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Bought (Ghost Riders MC Book 1)

Page 4

by Brook Wilder

  She flew off the bed and made a beeline for the door.

  “Don’t you dare. Get over here!”

  I cradled my balls, grimacing at the intense pain. My eyes squeezed shut for a moment as I groaned, but they flew open again when I heard the door slam open against the wall.

  "Shit!" I cursed.

  We were in the middle of the desert. The bitch had no clue where we were or where to go.

  Still in pain, I pulled myself up and managed to pull my jeans and boots back on. I ran out the door and made my way to the back entrance to get my bike. If I didn’t find her, someone else would and they wouldn’t be so kind to her. That I knew, but Cassie didn’t. She was so fucking naive if she thought he could escape.

  It was the Cartel I was most worried about. Ruiz wanted her. He wasn’t happy. If he wanted something, he found a way to get it—and then destroy it so nobody else could ever have it.

  There was no way in hell I’d let him do that to Cassie.

  Chapter 7


  I made it out of that… place quicker than I thought I would. And, surprisingly, without being seen by anyone. Once outside, I saw a steel gate and sprinted towards it. I stopped for a second and looked at my surroundings. We were in the middle of the desert. I was in the middle of the goddamn desert!

  My mind screamed, and my heart raced as I considered how I was going to get out of there and back to safety. I didn't know what direction to travel in. If I ran the wrong way, trouble would find me sooner than safety would. Most likely in the shape of Mason.

  I heard laughter and a door slam shut behind me.

  I looked back to see two men in sharp, crisp suits walk out of the building. I recognized them from the auction. They didn't see me, or even glance up from their phones or newly lit cigarettes, as I started running away from their house of horrors.

  I had no shoes and my feet stung with every step I took to win back my freedom. The white bra I was dressed in for the auction was pretty – I couldn’t deny that – but I wasn’t accustomed to wearing such delicate undergarments. I was more used to wearing sports bras, which were comfortable and practical. This stupid cute thing did nothing to support my breasts, which bounced around painfully as I ran.

  For a small person, my boobs have always been reasonably large. But, unless I did any kind of sport, they’d never bothered me. Running barefoot in the middle of the desert and dressed like a stripper was another reminder as to why I didn't do sports.

  And I was sore. There was an ache between my legs and I knew what the cause of it was. Mason had been rough. He hadn't been at all gentle with me, not even a little.

  Having sex with him wasn't how I’d pictured my first time. Mason hadn't cared about me at all. He’d known he was hurting me. And when I’d told him to stop, he hadn't. He’d just kept on pounding harder.

  But the pain had subsided. After a while it had started to feel nice, and I’d wanted more of it. I hadn't wanted him to stop, even after I’d given his balls a good hard squeeze so I could escape.

  It felt like I had been running for hours when I saw lights coming towards me in the distance. I changed direction, veering toward them, waving my hands and screaming for help. I stopped running and sighed in relief when I saw the lights swing towards me.

  They sounded like trucks from a distance. But as the lights neared, I realized they were motorcycles. My heart jumped into my throat and I shuddered at the thought of who might be riding them.

  They were my only chance of escape, though. I continued to wave and shout at them, though I doubted they could hear the shouting over the loud rips of their engines.

  Several bikes pulled up around me.

  I looked at who I hoped would be my saviors, but that hope was fading fast. They were likely to be heading towards the place I’d just escaped from.

  I chastised myself. How stupid could I be? I should have known. Where else would they be headed in this godforsaken wilderness? In my panic, the connection hadn’t clicked.

  “Well, well, well! Look what we have here, boys!”

  The largest and meanest-looking biker stepped off his bike and started towards me. His slow and careful steps were precise, almost calculating.

  A shiver ran down my spine as I looked from him to his friends, who were also getting off their bikes and starting towards me. I shook my head desperately.

  "Please, you have to help me. Please!" I begged, even though I knew it was useless.

  They were not going to help me. No one was.

  “Well now, aren't you a pretty thing?”

  The sneering tone made me regret hurting Mason and running away from him. My prospects hadn't been good with him. But they had to have been better than they were now.

  “Mason,” I quickly said, “I’m Mason's property. He brought me.”

  They laughed.

  “If you’re Mason’s property, then why are you out here, sweet tits?” the big biker said.

  I shook my head again.

  “He’ll come for me,” I nodded, trying to convince myself as much anyone else. “He’ll be here any minute.”

  They laughed again.

  "Oh, we all know Mason. And we know he isn't coming after you,” the biker assured me. “He doesn't chase any girls, sweetheart. So what makes you think you’ll be any different?"

