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Fatal (Portland Street Kings Book 2)

Page 6

by Evie Harper

  I sigh and throw my arm out. “May as well, not much else to do around here. Lead the way.”

  “Thanks, you’ll be saving our asses on this. Shit’s gone downhill since Della’s been in the hospital.”

  A pang of guilt stabs at my chest since it’s my brother who put her there. It doesn’t take me long to find what Pacer needs. Della has kept everything up-to-date and their ordering system is the same one we used at my dad’s garage.

  I write down the details Pacer needs and while handing it to him, he thanks me, but his voice is drowned out by a roaring engine, thundering down the drive past the house. Pacer turns, his eyebrows furrowing, then relaxing when he views the orange Dodge Charger. He twists back to me and shoots me a smile before he takes his mobile and walks across the garage, obviously wanting quiet while he calls the suppliers.

  I keep watch as the Dodge stops in the garage parking lot and a man unfolds from the car. The dark blond hair poking out from underneath the backward baseball cap gives away who it is straight away. Kelso shuts the car door and begins walking to the garage. He spots me and winks.

  I can’t help but smile, the little brat was always the most flirtatious out of the Kings and damn has he grown up. His tight-fitting tank and jeans show how he’s changed from the small, scrawny kid he used to be, to the muscles-in-all-the-right-places and tattoo-covered arms man he is now.

  My eyes are on Kelso walking toward me when I hear the back screen door slam closed. However, I don’t have time to look because Kelso picks me up and swings me around in a tight hug. I squeal in surprise but realize I shouldn’t. These guys were never mean or rude to me, they’re some of the kindest people I’ve ever met if you don’t get on their bad side that is. The last few years have changed how we all view each other. But it seems when we come back together, nothing has really changed at all… well, for all except one.

  Kel places me down, steps back, and sweeps his gaze up and down my body with a mischievous grin. “Slater said you’d changed, babe, but he didn’t say you’d gotten sexier. Who fucking knew it was possible?”

  My cheeks stretch into a wide smile and I cross my arms over my chest. “I could say the same to you. Got a few tattoos, hey?”

  Kelso smirks, stretches one arm out and glances to the artwork across his skin. “Gotta find something to do in this boring-ass town.”

  Suddenly, his smile dies and his brows rise. He nods toward the house and asks, “They weren’t too hard on you last night?”

  I shrug, place my hands on my hips and reply in a matter-of-fact voice, “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  Kelso tips his head to the side, licks his lips and says, “I like this new Lana.” His tone sultry.

  I shake my head and laugh. “You haven’t changed a bit, Kelso.”

  I’m about to tell Kelso to clear off when a deep, gravelly voice says, “For fuck’s sake, get a room you two.”

  My heart squeezes painfully at Mack’s words. He thinks so little of me.

  Kelso’s eyes narrow for a moment and then a slow smile builds. He places his palms up in the air. “Sorry brother didn’t realize you’d made a claim.”

  “He hasn’t.”

  “I haven’t.”

  I lower my chin and stare at the ground, wishing the earth would eat me whole. Six days. I can get through them, it’s not like my heart wasn’t ripped to shreds before I arrived. How could I possibly leave any worse?

  Heavy footsteps are heard behind me, but not getting closer, they’re moving further away. I peer up to Kelso, who’s standing next to me with a frown.

  As the screen door squeaks open and closed, quietly this time, Kelso glances to me. “I knew there was history between you two.”

  Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I press my lips together and peer around the garage. I’m not talking if Mack never has.

  “He’s changed over the years.” Kelso’s words gain my attention instantly. “Mack is the strongest out of us all. He can move on where some of us have struggled to overcome our past…” Kelso trails off and I watch as his eyes stare into the distance, seemingly lost for a moment. He recovers and continues, “However, somewhere along the way Mack lost what we all used to envy him for… his ability to be positive and hope for the best and his dreams for the future. He had so many and then one day they were gone. He got up each day, but he never actually lived, not for the future he used to hope for anyway.”

