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Red White and Werewolf

Page 18

by Girl, Breukelen

  One large werewolf with grey and green eyes and a light beige or blonde fur steps forward from the left of the werewolf circle, he has a long deep scar across his snout.

  I know this wolf. He steps over the blood line without touching it and into the circle and takes up a crouching position.

  We all watch in silence, as his body shimmers and shifts quickly, to that of a crouching na-ked, human male. It all takes about three seconds. That has to be the fastest shape shift I’ve ever seen. I gulp down a nervous vat of saliva quickly.

  Confrontation is something I’m good at. As much as I hate it. It turns out, it’s a rather good skill to have. Doesn’t mean, I don’t get nervous. I get nervous. But nerves are good, aren’t they? I think as Norden unfurls form his crouching position.

  Nerves drive your focus and mean you’re aware, I think as Norden straightens up into a standing position.

  You’re aware of every fucking thing, unlike you’re enemy. Norden stands tall now before me, naked and muscular and a lot younger looking than I’d have thought he could look.

  He is far taller than me, and he is naked and hard, muscles defined, and looking as powerful as his reputation portrays him as.

  He’s nothing like I expected to see. But his appearance doesn’t faze me, even his long hard-ened cock sticking out at me.

  “At last.” Norden says looking me over. “Together at last.”

  “And all it took was a kidnapping; twice and a wild hunt. You sure know how to seduce a girl.” I fire back at him. “Where’s my brother?”

  “Oh don’t worry, he’s nice and close and safe with my wolves.”

  I drop my arm down by my side as if exhausted from holding a fighting stance. “I’m so glad to hear that.”

  There is movement around the circle that captures Norden’s eyes as he looks around, seeing what it is. I’ve just signalled my werewolves into action. Paris leads them in.

  Werewolves love blood. The smell of it is un-missable, it highly irresistible. It’s attention grabbing and distracting as hell. Especially on a lunar night when our senses are heightened dramatically.

  And while I’ve been doing this and leading all these werewolves here, into the round. They’ve been focused on me, as sucked in to Norden’s own tunnel vision on the prize of destroying the three remaining children of the woman he proclaimed to love but rejected him.

  Which was my plan all along.

  Because his werewolves are so focused on fighting the urges that the smell of blood brings out in them, they weren’t paying attention to my wave of werewolves slowly slipping in behind them, trapping them to their positions.

  Open ground, means we can encase our enemy, especially if they are not smart enough to realise we have the numbers to do it.

  “Clever.” Norden mutters as the fighting around the circle breaks out amongst his were-wolves and mine.

  “Now, which one of you Cavello whelps killed my son?” He then proceeds to ignore all the growling and rough housing going on around us.

  Why should he watch, it’s not what he came here for, he came here for me and for the Cavello brothers, to rid himself of us at last.

  I don’t answer him. Because I would never give him anything more than he has already gotten from Thane and Phelan, all their lives. “Now, I have you all to myself. Whatever shall I do with you?” I say smiling sweetly at him.

  He tilts his head in an animal way. His focus back on me. “It’s what I’m going to do to you and your brothers here, that you should be asking about.” He says back at me.

  “You’re not going to do anything to them, ever again.” I say allowing my inner werewolf self to form in my mind and trot of looking for the path into Norden’s mind. “I will see to that.”

  “You see yourself as a big bad werewolf don’t you?” Norden asks. “I do so like that.” He says taking a slow step towards me.

  I will make him tip toe around me for as long as possible. Until I know that we have Markus in our custody not his. “But you and your brothers will still be mine.”

  “How’d you figure it out? That I was related to them?” I ask curiously. “I never grew up with the pack, my mother gave birth to me in secret and hid me away from your prying eyes. You must not have known about me for a while. I mean, this is the first time we’ve ever met and it took you twenty-nine years to figure out I existed.”

  I can see a muscle in Norden’s jaw twitching violently.

  I have struck a nerve and battered his evil ego. Must be somewhat of a shock to him to find a werewolf standing up to him, especially one like me. Young, female and clearly defiant and not fazed by his reputation or nature.

  “Do you think this a movie where I’ll just allow you to talk me to death? Monologue on and reveal something so you’re wolves can get to your other brother in time? Markus wasn’t it?”

  My heart skips a beat and I try to remain stony faced, showing no sign of emotion. “Miss Sommers you will never know what I know about your family line and you will never know this because I will see to it that this bloodline ends here, today. Say goodbye to Markus and your brothers.”

  He starts striding towards me and as he does my inner werewolf, picks up the pace and runs faster along the connection to his mind, getting inside it as he gets closer to me. I am stationery as a rock allowing his approach.

  While Phelan and Thane are on their haunches growling by my side.

  He should know something is up, if he was any good at this warfare business. I’m rather glad he’s not. I don’t think Norden is used to strategic fighting, he might be used to werewolf scrap fighting or a dominance fight, but when has he ever had a need to lead a pack into all out fucking brawl? Because of a woman, no less.

  That’s not his style. He’s never had to because of his power for trickery and manipulation of weak minds.

  I am anything but weak.


