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Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Marla Monroe

  He stroked his fingers in and out of her until she was begging for more. She wanted him inside of her with his cock. He grinned up at her and added a third finger instead. She moaned, shaking her head from side to side. She needed to come. How would she ever make it without coming? He fucked her with his fingers over and over.

  Zack began to softly rub his callused fingers over her nipples. The abrasive sensation was just enough without being too much after his fingers and mouth had tormented them earlier. She thrust them upwards to gain more friction. He chuckled and moved back so she couldn’t gain more of the feeling.

  Cole sucked on her pussy lips then licked over her clit just once, sending shock waves through her body. Her blood ran hot and heavy through her bloodstream as he did it again and again. With each pass of his tongue over her clit she grew closer without going over. She whimpered, begging him to let her come, and still he held back.

  Tina thought she would die before he let her come. Then he sucked in her clit while fucking her pussy with his fingers. He rubbed his tongue over and over it. She felt the explosion just out of reach until Zack pinched both of her nipples and she came. She soared high and wild screaming out her ecstasy as they continued their assault on her.

  Just as Cole rose to enter her cum-soaked body, an alarm sounded loud in her ears. She groaned and rolled over to find not only had it all been a dream, but it was time to get up. She shut off the alarm and rolled out of the bed to find that she was soaked between her legs. She raised her hand to her nose and knew she’d masturbated while asleep. Fuck, she needed to get laid. And she guessed she knew just the men to do it.

  * * * *

  Zack groaned and rolled over when the phone rang, alerting them it was time to get up. He hadn’t slept well. Erotic dreams of Tina had woken him several times during the night. He finally reached across and grabbed the phone up and then slammed it back in the cradle. Cole stirred and cursed.

  “What the fuck was that?” he asked.

  “Our wake-up call. It’s six thirty.” Zack swung his legs out of bed and sat up all in one motion.

  Cole did the same, rubbing his chest as he did. “Man, I could sleep till noon.”

  “We’ll do that when we get home.”

  “I don’t think I want to do another construction job for a while. That last one nearly did us all in. Fucking corporate espionage.”

  Their last construction job had been sabotaged by the mayor and aldermen in the town where they were building it. They’d also lost two of their Dirty Dozen to a little waitress. They were moving back to Dallas, so they’d still see them, but they were going to rent a U-Haul and pull the bikes behind them so they could take her car and her things.

  “A vacation would be nice,” Zack acknowledged.

  “Wonder what our chances are at getting Tina to spend some time with us?” Cole stood up and stretched before grabbing his jeans and heading for the bathroom.

  “We can hope.”

  They finished getting dressed and Zack knocked on the connecting door. He didn’t hear anything at first, then the door opened. She was completely dressed in a snug pair of jeans and a T-shirt that was just shy of being tight. He liked it. He liked it a lot.

  “You about ready?” he asked, looking her up and down.

  “Eyes on the face, buddy.” She grinned at him.

  “Hey, I can look.” He chuckled.

  “Yeah, I’m ready. Just need to check out and put my stuff in my bike.”

  “Meet you at the office then.”

  He and Cole loaded their things in their saddle bags then walked down to the office. A few seconds later, Tina joined them. Zack watched her walk into the room and all heads turned. She was worth watching, that was for damn sure.

  She checked out first then started back to her bike. Zack let Cole check them out so he could follow her. He really didn’t want to take his eyes off of her. She looked over her shoulder at him and grinned. He wondered what that was all about.

  “Where do we get breakfast?” she asked.

  “There’s a diner around the corner. We’ve eaten there several times. It’s pretty good.”

  Zack watched as she checked her bike over then climbed on it and waited for everyone else.

  “So, what do you do when you’re not riding?”

  “I’m a travel nurse.”

  “No shit. So you like go from hospital to hospital and work?”

  “Basically, yeah. I have an agency I work through. I pick and choose what cities I want to go to and they look for openings there and I fly or bike there. I ship my clothes ahead of me. They provide the apartment for me to live in while I’m there. I haven’t decided where to work next, so I’m just exploring right now.”

  “Man, that’s a pretty damn good life.”

  “So, what do you guys do?”

  “Not a lot different from you except we do construction. We have a couple of contractors we work with and when something comes up we’re interested in, we go.”

  “That’s amazing. I mean, amazing that we work so similar.” Tina shook her head.

  Cole returned as did several others. Zack could see that she was trying to put faces with names. He wondered if she’d get riled if he introduced her to all of them again. Probably.

  “Ready to ride, everyone?” Cole asked.

  There were hell yeahs all around. They climbed on their bikes and started them up with a roar. Zack loved getting started in the mornings. Right now, though, he was starved. He pulled out after Cole and hoped that Tina was right behind them. He wanted the gang around her to keep her safe. He wasn’t sure why he suddenly felt that way, but he didn’t want anything to happen to her.

  They arrived at the diner and were greeted by their usual waitress. She welcomed them in then blushed when they all hugged or squeezed her. She was a good fifty-plus years old, but they liked her because she had treated them nice the first time she had seen them. From then on, they always stopped there when they were out this way on their way home.