  I still, unable to move. Kelso’s words unknowing to him, shatter a piece of me, which used to be a part of those hopes and dreams. A fragment of my soul I thought broke a long time ago.

  “He was just, Lana. Whatever he’s telling you, he’s lying to you and to himself.”

  My eyes dart to Kelso. His words cause my breathing to spike and something I haven’t dared to want in a long time, hope for Mack and I.

  “Oi, Kel, get over here and help me with this fucking ordering shit,” Pacer yells from the other side of the garage, his booming voice jerks me out of my thoughts and forces me to decide.

  “See you round, babe,” Kel says with a wink.

  I nod and turn on my heels and head straight for the house.

  If I ruined Mack and he broke me, then maybe we can put each other back together?

  I storm into the kitchen and spot a furious Mack turning from the window to me.

  Pointing my finger at him, I say, “You’ve got some nerve you know that.”

  Mack’s eyebrows shoot up and he pushes his own finger into his chest. “Me?” he says in an astonished tone.

  “Yes, Mackson King… you. How dare you insinuate that I need to get a room with your brother? Don’t disrespect or insult me like that again. You know how Kelso used to be with me, and every girl in a one hundred meter radius,” –I throw my arm out– “, and he clearly hasn’t changed. It’s all in fun, nothing more.”

  “Hey, I take offense to that,” Kelso announces in the distance.

  Mack and I swing our angry gazes to the window and catch Kelso and Pacer watching us with smiles on their faces.

  “Fuck off,” Mack and I say in unison, both of our tempers dangerously close to snapping completely.

  The guys throw their heads back with a loud chuckle and return to the garage.

  Mack’s body tenses and he growls, “Stop flirting with my brothers, Lana, then the next six days are gonna be a hell of a lot easier for the both of us.”

  Oh, he did not just say that to me.

  I breathe in, roll my shoulders and relax my body. “Mack, if I were flirting with your brothers then I’d have taken a slow step into their space.” I move toward Mack and his whole frame tenses instantly and he grimaces. “I’d have angled my body slightly so they could smell my perfume and then lifted my eyes and gazed into theirs while licking my lips, slowly.” My tongue is unhurriedly sliding along my bottom lip when Mack swallows roughly. “And then I’d—”

  Suddenly, rough hands are on my hips, pulling me into a strong body. My hands fly up to grab hold of Mack’s shoulders, so I don’t fall backward as he sucks my tongue into his mouth and then kisses me deeply. I never have a chance to fight against the need, my body betrays me, kissing him back just as desperately and melting into his embrace. Warmth spreads throughout my body as Mack’s hard dick digs deliciously into my clit. With as much force as he took me, Mack pushes my body away but still keeps hold of my hips. There’s no smile on his face, only intoxication of the moment, the hot intensity in this eyes, which I’m sure is mirrored in my own.

  Mack’s chest rises and falls heavily and in a husky voice he says, “Flirt like that with another man in front of me, and you’ll risk his life as well as your own.”

  My eyes grow wide and I gasp at the possessive words Mack allows to slip out. “You were jealous?” Kelso was right?

  “What, Dove, don’t think I still find you attractive? I do. You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. And now with that feisty mouth of yours, my cock aches to be inside you, begging me
to shut my damn mouth and tell you everything I need to, to have you one last time.”

  “Mack,” I murmur, wanting to talk about this. He wants me as much as I crave him. There has to be a way for us to move on from the past.

  “But I don’t fuck cheaters or selfish bitches.”

  His words don’t just sting this time, it’s as if his very touch is searing my skin, burning the words into my body like a brand.

  I push Mack off me. “I hate you,” I seethe.

  “No, baby, you hate that you love me.” Mack turns and begins walking out of the kitchen, but before he’s out the door, he lays his final blow. “Feeling’s mutual.”

  Chapter Five


  Under the covers of Della’s blanket, I bring my knees to my chin and curl my body up tight. The heat of the mid-morning sun shines through the window and onto the bed, causing a light sheen of sweat on the back of my neck, but I refuse to push the covers off and face the day.