  It’s up to Thane and Phelan now to keep Norden off me long enough for me to focus on the sweet spot inside his headspace.

  The other werewolves from Norden’s pack won’t touch me, because I’ll be marked for him, and him only. That will be the order. After all, he can’t be robbed of his victory. My werewolves will keep the circle around us.

  They were right about distance being a factor, the closer I am to him, the easier it is to slide into place.

  My little werewolf looks around inside him, like it did the night before when he was dreaming. See, I realise something about telepathy and dreaming and that’s what given me this ad-vantage.

  Dreaming telepathy is related to regular telepathy. If you can project your will onto others through the dreaming landscape, it’s not unlike forcing your way into someone’s sub consciousness, like Phelan tried on me when we first met.

  This is what Norden has been doing his whole life, to other werewolves. So all I need do because I am the target of his intention is do the same thing back to him.

  Only I won’t plant a seed of thought or a message to build slowly or over time. I’m going to ram my will into him and cripple the bastard with it.

  I remain completely still, watching Norden try and battle a circular attack by Thane and Phelan, causing him to switch his body movements, constantly. It’s a highly effective form of fighting, attack and attack again, so there is barely enough time to react.

  What the Cavello’s need to do however, is keep up the momentum on him and keep him in the same spot he is ensuring he does advance on me.

  Because if Norden gets his hands on me, the entire plan goes out the window. Paris will come charging in and then we lose our surprise advantage and in all likelihood, Paris or Aksel will get me out of there all together and that will be that.

  It’ll be like saying “Thanks for trying Bg.” Without mentioning that I failed.

  In order to execute this bodacious plan of attack on Norden, I had to agree with Aksel and Paris that I would retreat if Norden got to me and they needed to be called in to get to him.

Then it would simply turn into a regular every werewolf for themselves fight. Thane and Phelan had assured me they could handle Norden together, in order for me to do what I had to.

  For a moment there, everything looks good, is going better than I expected it to go. Thane and Phelan have Norden on the ropes.

  They’re claws swipe and cut at him, every time they bare their teeth they rip into him, causing him to have to reach for them, to throw them off him.

  Only they let go before he can, systematically taking turns at dropping and leaping off and at him.

  One wolf attacking his top then the second attacking his lower body. Then both of them attacking the lower half of his body at the same time.

  He bleeds a little more each time.

  It’s Thane who snaps, going for Norden’s cock, he misses as Norden moves just in the nick of time and backing up, shape shifts like he’s fluid. To his wolf self as Thane lands on the ground while Pehlan is still coming down from midair. Talk about disadvantage. The three wolves continue the rumble.

  My little werewolf looks around the headspace is different now, because Norden is in fight mode, everything is constantly moving and shifting and changing.

  Parts of his mind light up like Christmas lights blinking on and off. I cannot see the tight cord that was binding everything together in a knot inside him anymore.

  Damn it! I need to do something.

  My plan had been to unravel the whole fucking mess so his own pack of wolves could be flooded with the knowledge of what Norden had done to them. I hadn’t anticipated it being different now that he’s in fight mode.

  This fight cannot be for nothing!

  Do you have Markus yet? I ask mind to mind with Addison and Booker who’ve been put in charge of collecting my brother.

  We have Markus, we’re not clear of them though. Booker comes back at me quickly. Damn it!

  Tell me when you’ve got Markus out of there and he’s back in a Quebec pack stronghold. I reply back to the alpha lycan, Booker.

  The night is darkening around us and the full moon is getting brighter and larger in the night sky.

  Thane and Phelan have Norden literally chasing his tail as they keep him rounded up. Watching Norden I’m inspired to try something completely terrible and horrible at the same time. My little werewolf opens its mouth inside Norden’s head and starts sinking into Norden, eating at him.

  Norden howls and lashes and lunges at Thane.

  I feel the sweat form on my forehead and arms. Despite the cold of the night, my body is readying for the shape shift. I don’t think I have much longer to do more damage than I am now. I have to make everything count.

  We can’t get clear Booker reports back to me. We’re going to have to take the long way.

  Do it, whatever it takes. I reply back to him

  That takes us straight to your fight zone. Booker says to me.

  There’s too many of them for three of us to get past. Addison adds on.

  Shit. Norden’s werewolf numbers are bigger than what he’s displaying here for me. That was clever of the old boy. A very clever thing to do, good for him, bad for me.

  Get to us now! I issue the order to them.

  Bg if we come your way, we’ll be bringing at least twenty werewolves with us. Addison tells me.

  Bring it on. I growl, replying to both of them so they’re clear.


  The bodies of werewolves are starting to drop and pile up in clumps around the blood circle. The smell of blood outranks the smell of death.

  It’s weird to say I like it, but that’s just the werewolf biology speaking. It can’t be avoided on a night like tonight.

  I’m doing better than I thought I would when it comes to feeling my needs and urges. The previous night’s interlude with Paris and Addison seems to have done a very good number on me. And for once, I’m not irritated wanting to scratch and claw at my change over.

  But I feel the pull of the moon as the clouds in the night sky slowly part around it. It strums along the fibres of my muscles like a fine song being played to seduce the beast within me, out. And my werewolf wants to howl right back at it, I feel the familiar pull inside of me.

