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The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

Page 10

by Marissa Honeycutt


  Alex stopped and stared at the sight before him. It was little better than a dungeon, with various apparatus of play or torture, depending on one’s tastes, but Alex knew better than to think this was Jack’s playroom.

  There were two teenage girls in the room. One was bent over a long table, arms stretched over her head, ankles cuffed to the table legs. A machine of some sort was thrusting a large dildo in and out of her swollen pussy. The end of a butt plug was visible between her ass cheeks. A gag was in her mouth to muffle her cries.

  The other girl was cuffed spread eagle in the archway. She had on weighted nipple and pussy clamps. Alex could see her cheeks, damp with tears. She also had a gag in her mouth. She looked up at them as they stood there, her long brown hair coming loose from her braid and her brown eyes red with pain.

  “Anna, what the hell is this?” he asked in English.

  Anna didn’t look at him as she pushed past him. “Training,” she said with a slight shrug. She walked to the nightstand and opened a drawer. Alex could see the tears in her eyes as she pulled out what he assumed was her driver’s license.

  “What do you mean, training? It looks like torture,” he spat, afraid he would lose his lunch. Was this how Anna was trained? Hearing about it and seeing it firsthand were very different. Bile rose in his throat as he imagined Anna in either one of those girls’ places.

  Anna knelt down next to the bed and began looking underneath. She pulled at something and then frowned.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Trying...,” Anna grunted again as she pulled. “ get my box.”

  “Box?” Alex knelt down beside her. “Move.”

  Anna moved aside and he reached under the bed. After a moment, he pulled his arm out holding a flat square box. It was about eight inches high and two feet square.

  “Thank you,” Anna said with a grateful smile.

  He nodded and glanced at the tortured girls. “Who are they?”

  Anna looked back. “Jack’s new trainees. Sex slaves that were born in the manor, I guess.” She pressed her lips together and took the box from Alex.

  Alex turned around and stared at the girls. Trainees? What the hell kind of training was this? He stood and hurried to catch up to Anna.

  He caught hold of Anna’s shoulder and spun her around. “Does your guardian train Red girls?”

  Anna looked back at the closed doorway. “I don’t know.”

  “You weren’t trained like that, were you?”

  Anna looked up at him, tilting her head. “Of course I was.”

  Alex looked back at the doorway. He clenched his jaw as the anger bubbled up inside him. His knuckles turned white as his hands clenched into fists.

  Anna backed away, clearly frightened.

  He glanced at her and pulled out his phone. Seth picked up the phone a moment later. “Seth,” he said in German. “There are two girls in Jack’s basement. I want them out of the house and out of the country by the end of the day. Take them to my father’s Schloss.” He hung up the phone without waiting for an answer. It would be done.

  Alex turned and pulled the box from Anna’s hands.

  “No, please...,” Anna begged, reaching for it.

  “I’m just going to carry it for you.” He took a deep breath, knowing the girls would be safe in a few hours.

  Anna closed the outside door carefully behind them and followed Alex to the car. He started the vehicle and drove away without speaking.


  “I’m not upset with you, Anna,” Alex said, reaching for her hand and squeezing it as they walked down the hallway towards Anna’s apartment. He hadn’t spoken since they’d left Jack’s house. “I hadn’t realized....” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “You’re such a strong woman to have survived all that.”

  Anna wondered at the emotion in his voice. She didn’t know what to say and instead concentrated on unlocking the door to her apartment. She handed Alex her license and went to put the box under the bed in the spacious master bedroom.

  “Here,” Alex said as she walked back out into the living room a few minutes later. He handed her an envelope.

  She opened the envelope and saw three credit cards inside. “What are these?” she asked.

  “So you have money," Alex explained. "The black one is a credit card. Use that one when you can. It’s American Express and sometimes not taken, so use the Visa if you can’t use the other. The silver one is a bank card. Your PIN is your birthday, 0512. Use it to get cash at an ATM.”

  Anna nodded, a little overwhelmed. “Do you want me to ask you before I buy something?”