  “What can I get you guys, oh, and gal. You’ve added a new member. Oh, and what happened to Kyle and West?” she asked with a knit in her brow.

  “They’re getting married, and this is Tina, she’s riding with us to Dallas.” Zack made the introductions. “Tina, this is Myrtle.”

  “Good to meet you, Myrtle. I take it you don’t mind it when they descend on you.”

  “Nope, don’t mind a bit. They tip well.” She winked at them.

  Zack smiled and waited his turn as she took everyone’s order. He was surprised when Tina ordered a big breakfast. He was used to women eating light meals to keep their figures. He didn’t think there was a damn thing wrong with hers. She had curves made for riding.

  “So, what are you going to do when you get to Dallas? Got a nursing job lined up?” He filled Cole in on what she did for a living. He nodded at the similarities to what they did.

  “Nope, no job lined up right now. I just wanted to see Dallas and see if I might like to work here sometime. I’m not sure when I’ll hook up another job. I’m enjoying a few weeks off.”

  “Sounds good.” Cole glanced Zack’s way. He knew what he was thinking. He gave a short shake of his head. He didn’t think it was time yet to talk to her about staying with them. Especially not around the other guys.

  They ate their breakfast and then, after settling up, got back on the road. They stopped for lunch at a truck stop about four hours outside of Dallas. They were closing in on home. He couldn’t wait and hoped they would have Tina with them when they arrived.

  “I’m going to run back out to my bike for a second and get another shirt. This one is tight across my neck.” Tina stopped Zack as they were getting ready to pay.

  “Okay. We’ll be right out.”

  They paid their tab and walked over to the convenience store side to grab some water for the road. They had just paid for the water when one of the guys ran inside calling for them.

  “Man, get out here. Someone tried
to grab Tina, and she’s shaken up.”

  “Fuck, I shouldn’t have let her go outside without us,” Zack cursed.

  Cole was right behind him as they all ran outside. She was sitting on the ground next to her bike with several of the guys standing around her. They parted as soon as Cole and Zack walked up. They both bent down to check on her.

  “Hey, baby. Are you okay?” Zack could tell by the tears that she wasn’t.

  “I’ll be okay in a minute. I got scared.” Her voice was husky.

  “I don’t blame you. Let me look at you. Did he hurt you?”

  “Just my throat. He grabbed me by my throat and tried to pull me over to a van. When I finally managed to break his grip on my neck, I screamed and he ran.”

  “Let’s see what he did to you.” Cole lifted her chin and cursed.

  “Hell, he left bruises, Tina. He could have strangled you. I’m sorry, baby. We shouldn’t have let you come out alone.”

  “It’s not your fault. It’s fucking daylight. I wouldn’t have thought anyone would try something in broad daylight like that.”

  “Your knees are skinned, too.” Cole looked up at the men. “Someone go get something to clean them with.”

  “I’m okay, it’s just a scrape. My jeans kept them from getting much damage.” She started to get to her feet, but Zack stopped her. “Don’t move till we get you cleaned up. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “No, really, I’ll be okay.” She still had a difficult time talking.

  Zack didn’t like that. If she hadn’t been able to break his hold, he would have had her.

  “You realize we need to report this to the police. They need to know about a near miss and the area he was last seen in.” Cole pulled out his cell phone.

  “That’s going to put me behind getting to Dallas. I don’t want to ride there in the dark by myself.”

  “You won’t be by yourself. Cole and I will ride with you. The others can go on ahead of us.”

  “Hell no,” Shane said. “We ride with you. We were out here talking and just about let the bastard get her.”

  “See, you’re not alone,” Zack told her.

  “Okay, they’re sending a highway patrolman to take your statement.” Cole put his phone away.

  “I’m sorry, guys. I’ve caused you all a lot of trouble.” Tina looked near tears again.

  Zack knelt on the ground and gently cleaned her knees with the cloth Drew brought back for him to use. He’d wet it in warm water. He could tell it stung because she jerked when he wiped it across the scrapes.

  “Look, when we get to Dallas, did you already have somewhere to stay?” Zack asked.

  “No, I planned on finding a hotel once I arrived.”

  “Stay with us. You’ll be safe and you can heal up after this.”

  She swallowed and winced then nodded. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  Zack sighed in relief. He hated to think of her alone in some hotel room afraid to get out. He could tell this had shaken her up pretty badly.

  Cole stood up and they helped her to her feet. She staggered and Cole steadied her. Zack leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. Cole did the same thing.

  “There’s the patrolman now.” Zack pointed at the patrol car pulling into the parking lot.

  A rather large man got out. He was taller than either Zack or Cole. Zack noticed she backed into them when the patrolman walked closer.

  “Was it you who called to report a near abduction?” The man’s name tag said “Wilkes.”

  “That’s right. Tina was nearly strangled.” Zack put an arm around her shoulder.

  “Okay, I can see the bruises on your neck. Are you okay, ma’am, or do I need to call an ambulance?”

  “No thanks. I’m all right.” Her voice still rasped.

  Zack wondered how long before she’d be back to normal.

  Tina went back over what had happened and gave the man a good description of her attacker.

