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Red White and Werewolf

Page 14

by Girl, Breukelen

“Such as.”

  I stop and turn to him. “I think you need this. You’ve been wanting this for a long time. Before I came along, you two were used to have threesomes all the time. It was your regular way to have sex and I think, as much as you love me, you also love Addison but have been fearful of him adapting to us. So you’ve held off on pushing me into this scene.”

  Paris puts his hand on the bedroom door and opens it. Addison is stripping off inside.

  “Have I ever told you how sexy smart women are?” He kisses me as he closes the door.

  “Oh yeah.” I mutter back at him. His kissing becomes hungry against my mouth and our hands start pulling and tugging at one anthers clothes. “Addison,” I pant when we break for air.

  “Yes my alpha,” Addison replies softly and I look over at him. “We need to set some ground rules.” I state as Paris straightens up.

  “What happens in Canada stays in Canada unless we invite you into our bed again. I know it may seem one sided but that’s what we want and require of you right now. If you don’t wish to be a part of that, or can’t. I understand. But if we return to New York,”

  “When we return to New York,” Paris corrects me.

  “When we return to New York, everything will be as it was before, that’s where we all stand with one another.” Addison looks over at me and his eyes shift to look at Paris.

  “We won’t be offended if you decide to leave now, because this doesn’t change our relationship.” Paris says to him, pulling off his own top. I see Addison’s eyes scan over Paris’s naked, muscular chest.

  “So this isn’t about an end of life get together fuck-fest before we die tomorrow?”

  I can’t help it, I laugh because of the way Addison says it. “No, it’s not.”

  “So it’s just strategy and tactics?”

  “No that’s not it either.” I state and Addison’s eyes drift over to Paris.

  “It’s more than that.” Paris replies to his silent look and we watch as Addison closes his eyes briefly and his breathing becomes shallow, like he’s gathering himself. He opens his eyes again.

  “I’m game if you two are.” He replies back at us.


  I sigh and let the warm water descends down the back of my neck.

  Flinching slightly when I suddenly feel hands on my hips.

  Damn, so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I hadn’t heard Paris sneak up behind me. I look over my shoulder back at him. Was his life always like this before me? With so much action and drama or has it become that way, since I stepped into it? How does he cope with the insanity of it all?

  “So jumpy.” He says as his hands slide around my front and over me. Making me feel all kinds of sensitive.

  Paris chuckles behind me as his hands keep sliding further down me, until one, cups my sex and gently he allows me to rock against his hand. “Relax, little wolf, and let me help you relax. You’ve been doing so well, given how out of routine we are this week.” He is of course referring to lunar week.

  Daytime, night-time, it doesn't matter during lunar week. Werewolves are affected at all hours of the week. For me, I’m rather used to shifting after the third night. But sometimes when I feel it badly, I shift each night of the week.

  Paris helps me by easing me into my shift. Shape shifting has never been particularly graceful or easy for me. I’ve gotten better since I’ve been with Paris, but it’s because I’m with him that it’s good, better than good.

  He slides a thick finger into me and I relax a little bit more, letting out a breath. “That’s it, now all you are going to do is think about how good this feels” He says starting to thrust up into me. My hands reach out for the shower wall to flatten against it. “That’s it, you are going to forget everything else that is outside of this shower. And you will do exactly what I tell you to do, won’t you little wolf?”

  “Yes my alpha.”

  Whatever he wants as long as he keeps finger fucking me like this. Deep inside me, stroking me, just so with the right amount of pressure.

  I hear Paris inhale behind me, and I wonder how long he can hold out without wanting in on this with me, more than he is.

  “I want you to come, want you to ride that tide of pleasure that’s wrapping you up. I want you to thrash against, and use my finger as if it were my cock inside you.”

  My face flushes warm and I keep my eyes closed shut as I ride that finger. He slips a second finger and keep with the same motion. I groan and squirm a little more.