  Alex shook his head. “That’s not necessary.” He laughed. “Well, I suppose ask before you buy a car or a house. If something costs more than four or five thousand dollars, give me a call, but other than that, don’t worry about it.”

  Four or five thousand dollars? Wow.

  “Anna, you need clothes. You need general things to live.”

  “Jenna is taking me shopping today. I hadn’t considered how I was going to pay for stuff.”

  Alex chuckled. “Well, now you don’t have to worry about it. Buy whatever you need.”

  Anna gave him a doubtful look. But, she was his slave. He said he needed to take care of her. She was a kept woman. At least he was nice.


  Anna called Jenna after Alex left.

  “Anna! I’m so glad you called. I was getting worried.”

  She glanced at her watch. “It’s barely noon.”

  “Yeah, but we were supposed to have lunch. I’m starving.”

  “Sorry. I was busy this morning.”

  “Doing what?”


  “Oookay. Well, do you want me to pick you up? You don’t have a car, do you?”

  Anna smiled, thinking of the cute car downstairs. “Actually, I do.”

  “Do you want to drive?”

  Anna smiled. “Sure. Can you text me your address? I don’t know if I remember where you live.”

  Ten minutes later, Anna’s heart pounded in her chest as she drove to the three-story black townhouse that had almost been lost in her memory. She'd been intimate with Luke, Jenna’s father, almost as long as she'd been intimate with Jack. She and Luke knew each other very well and she had a certain level of affection for him. He'd been cruel to her when Jack had demanded it, but otherwise he'd been reasonably nice. He came to see her often, but he didn't hurt her for the fun of it like other men had.

  She knocked on the door. No one answered right away, and she was looking around to make sure she was at the right place when the door opened.


  She turned to find Luke in the doorway wearing an amazed expression on his face.

  “Hello,” she said awkwardly. Usually when they met, it was to have sex. Now, she was here to see Jenna.

  He grinned. “Jenna told me you were coming over. I hardly recognized you.”

  “I just saw you a couple of weeks ago,” she said softly.

  “Yeah, but you look...different.” He looked her over appreciatively and then stepped back to let her enter. “You look like a normal young woman.”

  She smiled shyly. “Is that bad?”

  He shook his head and closed the door. “Not at all,” he said in a seductive voice. He stepped toward her and took her hand, pulling her close. “I like it,” he said softly.

  Anna looked at him nervously. “Is Jenna home yet?” she whispered as he pressed his body to hers, sliding his hands down her back and onto her ass.

  “No, not yet.” He kissed her neck and she sighed. “You smell good.”

  He kissed her mouth and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He slanted his mouth against hers and his tongue slipped between her teeth to dance around hers. His hands cupped her ass and he pressed his hips against her. She moaned softly into his mouth as his tongue stroked hers.

  She clung to him as they kis
sed and he pushed her backwards until she ran into the wall. He ground his hips into hers and slid his hands up her waist and ribs under her shirt. He cupped her breasts, kneading them over her bra.

  She sighed as he trailed his lips down her neck.

  Suddenly he pulled away. She frowned as he grinned and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He pressed the screen. “Jenna...Hey, baby...would you mind stopping and getting some milk on the way home? No, she's not here yet....” Luke grinned at Anna mischievously. “Okay...I you, too.”

  Her eyes widened as he hung up. “We have a few extra minutes alone,” he murmured, and pulled her into his office across the hallway. “Oh, God. Anna...,” he moaned, then kissed her hard while he walked her backwards. “I always wanted to fuck you on my desk.”

  She smiled against his mouth as he lifted her onto his desk. He pushed her back and lifted her shirt. He pulled down the cups of her bra then frowned.

  “What's wrong?” she asked nervously. He'd not frowned at her in years; she knew he delighted in her body.

  “I thought Devin only gave you one nipple ring.” He used both hands to tug on each nipple. “You have two.”

  “I have two Masters,” she said, sitting up and kissing his neck. “So I have six rings.” It seemed almost normal now. Two masters, six rings.