  “He bought me,” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “He wouldn’t spend $7000 and not come after it.”

  More laughter.

  “Honey, you’re confused. Mason doesn’t buy girls, he sells them!”

  “He sold me and bought me!” I screamed.

  “The bitch has a temper,” the leader laughed again.

  "Hey, she's the one Mason and Ruiz fought over during the bidding," one of the others said, with an air of sudden realization.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  "Joey called. Said Ruiz and Mason were locked in a bidding war over some brunette." He nodded at me. "That must be her. Don’t know if her pussy’s worth seven grand though."

  The leader chuckled and kicked the ground with the toe of his heavy boots.

  "You want to find out? Grab her and tie her down on my bike. We’ll find out just how good that pussy of hers is."

  " No!" I screamed.

  I turned to run away, but I didn't get anywhere. The bikers had me surrounded. They grabbed me and pushed me down to the ground faster than I could blink. The bra slipped and exposed a nipple, giving them the view they wanted.

  I kicked to try and fight them off, but it only took one of them to hold me down.

  Struggling was pointless. They rolled me onto my stomach and yanked my arms up behind my back. They bound my wrists with a rough piece of rope, which they then wrapped around my ankles. A gag was shoved into my mouth before one of the men half-lifted me, hog-tied, by my hair. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

  "Get her up," the leader ordered.

  As they hauled me onto the leader’s bike, I heard another engine coming our way.

  The motorbike pulled up alongside us.

  “Drop her, asshole!”

  I was relieved, but also scared, when I heard the voice.

  “No, Mason,” the biker leader replied. “We found her. She’s fair game.”

  "It's not up for discussion. I bid on her, I bought her, I own her. So, get your hands off my property!"

  The leader laughed. With seven of them against Mason’s one, he wasn't scared. Mason stood no chance. Regret at having run away from him sunk in and suddenly lay heavy in the pit of my stomach.

  “Ghost Riders aren’t long for the world anymore,” the biker leader sneered. “You stand no chance. None of you do.”

  “Still stand more chance than you,” Mason seethed as he pulled out a gun. “Don’t make me say it again. Drop her.”

  The hand tightened its grip on my hair.

  “You wouldn’t dare…”

  I screamed as gunshots rang out around me, one after another. The hand rela
xed and I fell to the ground.

  I tried to wriggle the binding loose, but it was no use – they were tied too firmly. I grunted as I tried to sit up so I could look around, but I only managed to catch a small glimpse of the chaos around me.

  Once again, I was picked up and thrown over a shoulder. As I was swung around, I could see that the seven bikers were dead and I was again the prisoner of the man I’d been trying to escape in the first place.

  “Don't ever do that again!” Mason growled in my ear after he’s slung me, still hogtied, over the back of his bike.

  I tried to tell him to take the gag out of my mouth, but it so muffled my words that even I couldn’t understand what I was saying.

  “Don’t talk!”

  The conversation was over, for now. His bike roared to life and the two of us rode off into the night.

  Chapter 8


  I made it back to the clubhouse in record time with Cassie still tied up. She had escaped, but that wouldn’t be happening again. I couldn’t let it. There was no telling what would’ve happened to her if I hadn’t got her back from that rat bastard, Harlan.

  Harlan has been kissing Ruiz’s ass for months now, and there’s no doubt he would have heard about the bidding war between Ruiz and me.

  “Ghost Riders aren’t long for the world anymore.”

  The words had rung in my ears over and over the entire ride back to the clubhouse.

  I knew what it meant. It was a death threat. But was the threat already on the way, or was there time to organize a plan?

  By the time I pulled up, Diesel was already out front, a wide grin on his face.

  Fucking smarts! I thought.

  I looked at him and shook my head.

  “Don’t,” I advised him.

  He only smirked.

  “This is very unlike you. I don’t know what to say. Should I throw a welcome party?”


  He walked over to Cassie before looking back at me.

  "From someone who has made a career out of selling women and closing your heart off to everyone, this is a big surprise."

  I caught a glimpse of her as I looked back at the compound gates to make sure they were closed. Her eyes were red and puffy, her makeup was smudged, and she looked a complete mess. She was still gorgeous.

  I thought of telling Diesel that I hadn’t planned on buying her… or something, I didn't know what. But I decided against it, because I’d made my life out of selling women and I hadn't thought about love in a long time.

  Not after Dana. Not after that night.

  Cassie wasn't someone I wanted or needed around. She would be a distraction. And in my world, distractions got you killed.