  “My cock’s still thicker than two fingers, isn’t it?” The pace of my fucking is slow and consistent. He’s going to build me up slowly so I can fall apart extra fast.

  “Yes my alpha.”

  “I’ll have to do something about that.” He says adding a third finger.

  I open my eyes.


  He thrusts hard, so hard I am raised to my tip toes with each movement. I need this, I need us, I need this threesome, it will centre me again. I am close, very close to coming, Paris’s eyes narrow on me and darken with desire, he wants to see me come into his hand.

  “Thank you for this.” He says kissing me, covering my mouth as I call out, coming against him, gripping his shoulders to hold myself from slipping as I lose control of my body and am drowned in my orgasm. “I love you for this and everything else, little wolf, I love you with all my heart and being.”


  We fall into bed, Paris and I, and Addison is there waiting. The warmth of the three of us is enough to start my brain going into overdrive.

  It doesn’t matter where we are, werewolves. The moon affects us where it is and we are. Some things are eternal, the moon and love are two of those things. One of my greatest strengths and things that attracts others to me is my power but it comes the ability to love and feel love.

  I plan to drown Norden in that feeling tonight till he can no longer see the surface and know where he is. And while he’s panicking and struggling to find a way out of that all encompassing feeling, that he hates so much, I’ll be looking for a doorway into his head.

  I know nothing about Norden, other than what Thane and Phelan have been able to share with me. He is a faceless enemy and I do not know any of his weaknesses other than he can’t resist the temptation to come after the Cavello’s and me. There must be a way for me to use that against him.

  Addison’s mouth leaves my breast. “She’s thinking too much.” Addison comments lifting his head before kissing my stomach.

  “Make her forget.” Paris says patting his hand down Addison’s back, over his backside.

  Addison keeps kissing his way down my front and Paris, resumes sucking on my other breast. My back arches to jut my breast further into his mouth.

  Norden will be expecting me to be an emotional wreckage with Markus’s kidnapping. Which would be the perfect time for him to inflict more personal, emotional damage to me. It would be just another way for him to get his jollies because that’s what he does. I wonder if he does it because it’s all he can do.

  Does he need the strength of a pack to fight for him? The hunt in the forest, was designed again, for entertainment and torture at Thane, Pehlan and my expense. But was Norden there in person hunting us, or was he watching or getting updates or something instead? Was he waiting for someone to bring him our heads on spikes?

  My brain short circuits when I feel Addison’s tongue lap at me and I reach for his head of hair.

  “Oh my god.” I pant as Addison’s very talented mouth and tongue go to town on me.

  “That’s it little wolf, let us love you and we will make you come so hard, you’ll see blind spots.” Paris grins nipping at my earlobe as he whispers his dirty talk into my ear. “You’re so amazing that it takes two werewolf alphas to bring out all the passion in you.” Paris husks at me.

  Addison works me expertly and I start moaning without choice in the matter. Dear god he is good at this, and I am going to be hard fought to draw out my pleasure. I’m li
ke putty in his hands, there is no solidness to me with two male werewolves making every part of my body electrify and come alive.

  I feel my teeth shift to my werewolf fangs automatically. And I look up at Paris panting and groaning with delight.

  He smirks back at me and I think my eyes must be blue now. Both he and Addison are intensifying my body’s urges so much that I’ve done a partial shift without knowing it would happen. And this is just the foreplay. How am I to rise again and again, with two of them all night long, between my legs and touching my skin?

  I need to do something, I have the brief hazy thought as I grip at Addison’s head between my legs and buck up into his mouth.

  “He’s going to make you come Bg, Addison will kiss you till you don’t know where you are or that you even have a body,” Paris’s voice tells me as I writhe against the alpha werewolf male in question.

  “And it’ll be all too easy, because I’ve wanted to see this as much as he has wanted to do this, as much as you’ve wanted both of us here in your bed, loving you, begging to let us love you.”