  Soon. I promise my werewolf, soon.

  Norden manages to finally break up Thane and Phelan by tossing Phelan clear of our fight and into the blood line circle with other wolves.

  Thane fights him and they claw at each and try and get a good grip on one another as they tumble across the ground.

  But neither allows enough stillness for that to happen. Then Norden does an old, dirty, but effective trick. He kicks up the dirt of the ground so it flies into Thane’s eyes. Blinding him and making him stumble around.

  Norden runs towards me and in mid leap before he shifts back to his human self. I seriously underestimated his abilities.

  Fast shape shifting like this, back and forth, drains us of a hell of lot energy. There are also normally side effects from this type of practice that weaken us momentarily for periods of time. But if Norden is weakened, I cannot tell from the outside. He marches towards me and from the corner of my eye I can see Paris ready to race in to me.

  I put my hand low to indicate he should stay where he is before I reach up behind my shoulders under my loose top, just before Norden reaches me and pull out my Sai.

  “What the fuck?” Norden growls at me stopping short of their pointed ends. “You’re sup-posed to be a werewolf.”

  “I’m hurt. You don’t like my claws.” I mutter as he gets over his hesitation and comes for me.

  When I move with my Sai, it’s like they are a natural extension of me. Not weapons that I have to consciously think about.

  I guess I don’t use these weapons much anymore, not because I don’t fight. But because, you have to know when to fight and what you are fighting for, if you can’t know that then you’ve lost before you’ve even begun.

  These Sai remind me, of that. They are a part of me and my personal history, my life as a werewolf.

  They are strength and intelligence in a simple design that can be used for demonstration as a friendly message or deadly as need be.

  As Norden comes at me, I drop and leg sweep him with the Sai. I hear the bang of the metal against his shin as he stumbles in unexpected pain but does not go down, so I swivel around up and out from under him.

  Throwing off his line of sight, causing him to have turn on the injured leg. Lunar week means his fighting skills might be amplified, but so too is his pain threshold.

  I intend to bring him as much suffering and pain as five lifetimes are worth. For Thane, for my twin Phelan; and our birth parents.

  I leap up and crouch tightly, spinning the Sai down onto an acute angle and pierce the top of Norden’s shoulders before quickly withdrawing them before I’ve landed back down on my feet.

  Norden doesn’t know how to attack me smart, because he’s never dealt with someone like me before. He’s not used to this form of fighting.

  As I land, I go low and bring the Sai into the sides of his ankles pushing them in deep as be-gins to fold down to grab me I swivel and slide through, under his legs. Twisting the sai in his ankles like handles for my manoeuvre.

  He roars in pain, and I position myself now behind him, pulling the Sai out of him again. Blood spurts out quickly and Nordon stumbles forward, again, staggering off balance but not going down.

  Before he can turn to face me I jump up again and pierce his back with the Sai and pulled them out. By the time I have pulled them out, Norden still roaring in anger, pain and frustration, has twisted around to swipe his shifted claws at me.

  I swerve they’re reach and instead, pierce his hips with the Sai all the way up to the tridents going in a quarter of the way.

  I pull back as he turns completely, aiming to grab me.

  I circle him causing Nordon, wounded and bleeding continuously to try and keep up with me. My efficiency means he is now ready for the next attack and getting a shot in is going to be dif
ficult as he hunches taking a readymade attack stance.

  I have to strike fast and keep the wounds coming if I am to bring him down. I leap forward low to the ground and drive the Sai into his feet and yanked them out, jumping back.

  I feel his claws tangle through my hair as it swings out but I pull my head back before he can grab at it.

  We face off looking at one another, waiting to see who will make the next strike when I hear wolves howl in the not so far, distance.

  It is Markus, signalling they are close, which means the flood of werewolves they’re bringing with them are on their tails too.

  This fight is about to get a whole lot more interesting and bloody.

  My body is beginning to heat up immensely, I have to bring Norden down before I shift, otherwise I will lose my advantage.


  Norden too hears the wolves howl and not recognizing it, does not know what to think. Despite the surprise on his face, his eyes remain on me.

  We’re going to be at a stalemate if I don’t make a god damn move soon and allow Norden enough to think about healing his fucking wounds.

  He is after all, an alpha and he could if so inclined, do partial shifts to heal them whilst in battle. But that would take a fair amount of energy and concentration.

  “Bitch, I will eternally fuck you’re corpse up.” He growls at me.

  I blink and my werewolf fangs come through my gums easily and I see the startled look on Nordens’ face, does he see my mother in my blue eyes?

  “No, it can’t be.” He mutters and with his bewilderment over my appearance that reminds him of the ghost of my birth mother.

  I don’t even stop to think about it. I just attack.

  Right at the same time that Thane with claws bared, slices his paws through the back tendons of Norden’s heels. While I slide across the dirt, rising up as he comes down to pierce him on the Sai, driving them in, under his rib cage.

  Norden gargles, and blood weeps down the Sai.

  He tries to grab for me, but Phelan charges in and with a leap through the air. Trails his claws across the front of Nordens face, slicing it into large open wounds.


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