like me. Wanting to be alone with his thoughts for a while so he can sort through them before talking out loud about them, on this matter.


  I head to my room at the motel and find Paris in there. He walks over to me immediately and wraps himself around me. Pulling me into him, resting his head on top of my head. “Give me the word and I’ll beat them to hell and high water.” He says softly.

  “Don’t think that’ll change anything. Probably best you save your energy.” I reply back at him. He loosens his arms around me and I look at him. “Only in my life could this happen, like this.”

  He lets go of me and I sit on the edge of the bed. “Get kidnapped, get hunted, and get reunited with long lost family. Well brothers.” I say tucking my hands under my legs.

  Paris leans against the dresser drawer beside the bed. “Maybe you should spend this time talking with them, or just Phelan. Get to know them. I don’t mind hanging around, as long as I’m with you.”

  “I might be overcome with a big sense of guilt to Markus if I do that.”


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