  Day three, and still no word from Rex. How hard is it to decide to save your sister instead of feeding your revenge?

  There’s a soft knock on the door. I stay silent hoping whoever it is will go away. All the guys except Mack have come in this morning trying to rouse me for breakfast. I refused to move or talk.

  I hate being here, loathe being near Mack, and I won’t go home unless my brother shows me I’m more important than a vendetta. I need Rex to choose me. It seems ridiculous, me wanting my brother to give up on getting justice for our father’s murder, but then no one would ever understand as they haven’t walked my path. However, my brother saw it all. I hope deep down that he sees I’m worth more than my father ever thought I was. I pray my brother doesn’t follow in my father’s footsteps.

  My body stills at the creak of the bedroom door opening. If it’s Mack this time, and if he utters a word to me, I may just jump out of this bed and scratch his eyes out with my nails. That’s how explosive I’m feeling today.

  “Lana,” Piper’s gentle voice causes me to groan out loud. Damn. They sent in the one person I won’t ignore.

  I push the blanket back and blow out a breath to get the loose hair off my face. “They’re evil.”

  Piper giggles. “Yes, they are. However, it did take them two hours to figure it out. I enjoyed watching them try to work out how to get a woman out of bed who isn’t their sister.”

  I smile. “That does make me feel better.”

  Piper sits on the edge of the bed. “You do need to get up though, Della wants to see you. So we’re all going to the hospital.”

  My heart accelerates and my stomach churns. I laugh awkwardly. “What, she wants to grill me for Rex attacking the Kings and blame me for all the terrible things he’s done? I’m really not in the mood to be told off by anyone right now.”

  “No,” Piper says quickly. “Della doesn’t blame you for what happened to her, no one does.”

  Clutching my stomach, I’m feeling ill. Seeing the woman my father hurt, witnessing the pain in the eyes of someone who used to be my friend, how can I face her?

  “Okay, I’ll get up and dress.” My voice is almost a whisper.

  Piper stands from the bed. She offers me an understanding nod and a sad smile.

  I hate that look. “I don’t need you to pity me. I’m a big girl, I’ll get through this day like I have any other.”

  Growing up I always felt people pitied me more than they liked me. Up until recently, it’s how I thought Mack must have felt. He was sorry for the poor, tormented girl, and he may have seen some of himself in me. But not love or like, not enough for him to come back to me anyway, but he did and he still claims it was love. I do believe him. What man would come back for a girl when he knows his family killed her father? One who must have wanted to try, through all the odds he wanted to try. And I was weak. But I’m not anymore and I refuse to let Mack torture me for the past mistakes we both made.

  Piper frowns. “I don’t pity you. That was not my pity face.” She darts to the mirror on the dresser and says, “I can control my pity face. I work with kids, I have to be able to control that look.” She anxiously pulls and pokes at her face and it makes me laugh.

  A knowing grin appears on Piper’s face. Oooh, she’s good.

  “Like I said, I work with kids. You might not know this, but I have a stutter.” My eyebrows pinch together. Piper stutters? “I might appear sad by a situation, but I do not pull the ‘oh poor thing’ face. I’ve seen enough of them to last me a lifetime.” Piper heads for the door, but I want to ask the question that’s on the tip of my tongue before she leaves.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve never heard you stutter, I don’t think so anyway.”

  “I’ve learned to control it. However, eventually Slater will piss me off or God forbid get hurt and then you’ll hear a whole string of stuttering.”

  My chest tightens. Piper has been nothing but kind to me since I arrived. My brother tried to kill her and yet she treats me with respect, as an individual, and she hasn’t once blamed me for my brother’s decisions. It sucks to think people may have treated her differently because of her speech.

  “Now you’re giving me the look.”

  “Shit.” Unconsciously my head swings to the mirror and I find a soft expression on my face, one of adoration, not pity.