  The thought of her fighting me earlier had me feeling a twitch in my cock, but I pushed it out of my mind.

  "Look, we can talk about this shit later. Right now we’ve got bigger problems."

  “What’s that?” Diesel asked.

  “I think the Cartel’s planning an attack on the Ghost Riders.”

  Diesel’s eyes narrowed.

  “Why’d you think that?”

  I shook my head.

  “I’ll get more into that later, but you need to rally the men and weapons. Now!”

  “Alright,” Diesel said, “I’ll get our shit together. What are you going to do?”

  "I got business to take care of," I replied, slapping Cassie on the ass, making her jump. "Get everyone here."

  Diesel left immediately. He jumped on his bike and left the clubhouse pronto.

  I turned back to Cassie. She was shaking. It wasn't a cold night, so I could best assume the shaking was from fear or anger.

  What I would give to see her angry again!

  “Alright, let’s get inside.”

  She shook her head.

  The constant defiance was getting on my nerves.

  "No? Really? We gonna do this again?"

  She fell still for a moment, looking at me through a mess of brown hair. But then she shook her head.

  "Good. I’d hate to have another conversation about obedience so soon."

  She sighed.

  "But then again,” I added, “it does seem you need a lesson in discipline."

  She looked at me with eyes wide with terror. I was pleased to have gotten her attention.

  I looked at Cassie all tied up. But, as much as I liked what I saw, I was in no mood to be carrying her around. I reached into my belt for my knife. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of the blade. I didn't bother giving any explanation. Swiftly, I cut the gag, then the part of the rope that was hitched around her ankles.

  "I'm gonna cut the bindings on your hands, alright? Try anything, and I'll tie you up again and leave you like that. Understand?"

  She nodded. “I won’t.”

  Freed, she flexed her wrists and ankles, stretching some feeling back into them, and rubbed at the place where the gag had snagged and pulled at her hair. I glanced down at the marks left by the ropes. I shook my head. She’d be sore, but she’d heal.

  "Quit stalling. Let's go."

  I gave her a shove towards the house.

  “Don’t push me!” Cassie whirled around and snapped.

  I went to give her another shove, but she slapped my hand away.

  “Don’t push me, don’t touch me, don’t talk to me… ”

  “Anything else” I asked.

  Her brows creased.

  “Don’t be an asshole.”

  “Noted. So, what can I do?”

  “Let me go!” she screamed.

  "Yeah, can't do that."

  I gave her another shove towards the house.

  "Or any of those other things you said I shouldn't do."

  She shook her head as she walked towards the house.

  "I just want to go. I promise I won't say anything. I’ll leave right now, and you’ll never see or hear from me again. I’ll pay all the money back too, and more. I'll do whatever you want if you just let me go."

  “Quit whining, Cassie.”

  "No, Mason!" she yelled before storming through the already open front door. "Please, just let me go. I have a life, a job, family, friends. Someone's going to report me missing – and they will find me."

  “They won’t.”

  She stopped walking and looked around the room. The boys were here with the sweet butts and were enjoying their night. Cassie would have had to be stupid to make a scene here. I hoped she wasn’t stupid.

  She turned to look at me again.

  "Someone will find me,” she promised. “You just killed seven guys! You won't get away with that. Or kidnapping, selling, buying, and doing God knows what else."

  “Cassie, I’ve gotten away with it for a long time. You should consider yourself lucky.”

  Cassie said nothing more as we made our way upstairs, ignoring all the curious glances at her tight round ass.

  She had no idea just how lucky she was. Yeah, the situation sucked for her, but it could have been worse. It would have been so much worse for her if I hadn’t found her in time, after she’d run.

  I kept telling myself over and over that I’d done the right thing by bringing her into the auction. She was perfect. More than perfect! When I pulled up on the side of that back road and saw her broken down, I could have kept driving. I could just have called a tow truck. I could have done a lot of things. But I hadn’t. I’d called the boys and said I had a golden prize.

  I’d known from the moment I first saw her that she'd pull a fortune at the auction. But if I had known I'd be the one who ended up buying her, I wouldn't have bothered.

  She would've let me fuck her. She wanted me to. When I saw her driving to work this afternoon, she was near drooling over the steering wheel of her car at the sight of me.

  On the side of the road, she’d offered to repay me for helping her. That would have been more than enough excuse to haul her into bed. Or to fuck her on the back of my bike. But something about her had compelled me to take
her, compelled me to claim her.

  I could still have her on the back of my bike. She'd like that. I know she would.


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