  Addison consumes me and I want to cry out but I think I’ve lost my voice and ability to make anything more than noises of panting moans. “Come Bg, come all over him, cover him in your juices and I’ll lick it off him, for you, while you catch your breath and watch.”

  Oh dear god, Paris and Addison are going to kill me with that kind of talk!

  I hear a strangled noise rise up and realise it is me, struggling to cry out and howl through my throat as I try to cope with what Addison is doing to my body, with just his mouth and tongue.

  “We haven’t even got to the fucking part yet.” Paris husks into my ear and my eyes roll backwards. “We will all have our fill until we are overflowing with everything we’ve ever wanted between us.”

  I feel his fingers pinch and play with my nipples allowing them just enough time for relief before pinching them with the exquisiteness of pain and ecstasy.

  “You had no idea what you were getting into when you got both of us into this bed, Bg. No idea at all, but I’m glad we’ll get to show you, to tell you, to taste you, together.”

  Oh hell I’m going to melt after I come. There will be nothing left of me once Addison makes me come into his mouth. “You’ll never be so thoroughly pleasured and fucked by anyone as you will by us, your alphas.”

  That does it. I’m writhing hard in the bed and Addison is doing his best to pin my legs so I don’t smother him between my thighs. I shatter, crying out loudly, my voice is cut off my Paris’s mouth descending over my, swallowing my cry of ecstasy.

  He swallows me down and keeps me up as Addison finishes off what he started, me. Paris begins to suck on werewolf fangs and I groan deep in my throat. “We’re only getting started Bg, we’ve got all night yet.” Paris says breaking long enough to whisper in my ear of what I can expect. “We will love you, all night long.”

  The thing I didn’t think about when I was planning my ménage a trios, was how exhausting the two alpha werewolves I was going to bed, would be. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. But I figure it shouldn’t be so bad, I don’t think Norden will try anything on us until nightfall of the forth lunar week night. We should have most of the day to recover if we need it.

  I think I’m going to need it.


  Werewolves dream, as humans we share a special bond of biology with her animal, tribal self. It makes our dreams odd sometimes. Odder than they might seem when we dream in our human selves. Dreams are always surreal and odd at the best of times, but I’ve figure out I dream when I’m in my tribal form.

  And after Addison’s and Paris’s efforts of distraction and persuasion on me, I have no choice but to shape shift. Aubrey’s house is made to accommodate such things.

  Our room is big enough that I can leave the bed and shape shift, fluidly on the floor. The last sight I see before my vision blurs is Paris and Addison on the bed. The shape shift comes over me like a wave that pushes me down to the ocean floor and then settles calmly over me. It leaves me the sense of lightness and weightlessness.

  I’ve gone from shape shift into dreamscape, the most unusual of transitions. Paris and Addison have worn me out so thoroughly that even my werewolf self, is too tired to stay away after the shift is complete.

  This will help me in one of two ways, I think as my mind drifts further away from me. I will either sleep my way through this like a blackout offering nothing up to Norden at all for him to play with. A dreamless sleep or I’ll dream and as my werewolf self, which could mean he won’t have the same capabilities as he might have when I was in my more emotional human self.

  I can only hope, is my thought as I feel the void of dreamlessness and dream state begin to overlap. I have one shot at this and one shot only. The tricky part is, I’ve never done this before, never attempted it before. So I’m not really sure I know for one thing, what I’m doing and two, that I can in fact do it.

  Thane and Phelan said Nordon had this ability, they never mentioned hearing of or experiencing first hand the same ability from any other of their pack’s werewolves. But I’m just so damn daring that of course I’ll try it. But more so, I need to be able to do this because Markus is counting on me to rescue him, for once. I may fail at this, but I will not fail at get-ting to my brother again.

  I would never give up on Markus, ever. He never gave up on me when I was fourteen and lost and ruined in a forest, trying to outrun a nightmare I’d been inflicted with. This makes me feel strong as I remember Markus running to me.