  “Two Masters?” he asked softly, raising one brow. “I can't imagine Devin allowing that.” He tugged on her nipple rings and she sighed.

  “I don’t understand exactly what happened, but it did.” She grinned seductively. “Do you want to see the others?”

  He looked down at her with desire in his eyes and nodded.

  She scooted off the desk, kicked off her sandals and unbuttoned her jeans, pushing them down to the ground along with her panties. She sat back on the desk with her legs spread, leaning back on her hands. “Here,” she said, pointing to her pussy.

  He knelt down and spread her legs further apart. “That...,” He kissed her clit and she shuddered. “ one of the sexiest things I've ever seen.” He stood and unbuttoned his jeans. “I want to see more of it, but Jenna will be home soon.”

  He pulled his cock out of his jeans as he moved closer and then pushed her knees into her chest.

  “Oh, God!” she moaned, leaning back onto his desk as he submerged himself inside her. “Oh, Luke!”

  He began thrusting in and out of her quickly. He groaned as she squeezed him with her vaginal muscles. She knew they didn't have much time and wanted him to enjoy himself as much as possible. He fucked her hard as he held her hips, her ankles on his shoulders.

  “Oh, yes...,” she groaned.

  His movements quickened and he moaned loudly.

  She cried out his name as she came. He shouted her name as he stiffened and climaxed, digging his fingers into her hips.

  He leaned forward onto her chest, forehead wet with exertion. His eyes glinted with desire. “That was hot, baby,” he said huskily. “Reality better than fantasy.”

  She smiled at him and nodded.

  He pulled out and kissed her, then fixed his clothes.

  As she stood and reached for her jeans, they heard a door open. She looked at Luke, alarmed.

  “Bathroom under the stairs,” he instructed.

  She nodded and skidded across the hall into the bathroom. She dressed and straightened her clothes and flushed the toilet, then walked out calmly. Jack had taught her how to act in case a situation arose in which the man she was with could get in trouble.

  “Anna!” Jenna exclaimed and hugged her. “I didn't see a car out front. I didn't think you were here.”

  Her heart jumped in her chest and she ran to the door. “My car's not there?” What would Alex say if her car was stolen? She slammed open the door and was relieved to see the white Mercedes was still parked where she'd left it. “No, it's still there....” She sighed in relief.

  Jenna stood behind her. “Don't tell me that little white thing is yours?” Anna nodded and Jenna arched her brow at her. “You have a Mercedes?”

  Anna shrugged. “Yeah.”

  Jenna glanced at her dad and then back at Anna. “Okay....” She rolled her eyes and then grinned. “Let me get my bag and then I want a ride!” She ran up the stairs to get her bag.

  Jenna practically moaned as she sat in the passenger seat of Anna's car a few minutes later, which made Anna giggle. They went to the mall and spent a few hours shopping. She felt awkward using her credit cards, but evidently Alex had called Jenna to tell her to make sure Anna bought what she needed. Anna found a cocktail dress for the banquet on Wednesday and a swimsuit for Aaron’s party. Anna hadn’t known it was a pool party.

  While they were shopping, the realization of what she’d done with Jenna’s dad hit her. Why had she done that? Before when they had sex, it was because she was obligated to. She had to or she would get punished. But she was supposed to be free.

  Shame filled Anna as she thought about what Jenna would say if she knew what had happened...why her dad had asked her to stop for milk.

  But, if she’d told Luke no, Devin would have gotten angry. She wasn’t supposed to say no to any man who wanted her.

  Mid-afternoon, Anna and Jenna returned to Anna’s apartment.

  “You live in the Sapphire?” Jenna asked, eyes wide as Anna parked. “How are you affording all this stuff, Anna? And why did Alex give you credit cards?”

  Anna bit her lip as she parked the car in her spot. “It’s a long story, Jenna.”

  “We have time. Tell me.”

  Anna was quiet in the elevator, trying to decide how to explain her life.