  As soon as he’d gotten all his information including her temporary address with the guys and how to get in touch with her, he left. They all mounted up and pulled out an hour behind schedule, but not one of the gang had chosen to go on ahead. Zack was proud of them.

  They rode with her in the middle of them and Zack would drop back occasionally to see if she needed to stop for a while. She always shook her head no. He guessed she just wanted to get somewhere and relax.

  He felt guilty as hell that something had happened to her after they’d assured her they would keep her safe. Would she trust them enough to stay for a while? Or would she insist on moving on toward her next assignment? Zack hoped not. He realized that he was a little in love with her. He didn’t know how Cole felt, but he was thinking of long term. And he hadn’t even had sex with her.

  Chapter Four

  Tina struggled the entire ride to hold it together. She needed a shower. She couldn’t stand feeling his hands on her neck and her arm. He’d nearly had her. Much more and she would have passed out, and that would have been that. All her self-defense training hadn’t prepared her for this.

  Her throat fucking hurt, and her knees were scraped up. She would be throwing that pair of jeans away even if they now looked like the latest fashion with the holes in the knees. It would only remind her of her near death experience. She could do without that.

  They rode for the next four hours into the dark. Once they arrived in Dallas, the various gang members peeled off, heading to their homes. She stuck with Cole and Zack, knowing they wouldn’t leave her behind. She made sure to keep up.

  They finally pulled down a quiet street in a residential neighborhood. When they pulled into the drive of a beautiful, two-story brick home, she was speechless. She was ashamed to say she had stereotyped them into a small, lower class house in the suburbs. This was just a bit above middle class. She was impressed. Construction must pay nicely.

  They climbed off their bikes and waited for her. She threw her leg over the bike and nearly fell on her ass. Her knees were sore as hell. Zack was immediately there keeping her on her feet.

  “Easy there. I expect your knees are sore and then you’ve been on the bike all this time. They’re probably stove-up.”

  “They are a bit. This is a really nice house,” she said.

  “Thanks, Cole and I like it.”

  “You both live here?” She was amazed.

  “Yeah. We pooled our money and got a nicer place this way. We’re always together with the construction business so it works out for us.” Zack led her to the back door.

  Cole had it unlocked and was holding the door open for them.

  “I’ll show you where you can clean up,” Cole told her.

  She followed him to a huge bedroom with a massive master bath. Surely this was one of their bedrooms. She turned and started to say something to Cole, but he interrupted her.

  “Neither one of uses this room. We keep it for guests. We have our own rooms. We did a good bit of work to the house to make it into what suited us.”

  “Thanks, it’s really nice. Um, do you mind if I take a shower?”

  “Not at all, it’s your room while you’re here. You can do anything you want. If you don’t want to go right to bed, you can come out, and we’ll get you something to eat.”

  “Thank you. You’re both being so nice to me. I really appreciate it.” She couldn’t express how thankful she was to have run into them.

  “I’m just sorry it happened after we promised to keep you safe,” Cole said.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Cole. I shouldn’t have gone out by myself.”

  “Still. Enjoy your shower.” He backed out of the room and closed the bedroom door.

  Tina dropped her pack with her stuff on the bed and peeled out of her clothes. When she walked into the bathroom, she nearly passed out. It was beyond decadent, with a Jacuzzi made for three and a walk-in shower with multiple showerheads and a bench in the back of the stall.

  She turned on the shower and adjusted the
water to just above warm and walked in. She hissed at the feel of the water hitting her sore knees. Knowing they needed it, she scrubbed them carefully with soap and rinsed them again. Then she settled down to soak up the warmth of the water into her stiff muscles.

  When the water began to cool down, she turned it off and grabbed a towel to dry off. She dug through her bag and pulled out a pair of shorts and a fresh T-shirt. She wasn’t ready to be alone yet, so she made her way to the living room and found Cole relaxing in a recliner.

  He stood up. “How are you feeling? Hungry?”

  “I’m better, thanks. I’m not sure I can eat anything or not. My throat is sore.”

  Zack walked in. “I’ll scramble you an egg. We’re having omelets anyway.”

  “I don’t want you to go to any trouble for me.”

  “It’s no trouble. How about something to drink?” Zack walked over and hugged her.

  She realized she needed that, and hugged him back. He kissed her forehead and pushed her toward where Cole was back in the lounge chair.

  “Sit with Cole while I fix the food.”

  “I can sit on the couch.” She started to walk over that way, but Cole was up and pulling her back into his arms.

  “Sit with me. I think you could use a hug.” He wrapped her in his arms.

  Tina had to admit, it felt better to be in his arms than to sit by herself. She was still a little shaky from the incident. How long would it take for her to regain her self-confidence? She was used to riding alone. She didn’t want to give that up.

  “You’re thinking awful hard,” Cole said.

  “Just thinking about how I’m going to feel about riding from now on. I don’t want to give up my bike, but…” she let it hang.

  “I understand. It really is dangerous for a woman to travel alone nowadays. Especially on a bike.”

  “I’ve had self-defense training, but it didn’t really prepare me for an actual attack. I got away, but I almost didn’t.”


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