  Images, bits of images, move and shuffle around before me. They change constantly and do not line up perfectly. Probably because I’m not perfect. There is color here too. Which is odd, because werewolves see in black and white and shades of grey, but now I can see or tell that there is greens, deep aquamarine greens and black and beige and white and greys. Alright it’s not a lot of color, but it’s more than I see when I’m in my tribal form in the real world.

  I see movement in the images, they float and overlap like shards of film or glass. Something different in each of them. Bodies moving together, realising release through sex, lips of breasts, hands grabbing, fingers sinking into areas that flare up with pleasure and pleasantness even in viewing them.

  I sit there, on my paws watching the images move and re-arrange themselves and see myself, my human self, like some sort of out of body astral projection, writing on the bed with two males. Paris and Addison, they make love to me and I love them in return. Words stream into my picture show.

  I hear them in Paris’s voice. “Your body is ours now, we will cover you in our scent and seed. Bring you untold of pleasure. You’ve never know anything like it, Bg.” And I remember, him saying this to me as I found myself unable to stay still from the amazing feelings they instilled in me.

  I see the moon and I see each of the three lovers, touch and feel one another even more.

  And just as I begin to wonder if I’m dreaming and that’s all I’m doing, I see something, a shadowy figure amongst the moving panes of images. Something that doesn’t belong there.

  Someone who doesn’t belong there, who isn’t part of this dreamscape. I can see an outline and movement that is jerky and like a flash back experience. But I attribute that to the dream sphere we find ourselves in.

  I know it Norden and keeping my distance, I trot around the far side of where he entered the dream sphere, which is weird really because there is no real sense of direction in here, it’s all fluid.

  If it’s not lit up with my erotic dream images, I look up, Addison’s hips, a trail of hair descending down to where another hand rubs myself, Paris’s hand.

  I feel I can blend into this background, hide in amongst it. Because Norden does not grasp that he is in a dream of a werewolf, an animal. He watches the lust and love that the three bodies display with one another.

  He seems intrigued, but I am sure it is him studying the imagery, to try and find something he can use, for his
own whims against me. Part of me wonders if I was to shape shift back now, if I could trap him in here. Vegetate him.

  But I do not try to find out because really, I don’t want Norden in my head any longer than necessary. I want to rid myself of him. Slowly I pad through the soft black until I see the trail he has left inside me. Already he’s leaving an imprint in me and that should be more power than any evil bastard like Norden is allowed to have.


  I was allowing Norden to leave his mark on me on my life, because I needed him to believe he could.

  He needed to be so wrapped up in his own assured arrogance and sense of power that he wasn’t remotely aware of anything else happening to him. Like a little wolf, following a trail that turned into a strand not unlike a string, and walking along it, walked an ethereal plane to another place that was not her mind, but rather his.

  Of course we were connected. Hadn’t Phelan said that it was a gateway, dreaming, to when the bodies’ spirit wandered and brought us gifts of dreams. If you could figure out how to track the path and find the gateway, you could effectively, come and go to wherever you wanted to be at will. The trick was, I had to be able to recognise something I could use in Norden’s head.

  Stepping into it, was nothing like what I’d seen in mine. My jumbled dreamscape was pleasant and full of pleasure and made in some way, some sort of sense. Norden’s head, was a mess. Beyond a mess, it was chaotic catastrophe.

  There was a lot going on in it and I knew that despite needing to rescue Markus, there just wouldn’t be enough time in the world to sort my way through Norden’s dream space. Not without something more specific to go on.

  I looked on as everything moved and shifted and rotated and changed. Image after image, thought after thought, thoughts wrapped around sounds muffling them. Sounds encasing images in bubbles that could not be broken.

  I don’t know how I knew that, but I did. Norden’s dreamscape was designed to reflect the nightmare mind he contained and I’m not ashamed to say, I didn’t want to go anywhere near it. How could I as it pulsed yellow and laced red with a tube of something wrapping it all up and pulling tight.


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