  Jenna whistled at the apartment. “Nice place.” She turned around with a concerned look on her face. “What happened, Anna? Why are you living here? Why'd you practically disappear?” The hurt was evident in her voice.

  “Jenna, if I tell you, you can’t tell anybody. I could get into a lot of trouble.”

  Jenna nodded and Anna sat down on the couch. She slowly began to tell Jenna about what had happened the last few years. Including the ritual and how she belonged to Devin and Alex now.

  When she was done, Jenna had tears in her eyes. “I never knew it was that bad. I thought Jack was just being an ass.”

  Anna laughed bitterly. “He was.”

  “Oh, Anna!” Jenna hugged her fiercely around her neck. “Oh, you poor thing. I wish you would have told me. I could have done something. My dad—”

  Anna shook her head. “He couldn’t have done anything.” He participated, but Anna didn’t want to tell Jenna that.


  Anna parked down the street from where the GPS had indicated Aaron's house was. Cars lined the street for almost two blocks in either direction. Jenna had said Aaron's parties were well attended, and it looked like she was right.

  She and Jenna walked up the steps to the large wooden house. Throbbing base and pounding drums of the latest dance music greeted them as they approached the redwood front door. Jenna opened without knocking and Anna looked at her questioningly.

  “If we knock, we'll be waiting forever,” Jenna explained.

  Anna smoothed her short pink t-shirt dress and took a deep breath before following Jenna inside. The house was very modern looking, white and open.

  Jenna greeted the few people sitting in the chairs in the front living room and introduced Anna to them. Anna greeted them politely and quietly, feeling out of place.

  They walked into a large, modern kitchen where a few people were milling about, including Aaron, who stood near an open sliding glass door. He wore blue swim trunks and Anna could admire his lithe upper body from across the room. She heard splashing and laughter outside.

  Aaron turned and saw Anna as she walked into the room. He grinned and waved. Anna waved shyly back to him.

  “See, he totally likes you,” Jenna whispered.

  Anna shook her head, but nerves crept into her stomach as Aaron approached them.

  He picked her up
and spun her around, hugging her. “I’m so glad you came, Anna. You look fantastic.”

  Anna's shyness came on full force. “Thank you,” she said, looking at the ground.

  “What am I? Chopped liver?” Jenna pouted.

  Aaron laughed, keeping his arm around Anna's waist. “Nah. I'd at least call you strip steak.”

  Jenna giggled. “Well, that's something.”

  “C'mon outside. There's food and drinks on the deck.”

  Aaron kept his arm around Anna's waist and led them through the sliding door out onto a huge redwood deck. Wide stairs in the middle led down to a lit pool filled with people laughing and playing some sort of game with a white ball.

  The moment Anna stepped outside, she could sense Alex nearby. My Master. She looked around and saw him in the far side of the pool talking with Seth and a couple of other guys unfamiliar to her.

  Alex looked up at her as if he'd sensed her gaze and gave her a warm smile. She smiled back and gave him a questioning look to ask if he wanted her near him. He grinned and shook his head, motioning to Aaron. She nodded and followed Aaron to the refreshments table.

  “What was that about?” Jenna murmured in her ear.

  “What was what about?” Anna asked innocently.

  “Anna, you want something to drink?” Aaron asked, reaching for a red plastic cup. “I'm not picky about the drinking age as long as you don't drive home.”

  Anna gave him an apologetic look. “I drove here. Just some water is fine.”

  “I've got soda and tea too,” he said, motioning to the table.

  She shook her head. “Water's fine.”

  “I'll take a drink,” Jenna said filling a red plastic cup with beer.

  Aaron handed Anna a cup with ice water. “You hungry?”

  “We had dinner at my apartment,” she said, shaking her head.

  “My God, Anna.” A catty female voice came from behind them. “Can't Alex go anywhere without you showing up?”

  Anna turned to see Kirsty with her hands on her narrow hips, giving her a dirty look. She wore a very skimpy gold bikini with a sheer black sarong tied around her hips.


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