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Page 13

by Imogene Nix

  “Thanks, Elara. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She left the room quickly, mulling over what had been said.

  Chapter 10

  The door pinged, and Jemma started. It was Raven. She knew it in her bones even as she demanded the computer identify the person on the other side of the door.

  “Fraser, Raven,” the disembodied voice of the computer relayed to her.

  She wiped sweaty palms down her legs and brushed her hair back as she stood and headed for the door. Jemma depressed the button that would open it and smiled uncertainly at Raven. Her breath fled though. He waited in his formal uniform, which molded to his chest and strong arms like a second skin. She felt untidy in her borrowed flight suit.

  “Should I have worn my formal uniform? I don’t have it—”

  “You look beautiful just as you are,” he assured her. “Now come with me. Dinner on the holo-deck is in order for us.”

  He took her arm as the door behind them whispered shut, and together they walked toward the small entrance at the end of the corridor. This man bemused and confused her. Every time she thought she knew what he was doing, he surprised her. They entered the room, he engaged the locks with a command, and she raised her brows.

  “I don’t want us interrupted. I asked Mellissa where you always wanted to go. She said Paris, so here we are.” He indicated for her to look around, and to her amazement, he had recreated the most amazing aspect of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, just for her. The Eiffel Tower of the past, not the carefully shielded version that still exists in the future, showing the stresses of age. A table sat below it.

  She turned surprised eyes on him. “How did you manage this?” she breathed.

  “I’d do anything for you, Jem. This was easy. All I had to do was get the correct code from the holo-library and tell it what aspect I wanted. Arrange the dinner. Simple really, but I did it to show you, to let you know, I love you. I won’t pressure you though. I know you need time, and we can take this as slow as we need to.” In the dim light and breeze of a Paris evening, candles glittered, illuminating the glow in his eyes.

  She leaned into him, and he opened his arms, holding her tightly to his body, letting her feel his resolve, she thought. It felt like home, or what a home would be like. She breathed in his scent, male and musky.

  “Now, what would you prefer? Dinner first or dancing?” He grinned at her, and her heart flipped over as she moved away.

  “I think dinner first might be a good idea,” she responded huskily, and knew in her bones that tonight she needed to show him that he was different from all the others. Tonight, she promised herself, she’d tell him that he meant everything to her. She didn’t know for sure yet if it was love, but she hoped so. God, how I hope it is.

  He showed her to a chair, pulling out the white lacy seat for her, and she sat down, feeling clumsy in her flight suit once more. He looked so handsome in his formal black uniform that she practically melted right there.

  The conversation that flowed was desultory. He told her stories about his time at the academy. He talked about his training as an engineer with the Empire. She learned that he’d served with Duvall and Grayson on the Star of Ishtar, together with Elara.

  “I left the Star a couple of years ago, for the position of Senior Engineer on the Vehemence. Of course, when the Admiral contacted me about the Elector and explained everything concerning Corbin Jard and that he’d committed treason I wanted the position. I was grateful that Duvall offered it to me.”

  “Did you know him? Jard?”

  Raven shook his head. “No. He came on after I left.”

  “Oh.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “During my time on the Vehemence, I got involved in the designing of the energy matrix system, helped with the prototype testing, which is why I was considered for the Elector.”

  “It’s a marvelous technological breakthrough. Mind you, every day I’m still learning of new things and how to use them. Things you must think of as old hat.” She took a sip of wine.

  “I can’t understand how you managed in the past. I mean even the most basic, ablutionary tasks, like cleaning your teeth, were hideously manual.”

  Jemma laughed. “Yeah, I have to say, using a pill to achieve that is a time saver!”

  “What about school and growing up?”

  His quiet question rang out like the peal of a bell. She bit her lip. “It wasn’t half as much fun as yours. Tell me what you were like as a boy.”