  Piper laughs. “You’re great practice. I’m going to have these street kids eating out of my hands soon.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her words. Damn. I really like her.


  Walking through the hospital, I’m surrounded by the Kings. Slater’s in the lead holding Piper’s hand. People move out of their way instantly, giving us a wide berth. I can understand why. The Kings’ swagger is one of confidence and danger. They don’t walk somewhere, they forge a determined path and make sure their outward appearance lets everyone know nothing will get in their way.

  We arrive at a lift and get in. Slater pulls out a keycard, swipes it and presses the button for the top floor. The lift comes to a stop and the doors open. We all step out and I gasp when my eyes find Brett standing near a reception desk. I stop, refusing to go any further, ready for an all-out brawl when Slater steps forward. But his body doesn’t tense and no punches are thrown. Slater grasps Brett’s palm with his own –their hands in a fist- and they shoulder tap each other, something I know the guys do with only their closest friends.

  My mind is blown. They’re friends? I thought Brett was an enemy to the Kings, and a messenger they barely tolerated?

  “She’s good, sitting up and moving around a lot more today,” Brett informs Slater before winking at me; he steps into the lift and presses a button for the doors to close. I turn back around and find all the guys and Piper looking at me with grins on their faces. Pressing my lips tightly together I don’t say a word, not sure how to take the fact that Rex has a friend who’s indeed working for his enemy. You think you know people.

  The woman sitting behind the reception desk gains our attention when she gives us all a chirpy, “Hello.”

  All the guys smile and lift their chins, however, no one stops to talk to her.

  We follow Slater and Piper up a long corridor and then finally, they stop at room number twenty-one. While my heart beats heavily against my chest, I rub my fingers across my clammy hands and then still my body as Slater and Piper walk through the door and disappear. Kelso, Pacer, and Mackson all stop with me and give me curious looks.

  “I’m okay, just need a minute,” I inform them.

  Kelso and Pacer leave me be, walking into the hospital room. Mackson hasn’t moved.

  Peeking at him out of the corner of my eye, I find him rubbing the back of his neck and his forehead wrinkling with concern.


  “Don’t.” My chest rises and falls heavily. “I have nothing left for you. Yesterday you made damn sure of that.”

  Not wanting to hear Mack’s reply, or be in his presence another second, I propel my body into ro
om twenty-one.

  My eyes find Della almost instantly. She’s smiling up at her brothers, but once she sees me come through the door her smile dies.

  The room falls silent. Della’s eyes gloss over and her chin trembles. The urge to run away is great. I want to get as far away from here as I can. It’s taken me years to stop being one of his victims. Della’s agony is written all over her face, and it’s not something I want to memorize and never be able to forget.

  Slater coughs. “We’ll give you two some time to talk.”

  Della’s family leaves the room and now it’s just the two of us.

  All we do for a long moment is stare at one another. In my mind she’s a kid again, her laughter and happy smile circling around in my mind.

  Abruptly Della lets out a sob and my heart squeezes and twists painfully.

  I move to the side of her bed, my eyes wildly searching hers. How do I tell her how sorry I am for what my family has put her through?

  “I’m sorry,” Della’s voice is strained as she forces her words through another strangled cry.

  Tears begin to fall and I shake my head furiously. Comforting words get stuck in my throat. What can I say to ease the pain of having a piece of your soul stolen?

  “Lana.” The determined tone in Della’s voice causes my body to cease shaking and I give her my full attention.

  “There’s something you need to know.”

  What? My body freezes with fear. There’s nothing I need to know which I haven’t already imagined about the horrifying moments Della had to endure. Knowing the details, what my father did, those would destroy me.

  “I was the one who killed your father. It wasn’t Slater, it was me.” Della’s strangled voice rushes the words out, but they’re as clear as if she had screamed them.

  I take a quick step back from the bed. My eyes on Della, while my mouth falls. I was the one who killed your father. Light-headedness hits me hard and I have to grasp a tight hold of the railing on the bed to stay upright.


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