  Jemma wasn’t sure if she welcomed the change of subject at her marked evasion of his question, but she was grateful. She knew the time would possibly come when she would have to tell him everything, but for tonight, she needed to avoid those truths that hurt with each thought. She pushed that away and once more forgot herself in the charm of this handsome and impossible man who stole her breath with every heated glance.

  He plied her with the finest Arturian wines then laughed at her first sight of the purple Bulois’Ja he had imported from Sonoran himself. The dishes of exquisite flavors and tenderness, which they took from the small heater box she hadn’t noticed before. The Coq au Vin that evoked her senses and Creamy Vuvoltan fruits covered with the finest Gorvan creams, so light they almost disappeared from the tongue, dazzling the palate. The meal ended with them sharing a glass of Cerberus Port that had taken years to obtain and get through customs. Each drink had a tale, and he told them with laughter until her sides ached.

  During the meal, he touched her arm from time to time, making a point or increasing her awareness of his closeness, and the gazes he let fall upon her warmed every cold part of her soul. By the end of the evening, she felt mellow in a way she had never been before, and when they stood, he took her in his arms.

  Music swelled from all around, and she moved in his arms without qualm. Slowly they swayed from side to side, and it was natural that eventually her head would dip to his shoulder as his intoxicating scent filled her senses. He pulled her closer and rubbed a light hand up and down her back, his lips touching her skin briefly, scalding her with his heat.

  “One day, I’ll take you to Paris and we’ll dance together under the Eiffel Tower,” he whispered into her ear, “and make love in a little hotel overlooking the Seine.”

  His hands continued to move up and down her back. Each touch set off sparks of electricity that shocked her, and as the strains of the song died away, she pulled back just a little so she could see his face and could see herself reflected in his gaze. His eyes were soft, and she reached up, pulling his head down toward her mouth and lightly touching his lips with hers. It was a whisper of a kiss that melded their breaths into one. This time when they drew back from each other, their hands clasped.

  She looked into his eyes. “No one has ever done something like this for me before.” Her voice was soft and low.

  “Then more fool them, sweetheart, because you deserve the best.” With that he swooped, lifting her into his arms and striding to a chair to sit down with her on his lap.

  Their mouths fused and tongues danced with each other’s. Her hands reached up to clutch his hair and hold him close. His hands softly kneaded her flesh through the flight suit. She trembled as the frisson of excitement speared through her body.

  Jemma pulled back slightly and caught her breath. “Raven?” Her voice was husky. “Raven, will you stay with me tonight?”

  “Oh, Jemma, you have no idea how much I want to. But I don’t think it’s time just yet.” He closed his eyes and trembled beneath her.

  “Please, Raven. Stay with me. I want us to be together. I want to see where this goes.” She waited, tense, hoping like hell he would understand what she was trying to say. It had taken everything she had in her, and if he said no, she just didn’t know what she would do. Her stomach clenched with nerves.

  He looked at her hard and long. Finally a smile worked its way to his face, and his eyes shined with a triumphant gleam. “You have no idea what you do to me. I will stay with you. Now and fo
r as long as you want me.”

  He echoed her previous thoughts on their relationship, but her heart sang. He crushed her to him, his arms like bands circling her, holding tight. She could feel the thudding of his heart, and she closed her eyes.

  “Are you ready to go then?” His voice was soft, but she caught the underlying question.

  “Yes.” She nodded as she said the word, her heart full to bursting as it beat a wild tattoo in her chest.

  He eased her to the ground, took her by the hand, and headed to the door. “Holo-program end. Door open.” His voice was gravelly, but he smiled at her. His eyes, so blue in contrast to the dull gray around them, glittered in the light of the corridor.

  He led her quickly through the open door and along the corridor toward her cabin. They saw no one along the way, and she was grateful for no interruptions. They didn’t need to go far and reached her cabin quickly. The shimmer of desire ran through her hotter and wilder than before. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She felt hot all over and scorched from the passion of his kiss.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered against her lips.

  “Yes.” She palmed the door, and it whispered open, closing behind them once they stepped through. Before he could pull her back into his arms, she gave the command, “Door close and lock.” Then there she was against him and the passion that rose, igniting within her.

  His lips touched hers as his hands rose to frame her face. As he held her close to him, her eyes closed and the burn that licked at her insides seeped through her body. She moaned low in her throat, and he tore himself away long enough to shed his black jacket. Her eyes watched through narrow slits, her breathing hard as she reached out for him.

  He grabbed her hands. “Sweetheart, you have no idea how sexy you are standing there watching me.” His hands circled her hips, drawing her closer. “Feel how hot I am for you. Just you,” he purred into her ear as he angled toward her jawline.

  His lips touched the sensitive skin, feather-light and oh so arousing, and she shivered. She moved in his arms and felt shocks of electricity through her whole system. Her hands splayed over his shoulders, holding on to him as she angled her head back to allow him access to the flesh below her chin. Her mouth was open and eyes closed. She could feel his every touch and burned where their bodies connected. She let her hands run down his arms to his fingers, dragging them up to her breasts. She sucked in a breath and heard his gasp. Jemma raised her gaze to see his face tight with passion. His eyes glittered with desire.

  “Raven, I want you. I need you,” she whispered brokenly.

  He covered her mouth with his. His tongue entered her mouth, smooth and warm, while her arms moved down his body to grasp his buttocks in her questing hands. She needed him and pulled him closer, so much closer. His erection jutted against the softness of her belly, and wet heat pooled between her legs. His hands left her breasts to find the buttons of her flight suit. Slowly he released her from the confinement. Raven pushed the suit down her body, touching his mouth to every inch of skin that he bared. She gasped and burned, standing in just bra and panties before him. Raven was on his knees in front of her, one hand inching slowly up her legs.

  She backed away. “No, I want you naked. Now.”

  He stood and moved closer, and she swooped in, hands furiously tugging and pulling on his buttons. His uniform shirt gone, she tackled his pants next. Finally, dear God, she thought, he was totally naked and pulling at the clips of her bra, and it too was gone, flying over his shoulder to land somewhere in the dark recesses of the cabin. Her nipples puckered in the cool night air. She hooked her fingers into her panties, trying desperately to get rid of them.

  The drive of her body pushed her faster for the intimate connection. She needed to feel his naked body against her own. Raven moved, and they touched, skin to skin. Every glorious inch of his body warmed hers. Mouths met and clung once more. Hands moved up and down, touching skin.

  Warm. Naked. All of him was arrayed for her to enjoy. The thought splintered as his hands cupped her breasts once more, slowly kneading the bare flesh and heightening her need. She reached between them and captured his length in her hand.

  Then she pulled back from their kiss with a gasp. Jemma looked into his eyes, stroking him at the same time. “Come to bed with me and be mine.”

  Together they shuffled to the bed, and she noted he was shaking. “Jem, I don’t think I can last much longer.” His voice was hoarse with desire, his eyes closed as his breathing labored. “I need to be in you, now.” His hands traced a path down to her core, and a finger pushed aside damp curls, explored, touched, and she cried out.

  She tensed, the flesh hidden within pulsing with need. “No! I want all of you,” she cried as the finger slid within her wet flesh once more.

  “So ready. So wet,” he muttered.

  She caressed him harder and faster, her hand pumping him, and it was his turn to gasp. His hands moved away and grabbed the hand touching his erection, stilling it, his body bowed low, and he panted.

  He pulled her hand away, threading his fingers through hers and pushing them above her head. His kiss now was furious and bruising, and she met it force for force. He moved over her, nudging her knees further apart. His tongue played with hers furiously as she felt the head of his erection at her entrance, and she whimpered.

  The feel of him touching her so intimately set nerve endings singing with pleasure. God! She nearly came from the sensations he aroused, and finally, slowly, he slid within her, and she moaned into his mouth. They moved together. Faster. Harder. Their skin now glistened with perspiration, hands gripping each other tighter.


  Moans filled the air, and the scent of sex was pervasive. It heightened their passions to fever pitch. Her nipples brushed against his chest hairs, rasping the sensitized nubs further. She tore her mouth away and gulped air while she thrashed below him, head thrown back and totally lost in their shared passion. Once more he thrust, and lightning streaked through them. She tensed, feeling the throb of his release, and she lay there in his arms, shattered.

  * * * *

  Once more the woman screamed, little more than a groan between crusted lips, and Crick Sur Banden grinned in glee. His work on the pain threshold of humans was coming along nicely. She had now lasted a full week, and though he knew she was weak, with a few days for recovery, he’d be able to continue his delightful work. His scientists had deserted him, thinking this aspect of his work untenable. He needed to know just how far he could punish those sneaking humans for the infraction of invading his space.

  He turned to his second-in-command. “Make sure the staff have the girl fed and rested. I want to find out more about her abilities and skills when I am ready to work with her next time. Then meet me in the office. We have some planning to do.” He turned and walked away. His softly shod feet were almost silent in the cavernous room.

  He’d dallied here for several days longer than he had planned, but it was time for another incursion into the mining operations of the Alpha Star Colony and to capture yet another camp. He knew that would be the best way to draw out Duvall and the motley crew of the Elector, not to mention upset the plans of both the Ru’Edan traitors and humans. Once they had no access to the Duschem mineral, they would be weak. Then it would be time to make the final attack.

  He would delight in that, in making them suffer and pay for the treachery they’d wrought —in particular, the one who was a traitor to his kind and to his house. His hands fisted at his sides. Who would have thought that the one he’d raised would betray him with the humans? Never mind, he’d see the error of his ways, and if not...well, he was expendable. Perhaps he should consider another concubine, someone young and fertile—maybe another Earth girl like the one he had taken before. The thought raced through his head, exciting him as he reached his office.

  He poured an Arturian wine, sweet and full-bodied. The smell filled his nostrils. Truly, if those traitors had not sided w
ith the humans, he would have enjoyed a regular supply. Such a shame he would need to repopulate that planet with his own people. Perhaps he would take one of the vineyards for his own base on Arturia IV and keep the owners as slaves so he could continue to enjoy the fine-quality wine.

  His desk screen bleeped as he sat down, and the information waiting for him made him smile. The update from the Phobos pirates stated they had seen the Elector make for the hyperspace column. That was fine. They were probably already on the way to Alpha Star Colony. He smiled. His plans were coming together quite nicely.

  His second-in-command made his presence known as he waited in the doorway. “My Lord? What would you have me do?”

  He looked up. Now here stood a worthy warrior who completed everything the way he wanted it. He’d ordered him to kill his family as a show of loyalty, and it had been done. Obedience. Faithfulness. He would be rewarded.

  “Prepare the shuttle. It’s time for another incursion to Alpha Star Colony, and this time I want to lay a little trap for our Earthly friends. Make the girl ready to travel with us. I have an idea on what we can do with her.” He slipped a small capsule into his mouth and smiled.

  “Sir.” He inclined his head, then raised again, waiting for further orders. “When do you wish to depart?”

  “Tonight would be best, don’t you think? Four days to arrive and enough time to prepare a welcoming party.” He thought about it for a moment. “Yes, I think that would work. Go do it. Make sure you bring some medics for the girl and our warriors.”

  “As you decree, My Lord.” The Ru’Edan warrior bowed his way out, and Crick Sur Banden sat nursing his wine.

  He watched the rainbow of colors form in the wine, cast by the flickering light of the fire. “Time is coming, my son. You’ll need to come home and make reparation. Learn to be obedient and faithful.” He grinned at the picture he brought up on screen. His infiltrators had caught the image at the Communion celebration for Duvall McCord and the girl he had brought back from the past. In the background stood his son. In Crick Sur Banden’s own mind, there wasn’t any doubt that his son would return to him.


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